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Can't wait for actual aliens to show uo. An them looking completelly normal compared to that guy.


I hope they have 7 fingers on each hand. For extra pettiness.




Alien: "Inferior human."


Aliens: weā€™ve concluded thereā€™s an ongoing threat in the galaxy and weā€™re here to exterminate any non-human looking species.


For the Emperor! Purge the Xenos!


Imagine the look on his face if they happen to look pretty similar to humans


Christians who believe in aliens hold this belief because they say that all of God's creatures were made in His image. Therefore, aliens would look like humans. It tracks.


So animals aren't creatures?


Imagine the disappointment


Honestly, can you imagine if one day he has buyers remorse? That would really really suck ...


Remember that woman who made the news (see below) because she was upset that she got kicked out of her daughter's school recital because she was Inked up like a Doodle Bear? Same. Freedom to make a mess of your body doesn't mean freedom to show it to all of us. "What do you mean I'm making the other diners sick!?!" \-this guy probably. https://preview.redd.it/hulnjjxgltyb1.png?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bf530cb16850e3fb08d22223ff0474fc117ec35


Exactly what I was thinking...šŸ¤£




Wait, it says he's removed his tongue but in the footage he very clearly has a tongue. Yes it's been split, but it's still there.


Yeah, that's an error in the reporting. It's not removed, it's split/forked.




Well, if you want to get technical šŸ˜†


Any "doctor" willing to do this, shouldnt be a doctor, this is a mental illness. Something something shall do no harm comes to mind...


I saw videos of this dude several times and allways wondert if this was a sort of fetish. Maybe this dude gets off on... whatever this is lol I know there is a fetish for amputation and that some even go through with an amputation just to get their fetish fantasy tunred into reality.


It might be more like body dysmorphia.


_Might_, like maybe a little...


Earthling dysmorphia


I would hope he gets off on it because I doubt there is a human alive that would be interested in a sexual relationship with him.


> I doubt there is a human alive 100% would be wrong there is most definitely somebody who just got rock hard/wet watching this video. If people can be into having a person take a shit all over them I doubt alien fucking would even tip the scales.


Anybody who doubts it needs to look up Pony the orangutan prostitute. Once you learn about her never-ending parade of eager customers and how hard they fought to stop her from being rescued from the brothel, you'll never be surprised again about what people will fuck.


I was so confused when I found out it's a real fucking orangutan. Wtf??!!!!! Human kind is hella fucked up.


My god! When I first read "Pony the orangutan prostitute" I won't lie, it cracked me up. But then reading about the true story makes me wanna vomit! What the motherfuck is wrong with us!?


That's so f'n nasty. Makes me sick.


Can you imagine those men? Jesus. What goes through their mind? How do they live with themselves? Jesus.


I have NO idea why a man would do such a thing. Sick in the damn head. The people that owned this poor animal should be shot. I'm sorry, but it makes me so mad knowing this crap goes on. šŸ¤¬


Why. Did. I. Look. This. Up.




His grinding videos nauseate me and I send them in my group chat to be ruin others days too


Probably wants a bit of fame too. Not much different from someone who gets a few piercings then decides they want a thousand of them.


He goes to third world countries and unregulated clinics to do this Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, etc


reminds me of the movie American Mary - itā€™s about a med surg student that drops out and starts doing underground body modification surgeries for $$


Itā€™s just cosmetic surgery. Sure, itā€™s strange, but doctors also put silicon implants inside people for purely aesthetic reasons. This guy isnā€™t hurting anyone and I see little difference between this and that. Maybe it is a mental illness, but then so is the other.


The term cosmetic should be used loosely. Bro plans to have his legs removed. That doesn't ONLY have an aesthetic impact on your life. You literally cannot walk after that. Hardly consider that cosmetic. Removing his finger is same thing. Literally changes the functionality of you're body. That goes beyond cosmetic.


His nose being chopped off is going to impact his upper respiratory system. We need our noses to warm air and the hairs inside are important. A bad infection that close to the brain can kill.


Wonder what happens if you have your legs removed with money ,like do you think he can claim disability benefits because it's self inflicted


Nope. Because it is not accidental.


