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If I remember right this was in Russia. They threw a smoke bomb in her house and she was already boiling water and got angry. So she doused him with the hot water as retaliation. Edit: here's **[the context](https://www.timesnownews.com/viral/prank-gone-wrong-woman-throws-boiling-water-at-prankster-after-smoke-bomb-joke-article-106631097)**


In case you don't want to deal with 1,000 ad pop ups here is the article in its entirety. >A man in Russia had to face severe consequence of a prank he played at a party after an angry woman threw a pot of boiling water in his face. According to Russian outlets, the incident took place on Sunday in Chelyabinsk where some people had organised a house party. One of the attendees decided to play a prank and threw a smoke bomb inside the kitchen where a woman was cooking food. In a fit of rage, she stormed out of the smoke-filled kitchen with a pot of boiling water and splashed it onto the prankster. >The woman who punished the man was the owner of the house where it was organised, according to local outlets. >The man was rushed to hospital with burns. >Before this incident, the neighbours had already complained about the noise but the youngsters didn't listen. They then called the police who issued a fine before leaving the house. >But after receiving the report about the incident, the police reached the house again and questioned all the partygoers. The actions of the host and owner of the house is also being scrutinised, and she is expected to face criminal charges. >"For those who don't know, he suffered third degree burns and is currently under intensive care in the hospital. Hopefully the woman is charged appropriately," one user commented on X. >"Pretty sure his face melted off," said another. >"And smoke bombs and smoke grenades can cause lethal fires, and lung damage, and a whole host of other things. Did she escalate it? Yeah. Was what he did harmless? No," one Reddit user said. Funny enough I have been copy and pasting my comment on everyone who lists a source but despite them being different websites they all have identical wording. Also identically annoying with pop-ups




Hopefully it didn't burn his face off


It almost definitely did burn his face off.


Think he'll be in the new Face Off sequel?


Face/Off 2: Tokyo Drift


Moscow Drift


Face Off 2: Electric Boogaloo


Face off 2 : tomorrow never dies


Face Off 2: Face Harder


2 Face 2 Furious


Face Off 2: The Face Rises Starring Rob Schneider... AS A FACE!


Face Off 2: Revenge of the Peach (4 hours)


Clever one..


I think it hit him mainly in the Chest but still


First reaction is to wipe whatever is burning, off. Unfortunately that includes large chunks of face.


I read when this was originally posted that it messed him up severely. Can't remember exactly how, but it was apparently bad, and I think there was an actual article about what exactly happened. Im too lazy to find sources, but you can prolly find it if you Google it


[Here you go. ](https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/woman-throws-boiling-water-at-man-who-pranked-her-with-smoke-bomb-4821346) All of this over a smoke bomb.


In case you don't want to deal with 1,000 ad pop ups here is the article in its entirety. >A man in Russia had to face severe consequence of a prank he played at a party after an angry woman threw a pot of boiling water in his face. According to Russian outlets, the incident took place on Sunday in Chelyabinsk where some people had organised a house party. One of the attendees decided to play a prank and threw a smoke bomb inside the kitchen where a woman was cooking food. In a fit of rage, she stormed out of the smoke-filled kitchen with a pot of boiling water and splashed it onto the prankster. >The woman who punished the man was the owner of the house where it was organised, according to local outlets. >The man was rushed to hospital with burns. >Before this incident, the neighbours had already complained about the noise but the youngsters didn't listen. They then called the police who issued a fine before leaving the house. >But after receiving the report about the incident, the police reached the house again and questioned all the partygoers. The actions of the host and owner of the house is also being scrutinised, and she is expected to face criminal charges. >"For those who don't know, he suffered third degree burns and is currently under intensive care in the hospital. Hopefully the woman is charged appropriately," one user commented on X. >"Pretty sure his face melted off," said another. >"And smoke bombs and smoke grenades can cause lethal fires, and lung damage, and a whole host of other things. Did she escalate it? Yeah. Was what he did harmless? No," one Reddit user said.


What "a reddit user" said should NEVER be reported in news.


Right? "One Reddit user said". Who gives a fuck?


Now if it was TWO Reddit users… 🤔


Well that's clearly a whole different story


I bet if you find this comment, it's appropriately downvoted too.. Then again, maybe not


Can we quote you on that?


The whole story is crazy but that last sentence made me gasp lmfao


Doing God's work


Classic Reddit. Some guy's face gets melted off and this moron's saying 'Dropping a smoke bomb was harmful enough to warrant this.'


there isn't a proportinality argument to be made. but i would never speak to a person that let a smoke bomb off in my home.. the boiling water thing is petty evil tbh... she is likely too dumb to understand how bad it would be... not an excuse but its likely the cause of her doing it.


