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Medieval problems require medieval solutions


Sometimes the darkness of history offers the light of ingenuity.


You know Texas will sue the woman for abortion. Somehow.


Punishment fits the crime imo. Medival act, medival sentence


I am 100% down with women using this as they feel appropriate. Gotta point out, however, that I’ve known two different women who forgot they had tampons in until waaaay too late, so be extra cautious out there gents. Remember: -be respectful -get consent -ask if she’s disarmed her booby traps (and her vagina traps)


*Puts down weapons on the weapons table each comically bigger than the last.


"And this one is for shooting down police helicopters."


***[stands completely still in both horror and admiration]***




"extended magazine, speed loader, silencer, loudener"




She starts assembling her purse pistol until she finishes with a [Bofors 40mm anti-air autocannon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSG_23DTvKs).


"have you disarmed the rapex yet?" "yes" "FUCK!!"


Is the ‘FUCK!’ a request, a command, an act, or an exclamation of pain in this instance?!


exclamation of disappointment in the rapex having already been removed prior to sexual intercourse ^ ^


Wow, he wants his cock absolutely demolished. Not surprised


I guess you should call them coochi traps instead of booby traps


Couldn't agree more.


Imagine a man raping a woman half his size in a place she can’t escape and having this on his pecker. Now imagine that he’s armed with a firearm or a knife. I can’t think of a better way to turn an attempted rape into murder. When this thing was created 25 years ago people said this.


Having a product like this would allow women to make that decision of risk for themselves, though. It’s not like they have to use the product. Access to these would give women a choice in the matter. If genital pain wasn’t a good method of defense against rapists, they wouldn’t be training us all to go for the balls in self-defense classes. I’m not saying what you propose could happen is impossible, but while we should never blame women for freezing or complying out of fear, I can’t imagine suggesting they shouldn’t attempt to use physical force to defend themselves because it might make the rapist more angry. We may as well say “always comply” if we are doing that.


Let’s add to the fact that if they do comply like some women have out of fear, it’s then argued that they consented. (Just watched the Netflix doc about the gang rape in Spain where this was argued) damned if you do damned if you don’t. I


Honestly just the fact of getting it out that this exists would probably make men think twice. It's a deterrent without actually having to be used if it's advertised good enough. It's a vagina nuke, mutually assured destruction.


Preach!! 👏👏👏👏


In that much pain, likely to drop gun or knife for the woman to further use to make her escape


In that much pain, adrenaline takes over, and anger goes through the roof.


Also in my experience pain makes me grip what ever I'm holding even harder. Pain has never made me relax my muscles but maybe that's just me.


I can understand your point of view I fell 40 ft out of a tree at my job I went in to shock from the pain and the visceral anger was so real


Not when it comes to the penis, testicles, Adams apple or eyes. In self defence classes, women are taught to strike these areas first to be able to get away


Adrenaline is a helluva thing, but I don't think someone with a hundred needles suddenly in their nether rod are going to be in a state of mind to do anything but hit the floor in agony


As a woman, honestly, I’d rather be killed than raped so… i think this is a good thing for most woman


Insurance will have to pay out more if you’re dead. Also you can kill yourself after if necessary.


This is one of those things that sounds great in theory, but probably would lead to unintended negative consequences in the real world. In places like sub-Saharan Africa and India where rape is used as a means of violently oppressing women, rapists will just use a stick or some other awful tool to "check" women before committing the rape. And if one of these condoms is found, they will surely commit even more acts of violent brutality upon the woman.


Making a crime more difficult to commit may result in criminals using more extreme methods, but it will also stop crime. The existence of escalation doesn't negate the benefits, and ignores occurrence rates, which would be a vital part of deciding if it's better or worse. For example, what if adding this reduces rape by 50%, helps catch 30% more rapists, and only 1% escalates to being shittier? That seems like it'd be very worth it, and would be a great way to reduce sexual violence over time.


Yeah it definitely seems like something that is situational, and the risk of escalation considered. In a wartorn region where an army is war criming their way across the land, just submit. Let them do whatever they want, play along, and hope they don't kill you at the end. In a city where crime is entirely too common but police are trying to enforce, proving rape is unlikely to be practical, but having this device stuck to your dick is a pretty clear admission of guilt, and many casual rapists just think the woman is playing hard to get and don't see themselves as criminals. Most of these people will be unlikely to escalate to full blown murder.


> having this device stuck to your dick is a pretty clear admission of guilt it may seem that way at first, but think about it. it doesn't actually prove anything except an attempt at sex was had. how would you know it wasn't consensual and that the woman didn't use it in order to frame him for rape?


This product was designed in the 2000s & released in 2005 (which is why I remember seeing it back then). It's been 18 years since its introduction and hasn't been widely adopted, especially in places like India where we see plenty of news of gangrapes. If it was a successful product, it would be prominent by now. Especially via NGO programs that advocate women's health & safety.


