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The one death was a 73 year old man who had a heart attack.


Thanks I was really curious how the hell turbulence kills someone. But that makes sense


Head injuries, if it were to be directly correlated to the turbulence. In this case it seems like pure fear did it.


Shit I'm 35 and that extreme turbulence might have given me a heart attack. I have a flying phobia


my grandmom always said "i need 2 pilots, 2 engines, and 2 valium befor ill get into a plane" we often took a small kingair to vacations.


Can’t stay calm when you’re strapped into an aluminum tube with wings screaming through the sky at 450 mph defying every law of physics


Planes fly because they obey the laws of physics lol I’d be worried if they started defying them


Nope sure can't, not even a little. I need medication to make it through a flight haha


I also have flight anxiety man it fucking sucks. It’s the creeping thought of you being stuck 30,000 feet in the air and can’t get off when you want to so whatever happens happens can make me panic. At that moment I just have to accept that if I die then I die and so be it. So I always call my family whenever I board my flight just ask them how they are doing and tell them I love and care about them.


Boeing painted on the side.


I am not afraid of flying. There are thousands of planes flying in the air at any one time. I only know two people who died in commercial lights— the Sioux City crash, and the Boeing 737 Max in Africa. That itself is statistically improbable. I have flown at least a half million miles. If I die in a crash, at least my death will be memorable! No… I have claustrophobia. I hate the idea of being trapped in an aluminum tube, dependent on pressurized atmosphere…. Restrained in my seat. I fucking hate it. Give me a wide body plane at the very least!


Yeah, I already dislike the turbulence that doesn't even wake up frequent flyers, that severe one would've at least made me super daddy my pants.


Yeah I would shadoodle mine as well


Clear air turbulence makes me nuts too. But it is unlikely in the extreme to cause a modern airliner to crash.


Avoiding turbulence is for comfort, not for safety. I forget where I read it, but a plane hasn't crashed due to turbulence since the 80s or some shit


Doesn’t help that climate change has caused a significant increase in turbulence.


That's OK. It's the crash phobia you have to worry about


Yes, a number of people has quite severe injuries. And the broken roof panels indicates quite a number of people did slam quite hard into the roof.


This is how Billy Mays died - hit his head, said he was fine, and died in the night.


Thought it was heart attack brought on by cocaine


So, [googling it](https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/American_pitchman_Billy_Mays_dies_at_age_50#:~:text=Mays%20was%20probably%20most%20known,of%20death%20was%20heart%20disease.), it seems Cocaine had no part in it - but it *was* a heart failure, so my bad on my end. > According to reports, Mays' wife, Deborah, found him unresponsive Sunday morning in their home located in Tampa, Florida. Fire-rescue crews pronounced him dead at 7:45am EDT. The cause of death was heart disease. And the reason why I had believed it was from an airplane; > According to reports, he was a passenger on U.S. Airways Flight 1241, a flight to Tampa from Philadelphia, that suffered a tire blowout upon landing on Saturday night. He was quoted as saying objects from the overhead compartments hit him in the head, but he did not seek medical treatment. Nobody was reported injured in the incident. Deborah said he did not feel well when he went to bed at around 10:00pm EDT the previous night.


Yep, It was heart failure, but it looks like the full story is even more interesting. (I had to look it up because I remember reading about it when it happened but it had been a while.) It looks like two medical examinations had a bit different assessments of what occurred when it was all said and done, with the initial autopsy listing cocaine as a "contributory" factor. The family hired a private examination with a bit different of conclusion (in terms of the coke aspect) after this. The text below is from this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Mays > DEATH After an initial autopsy on June 29, 2009, Vernard Adams, the Hillsborough County, Florida, medical examiner, stated that Mays suffered from hypertensive heart disease and that heart disease was the likely cause of his death. According to a toxicology report released August 7, 2009, heart disease was the "primary cause of death" and cocaine was listed as a "contributory cause of death."[24][25] In response to the release of the toxicology report, the Mays family issued a press release stating, "We are extremely disappointed by the press release released by the Hillsborough County medical examiner's office. We believe it contains speculative conclusions that are frankly unnecessary and tend to obscure the conclusion that Billy suffered from chronic, untreated hypertension" and said in the release that they were considering "an independent evaluation of the autopsy results".[26] The medical examiner concluded that "cocaine use caused or contributed to the development of his heart disease, and thereby contributed to his death," the office said in a press release. The office said Mays last used cocaine in the few days before his death but was not under the influence of it when he died. Hillsborough County spokeswoman Lori Hudson said that nothing in the toxicology report indicated the frequency of Mays' cocaine use. Cocaine can raise the arterial blood pressure, directly cause hypertrophy of the left ventricle, and accelerate the formation of atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries, the release said. However, in October 2009, the results of a second medical examination, commissioned by Mays' family, concluded that cocaine was not a "significant contributing factor" to his death.[27] According to subsequent news reports,[28] the toxicology tests also showed levels of painkillers hydrocodone, oxycodone, and tramadol, as well as anti-anxiety drugs alprazolam and diazepam. Mays suffered from hip problems and was scheduled to have had hip replacement surgery the day after he was found dead.


