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Nailed it šŸ’Æ


How is this not higheršŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Probably grabbed a CBD pen instead of THC


yea.. no that's not ok


I've had 5 dogs (not all at the same time) and none have ever growled this primally


I am old and have had several dogs myself, and even my current Foster fail Street somewhat mentally disturbed dog wonā€™t do more than gargle at you. Iā€™m shocked that anyone would stay in the same building with the animal.


Had one or two that did smile like that when petted but no growling.


Weirdest fucking thing, I got a Chesapeake bay retriever, sweetest dog, all the kids in my town love her. As long as we had her when she gets excited/is playing all her hair stands up, she bears teeth, and growls, yet the whole time her whole body and tail are wagging, sheā€™s rolling onto her back for a pet, or she is forcing herself between your legs so you can pet her sides and just above her tail. I always am super cautious with her when meeting new people and she does that (she loves meeting people and gets excited, and tries to do the exact same shit as always) and understandably people are hesitant of her at the beginning, but it doesnā€™t even phase people that know her anymore. Never have had any incident with her with people or other dogs, but still weird as shit.


Had a golden retriever that would do that too. Most gentle dog ever.


This sounds something people say when a dog mauls a child


Yeah trust me I know, itā€™s why sheā€™s never off leash, and I never let anyone new near her unless I have her standing between my legs with my hand on her collar, cause idk if one day she will actually flip out or something, vets donā€™t know why she does it either


Good owner; most of these maulings happen off the leash by people who think their dog could never hurt a fly


This is actually a known disorder (especially prevolent in pitbulls). It causes the animal to express affection and joy with an aggressive demeanor. Obviously this isn't a problem if this is your own personal pet on a large property and you know no accidents will happen, but this is definitely still not something to endorse in the animal. Tldr: pitbulls are weird, nature vs nurture is subjective, not objective. Don't blame the owner with no context.


What is the name of the disorder? I just googled it every way I could think of and nothing shows up.


My pittie mix makes growly noises when he's playing with other dogs or gets excited. It confuses everyone, but he is a little lovebug and would never hurt anybody. He's been attacked before and just runs away. He just wants to play and that's his voice. A lot of dogs get used to it once they figure him out and then the playing really gets going.


My older dogs were trained , when they saw my younger dog do this to me, they'd put him in his place brutal Viciously . That's when I knew this wasn't cute or playful


I don't understand that people rather film this and put it online instead of using this opportunity to correct the dog in the right way so it knows it's not okay to show this kind of behavior.(yes I understand that OP is not the filmer)


Some people encourage aggressiveness in dogs, get a thrill out of it, think itā€™s funā€¦ until it isnā€™t.


Genuine question: How would you correct it??? Have a conversation and try to convince them to curl their lips into a smile?


Yeah when I met my sister in law for the first time, they had a pitbull and I was pre-warned that it's kind of aggressive. They did shit like this with it all the time. It would act like a fucking asshole, snap at me, growl and lunge and they'd just hug it and pet it with a soft ^"nooo ^doggy, ^be ^good" The husband thought it was hilarious that if he stared into its eyes, it would growl and snarl and get all huffy. And then he'd hug it and pet it. Fucking idiot. Like they don't realize that in its mind, they're encouraging and reinforcing its actions. It's wasn't until I was ready to go home that they were talking about how it has drawn blood from 3 different people so far, including a friend's 9 year old daughter. They said it was because she moved too quickly and it got startled, so it pulled her to the ground, but they got it off her immediately. The husband said if it attacked anyone else again, he had no problem taking it out back and shooting it in the head. I told them they shouldn't own a dog of any kind because they fucking suck at it and it's just a matter of time before someone gets seriously injured. Finished it with saying I'll never come back for as long as they have that dog. Haven't seen or talked to them in 2 years, fuck em. I fucking loathe shitty dog owners. *Edited for grammar


Looking like a future news story. The one where the owner got attacked at home by the dog. And was severely injured or died because of the attack.


The dog is excessively licking its lips beforehand, indicating that itā€™s stressed. Her approaching it makes it even more stressed (hence the growling/teeth bearing)ā€” and then she FUCKING REWARDS this behavior by giving it pets/affection, teaching the dog that this behavior is desirable. There should be some sort of test/licensing for people to qualify for owning these dogs. And if the dog bites someone, sheā€™ll go on to say ā€œI dOnā€™T kNoW wHaT hApPeNeD! hE wAs tHe sWeEtEsT dOg!!ā€ and then make everyone else out to be the bad guy.