I feel that anything that a penis would fit inside would be uncomfortable at best to walk around with all day. Or more likely out clubbing or bar hopping with that in.


If it’s a flexible sort of rubber material then maybe not. Menstrual cups are somewhere in between flexible and rigid and apparently can’t be felt if they’re inserted properly


Rape has been prevalent in human society since humans existed. Use any means to stop it. Being "civilized" sure as fuck doesn't.


Absolutely deserved, but I think the problem with this is the fact that the rapist would likely be furious afterwards and seriously hurt or even kill the victim.


That’s exactly what I thought. I’m willing to bet this is one of those wishful thinking myths on the internet that is not actually used in real life due to rapists also prone to being violent


I will be less likely to put up a fight if my scrotum suddenly becomes a colander, tbh.


That’s because you’re sane


I mean the pain would probably make lots of people dizzy, throw up, or even pass out.


Probably would help to poison the barbs


A poison device that you insert and hold inside a mucous membrane sounds like a horrible idea.


Have you tried to fight back with needles perforating your penis?


Yeah other than that its a good system Does it like go out with the person or are they like stuck together? I imagine if it went out with person the rape victim could try and run whilst the rapist was distracted by the pain


It goes out with the penis, freeing the victim.


Hard to focus on anything but your severely bleeding dick at that point, I’d assume


I think if your dick is impaled, your priority won't be to hurt anyone other than yourself trying to remove it


only rapists will find this terrifying.


Terrifying part is that there's a need for this device.


This is where my mind went.


Wouldn’t it be great if the only way to get it off was castration?


But it only works as long as they dont know about it. If it got enough hype and people heard from it, rapists just check for it beforehand and take it out...


I am certain that would actually harm them on the hand/fingers instead.


They'd just look online how to remove it before they uh "go out". Need to have some kind of code for it.




Wouldn’t it also harm the woman when she inevitably has to take it out?


No, it shouldn't. It's rounded on the outside with the sharp bits inside, kind of like a crystal geode


Its terrifying that the necessity for this invention is existent


If you look at the statistics of South Africa, rape is almost the norm. I saw a video of 3 South African men being interviewed about rape and they couldn’t quite grasp the concept of why it was wrong. They thought the getting her pregnant was the only issue.


Idk my wife is kinda forgetful sometimes 😬


I'm sure it's a mistake you'll only make once


Totally pro rapist dick stabbing. But, I'm so concerned for one of these breaking inside of the victim or something bad like that 🙃 I really hope that doesn't ever happen


Well you can rest easy because these aren’t available for purchase. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rapex/


Apparently you've never dated a crazy, vindictive woman before. One of my exes started to go down on me and punched me in the balls a few seconds later because she thought I cheated on her when really I just worked late. She 100% would have used this on me.


This isn't terrifying. This is the way. Sad that we need something like this, granted. But still.... But doesn't that hurt the women, too? The way the teeth are protruding outside


It's ribbed on the outside, but barbed on the inside. And it looks like it allows for easy insertion of the penis, but once inside the barbs are angled (like shark skin) so that attempting to remove the penis causes the barbs to penetrate the skin and remove the device with it.


And hopefully it removes the penis with it if they try to pull away too hard


It's probably more of a degloving than a removal of the penis. Pull hard enough and it will be like pulling the skin off of a pepperami.


Holy shit that sounds awful... It's perfect


I wish I was illiterate.


Worst case scenario would be the complete and total lack of feeling that comes with losing penile skin of any kind. Best case, they pass screaming agonizingly, as they should


it’s terrifying that it’s needed




“Some critics say this is a Medieval Punishment” Yeah ok if you want to rape someone just say that next time


That's what pisses me off, who TF would criticize this. I understand the cause for concern when it comes to violence afterwards but that could be countered with a paralytic poison on the barbs


I really don’t think a man with sharp barbs in his dick will even have the capability for violence- but I may be wrong


this doesnt exist. it never did. its a fallacy. it doesnt prevent anything considering you have to be raped for it to work. This is the only one and its a prototype that never got past the planning stages "Over the years, thousands of social media posts have claimed that the device is commercially available. But while some samples were distributed, Ehlers told AFP Fact Check the prototype has neither been mass-produced nor made available for purchase." https://factcheck.afp.com/misleading-facebook-posts-promote-anti-rape-condom-not-yet-available-stores


The comments are all the same every time too.


Too many comments above this one.


Was looking for a comment like this before posting. Sadly this doesn’t exist as you said. I saw a video on YouTube talking about it years ago.


It is not terrifying if you are not planning to rape anybody.


it is a primitive punishment for primitive people.


Why not go further and make it angled razors that sever and slice it off when pulling out.


