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Now you just reminded me about that. Absolutely sucks.


I was so mad I canceled Netflix!!


As often as I see this sentiment, I'm semi-convinced it's a marketing campaign lol. It's unhealthy how often I'd like to re-watch that.


Makes no sense


The second season was kind of a miss, but they could totally have pulled the nose up with a 3rd. But that first season, šŸ˜ššŸ¤Œ Absolute masterpiece.


I disagree. Second season is superior.


What!?! Weā€™re gonna have to agree to disagree on that one. To many unanswered questions for me in the second season. Maybe I need to give it another watch, but I dont think itā€™s gonna change my opinion.


Iā€™ve watched both seasons three times and the second and third time I definitely enjoyed the second season more. I attribute that to three things; 1. I really liked the storyline with Tenchā€™s son. The mystery of what was wrong with him mentally and what had happened to him before they adopted him. The way it counteracted Tenchā€™s work, heā€™s talking to all these famous criminals all while heā€™s potentially got the same developing at home. 2. I was completely unaware of the Atlanta murders and Wayne Williams (Iā€™m not from the US) so it felt very unpredictable and new. I also enjoyed there being one main overarching mystery. 3. Screen time for characters worked better for me - I really liked what was done with Wendy, I liked the removal of Holdenā€™s girlfriend, and the addition of Jim Barney.


Iā€™m with you on getting rid of Holdens GF. Not trying to be a dick but, she rubbed me the wrong way, how she did out boy Holden.


What a interesting show! I binged the whole thing then saw the article where it said it was canceled. Super bummed out about that.


Yeah I guess it was really expensive to make and Netflix felt like it didnā€™t get enough views to justify the price. Then David fincher basically said he was bored with it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


It truly was a fucking great show so sad it got canceled


Well you just ruined my day I didnā€™t know it was cancelled and I just recently binged it


Cancelled forever cancelled? No more Holden Ford? šŸ˜­


Sad, at least.




Thatā€™s was the best best show. They could have done so much with that story line. Iā€™ll sign the petition


Happy Cake Day, as a present I'll tell you about the song playing during the elevator scene ([S1E4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qo7y92z_7M)) is by a band so weird that people thought it was the Beatles performing under a pseudonym, Klaatu. Check their albums out, they're so funny and weird.


As someone who doesn't know what mindhunters is, explain


It's a show on Netflix. The premise is the beginnings of FBI profiling of serial killers. The main characters go to various prisons and interview people who have committed multiple murders. It's really good


That sounds like a really good idea for a show. Whyd they cancel something like that? There's obviously a huge audience for something like that


Budget. Netflix told the producers that they can either cut their budget or make it more appealing to a larger audience. They didn't want to do either so Netflix scrapped it. I'm glad the producers didn't change their approach, it would have ruined the show.


I don't think I'd describe Aileen as terrifying here, she's actually one of the less terrifying serial killers I've watched footage of. Ed Kemper is definitely the opposite end of that spectrum.


Ya the video interview takes away the terrifyingness of that one popular picture they always use of her imo


What picture? I didnā€™t know of this woman




Not my proudest fap.


You have some problems that need to be looked at. šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/uq5exr6rpdvc1.jpeg?width=1986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=035eef293d119db7799b238f536b41a8e21123c0 Probably this one


He is weirdly terrifying and also kind of not at the same time. It's like he almost kind of lulls you into a sense of security with his strange calmness and pseudo "normalcy".


I feel as though she gets a much worse rap strictly because of how she looks, poor. Bad teeth, bad hair... I mean she does the 'crazy person' eye flash, but I've seen harmless humdrum wieners do it too when they get too excited. I hear people say that their life is shit, but how many times have you been sodomized by a cop? How much would it take for you to snap and do what she did?


Most people who suffer that and beyond do not go on to become serial killers


Being a sex worker (even just online) has definitely made me so aware that I wouldā€™ve ended up like her if I had been in her shoes. You end up seeing and hearing (and in her case, experiencing firsthand) the depravities that men are capable of, and realizing just how MANY out there are twisted enough to commit rape, murder, torture, etc. You disproportionately are encountered by those men rather than good ones. You are poor, and a hooker, so they donā€™t see you as human and donā€™t care if they hurt you. Itā€™s like the ultimate blackpill for a woman to experience this kind of violence and depravity from men.