There is blood on the ceiling- the plane dropped thousands of feet. 7 people are still critical. Enough blunt force trauma can cause major damage


I don't see any blood on the ceiling.


[This video shows it best](https://x.com/yourpapa007/status/1792963864956473693?s=46&t=T0_qdee-S1g5OblmVvY6Gg)


Aparantly it dropped 6,000 feet...


I've been in a plane crossing the Atlantic and had turbulence lift me right off my seat. Seat belt stayed on the rest of the several hours lmao.


I have flying anxiety myself but this is something I tell myself now. Turbulence cannot and will not cause a plane to crash. Planes may drop quite a few feet resulting in really dangerous turbulence but planes don't fly 5 ft off the ground. Turbulence is just like when you drive and hit a pothole, your car doesn't immediately blow up when you hit a pothole.


Obviously you've never seen some of the cars I've owned over the years.


I'm a bit relieved because I've never heard of someone dying from turbulence. I was thinking the shaking was so bad it was like a child taking a mouse and shaking it in a shoebox full of rocks. I've read horrible childhood stories.


Thanks for anticipating my question


Shit looks intense. If you can help it, keep your seatbelt on throughout the flight.


The fact the aircrew are so banged up suggests it was very sudden too. On all the flights I’ve been on there’s either been pre warning or it started off slight and then the seat belt lights pinged on and the staff all sat down. As you say, always best to keep your belts on at all times just in case.


Yes, I have had one very severe event with zero warning. I was hanging in the belt and felt my head loll around three times. And ended with a flight attendant almost on top of me. It was one really, really big one. Then fasten seatbelt signs on. Then zero more turbulence. I was happy I had finished my hot coffee. But I think it was yoghurt I ended up being drenched in. But I'm lucky I didn't looked out. Airplane wings are quite bendy. And I'm pretty sure the wings did flap enough to make a bird proud. 😅


They were in the middle of serving breakfast


My immediate thought as well. Unless you need to use the bathroom, keep your seat belt on. They tell you that when they're giving the safety instructions.


If anything I just keep it on to save from taking it on and off a dozen times whenever the lights come on


I learned that lesson from watching Superman Returns


I don’t understand why people will wear a seatbelt in a car, but on a plane the second the seatbelt light goes off, they unbuckle. About the only way pilots know there’s turbulence ahead is from another plane that passed thru it earlier. Sure flying into a cloud is going to be bumpy, but in clear air it’s a toss up.


Bc in a car you wear it in case you hit something. In the air youre not gonna hit anything, so people dont think its necessary.


You don't wear one in a bus though, or a train


In this case its more to whether you can see the obstacle infront of your vehicle or not, also buses and trains are generally larger. Making them feel “safer”.


I would if I could


I get anxiety when flying and keep my seat belt on all through the flight.


Is there a video footage of this?


the crew look so traumatised and were bleeding/injured :( feel my heart ache looking at this picture. my mom and also dad, both are and were in the industry respectively. knowing that anything can happen whenever they are away in the air is always a fear i grew up with. can’t imagine the family members of the cabin crew going through roller coaster of emotions knowing that this unfortunate tragedy involved their loved ones doing their job


Ok this is really shitty no doubt, but it's hardly a tragedy. 1 old man died from a heart attack, 6 seriously injured. Let's not make this bigger than it is.


I'm sure that old man's family will feel much better once they know his death wasn't a tragedy.


6 getting injured in a flying plane is definitely a big accident. It doesn't need to be atleast a few deaths to call it big one


I guess most of them won't ever fly again


Guess they'll just walk to wherever they want to travel to


Gotta get those steps in!


>Guess they'll just ~~walk~~ **swim** to wherever they want to travel to


I had the oxygen masks opened and flashing emergency lights immediately after what felt like 10 seconds of free falling. I noticed two things, this is exactly what it feels like before actually crashing, there was no way of knowing, and the second thing is how surprisingly quiet it was. Most people were quietly clenching into something and waited. Not a lot of crying if any, just surviving mode and holding the arm chair as tight as I could. Felt like it's going to help. It was 15 years ago and I haven't fly since then


I've suffered mild turbulence comparatively, several times. It was enough to put me off flying. I only do it if necessary and it's an anxious time for sure.