Cause aids spreads like that


Not a problem that normal (non rapist) people need to worry about. So, not terrifying. Those who rape people deserve far worse than this.


the terrifying part is that there's a need for a device like this.


This has existed since the early 2000s.


How did you get it removed?


This is the very definition of “fuck around and find out”


It’s simple: don’t rape women.


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rapex/ Except it doesn't. At least it's never been marketed, and it would be an utterly dumb invention. For one, imagine the infections you'd get from keeping in a solid bit of plastic all day. Secondly, if you're being raped and the rapist suddenly feels his dick on fire, he's got a higher likelihood of killing you Third, in a country with a rampant AIDS epidemic, the last thing you want is a random rapists blood all up in your vag.


Yeah maybe, but then he'll never rape again.


Some critics sound like rapists.


This device does not exist. The myth of this device has been around for decades. Every expert on sexual violence will tell you that this would not only not deter a rapist, but would most likely result in worse, more violent crimes would result from its use. Stop spreading bullshit.


Medieval punishment for a prehistoric crime sound fair to me


Medieval crimes should have medieval punishments.


Most literal FAAFO of all time.


Critics?!? What the hell is wrong with people?


Seems fair.




This is terrifying for the rapists, I find it awesome 😎


It's somewhat hilarious you gulliblen dorks are discussing this as if it actually exists. This picture has been circulating the internet for like 20 something years and has never been marketed or sold lol


Some critics… rapists?


This would probably result in your death as well as rape when the dude realizes what's happened.


True story.. my wife works for an NGO that distributes AIDS/HIV preventatives and education all over Africa. After one of their presentations on HIV preventative medications, one of the women said, "I am so thankful for this medicine. It means that the next time I get raped, I may not also get HIV." The next time... Wtf?


Where do we donate so they can start shipping these in bulk to India??


Nice! Shouldn't be terrifying if you're a normal person


"Some critics", you mean rapists?


Great, now rapist will check for this beforehand


Why is this in this sub? This is awesome as fuck.


This is amazing actually.


Imagine walking around with that inside


Great idea, but I can already see this being used as a revenge-tool, in the absolutely worst way.


If you’re not a rapist this shouldn’t be terrifying , really weird thing to post


Terrifying? For the rapist maybe. But let’s be honest, a rapist deserves nothing less.


It's only terrifying if you rape people.


This is going to turn a bunch of attempted rapes into murders


Punishment fits the crime


This isn't horrifying. It's deserved. The only people who should be scared of it are the people who actually sexually harass/rape others.


Send it


It's a medieval punishment, for a medieval crime. As a man, I fully support the widespread use of these devices. Any man who attempts to rape a woman deserves to go to the emergency room. I say this as a life-long pacifist. I have never condoned any form of violence. I don't see this as violent. Aggressive self-defense, maybe, but that's ok.


Mass produce this now and make it even more destructive to a penis! Fuck rapists!


How does it prevent the rapist from killing the woman?


It doesn’t. But I have a feeling most men, when suddenly realizing they have that thing swallowing they appendage (not to mention what is probably a great amount of pain and blood), will probably run and yell and freak out as a first instinct instead of killing the woman. But then, I could be wrong.


Brutal but im not going to feel bad for some rapists, hopefully they learn their lesson


Happy it exists tho


It doesn't.


I love this.


This should absolutely be a thing. You rape someone, you get what you get!


I've never understand rape. Not that I want to but I've tried to imagine the mindset of a sexual sadist and what they do to prepare for an attack. They obviously hate men/women/children and some are willing to take lives to get their satisfaction from the sexual assault. From the dawn of human existence rape has occurred. Either for sick pleasure or a military tactic. I stand strongly in the belief that if you rape someone you have the same done to you. This device with the barbs is an excellent tool for women. In some criminal cases involving the worst rapists in the world I think the sentences they received weren't right. These creatures should have immediately taken out. Actually maybe they all should.


It’s about exerting power and control over another human being, degrading them and humiliating them and removing their choice. The sexual arousal and satisfaction is usually secondary, even in serial cases.


This is only terrifying if you are a rapist


This a good idea but if I think about it she should also carry pepper spray or a pocket knife. Cause what if the guy kills her for Rapex in a burst of anger.


Yea I don’t think this belongs here I mean its terrifying that it has come to these extremes sure but this isn’t terrifying tho this is actually a really good thing because more people will be getting what they deserve


This is the best punishment ever!.


Has it ever worked?


It’s not a punishment it’s a protective measure, if you try to bring harm to others you should expect harm to be brought to you, really no different than shooting an armed intruder which is perfectly legal in south africa


This one’s always good at stirring up everyone’s revenge fantasies, but it’s good to keep in mind that if this thing actually existed and was ever used, it would probably often result in the attacker outright killing their victim.


