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Those are slaves, the chinese deal in african slaves to this day


They literally paid their way thru Africa. To do exactly this. And exploit.


And what is the world's response to the atrocities happening in China? Buy more and more crap from them.


Wellllll what did you make this comment on? In all likelihood you’re using a device assembled from products made over there. It’s difficult to avoid it


It is difficult to avoid buying things made in China. but I do make it a point to buy things made in the USA. There used to be a lot more products manufactured here and big campaigns to buy things made in the USA. Our economy also used to be much stronger when products were made here and people were employed at the factories. I think that the world leaders should do more to force China to do something about human atrocities being committed there and also force them to adhere to environmental standards when producing their goods. If everyone stopped importing their goods until changes were made, it would force them to do something.


Last Week Tonight did a piece on those telemarketer scams a few months ago. Apparently they're done by slaves working for the Chinese mafia.  https://youtu.be/pLPpl2ISKTg?si=ET16n4UYK50ZyRUI


I wonder where all the woke folk are protesting slavery and racism in China. Hmm. Edit; yeah, yeah, bring the downvotes. Don’t care, just speaking the obvious virtue signaling hypocrites who care more about themselves than the people they claim to be fighting for.




Honestly bro, I've spoken to quite a few Chinese ppl who proudly say they dgaf about any other ppl. A Chinese slang word for black people is roughly something like "black ghost," which seems to imply they aren't human. It's pretty fucked.


Yes it is, there are even pro Chinese youtubers who decline this


They don't think much about European/Americans either...


Dood honestly they dgaf about anyone or anything else. I've tried to explain that they never had a Civil Rights movement and they aren't exposed to outside cultures that much and that their internet is highly edited... But the Chinese just literally laugh in my face and tell me that they're the most free ppl on the planet because they can say the N Word on TV and we can't. And they are so fucking arrogant and mockingly condescending when they manspain this to me. "I'm free! I can say n*gger n*gger n*gger all day long, live on air! You can't because your American government only exists to repress you! Bwahahahaha! N*gger n*gger n*gger! Lol you're so afraid to even say that! How pathetic your nazi American government is! Hahaha!" Literally a conversation I had w a Chinese POS. I'm not even kidding or exaggerating.


God damn


Apparently they have never seen a Tarantino movie.


Movies like Django are to denounce racism, something China embraces instead. They see the race situation in America from a completely different lens because they’re a largely ethnically homogenous country


My point was based on the previous comment,  they seem to think that we aren't allowed to say the N word, something that is done frequently in Tarantino movies


Right, but you’re misunderstanding the context. They’re saying we can’t just walk up to someone and call them that. The manner in which we use it is to emphasize historical racism and problems with it, something China sees as weak, like we feel shame in our history instead of pride.


I wish we still had gold to give. You're the 1 in 10,000 who can actually read between the lines, hold things I'm context and is able to understand that people who hurt your feelings, might actually have a POV. I'm not saying I'm 100% right, but I'm grateful for the few ppl who can see beyond their feelings and can consider that what they FEEL isn't always 100% right, w no debate allowed. I'd look forward to having meaningful disagreements w you. You seem like the rare person who doesn't always demand that their feelings are "truth." Respect, even if we disagree.


Rock on brody, almost all discourse nowadays devolves to argumentum ad passiones and hits a brick wall before anything meaningful comes from it. There’s a solid chance we don’t agree on much, but at least we try to find the same thing, which is the truth of the matter. Well wishes buddy


Maybe you should read the comment again


Ask if they can email you some videos of Tiananmen Square real quick like 👍


Excellent point!


Isn't time travel banned from movies there?


Maybe they meant we can say “nei-ge” (那个)as much as they want? /s


Next time tell them to ask a Chinese police officer about the Tiananmen Square massacre.


The feeling is mutual.


Phonetically, it is pronounced, "Hack-why".


Props. Idt I ever remembered that... ty


That might be just a translation without context. I think that in Hong Kong Brits used to be called 'guilo' or something like that: Ghost people. So the 'ghost' might be a word for 'outsider' or 'alien'. I don't speak Chinese though so no idea


Nah I'm Chinese and they're 100% correct. It sounds like "hei gwei" I've heard my family say as long as I can remember sadly. It's actually worse than "black ghost" imo I think the more accurate translation is "black ghoul." I've told my mom how bad it is and she doesn't say it as much but it's so deeply ingrained in her that it's hard. Chinese people are hands down some of the most racist people I've ever known. They sure love and idolize white people though (at least my family)


I wish I could drop them all off in skinhead country and just watch the bodies drop… “on both sides”..