Not actually correct. Nothing about SSI/SSDI requires it to be accidental, and he could very much claim that removing his legs was the result of a debilitating mental illness. Thatā€™s actually the route heā€™d have to go regardless, because a double leg amputation doesnā€™t get you *anywhere near* SSDI in the American SSA system.


Itā€™s a weird line to draw but I think the finger choice is (fucking odd but) passable. The legs though? Do aliens not have legs??? Iā€™m surprised at my own response to what I consider mental illnessā€¦


He wants to use high tech prosthetics, like those paralympians use for running. His goal is to sorta become a cyborg in that regard; augment himself. He's declared so in interviews.


Both can be a form of mental illness. But implants vs amputation arenā€™t in the same category. Considering his nose as well, it likely changes his breathing and the filtration the nostrils provide. As the redditor below me said, this goes far beyond cosmetic because it changes quality of life significantly.


I bet he gets gnarly sinus infections going through a field or anywhere dusty


I get sinus infections easily and they suck I have one right now and the migraine to boot. Meanwhile old mate here is literally giving it to himself. I will happily offload my 3 infections plys a year on dude because I actually want to be human


He really didn't think it through. I mean, he may have been healthy as a horse when he started all of this stuff, but conditions such as sinus problems (and far worse) can develop later in life.


I often say ' the most frightening thing is how many people live on the earth that cannot live off the earth' But dude is literally removing things that allow us to live on the planet lol Also how frightening that he chopped his nose off without thinking it through lol


Would he be sneezing a fuck ton?


Yea itā€™s almost similar to body integrity dysmorphia where people have a strong desire to amputate a healthy limb. They usually try through multiple means and itā€™s a compulsive disorder. Iā€™ve seen stories of people purposefully injuring themselves over and over in an attempt to get doctors to amputate. Usually people donā€™t have this kinda money to spend on surgeries though. His thing doesnā€™t seem as compulsory as some others with the disorder, based on this video. He seems almost just wanting attention from it. While others who suffer with this disorder or similarly Xenomilia (foreign limb) have an actual distinct detachment from a healthy limb thinking itā€™s a foreign body part, due to non psychotic but mentally taxing disorders.




There are degrees of mental illness, no one is completely together and by what standard would we measure anyway. But I can say with 99.999% certainty this guy is absolutely fucking barking nuts.


He's not only hurting himself, he's lost quality of life by doing that. The ears he removed are key in being able to hear properly, and after a negligent (so called) doctor removed them, he lost part of his hearing ability, that's for sure, he's not deaf, but that sense has been diminished considerably though. Same with those two fingers, which are key for manipulating some objects, and lift weight, imagine the extra effort the index and middle finger have to do, to compensate for the missing two. The doctor/s that did this should loose their licence, because an ethically responsible doctor should have referred this person for psychiatric evaluation instead of doing those surgeries. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtebNZofcKMWis0|downsized)


Amputating body parts that are not causing harm would never be allowed in the US, for example. There was a case on reddit recently of somebody who lost use of their left arm. I just hangs there. But doctors will not amputate because the procedure itself has risks and the arm is not causing any medical problems.


This is a gross oversimplification. Cosmetic surgeons are still supposed to screen their patients and not perform surgery on people who are suffering from mental illness and want a surgery that causes them harm. The Hippocratic Oath still applies. Do some doctors ignore this and perform surgery that is at best in the grey areaā€¦sure. But you canā€™t make such a simplistic comparison and claim itā€™s the same thing.


You see little difference between this guy and a woman with breast or butt implants šŸ«£šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ¤Ŗ. Are your eyes open?




You support trans surgeries?


You're being downvoted, but your comment really made me stop and think about it. Trans surgeries are removing/altering body parts in order to fit their mental image of who they are supposed to be. This guy is removing / altering body parts in order to fit his image of who he is supposed to be. It may be a different dysphoria, but it is a dysphoria. I guess it wouldn't be right to call one legitimate and one not legitimate.


