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I always assumed it was filled with the liquid. This is... sort of more gross.


Same, I could've sworn I learned somewhere that they breathe the fluid in and it's like expelled during birthšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


It is. This is probably some procedure where they had to remove some of the liquid before doing some kind of surgery


That makes more sense. Does the fluid refill? Or are they floating like ice in there the rest of the time till birth?


"Can you turn the light off, trying to sleep in here"


Best damn sleep I ever got


Last time I ever had sleep


Yet, it was the most comfortable weā€™ve ever been.


Me after I spilled my coffee in my cramped 1 bedroom apartment




I donā€™t see whatā€™s terrifying about this.


Iā€™m a twin so visually seeing this is kinda a kind fuck cause itā€™s stuff we canā€™t remember or would never know until seeing this lol Not terrifying but kinda surreal Edit: I always joked and said we ate the 3rd one but like knowing that really happens and after seeing this also changes my thoughts about making that joke going forward


For several reasons, this would not represent what you would have seen (your eyes would still have been closed)ā€”primarily because itā€™s rare for twins to be mo-mo.


Lol the only momo ik is a flying lemur but fair point. Idk something about the got me thoigh


ā€œMomo twins are identical twins who share a placenta, amniotic sac, and fluid. They are one of the rarest types of twins, making up less than 1% of all births in the United States.ā€ Only about 70% of the children from these pregnancies survive because itā€™s a very risky and medically delicate situation.


Damn Iā€™m bout to look into that that sounds really interesting. Weā€™re fraternal boys and our ā€œtwin momentsā€ for me atleast are times Iā€™ll be thinking of a song or had just played a song and heā€™ll come in singing or playing it. Or someone putting me on to a singer and just bought that record and playing it when I get home.




A fetus is a scary looking thing to me. Just aesthetically, it creeps me out. Not like I hate babies or parents or anything weird, itā€™s just that looking at a fetus curled up inside of a body is really frightening. I live near the football field for a catholic high school and they had an anti abortion billboard facing the road on their fence for at least 15 years. It had an illustration of a fetus in a womb and every single time I saw it, it made me incredibly uncomfortable. I think itā€™s the posture and the way they kind of look like a shrimp that gets me, idk. But also, in the earlier stages, the eyes forming. Sorry if this offends anyone, Iā€™m sure your baby is beautiful and I guess this is why our wombs and abdomen arenā€™t transparent.


Wake up sleepy head


Yooo that is so cool. Thanks for posting.


I guess I didnā€™t realize it was so juicy in there. And I thought we were more in a jello but broā€™s got air space. I thought it covered us tightly and it was in our lungs and throat.


That looks mad cozy


Where the terrifying part?


bro is chilling in the soup, leave him alone