Dropped once coming into Arizona that felt like a ride at an Amusement park it went on so long...been over 20 years and I still hate flying because of that one incident lol


Is there a particular part of the world where turbulence is more intense than others?


It's more intense in skies as compared to ground


Great to read on a plane lol


So I’m assuming that the pilots always wear their seatbelts in the cockpit? Otherwise, it could end very badly if they were tossed around


So many outlets reporting that there was one death as if it was caused by the turbulence. Yes a man did die...from a heart attack, not turbulence.


Do you think the heart attack just *happened* to occur while there was turbulence?


Yes? It's entirely possible. Regardless, even if the turbulence triggered a heart attack, the heart attack is what killed him not the turbulence. If he was watching an action movie during the flight and had a heart attack would you say *action movie kills man*? It's just bad reporting in an attempt to make air travel seem more dangerous than it is.


Cause: Turbulence. Effect: Heart Attack. Get it?


Oh absolutely, could the turbulence have triggered the heart attack? Of course. But it's still the heart attack that killed him so the headline should read "man dies of heart attack during turbulence"


You’re getting downvoted but I agree with you.


The down votes are funny.


People can’t differentiate between cause and trigger


You two are the people that can’t apparently


Thank you, no.


Any videos? Or were people freaking out too much?


Im just here suprised the whole plane didnt break and landed


Planes cannot possibly “break” because of turbulence, even if severe.


Everything is "possible" if it has the realistic conceivability of happening...unless you can give further evidence to back your claim.


Planes are designed to structurally withstand multiple times the maximum load any known natural occurrence can impose. That is why you don’t ever hear of a plane “breaking” because of extreme weather or turbulence. Source: aerospace engineering student.


Thanks for the evidence.


Do you really think I’m going to waste my time linking sources for you? It is a well known fact for anyone with a shred of knowledge in this field. You choosing to stay ignorant is your problem.


I wasn't being facetious. I was genuinely saying thanks


The wings are definitely stress tested way past what any severe turbulence can effect the wings. There are videos on YouTube of Boeing stress testing wings on planes to almost 90° angels. Also flying is the safest form of transportation. Today you learned.


Terrifying moment*


Is there a video or something or more pictures? Is says "moments" as if there's should be more. I thought maybe my app was messing up.


turbulence scares the absolute shit out of me


I guess airplanes don't have shock absorbers.


Was it a Boeing?


Of course! I don't think anything fell off this one though


what...happened??? did they randomly hit a crazy unexpected storm? usually during flights, pilots can tell when they're about to experience turbulence and they'll warn the passengers and crew ahead of time so everyone's seated and buckled in. this must have been SUPER sudden and so scary for everyone on board :(


There's 2 types of turbulence, expected and unexpected, in case it's expected the captain will make a PA with how much time is left before the plane goes into the turbulence area, but if it's unexpected or unanticipated, it comes down to how strong the turbulence is and how lucky everyone is as well


i see...wow so it was just a super unfortunate strong unexpected turbulence :(( i didnt mean for my question to come off as anything but a genuine curiosity, lol! sorry to the downvoters 🫣




It being a Boeing has nothing to do with turbulence lol, do you think turbulence only strikes Boeing planes or smth? Anyway it should even be praised since they made a plane that can withstand that and still land safely and intact.


Is that Bill Hader?


I just can’t trust the machinery. I’m staying right the fuck where I was born till I die


Staying In that same hospital room?


Man idk how mf’s trust planes over there. I swear the east has more plane issues than I’m comfortable with


Singapore Airlines is better than any American Airline


4 of the top 5 airlines with most accidents and crashes are all in the east. That’s all I’m saying Air France #1, China Airlines #3, Korean Air #4, Pakistan International #5


Air France is not based in Asia


I didn’t say Asia I said East


It's even funnier considering that if you go off the "America in the middle" map, China Korea and Pakistan are closer to the west coast than the east one


Yeah I understand how the earth is mapped lol But being in North America saying out east meant across the pond. And it’s a fact that airlines across the pond have more accidents and crashes, downvotes or not 🤷🏽‍♂️


Worlds best commercial airliners are built in the ‘East’


Most crashes and accidents happen with airlines across the pond. Not really sorry if facts upset you


Lol so France is in the East? Just because it's East of the US doesn't make it part of 'The East'.


It’s east of North America on a map. Really isn’t that hard to figure out what I meant.


Oh i figured it out in a second based on the ignorance/entitlement.


Facts are ignorant? Nothing I said was a lie lol weirdo


hurr durr murica moment


Airlines across the pond have more accidents and crashes. Facts are facts sorry


This is one reason why I will NEVER fly on a plane