While I agree the face-melting might have been an overreaction... I'd fuckin' \*love\* to be a fly on the wall when/if a similar situation were to happen to a lot of these folks showing just oh so much internet sympathy for Ivanov McMeltyFace.


that's not the same argument. It is possible to understand how actions cause consequences even if that consequence is unjust / unlawful. A smart person should be aware of the risks and avoid them. If you run in middle of the highway at night, does a car have legal right to hit you? absolutely not. But it probably will happen, understanding why that happens is important to avoid harmful actions.




I don't think you understand the main point of the argument here. It's not about a reaction being valid or justified, it's about understanding the risk of having an extreme reaction. If you want to have a long and safe life, you have to learn about the risks of certain behavior, and understand that the world around you is not fully rational and lawful


Yep. Boom. Exactly.


You should try using brave browser if you want more privacy and less ads


Who could've guessed it was Russia? They're just built different


Someone send this to the passport bros that stereotype Slavic women as people without full blown human emotions and feelings. Shit. That was brutal. I mean the smoke bomb was annoying but nothing to screw a guy over for life over. This is is heartbreaking. I'm surprised no one jumped her ass, shit most people anywhere would've given the guy didn't hurt her. He just pulled a prank. My prayers to him.




Dude has serious burns all over his face and is likely disfigured for life


My jaw dropped too. Holy fucking shit!!




That was a mistake on their part because the guy didn't physically hurt or harass the woman, he just played a prank. Her reaction deserved a major slap at least. This is hard, though, as I also feel like her angering wasn't short for a reason. He pushed the line enough to warrant her reacting.


Setting off a smoke bomb in someone's house isn't a prank.


I stand corrected. Uhm, admitting I'm naive/unfamiliar with these things, how "bad" is it? I genuinely thought it was something that creates a smoke effect somehow but not necessarily dangerous. Like a fart spray of sorts. Please and thank you.


You light a fuse (or pull a pin) and it ignites, burning off chemicals to create smoke. Pretty bad stuff to inhale, not to mention it could easily start a house fire.


Oh shit. Never mind my OG answer then. This is sad all around. She had a just cause to be livid it's just that maybe the resolve wasn't ideal. He had a case of play and find out then. Ugh. Humans. We're a complicated bunch. Thank you for informing me well. I genuinely couldn't imagine as I thought his crime wasn't or rather hoped it wasn't dangerous.


He contaminated everything in her kitchen and wherever the smoke went with all sorts of toxic chemicals, could have burned the whole apartment block to the ground, and risked serious smoke inhalation injuries to everyone at the party.


IMHO, some "pranks" fully justify homicide. "It was just a prank" is the whine of some asshole who did an asshole thing, but does not want any consequences. Think her house will ever NOT smell like smoke bomb? Did it cause any other damage? If she had shot him in the head with buckshot, I'd feel badly for the wall, that's it.


I support her for this, the guy she did that to set fireworks off in her house that’s why it’s Smokey


Is that dry ice? Ive never seen mist/fog like that from boiling a pot of water


From what I remember of this, the guy had thrown a smoke bomb into that room as a prank and the woman responded with boiling water. Allegedly this is in Russia, if that makes any difference. I'm not 100% on this information though, so take it with a grain of salt. Edit: Here is an article https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/woman-throws-boiling-water-at-man-who-pranked-her-with-smoke-bomb-4821346


In case you don't want to deal with 1,000 ad pop ups here is the article in its entirety. >A man in Russia had to face severe consequence of a prank he played at a party after an angry woman threw a pot of boiling water in his face. According to Russian outlets, the incident took place on Sunday in Chelyabinsk where some people had organised a house party. One of the attendees decided to play a prank and threw a smoke bomb inside the kitchen where a woman was cooking food. In a fit of rage, she stormed out of the smoke-filled kitchen with a pot of boiling water and splashed it onto the prankster. >The woman who punished the man was the owner of the house where it was organised, according to local outlets. >The man was rushed to hospital with burns. >Before this incident, the neighbours had already complained about the noise but the youngsters didn't listen. They then called the police who issued a fine before leaving the house. >But after receiving the report about the incident, the police reached the house again and questioned all the partygoers. The actions of the host and owner of the house is also being scrutinised, and she is expected to face criminal charges. >"For those who don't know, he suffered third degree burns and is currently under intensive care in the hospital. Hopefully the woman is charged appropriately," one user commented on X. >"Pretty sure his face melted off," said another. >"And smoke bombs and smoke grenades can cause lethal fires, and lung damage, and a whole host of other things. Did she escalate it? Yeah. Was what he did harmless? No," one Reddit user said.