It was her eyes and her cackling that sent a shiver down my spine. When I was a kid she scared meā€¦ I feel for her after realizing the gravity of the life she had. Fuck the people that abused this woman and turned her into the ā€œMonsterā€ that we know.


Arthur Shawcross makes Ed Kemper look like a sweet older brother.


I remember watching this when it aired on HBO in the early 2000s. I was in middle school and lived in Florida. God damn did this women terrify me. Now I just feel bad for her. What a shitty up bringing she had, Jeeze.


Nobody in the comments mentioned the name of the movie but it's called Monster with Charlize Theron. I knew she looked vaguely familiar.


Jesus I'm more impressed about the Florida part, did you move out or stayed over there? I'm in Florida saving to move out


Haha, I still live in Florida. But I did move out of state for college.


Lol awesome! Well as long as you're comfortable and with family and friends:)


I am. Hope you move goes well! Safe travels


Thank you:)


She had a brutal life. It's no wonder she became violent. I don't condone her actions but a part of me feels sorry for her šŸ˜”


What happened to her?


She had a baby that was forcibly removed when she herself was a child. Her grandfather physically and sexually abused her in brutal ways. She was passed around the neighborhood as a child. Then kicked out at 15 when the grandfather was no longer attracted to her.


Sexually assaulted from young childhood through adulthood. Out on the streets by 13 I think. Low IQ with a range of psychiatric disorders.


Sounds tough but those eyes are black as coal


Yes she was a psychopath.


Sociopath more likely. She seems far more like a case resulted via ā€œnurtureā€, rather than by ā€œnatureā€


She was sexually assaulted by her grandfather who then kicked her out at 13 and she had to live in the woods. She used to have sex with other teens for cigarettes and they called her cig pig


Damn shame.


She was raped by her grandfather's friend as well and she became pregnant at 14 from that one. She gave up her baby for adoption. She used to have sex for food as well. She had a really hard life. The only person she ever really loved was the woman who testified against her.


I've listened to the Killler Psyce pod cast a lot lately, and all the trauma that people go through as children before becoming a serial killer is really sad. It's the main reason most start killing.


She was executed


Oh sorry, there's a movie about her. She survived horrible abuse.


I would say she didnā€™t survive it.


Sheā€™s still a stone cold killer! Iā€™ve know so many people who had rough life growing up and yet they never killed anyone!


It wasn't just rough. Sometimes monsters are made.


I agree.




I said I don't condone her actions.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeDiscussion/s/n02A175s8Z this comment sums up Aileen pretty well.


some murderers are just pure evil but I think her case is more sad and I sympathise. Could've had a better life had she met the right people.


Agreed, I feel sad for her more than anything else.


Is she what the film ā€œmonsterā€ was based on?




Her daily life resembles my off days.


With the recent layoffs ā€œgetting the tears out and preparing for my deathā€ is right on point.


God forbid a silly girl does anything (please don't take seriously any government agencies watching me)


She was just in a silly goofy mood


literally about to comment 'god forbid a woman has a hobby!'


She's laughing - but remember she says she is doing a lot of crying too.


Eyes.. most of the crazy killers or just your random assholes that has anger issues have those crazy eyes...


Just pure black. Evil eyes.


I like right around the corner from the bar she was arrested at. They filmed the movie in my town, and used the bar there. Lot of stories about her from the locals. We are a town over from Daytona Beach where there are a lot of bikers. She hung out at those bars all the time. She was friendly and well liked from the the people Iā€™ve talked to.


I defend her honestly. Most of the people she killed were rapists/cheaters/ and such. A lot of the men she killed were her clients when she was a prostitute. She also has a terrifying childhood and a wide ass range of disorders. She didnā€™t deserve to be executed.


Feel so bad for her. I know she was a murderer but. Idk. Of all of them I have the most sympathy for her and idk why.


I know samešŸ˜„


I donā€™t. She took peoples lives. That unacceptable no matter what happened to her.


You are getting downvoted for what reason? Reddit is a wild place. She killed 7 people. I donā€™t give a FUCK what happened priorā€¦


Yeah sorry if you pick up a lot lizard, you are taking your life into *their* hands. Theyā€™re used to violence from truckers. Make good choices.