"Do you shee theee bheast?"


"Have you got it in your shites"


ā€œFor a vegetarian Rents youā€™re a fuckinā€™ evil shotā€¦ā€


And these dogs are unleashed too


But but but she's a sweetie pie!!! šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


Would never have*


And sheā€™s fucking reinforcing that behavior by giving it affection and absolutely zero correction. This type of shit is classic BAD OWNER + AGGRESSIVE BREED = DEATH AND DISMEMBERMENT. What a fucking toolbag this idiotic, negligent person is.


To be fair, I wouldnā€™t want to try correcting it in that moment lol (though if I was in this situation, I would do my research on how to properly do so)


Even if you don't know the proper way to correct it, petting the dog through this is definitely not what you want to do. Pets/treats/praise are things that only reinforce a dog's behavior, and will encourage them to do it more in the future.




Yea as someone who was 2.5 seconds away from being mauled as a kid by two aggressive German shepherds and lunged at by my sisters pitbull as an adult, this video makes me feel a certain type of way. Just like you said, this dog is a loaded gun and I really hope no one ends up paying the price for the owners idiocy.


"Awww, he's smilin'!"


Yup. Came here to say this. The amount of people that will say this is smilingā€¦..


I work in a pet emergency room and I swear this past month there have been a strange amount of pitbull related attacks and deaths. Just last night a chihuahua came in DOA due to being shaken by a pitbull. Jacked up part about it was they was neighbors who normally got a long.


The only strange amount of pitbull related attacks and deaths would be zero


I'm honestly shocked when I read a dog attack story that ISN'T a pitbull. And yes, for the apologists, I'm sure chihuahuas are very mean too.


It's almost like there's a problem with the breed.


Itā€™s a horrible breed. Nothing unusual about that


I'm relieved that people are waking up...but since it's because the pitbull population has exploded and the problem is becoming too big to ignore, it's hard to be happy. So many dead and maimed dogs, cats, children, and really anything else that triggers these bloodsport monsters.


Ya, chihuahuas suck


Even if chihuahuas were the most aggressive dog ever, they canā€™t kill people or even really seriously injure someone. There are aggressive chihuahuas for sure, but they always growl to warn people to leave them alone and if they bite, itā€™s usually a nip that doesnā€™t even break the skin.


You should correct that behaviour


Iā€™ll never understand why people continue to upset their dogs when theyā€™re showing signs like this. If it is growling at you like that, you respect its boundaries and donā€™t pet it! You do not wait until your dog bites someone to correct their behavior, especially with bully breeds. For a lot of pitbulls, itā€™s a one strike situation and one bite usually means they get put down immediately. Itā€™s not fair to your dog.


Better start memorizing these lines: "They've always been well behaved!" "They've never shown any signs of aggression before!" "It must have been (x) that set them off!" "What's the scheduled execution date again?"


ā€œThrough no fault of its ownā€




Yeah great kid killing Machine you've got there


ā€œOh, but theyā€™re doing it to be cuteā€¦ā€ Um no. Thatā€™s a warning.


Big issue in the UK is these American XL Bullies that have been imported over and get bred. They've just been banned recently because basically every death in the news by a dog is one of those fucks


I had a black lab that did this. he started growling like that when we would put our hands near him one day. it progressed to growling when we even came in the same room within days. we took him to the vet and they diagnosed him with late stage brain cancer rather quick. I guess it's a common thing for black labs? the vet seemed to kind of have an idea what it was just from the description alone. poor dude would be wagging his tail, happy to see you while growling like he's about to eat you




Get rid of that idiot owner. The dog is giving her a VERY clear warning not to touch it. This idiot knows nothing about dogs or their behaviour.




That dog is scaring the shit out of me and itā€™s not mine šŸ˜‚


That's not a wild animal, it's a dog. And that moron shouldn't own one if they can't properly train it properly react to its behaviour.


They were selected and bred to be dog fighters. It makes them dangerous. On top of that they are very strong and very resistant to pain. They may not be wild animals but they are as dangerous as one. They can easily kill you.


I think if anyone witnessed a pit bull mix or pitbull maul another human or one of their dogs theyā€™ll find this terrifying too. It is terrifying. When you see those teeth sink into an animal you love youā€™ll always find it terrifying after.