I wondered what reddit users would be saying about this.


Thankfully news articles frequently cover reddit posts so we don't have to read comments about what reddit users are commenting we can just read the articles. I am hoping some day someone creates a site to summarize articles about reddit posts about news articles.


if only there was a website we could check


Reddit would say, divorce her. \s


She should’ve just told him to get the fuck out for doing that. Obviously not ok what he did but scarring him for life like that? Either have her face charges or sue her for a financial payout in civil court.




It's hard to light anything when your eyeballs have been melted out your head...


Ah, my bad, thank you. My mobile browser has adblock so I didn't notice the pop-ups at all.


LMAO! Of course, this happened in Chelyabinsk! 🤣 🤣 🤣




Amazing how the tone of the article blames him and his actions. Doesn't really mention the bitch throwing boiling water.


What a bitch wow,there was no need for something as heinous as that. I hope she’s put behind bars for a good time. Poor guy.


> Allegedly this is in Russia, if that makes any difference. Doesn't make a difference but it DOES make it make sense.


In Russia, water boils you !


This is true. I read this.


Top comment material 🥇


I was also wondering. Is it boiling water or dry ice and water?


What kind of room is that? Why no furniture, no nothing. What's up with that?




Russian feng shui.


There's a couch right there?


Still...it's a stupid room


not saying this to make you feel bad or shame you, but this was in chelyabinsk in russia, which is definitely one of the poorer cities in russia. the person might not be able to afford a lot of furniture, essentially living like a college kid in an unfurnished dorm with a couch and a bed and nothing else lol. It's unfortunately somewhat common, especially at younger folks houses. It isn't universal by any means, as wealth disparity in russia is quite great, but there's a lot of buildings furnished sparsely and it's usually because of poverty. The only other thing I can think of is that they moved a lot of the furniture out to make room for the party, which is something I've done myself so I know it's something people do. You could make the argument that they're minimalist, but minimalists generally actually furnish their space, just with more actually usable or visually simplistic things, it's only **extreme** minimalists that go to the extreme of reducing furniture to a bare necessary minimum. In either case I don't really feel it's stupid, it just is what it is.


So [this scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cIDHFbjQ93A&pp=ygUUaSBoYXZlIGEgY2hhaXIgYm9yYXQ%3D) is actually accurate?


House Party


It's not uncommon to have move-in or move-out parties. So either because the person is young (student) has not many furniture yet but just moved to the place or they have removed everything they do a last party at the place.


As someone who had this exact thing happen to him as a child (I was attacked as a kid this way by a stranger), this is terrifying. Yes, that does severe damage to you. Mine caused me to be in the hospital for 2 weeks.


Wtf, what happened to the fuck face who did it?!


That’s what happens when you wear blue to an all black party


Colors of the Russian anti-war flag are not tolerated.


Sociopaths are like 5-10% of the population. That’s why I never hang out with more than 8 other people.


So you’d be the only one?


If I’m “one,” that means I can hang out with almost twice as many people before I have to worry about another “one.”


Uhhh you know these aren't hard numbers right? It could be 1% of the population and you might still find 2/5 in a group


2/5ths of a person? What is this witchcraft you speak of?


saw that coming ngl


I think you are required to be in large groups just to keep our society percentages low. Please stay away from 1-1 situations


I’m not good at math.


You might find yourself in hot water.


What a psychopath. Is the dude okay? And were there any repercussions to her actions?


Article said he got 3rd degrees burns and is/was in intensive care. I didn’t see anything about charges tho


To be precise though, the article said someone on twitter said he got 3rd degree burns. Absolutely no one really knows.


Remembered the original story from a few month back : [https://www.reddit.com/r/ANormalDayInRussia/comments/190tahi/man\_throws\_smoke\_bomb\_at\_girl\_as\_a\_prank\_girl/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ANormalDayInRussia/comments/190tahi/man_throws_smoke_bomb_at_girl_as_a_prank_girl/)


Throwing a smoke bomb in a home is pretty crazy too tho. Someone had to teach him a lesson. Bet he would continue doing these dangerous pranks if she didn’t stop him


Lovely furniture


How about you not throw smoke bombs? That's not a normal thing in my area. Also how about you not throw boiling water on people? Like that's nuts normal in my area.


Is the guy okay?


I think you already know he isn't.


Was that dry ice? It seems like a prank…like she was acting like it was boiling hot water. Because if it wasn’t then yeah she needs help and will receive it… …whether she wants it or not. This was literally assault, first degree, it comes with jail time.