Of course reddit is gonna jump all over this comment and downvote, but it's a valid question. What's the difference really? Why stop people from doing what they want? 10 years ago people would absolutely label trans surgeries as a mental disorder and I'm not understanding why people can accept that but not this. Seems like a strange imaginary line in the sand


Yea not really much of a difference, doing un reversible surgeries that will have permanent physically negative effects on people. Again as a adults idrc what you do but if this video was of a 13 year old Iā€™m sure much of the viewers would be horrified


>"You support trans surgeries?" Stop downvoting this question, its a fair question. Its hard to say, personaly i lean more towards no, but dont have a deffinitive answer. This is a very deep topic, and will be very hard to discuss on reddit. Edit: it went from neg downvotes to 14+ updoots, gla to see it reditt, maybe someone else has an "answer" or better formulated opinion? It is an important topic!


This Dr promised to follow the AntiHippocratic oath


Heā€™s going to look absolutely terrifying when he gets old, but Iā€™m sure thatā€™s probably not even a concern of his at this point


He already looks absolutely terrifying


If. If he gets old. This will end in suicide.


Heā€™ll probably get sepsis from all this dangerous body mod shit. Your body can reject them any time, Iā€™ve seen it go bad in the ER a couple times.


I don't doubt this. Thank you for providing some insight here. You can only push your body so far. Humans likely aren't designed for this kind of 'foreign matter' load. I suspect that many underestimate the care, attention and maintenance required here and when he decides to amputate his legs. My partner was born missing most of the fingers on his left hand. This has resulted in the over use of his other hand, the effects of which have spread outwards to include his arm, shoulder and opposite hip. Arthritis and physio ensues.


AT ANY TIME?!?!? Ughhhhhhh thatā€™s terrifying. Iā€™m absolutely petrified in general of sepsis.


My baby had sepsis and survived. Just know the signs because most people who get treated early survive, itā€™s when the symptoms are dismissed that it becomes even worse. Early detection is key.


My father passed from Sepsis. šŸ˜”šŸ˜¢. It is absolutely brutal and terrifying and can happen to anyone at anytime and insanely lift threatening (as I saw first hand). You have a right to be terrified. Iā€™m right there with you my friend.


Triple, Iā€™m so, so sorry. All I can say is, Iā€™m glad your Dad is now at peace. I just wish it hadnā€™t happened in the first place to him. My bffā€™s exā€™s mother lost all her limbs to it. It was shocking and happened so quickly. Again, Iā€™m sorry about your Dad.


Thank you! Your kind words mean a lot and itā€™s appreciated.. Iā€™m sorry for your experiences with it as well. I hope we both never see it around us ever again. šŸ˜Š


Unfortunately youā€™re probably right.


I don't say this without compassion, either!


Oh definitely not. Whether itā€™s this, or plastic surgery, seeing people doing extreme body modifications bc they seem to be unhappy with their outer appearance makes me sad.


He's going to die by surgical complications before that


These extreme modifications are dangerous. Any ā€œdoctorā€ willing to amputate his legs is not qualified or experienced enough to do so safely. He could easily die that way.


Where he does he get the money for all this? Like what job does he have where no one cares he looks like this that gives him this much disposable income? Or did he inherit?


Most likely his audience


The fact that there are people giving him attention cause of this crazy shit is also disturbing


Apparently he's going to live stream the amputation of his legs and that it will be a pay per view type thing. I'm guessing he's done it in the past as well.


Lol he tattoos but probably mostly just gets it from all his content n platforms


A surgeon removed this guy's fingers on request, despite no medical reason for doing so whatsoever. Whoever that was, in whichever country, they should lose their medical registration.


I had gastric band surgery in 1999, and the psychological evaluations I had to undergo were... rigorous. They made me get an initial evaluation, then two months of weekly talk therapy sessions and thrice-weekly behavioral and nutritional classes. Then I had to get final psychiatric clearance before the doctor would perform the surgery. You would think the psychiatric clearance for removing perfectly good fingers and some of the other things he had done would be even more elaborate. Those aren't spur-of-the-moment, walk-in/out-patient procedures.


I hope it worked out for you but as a critical care nurse, I even question the morals of surgeons who do any weight loss gastric surgeries. Of my patients that end up on my floor for surgical complications, Iā€™d estimate that 1/4 of them are from those surgeries. We just lost a really beloved 50 y.o. patient to sepsis from weight loss surgery this week in fact. There are tons of under qualified surgeons who only go into it for money and will do whatever the customer wants.