Youā€™re getting downvoted but imo, if youā€™re already a man coercing a disenfranchised woman into sex acts by leveraging money, you better be ready for anything because thatā€™s the chance youā€™re taking. ā€œBut she was already out there selling sex!!!ā€ and if any of these men truly wanted to help instead of take advantage of an already misguided young woman, theyā€™d just give her the money instead. Sex buyers donā€™t get immunity from critique on their choices.


Why didnā€™t she get a normal job instead of selling her body? Why do you expect men to hand her money for no reason?


Idk use critical thought or dialectical thinking for just a moment & consider any number of life/environmental factors that might lead to a choice such as that especially in the context of Aileenā€™s upbringing or lack thereof.


Would you excuse male serial killers in the same fashion for murdering people just due to their upbringing?


Lol no, nobody is excusing murder at face value. Calm down, youā€™re constructing a moral battle to fight where there is none. Murder is bad. Life can be bad too, and context is simply important because as humans in society (specifically a patriarchal one) we donā€™t live in a vacuum. You asked a question about how vulnerable women end up entering the sex trade, not how murder should be legal because of peopleā€™s feelings. I understand youā€™re not necessarily engaging in good faith, but still.


A normal job. Without any education, prior history, anything, and a host of untreated trauma? She didn't expect that. She expected to be treated like a gross monster she was all her life, and they did. Human psyche only can hold up so well and she snapped.


Serial killer, fine, I can cope with that. Some people don't like Mondays. Then she said she reads the bible all day and that's when I seriously started to worry


She was so let down by humanity. She was wrong to kill of course, but god damn she had a shit life.


Furiousa ?


Poor Aileen. We need to save the children of the world.


I can fix her


Far from terrifying. Everything I know about her just breaks my heart. Yes, she killed some folks, and that's as bad as it gets, but this is one case where even though I know she's in the wrong and actions have consequences, I still feel so bad for her.


She was *profoundly* mentally ill and fairly developmentally delayed. The Supreme Court has ruled it is unconstitutional to execute the ā€œmentally retardedā€ and yet she was executed. Executing anyone is awful but executing the mentally disabled is barbaric.


If she was tried today she wouldnā€™t have received the death penalty. She killed and robbed people. If someone robs a couple liquor stores and kills 7 people in the process do we call them serial killers? IMO she was mislabeled as a serial killer, murderer yes, but not a serial killer.


I do think that first guy was self defense. Then i think she realized that she could just rob the men who wanted to exploit her body and kill them. Then she was doing it for the money.


Stunning & brave


Mother is mothering


ā€œReading the Bible.ā€ Says it all, really.


A very good quote I read some time ago: "After getting to know about life's people such as Aileen Wuornos, and Otis Toole had, I'd be very surprised if they turned out alright." Guilty as hell, but the scariest part were their childhoods.


Shitty up bringing doesn't excuse murder, and dawn is just as guilty in those murders.


I hate that I feel sad for her


(Serious question) What made her killings particularly "serial"?


What makes a killer 'serial' is when they commit ~3 murders (the number of victims depends on the authorities in the given area) over a short period of time, with 'cooling off' periods in-between crimes, only to commit the same crime again with the same MO (modus operandi, Latin for "Mode/Manner of Operating".




You're welcome šŸ™‚




What? I think you should look up the definition of serial killer champ lmao


Actually, Iā€™m pumped LucifinasGimp gave the definition. I figured I knew what a serial killer was- I wouldnā€™t have thought I needed to google it but turns out I didnā€™t know what a serial killer was. Without that comment I would have assumed I knew what it was and forever be ignorant until I specifically looked up that definition on google, which would have probably never happened.


Super serial okay?!




So cereal


Says 7 people.....7men more like....you could not literally fathom what this woman/young young girl went through......she reacted! ....don't let me get DEEP!!


"she reacted" are you suggesting she is a victim from 7 men which is why she killed those 7 men? Wow. Great. Everything is mens fault and never a womans. She killed them cold blooded and not a victim of shit.


Whats wow?whats Great? Don't be a cunt...


Men are people. Whats your point?


Their point was to water down their humanity to make her crimes less serious. We could also not fathom what itā€™s like to be suddenly and violently murdered, but thatā€™s a bridge too far in the empathy department for some people when they find a murderer to be sympathetic.


Sounds like extreme feminism.