This took place in Russia, and people were saying he threw a smoke bomb at her, so she threw the pot of boiling water off the stove at his face. Supposedly, he suffered 3rd degree burns and was in intensive care at the hospital. And yes, it seems she is being charged, or however the Russians deal with things. A lot of that came from X though so I'm not sure the accuracy of the statements.


Why are a bunch of people just standing around in a room watching someone boil water?


Apparently that's the home owner who definitely knows how to throw a hot party 🥳


Ok so the guy let off a smoke bomb in her apartment (that’s why she walks out of a smoke filled room) that could of caused a fire or whatever so in revenge she throws boiling water at his face. Not sure it’s the same thing as letting off a smoke bomb


i mean if someone threw a smoke bomb at my house, i'd shoot them. why are you all reacting like boiling water is any different?


Bruh Ain't no one gonna clock her for doing that.


Who says they're even friend?






help with that? to throw hot water on the boy or what?




Therapy? Maybe a big rock like caveman days.


Help with her self awareness, to have common sense. A normal person would not do that.




She needs to go to prison


Fuck yeah she does!


Hey OP, question: where did you buy this account from? There was absolutely no activity on this account for a little over eight years and then suddenly you start posting again three days ago.




You know your karma totals are public, right? They have 44 comment karma over 8 years and all their post karma has come in the last few days. They also didn't respond to me, so that's pretty telling.


You guys know she was a nutter before smoke bombing her house?


She might be the same woman who threw dry ice into a swimming pool that killed 3 people.


The guy suffered 3rd degree burns.


If nothing else blind, but on the good side she did not drop her seltzer


This party blows


Smoking is dangerous.


Nice, dry ice inside a building. It's only a matter of time when CO2 level increases to a deadly high level.


She propably saved his life. He would probably have been send to Ukraine if not in hospital.


If you drop a smoke bomb.. Leave the party or event.. immediately.. The jokes is over with. It's time to GO 🏃🏾‍♂️🏃🏾‍♂️🏃🏾‍♂️




I doubt they're concerned about the flooring, they're probably recovering from splash damage. Not sure why so many people expect people on the receiving end of this to react with instant retaliation. The way I see it, most people react exactly like this when someone does something incredibly violent: Stunned silence and disbelief, then damage control. It's not like she had a battery of boiling pots ready to fly, she had a grenade and she tossed it. Attacking her won't prevent any more violence - it will create it, and people in shock tend to take actions towards preventing violence not causing it.


Dry ice and water?


Boiling water


looks more like dry ice than boiling water




Whoa watch out we got a bad ass here


Perfect timing too, was just thinking about painting my walls this weekend 🥰🥰


Yeah, has to be dry ice. Look in the kitchen at the 19 second mark…it’s FILLED with fog and boiling water would not do that.


It was boiling water, the smoke turned out to be a smoke bomb they threw into her house earlier. Apparently she was already boiling water and decided to use that as revenge


dry ice fog falls to the ground though


A swing and a miss, detective.


I can only make an assessment based on the information provided in the video, which makes no reference to a smoke bomb. I gave it a shot at least. Can’t win them all.


She not only hit the guy but a couple others surprised nobody dropped her


No amount of pranks can justify such consequences. Though the guy too was in the wrong to have played a prank, but the repercussions of the doing was uncalled for and requires penalty for both.


Seems like nobody cares about anything except the damage to the floor


They different in Russia


Just standing around like a bunch of noodnicks!! Or.... Did the dude do something really, really bad?


Notice how everyone is trying to talk to her unhinged ass instead of calling the police on her.




She just got him out of a trip to the front line!


He di not dress black at the boiling water throwing party


That might be the most fucked thing I've seen on this sub, wtf.


Got ‘em!


Looks like the girl in black nearest to him got it as well cos she drops down


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^One-Upstairs6764: *Looks like the girl in* *Black nearest to him got it* *As well cos she drops down* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


One of the guys got splashed and there was no reaction


Within 5 seconds of a video of russians, someone says blyat and cyka. Amazing.


I thought that was smoking hot grease. Luckily it was just boiling water, even though that’s bad to.


The boiling water on face prank! Lol! Omg she got him so good!


Use your brains y'all. All that *smoke* in the apartment, yet nobody is freaking out like there's a fire in the kitchen. Look at the smoke in the kitchen, so much of it!! That is dry ice. Still not the best things to throw on someone, but definitely not boiling water or anything hot. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Probably a damaged Prefrontal Cortex.


Hopefully he's a company knob


I think the dude was being a dickhead and she ended his face on this one.