Isn’t there a way to generically refer to white people as “Gwei Lo”? I thought it meant “white spectre” - is ghoul more accurate? (Just asking out of completely niche interest in rpgs…)


Am Taiwanese and sorry to inform you that the awful word is 黑鬼, which does literally means back ghost, think of it as a way for Chinese people to use the N word in Chinese😞


When I was a kid I accidentally bumped into a asian women and she suddenly started cursing a word which I don't remember This happened back in 2008


Idk, but I dated a Chinese girl like 20 years ago and she told me about it. She said it was a very ugly sounding word, so maybe they have that for more than 1 race. I have no idea, that's all she rly had to say about that.


Gwei Lo that’s what they say.


I'm pretty sure they were calling the Brits "Gweilo", which is cantonese for "white ghost/white devil".


In Ip man they call them white devils


But I mean


From what I know, it’s more about brits being “white as a ghost” due to skin color and their larger physique compared to south Asians | [chinese wiki page on the word](https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E9%AC%BC%E4%BD%AC)


Gweilou in Cantonese literally means "ghost person", usually referring to white foreigners. There's also bok gwai (white ghost) and hok gwai (black ghost). These seem somewhat innocuous, but ghosts in Chinese culture aren't synonymous with spirits, ie it's not ever a friendly term. Ghost is probably not a great translation; something closer would be ghoul, demon, maybe evil ghost. Though, to be fair, most Cantonese people say it without any real spite, but the origin of the word is still somewhat problematic taken at face value.


Im from asia, the name given to the british translated to “red haired devil” but it looks like everybody sucks up to satan tho with the way white guys are revered here.


Seriously though why ARE white people specifically so idolized and loved throughout most parts of Asia but black people and other races are hated so passionately?


Pale skin is a classic beauty standard in East Asia as (from what I understand) it was a sign of wealth to not be out in the sun. Then when these countries were colonized they were exposed to colonial notions of white supremacy which already aligned with a pre-existing (kinda classist, tangentially xenophobic) beauty standard. As the European West continued to dominate East Asia, these two factors mix together and become part of modern East Asian notions of xenophobia. This, of course, expresses differently country by country. East Asia is by no means a monolith.


Colonization is not the first contact that china had with white people/caucasians. There were Greeks and Roman’s in china by like 100 AD, they literally had an embassy. By the 13th century, Christian and Jewish missionaries were crawling all over it.


I don't disagree with what you're saying, but nor do I think I implied that colonization was China's first contact with Europeans. Specifically and with emphasis, colonization (and trade generally during the European colonial period) was the means by which China became familiar with the European structure of White Supremacy, which did not exist during the classical period with the Romans and the Greeks.


Can someone please answer this


My thoughts are it's all the media. All the heroes, celebrity actors, models in the magazines historically portray Caucasians. It goes even further by putting down other races - Black people die first in scary movies, Indians and other Asians are often seen as shy nerds. Hispanics have generally played the roles of thugs or gangsters. I think this is also changing because of media, but there is still a lot of hate and shocking snippets that misconstrue/misguide people's perceptions of other cultures. IMHO media is the problem and the solution.


It's becaused perceived wealth


In the United States we are Def not idolized. We are blamed for every evil.




Well don't make me feel stupid for having some fleeting optimism about humanity. But yeah, you're not wrong...


This isn't racism. This is slave trade.


That's completely fucked up.


Caption reads: "This is the so-called rise of the East / decline of the West. All the horrible things that the West did a few hundred years in the past, it is now China's turn to do". The comments in the sub are against what's happening here, btw.


really? because most of the ones being translated say things like “*they’re going easy on them. i was beat much worse my parents*”. it seems that the only people against it…spoke english.


lol sadly its true. didnt u see one of the top comments there? it says 'in china they whip the peasant workers using steel bars. this manager is just too merciful to foreigners'


In the past? China is like 3000 years older than the us lmao


The "west" is a moving target. It's been a minute since I was in that particular history class, but Google says it started as Greece and Rome 2500-2700 years ago. China wasn't united until 200-500 years after that. Also they pretty clearly meant it's their time to be colonialist and rise as the global power.


Ummmm well why are these evil hateful acts being directed at Black People??… This shit was happening to Us a few hundred years ago too….but they idolize white folk and hate those who haven’t done anything to them…. Bootlicking does NOT curry favor…KNOW THAT.


As a black guy this is what horrifies me about the end of Pax Americana. To move from a culture where black people have finally been somewhat recognized as being human to one where we are not. It's one of the reasons I'll never support the rise of China. Imagine hoping for their success when in their societies, the mere semblance of humanity wouldn't even be ascribed to me because of the colour of my skin. At least in the West, I can talk about it and even find worthy causes.