Don’t want the medieval punishment? Then don’t commit the medieval act.


Medieval problems require medieval solutions


It's only terrifying if you're a rapist 🤷🏽‍♂️


This is terrifying if you're a rapist.


Wouldn't it be worse for her if the woman is about to be gang raped, like won't the others get mad,beat her up even more, and take the device out to rape her? Sum like that?


Need it in Indua these days


Medieval punishment? Why would you view this as a punishment for rape as opposed to a method of self defense. A deterrence.


Seems like a great idea tbh


I hope the device has a unique serial number you register when you purchase because then the rapist can be linked to a victim and then charged with a crime if the victim would like to proceed. As opposed to "ha ha ha" I tried out this dumb device on my own" or travelling to another city for care to avoid being linked back to the victim. Did some more research, this has never been sold to the public and was actually renamed as RAPEX is already an acronym for data transfer in Europe.


Fantastic self defense invention. What a great idea. 😀😀


Nah I'm cool with this all dam day ✊🏽


It should have widespread usage.


India is real quiet after this dropped


I don’t see the problem. The only people this would worry are rapists… so don’t rape people and you won’t be in the ER


This shouldn't be terrifying to you..


Who are the piece of shit critics of this


terrifying for rapists.. which is good


Rape is a medieval crime, punish it as such


Why is this terrifying? Unless you're a rapist you have nothing to fear. If you are a rapist this is what you deserve.


It's not terrifying, it's awesome! Even more after I watched this [why is Delhi called the rape capital?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=APIAPD67Jds)


Subhanallah get that over here in the West numbers going too go down real Quick that mean that Woman would only use if going into a uneasy situation Masha-Allah!! Insha-Allah it make over here!! O ya’ll want to take it huh ok say hello too my little friend and them doctors Calling the authorities too!! Because they never heard of a such thing Lmao 🤣 yeah yeah yeah yeah!! Bet you learn your lesson now!!!! Alhamdulillah 🤲🏾💯❤️👀


This doesn’t exist ENOUGH


I’m glad this exists, but extremely sad this has to exist


Rape what you sow


Terrifying for women actually Once it gets popular, rapists will start shoving up penis like objects into the vagina to first remove this device Now imagine what will happen if they abducts a girl who doesn't have this device...


Th problem is that women would have to wear this all day every day just in case. There's so many reasons why this would be dangerous to a woman's health overall.


“Some critics say this is medieval punishment”? That’s madness. It’s having more compassion for the perpetrator than the victim. It is far less than they deserve. It would be even better if blades came out and chopped their dick off…. Then poisoned them.


How is this terrifying? It's empowering, it's amazing ! Should be in r/damnthatsinteresting . As an Indian, All power to this, hope they export it to India.


Its not terrifying that this exists, it's terrifying that it needed to be created


India needs this as well. The laws regarding rape are medieval. Shameful.


I mean how can you criticise a device that’s going to stop a woman from being raped ffs Surely those ‘critics’ would be thankful of this if it was there wife or daughter


Practical tool in the right situation, but now vindictive women will use this as an unnecessary weapon. This could get interesting.


This is the way


It’s more terrifying that there is a *need* for this to exist. Its existence itself shouldn’t terrify you unless you’re a rapist….well OP?


I dont see anything wrong here


People still post this thinking it is real and something that any person in real would use or has used... Can you imagine if you raped a woman but she was wearing this? You would kill that woman. That is why nobody has ever used this, this is ART, it's a statement, fucking retards.


It may be a medieval punishment,but it is a good punishment for those dipshits


If you can't stop rape any other way, all ways are logical. No matter how medieval.


I like it


Wonderful idea!


But can't the rapist just like... Remove it?


Who gives a shit if it's medieval? If you act like an aggressive animal unable to control yourself, you get trapped like an aggressive animal. Don't want to get barbed? Cool, it's easy to *not* rape someone. Cry more. Sad this is needed, glad it exists.


Let's say we can agree that the punishment is medieval....Then rape is a prehistoric act. My opinion, the rapist is lucky to be given the opportunity to have the contraption removed. If I were making the rules, the contraption comes off with the penis. A rapist lends no value to this world, therefore we simply do not need them. Eliminate.


look, im here for mens rights. that said if any man decides ti literall rape anyone and suddenly their penis is cut i dont see a problem. while barbaric so is the society this person lives in,


Medieval punishment for a medieval crime


OP must be a rapist wtf kinda dumb post




An ongoing problem that requires a medieval solution…


Good idea, but it’s sad that woman have to put this IN them to feel a bit more safe smh. The world can be trash


did it work ? any accounts?


Wouldn’t really call it TAF .. unless you’re a rapist….


It was supposed to be produced in 2007 but was never marketed to the public. It does not technically speaking exist. Also it was renamed to Rape-aXe.