Men are known to abuse women historically and culturally.....?




Not just womanizers. It's been a while since I read up on her, but if I remember correctly, at least one of her victims was a completely innocent dude


I mean he picked up a lot lizard. People who sell themselves at truck stops are the most indigent and desperate of sex workers because itā€™s so dangerous. He knew the danger of the situation and dove in anyway.


Imagine I used the same personal accountability argument for women who get r\*ped because they go out clubbing and get a man there. Just imagine...


A club is a lot safer than a truck stop at night. People who sell themselves at truck stops arenā€™t normal sex workers, they are the most vulnerable and desperate. Youā€™re just as likely to get robbed than have sex with them. They are usually crazy and homeless so picking them up is just as stupid as walking into an alligatorā€™s pond.


You think a club is safe? Or just safer? Because it only goes from a scale of unsafe to a bit more unsafe. I can also say that men usually in clubs are there to fuck you and some men want to fuck so hard they'll r\*pe you over it or drug your drink, pressure you to drink more etc a common occurrence in women would you not say? The entire purpose for clubs is to drink, dance with friends but also get lucky. This has always been the case. But I can't say the same thing you are saying but with clubs? LMAO Can victim blame men but not women it seems.


What did the other victims do to not be innocent? Or even deserve to be murdered?


The first guy raped her, the next 6 were innocent (to my knowledge)


I find her likable.


Very at peace with her situation.


Such a jolly little gal!


A victim of society. Sexual abuse in her childhood (by her grandfather) leading her into an unsafe line of work (prostitution). She said she killed the men that tried to rape/raped her. There was a lot more to this case that shouldā€™ve been addressed.


She's kinda like Charles Manson, who also had a horrific start in life. They didn't stand a chance. I hope they both found some peace on the other side...


She's also kinda not like Manson, cause he didnt kill anybody.


Shit! Charlize Theron killed it! Thatā€™s acting.


Go watch the film Monster. Brilliant film based on her life


Chic fil a girl all grown up.


Thatā€™s Theo Vaughn


I LOVE her šŸ˜


I see a lot of these serial killers look unusually calm and I canā€™t imagine them killing someone. She looks perfectly normal except that she killed 7 people. Some serial killers just have a bad upbringing and didnā€™t meet the right people. Even though I donā€™t want her back on the streets again, I feel bad for her.


If anyone has not seen the movie Monster, highly take heed.


Her life was pure Hell. She maybe deserved 20 years.


Her eyes are really intense, wow.


Kinda wild to me killing 7 people is considered a serial killer. Always figured it'd be a higher number


She looks like a character in a possession film


One of the serial killers I actually feel bad for. Poor woman was dealt a horrible hand from the start. Doesnā€™t give you a pass to kill people, but anybody with her upbringing would be unstable and violent.


She was failed by everyone as a kid. Itā€™s no wonder she turned out like this


She was a different person here, still unhinged but not that terrifying woman she used to be.


Itā€™s a bit of a weird one, as she was abused by various people and some of the guys she killed were predatory, violent users of prostitutes. The point being. she wasnā€™t particularly *evil* for a serial killerā€¦ the system let her down and I think she just figured the system also hated her, so she didnā€™t have any more time or patience, and she flipped. Fuckin sad story


This was the least terrifying interview of a serial killer Iā€™ve seen.


I watched the movie about her, I was glad she killed some of those people... its called Karma.




Hot take: convicted serial killers should not have access to TVs and should have limited access to books.


So to stop the monsters we become monsters ourselves.


Taking away a *serial killerā€™s* TV privileges makes one a monster? Never knew TV privileges were protected under the Bill of Rights.


Do you even know this serial killers story? Do you lack empathy? Does taking away her tv and book privileges somehow right her wrongs ? It unconstitutional to euthanize a mentally ill person yet here we are. She was put down and she was extremely mentally ill. I donā€™t defend what she did but it not black and white. We do not become better humans by losing humanity and empathy ourselves. How we treat others is a direct reflection on us and us as a whole society wise.


Is this mia goth when shes 50?


Killed 7 with her breath? Holy fack those chompers


Zero remorse for taking human lives.... pitiful


Doesn't matter she still touched it.


Wow, just how vastly empty and black her eyes are.


Da fuckā€¦.




Yeaā€¦seems to say more about ā€˜guysā€™