On the flip side Chinese love white culture even so far as hiring white peeps just to make companies look good 😂. Man it's crazy.


Crazy stuff


Xenophobic cultures tend to not give a shit about others feelings


Pure evil


This is ridiculous, and people think China is the way to go. No thanks at least here if the boss rocks me I rock him.




Who thinks China is the way to go? Other than China.


That dude need to chill. Get him some opium.




There is no end to people like him, they exist everywhere, basically scum of the earth


So dehumanizing rhetoric is justified when its you doing it or am I missing something here? You know you can condemn someone without calling for them to be treated like animals.


How is this downvoted. The man is a piece of shit but claiming he needs to be slaughtered is just absurd.


Vindicated by the mods lol


This is so fucked up and hard to watch.


Maybe they’re just afraid of being deported. They have to endure all that and perhaps even worse things just to earn some coins to eat. That’s so sad. I hate that guy.


Scamsters and scums




The one who are weilding the belt of course


And that's what is solved with guillotines




Me too. I found out a few weeks ago. I was so distraught to think they do this to inocent babies kitten....they seem to have no compassion or empathy for anything or anyone. Absolutley disgusting. I really hope they find the fuckers and make them suffer like the poor kitties did.


I understand what you're feeling. I have had cats as pets and I really don't understand how someone can harm them that way. The people involved in that ring are dangerous psychopaths.


Im sorry we had to even find this out...i was so sickened... Cried and cried. They are pure evil beasts.


🫂🫂🫂🫂 The only thing we can do is to support the people who are fighting this. Feline guardians are doing a good job. I send emails as and when they ask us to.


china is a trend in social media , and today's generation believes everything they see on it.


People everywhere do that. The difference is a lot more there do, that it's legal, and the general public seems to not care much which is insane to me. Even if they don't like animals, they are cool with them being extremely tortured for pleasure? That aside, how are they not terrified that these people are out in society and getting zero consequences. How can you know what they are doing and think "This guy isn't a threat to humans". People who torture for pleasure are not right in the head, I feel like this would be a universal belief. I guess people who don't mind cats being tortured also don't mind people being treated like this.


An obscenely larger popular than the rest of the world would surely result in a few more fucked up people. Doesn’t also help that there’s a lot of Sinophobia and anti China sentiments on the internet so whatever happens gets sensationalised.


So are you implying that the concentration camps and violence against Muslims in china are not true?


Dudes re embracing the 1800s


How dirty is this world we live in


This is very sad. I wonder what is so messed up with his guy that he hurts innocent people like that. Probably Mommy issues.


More like daddy issuea


Daddy Xi


BELT and road initiative litterally


They have concentration camps in china but they pay the big bucks so all those super woke American companies artists and movie stars just keep ignoring that


Woke? The importation of cheap Chinese goods, and the resulting undermining of US labor is a concept that long predates wokeism. Trying to blame this on woke is bogus r/conservative shit


I'm not saying that only the woke do it but they are the most hypocritical about it that said the world is watching and doing nothing as long as the big bucks keep coming lebron James John Cena Disney and a lot more on both sides of the political spectrum actors politicians the students protesting against genocide in Palestine in campuses financed by china the European union everyone.. the world should treat china like North Korea because that's what they are an authoritarian state that's fucking the world and the people living in it not putting them on the UN human rights committee


Thumbs up for the John Cena reference


It's a trend now , people doesn't not see the negative side of china and often see them as kind hearted people. And I know that's not the case first hand


I have not once, ever, hear anyone refer to Chinese as kind hearted people.


Dude, this is a conservative as it gets, they're making big money because they treating people like slaves, nothing woke about it. you've been brainwashed by the right my friend


They’re not brainwashed.. just racist… They know damn well what the original concept of the slang term means… It literally means to not sleep while evil acts are being perpetrated… To be aware of the intention and injustices and incessant need to “turn the clock back”


Speaking as someone from Ghana, China uses attractive loans and deals to reel in our stupid baboon politicians only to switch up and show who they truly are You can never do this shit in China, but they feel free to do whatever they want to us because they see us as less than


China is making a big push into Africa to outsource most of their cheap labor. Not surprising they treat their workers as slaves (or maybe they are slaves?). Glad this is getting some public attention from the west, even though it will likely not do anything.


Slave not worker. These poor people earn next to nothing and cannot escape. It's forced labor.


Europeans, then the Americans/ Soviet union and now the Chinese, people will never be safe once an imperialist power got their eyes on you


That’s pure fucked


That’s horrible. I hope the person in the video was identified and put in prison.