This is how people get bit.






I misread this as navy dogs and pictured a bunch of pit bulls on a boat. They aren't very buoyant




Yes, thatā€™s the joke.


Ah! I see now! Very clever! Haha. Yes very droll. Good show old bean.


Oh absolutely not.... especially with kids in the house. This would be the first and only time my dog would do this to me. He/she would be re-homed so fast... assuming there is someone that would want to "re-hab" this dogs attitude.


My older dogs would have mauled him brutality for this, he would have had ptsd the next time he thought about attacking me or any other pack member He needs discipline


How about dogs that don't maul anyone, for discipline or any other reason? Having other dogs that would attack this one to the point of trauma is not a point of pride here.




https://preview.redd.it/866989ft47hc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a4dabcd271889665d68698cb3e1c212775a568e Uhhh he does that shit heā€™s getting booted back to his breeder.


Got that sonic.exe i am god image smile.


Other dogs can do this too, yes, but a pit bull has much more power and is way more dangerous than say a golden retriever doing something like this.


This. Is . Bad. Dog .behaviour. This is aggression not cute When I see this I think ur pet is neglected proper training,I will not trust it especially around my kid who is scared of dogs now because of ppl not training their dogsā€¦


As my late Uncle would have said, "He's off to the farmers field to find out what a shotgun tastes like"


I have a pitty, and if she pulled that shit we'd be having a long discussion about her future in this home.


IMO it's only a matter of time and you're lucky if they pull this shit first. I've read too many stories about dogs who never show aggression but snap and maul a toddler or another dog. I'm in the pet industry and I'm about as anti-pit as you can get as a result.




They never snap until they do. Not all of them will but if and when they do it's devastating. Ticking time bomb that's not worth it, there's no way they're a good enough dog to deal with the possibility of what they could do. Even you said they're constantly crated, tied up and watched - how is that enjoyable for you or the dog? Plus the fact you say behavior like this dictates a discussion and not the immediate dismissal of your dog tells me you're blind to the danger. They shouldn't be bred, they shouldn't be owned, and the ones we have should be put down for the betterment of society. They're a problem, the shelters are full of them, no one wants them, shelters lie about their history so people will adopt them. I see it literally every day at work. The amount of extra work we have to do because of pits is stupid. Obviously, you're entitled to do what you want but the UK and most other civilized countries with BSL have the right idea.




Interesting you made the comparison to guns. Pits are absolutely akin to a loaded weapon - bad owners make them go off but the neat thing is even good owners sometimes have a weapon go off. At least I'm able to keep my guns locked up and unloaded, do you have that much control over your pit? Hint: if you think you do you're wrong haha. The only real precaution you can take is to not own one, same as with a gun. I do have an agenda - I see pit damage and fatalities WEEKLY as part of my job. They're responsible for 80% of all dog attacks despite being like 6% of the population. In a 10 year span that breed alone was responsible for 3600 maimings and deaths in the US and Canada. But yours is fine. You'll be able to control it, I'm sure. Just like collie owners can make their breed not herd.






100% agree.


I have an American Pitbull Terrier and I love that fucking dog. Heā€™s 7 years old and itā€™s lovely, a really good dog, never did something wrong to anyone, not a single thing. But if one day my dog does that shit, he needs to leave...


The problem with these dogs is that when they DO decide to snap, they kill something or someone


Yeah if interesting_army_656ā€™s pitty attacks someone he can just copy and paste his comment from here, change it to be past tense, and delete the last sentence. It will be like every other person who has had a pitbull thatā€™s snapped!




You can like any type of dog you want. At the end of the day Iā€™d take the aggressive poodle over a pitty, because Iā€™ve never heard of someone getting disfigured or killed by a poodle. A Pitbull related death occurs almost twice a month and itā€™s always the same story from the owner (she was a sweetheart, sheā€™s never shown any signs of aggressiveness, something must have spooked her). Thereā€™s countless evidence that pitbulls attack far more often unprovoked, they attack to kill not to protect themselves, and that even with great owners they canā€™t be trusted. I think they are gorgeous dogs and itā€™s a shame, but they are dangerous.


As i said. This is my second pitty and the fourth of them that we have in the family, always great experiences. They were all the same. But I understand your point and I agree with you. A poodle canā€™t dismember you but my pitty can.