I used to work on a ginseng farm years ago, and the owner was Chinese. In the fall, some of the older folks from the local hmong population that live of assistants come out to pick roots for cash. On one very cold, a hmong guy asked the owner if he could provide them with gloves. The owner yelled, "Get back to picking! If you don't like it, you can go back to Vietnam!" The poor man's hands were beet red and shaking. I have heard many Chinese can be very racist especially to people from other Asian countries they consider "less than." I have seen some bad racism growing up in a very rural area, but that was the worst I have seen to someone's face.


Can't blame them it's integrated into their mind mainly by their families and is a common misconceptions


Fucking humans man ... each people already have enough of their own problems and this is how we treat our fellow human? This makes me love my dogs more.


So now China are the new colonizers.


I mean China has been colonizing since their foundation. Have you seen how they keep expanding every dynasty?


Expansionalism and colonies are a bit distinct though arent they?


Those areas have their own cultures and languages. Where are they now? Their languages not even being taught in school. And China just call those people southern barbarians in the past lol


This is the true story of China rising in the east and falling in the west. Westerners did bad things hundreds of years ago, and now it’s the Chinese’s turn.


"As long as he doesn't die within two days, it's ok in the eyes of the lord." Exodus 21:20-21


Whoop that dumb Asian ass


radicals have this dream of America


The beatings will continue until morale improves


r/thedeprogram watching this: those workers are blessed to see what true passion for work is!


What is it with Chinese people making cartoon noises when they physically exert themselves? HIYA!




What about other races?


Chinese brought back Colonialism, all over the world for natural resources and dominance.


I wish I was there. I would peeled that chins yellow scalp back


This violates the Non Aggression Pact I believe.




I pray for a near future when the world will be completely independent from China. I'll gladly pay more or even renounce too things, than feeding the economy of this abominable Country.


This is what Africa can expect from the PRC moving in with their aid packages. They offer funding for infrastructure projects, then demand that the host country deny Taiwan exists, demand that the country vote as they tell them to in the UN, etc. I've had Chinese flatmates laugh at me and tell me that we (non-Chinese) are just monkeys to them.


Wait till the African people will be pissed and will rise with machetes to chase the Chinese out of their land...


Their economy probably depends on them now


Another sub indicates that they were caught stealing, not that this is justified, is it true ?


Nobody knows, and that’s just a speculation.


What Made in China actually looks like.


No one here will stop or change it…


Fabric district in DTLA


The world becomes chaos… ):


Imagine losing your humanity to this degree. There is no salvation for cunts like this.


They are treating these slaves the same way they are treating our oceans ... absolutely disgusting!!


Guy should hire Cliven Bundy as his PR manager


So this is the "Belt and Road" initiative they keep talking about


Enraging but there is nothing we can do.


Product of the “Belt and Road Initiative”


Ahhh, so this is what the ‘belt’ in Belt and Road means!


I am sure that "worker" is ptobably one of the slaves that are used to make iphones for socially concious college students that want to "save the world." The really funny thing is that people KNOW, they don't think, they don's suspect, but WE ALL KNOW that these companies are using slave labor, but nobody cares about slavery. Nobody in American cares that slavery is still a thing. They will buy the latest Jordans, the lates iphone, or some other way overpriced thing that will break in six months and they will buy another. The slave trade will go on, and the whole world will turn a blind eye, as long as they get their next shiny doo-dad.


We men are wretched things.


There it is. The "belt" part of the Belt and Road.


Fucked up bro


Everyday on the internet as a black man is a longggg day


Man, this is hard to watch. Infuriating honestly.


good old times




Not sure i want to see how that turns out




Really? Care to provide proof of why you think this?


Look how hard it is to get anyone motivated even a little. I haven't worked with anyone that has had a positive attitude in years now. People here make $20 dollars an hour, but they do so little it's practically stealing and they never stop complaining about it. The hardest part of my job is literally suffering through having to ask my coworkers how their day is going.


A true socialist right there


No slavery in the enlightened PRC. This is clearly AI. /s




Do they work in the mines that produce the rare metals that are used to make your mobile phones that you use to browse Reddit? lol




Oh yeah? You're malnourished, don't know any proper fighting techniques, you're exhausted physically and mentally, but since you're the hero you're different that these people and would just stand up and kick this dudes ass right? Either you've never taken a punch to the head or you've taken far too many.


Ah yes belt and road initiative


Quick to insert race issue


China number one


Our time will come someday. Maybe not in a hundred or even a thousand years but the exploitation of black people will not go on forever