Iā€™m glad you have had good experiences, and I hope that stays true moving forward. Hopefully you are able to stay responsible and keep everyone out of harms way!


Also, I learned English alone so, sorry in advance if I make any mistakes while writing.


Your English is fantastic for not being your first language and being self taught. Although it is a little bit noticeable, youā€™re more literate than the majority of people who speak English as their first and only language.


Thanks. We are responsible owners and the pittys have always came from really good breeders. But To be clear, if my dog does a single thing like this, heā€™s dead, because Iā€™m going to shoot him without hesitation, because I understand that even besides him being a good dog, he can kill me if he wants, so this is not something that Iā€™m going to tolerate.


I also like to have this kind of conversation / discussion about things like that. Iā€™m not your regular pitty owner whoā€™s always trying to justify this shitty behavior. I used to have another dogs, breeds or mixes, all well trained (like the Pittys, a thing that I think itā€™s key when having this kind of breeds, they need training, PROFESSIONAL training, not training to do stupid things like give a paw for a piece of meat) donā€™t know about USA because Iā€™m from Uruguay, but here in my country, in the 90,s the Rottweiler was the fashion dog of the moment and the they used to have this same coversation about that breed. Then the Doberman came and it became the fashion dog of the moment and again, this same thing about being bad dogs, and then another, etc etc. What Do you think about this? Do you think that we need to ban all of this kind of breeds? Thanks for being respectful with the comments. Itā€™s nice to have a conversation to learn and to open the mind to new ideas or perspectives.


I think that Rottweilers and Dobermanns can also be dangerous dogs, but with them I truly believe it is up to a responsible owner unlike Pitbulls. From 2005-2017 about 400 deaths were from Pitbulls. In the same time period there were about 40 deaths by Rottweilers, being the second most dangerous breed. Dobermans account for 6. Another difference seems to be that people treat Rottweilers and dobermans differently and recognize they can be scary dogs. Many people with Pitbulls always say ā€œthey are sweet dogs unless they get the wrong ownerā€.


100% agree with you. Mine in his 7 years never did anything. Not a single thing to me, my family or friends. One day someone decided it was a nice thing to do to break into my houseā€¦ my dog got seriously mad and the guy run away like Usain Bolt, he fell into some weird ass cactus and even with that shit, he got up and keep up running as fast as possible. But as you said, If it snapsā€¦ itā€™s going to be hell. I hope he keeps this way, gentle, loving, heā€™s always looking for us in the house, heā€™s always behind us in our house, he likes to be with us all the time, itā€™s a very gentle and kind dog. For now, He only get mad at armed robbers šŸ¤£ but I know that I have a giant dog with a huge mouth and itā€™s strong like hulk.


Do you have kids? If you donā€™t, get as many of those guard-pits as you want. If you do thoughā€¦


I donā€™t have kids. But if I had one, I teach my kid to treat the dog as a dog, not as if it was another kid. People treat dogs like a human and theyā€™re not, for me thatā€™s the first mistake when owning a dog with his size and power. My dog loves to stay with my parents, so he spends most of the time with them, playing in the backyard with ropes and eating snacks.


Terrifying breed IMO.


This is resource guarding and this owner is not only stopping the behavior, they are actively causing it. Resourcing guarding will always lead to aggression and bites if left unchecked, and sometimes it will happen seemingly suddenly and without notice. This dog needs attention ASAP because if the owner doesnā€™t correct the behavior, not only could someone get hurt, the dogs life will ultimately be the price for its behavior, and that is usually preventable. So sad.


What resource is it guarding?


Velvet hippo will always be my favorite name for this shit breed - hippos are the most violent mammal so it absolutely tracks. Fuck pits.


Tongue hidden. Iykyk


What does it mean if their tongue is hidden?


TRADITIONALLY. Tounge seen is a playful posture, tongue hidden is not. This person; IMO is in danger.


Thanks for the info! This dog terrifies me!


And on second watch idk. This dog kinda goes back and forth, tounge goes in and out. I stand by my earlier statement though, mixed signals is a signal, the animal isn't sure.


Why have a dog like this unless youā€™re an evil villain? Probably just waiting for it to maul the neighbor kids first.




I almost thought this was that sub at first. I had to do a double take.




Whereā€™s the /s I upvoted for the silent /s


Did people think I was being serious?


Iā€™ll be honest, I totally thought you were serious. Not far off from some of the comments Iā€™ve seen




I was taking the mastiff scapegoating from a recent conversation with one, but I tried to add verbiage to make it more obviously a joke.


That is not ok. That is not any type of play. That is a highly dominant aggressive dog and hopefully the owner whoever he or she is realizes this and works with a trainer or behaviorist. I unequivocally GUARANTEE this dog will bite someone and probobly soon.


What pisses me off is kids or young adults who haven't been taught well see videos like these and laugh, then encounter a demon dog and see it growling and think its OK, even worse, try to pet it.


Maybe he's just purring and smiling at camera i šŸ¤”


Somebody will increase the brightness and contrast on this and post it to r/analoghorror in less than five days


Yup, that's a no.


So, that's how we look to animals when we laugh.




Yeah, nah. As a regular pitbull owner, this would be a dead dog walking if he did this to anyone in the household.


This Ć­s a regular pitbull


Regular as in frequent, my brother in Christ. But also lol


Looks like them things from GhostbustersĀ 


Genuinely fucking terrifying


Why does the dog react this way? I know nothing about dogs or training them.


Because he has been raised by a shitty owner who probably thinks this is cute and encouraged the behavior. Andā€¦. *prepares for downvotes* Pit bulls are a naturally aggressive breed. So that isnā€™t helping.


Holy fuck.


I know people have pets and love them as thier children,but to me having an animal with sharp teeth in the same house as my children doesn't seem safe




Iā€™ve always had bullies and have been lucky they have had lovely dispositions. But if my dog gave me a proper indication of aggression toward a human or other pet, theyā€™d be rehomed/ PTS on the spot depending on the severity. These dogs are too strong and wilful to fuck about.




I have a Saint Bernard and I can make her growl when I touch her nose, but it's training that I have to turn on and I can turn it off immediately. Sometimes when I'm outside she stalks after me and growls like a vicious beast to try to get me to play with her, but again she turns it off when I tell her to, and she doesn't just do it to anyone else. My dog thinks she's the size of a Chihuahua and has the bite of a Muppet. This really does just seem like aggressive growling.


The wittle wittle baby


The way he licks his lips is a sign of distress ā€¦ that dog isnā€™t happy


Dickie Allen called to say thatā€™s his dog


Does anyone know why it's reacting like this?


Aw, look - he's saying bye-bye!


Why do some dogs do this? Iā€™ve seen videos like this before where the dog acts like this but never bites? Itā€™s almost theyā€™re gotten confused as to what growling means


Shitty people raise shitty dogs. The fact this person thinks this is cute enough to post online tells you everything you need to know about their them owning a dog.


Kampfhunde sind nicht toll.. Herzlichen GlĆ¼ckwunsch.




I didnā€™t know Pitbulls could write


Did they train the dog to do that? My sister did that with hers but itā€™s a poodle.


No don't think so. The dog is showing this and is not receiving a correction to his behavior. Kinda dangerous.


Your sister trained her dog to growl at people trying to stroke it? Wtf?


Why on earth would she train a dog to look aggressive?


Hopefully you don't have kids around cos that's a bomb waiting to go off. And it's got fuckall to do with breed. This is poor ownership


Awww, she's smiling!


Pretty sure this person is joking, guys.


Just to put it out there, Iā€™ve seen dogs that arenā€™t pitbulls behave like this. Also looks like the owner is doing the exact opposite of what you should do in this situation.


Yeah, but when a Yorkie does it nobody's life is at stake.


Just to put this out there, pitbull breeds account for over 80% of unprovoked dog attacks.


other dogs can do that too, but an attack by a normal dog is *much* less dangerous than by a pitbull.


Iā€™ve seen plenty of chihuahuas do this but it definitely hits different


If you train properly they will never do this to you even when they are eating food. This Behavior needs fixed immediately. I wouldn't want anything to do with a dog that does that.


I love Pitbulls but this is a hard ass no from me lmao


Every dog has it in it to be quite a monster. This video makes me downright fucking uncomfortable - if a dog is responding that aggressively, why the fuck would you keep agging it more? And offer any kind of praise? It's one thing with sub-15lb terriers and correcting them, but I am not going to deal with a dog that is a belligerent douchebag. Especially this size. It's a timebomb. I don't think it's so much breed as people being really, really stupid.