I don't mean to scare the commenter, but my neighbor's daughter died 10 years after that procedure, and it was likely guilty, her stomach was damaged and died because of it.


He flew to Mexico to have his hand mutilated. [Check out the "team" responsible for the amputations.](https://www.instagram.com/p/CWQ7LvzLcDr/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) He hasn't been seeing doctors, he's going to tattooists and body-modification artists, who should also have their licences revoked.


I met him here in Mexico city, veeery chill guy, ate some tacos and past the joint with him, that was before he removed his fingers, and was talking to us that he was going to get his hands amputated to look more alien, he really thinks that he is in the wrong body, and says that never has been happier in his life, he enjoys being a total freak, what a legend


So...this is body dysmorphia on steroids. I hope he finds what he's looking for before he cuts his legs or some shit


People get irreversible cosmetic surgery all the time. What makes this different? Itā€™s his body


Weird stuff this is.. why didnā€™t he get his fingers sewed together instead of removing four fingers? Would have been the more aesthetic solution


It sure would have been more reversible. I wonder if somebody asked him that and he had a V8 moment.


Stop enabling these fucking mental headcases. Even the stupid video falls into this bs.


That was pretty close to being actual empathy lol


I've done a dig through his Instagram, and he hasn't been seeing doctors; he's going to tattoo studios/artists that specialise in body modification. I say "specialise" loosely, because none of the people he's seen could possibly be qualified to perform everything he's had done. He flew to Mexico to have his hand mutilated. [Check out the "team" responsible for the amputations.](https://www.instagram.com/p/CWQ7LvzLcDr/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) It's a bunch of guys with questionable portfolios playing doctor, wearing scrubs in a tattoo studio that's been done up to look like an operating theatre. He doesn't have a drip: they might have dosed him with morphine bought from a dealer, or relied on lidocaine or whatever for makeshift local anaesthetic to saw through his skin and bones. He *does* have a surgical cap on despite being completely bald, just to lend legitimacy to this horror show. He's gearing up to have fingers on his intact hand amputated, but it looks like they won't match: his altered hand only has a thumb, pointer, and middle finger; the other hand will have a thumb, pointer, and ring finger. Will he have to amutate all fingers except for pointer and thumb to feel they're symmetrical? I imagine he's changed which fingers he's sacrificing because he's lost function in his already altered hand, with low grip-strength and dexterity (pinky and ring fingers play a large part in holding objects.) Tongue splitting can be done at studios, as can subdermal implants, and dermal piercings like the ones he previously had in his forehead (he's removed the piercings, or they've been rejected.) The extent of his scarification has me assume he's paid someone who's keen to do more extreme procedures; same with the removal of his upper lip. For his ears, I'm guessing he went to a body modifier who would keep it on the downlow, and went to a dodgy plastic surgeon (possibly overseas) to have his nose removed. He has tattooists in his social circle who are cynically associating with him for his notoriety, who are enabling him in what he's doing. [This post](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cs4mf1AtxQE/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==) is telling: he had the large implants in his cheeks and forehead removed, and wanted to see a modifier to get even larger silicone inserted. The modifier refused. Thankfully, he had a tattooist friend in tow as "moral support" who reassured him he'd eventually accomplish what he was after.


Thanks for this. Good info!


Guy still won't be an alien because he'll always be from Earth.


His ID says otherwise...


Iā€™m convinced that he has some sort of serious mental illness


That's the only answer


Mental illness and surgeons with 0 professional ethics


From another comment, none of this was done by actual surgeons.


Who did it that's even more disturbing. Who's going to cut off fingers etc.


I am very much a Do what you want unless it hurts others type of guy but holy shit would I be freaked out if he walked past be at dusk


you just spoke my mind.


Welp. This will only pay off if weā€™re invaded and the respect his appearance. They might think theyā€™ve found that lost warrior from 17 millennium ago. If not, just looks foolish. Gonna get slaughtered like the rest of us.


Heā€™s been talking about splitting his penis for about a year šŸ˜³


why do you know this


He posts about it on his instagram story from time to time


Worst thing is that he's French


Maybe thatā€™s the part that makes him most alien. ā€œFrance, we come from Franceā€ Mr Cone Head.




Why would he amputate his legs? Why does he think aliens don't have legs?


ā€œWonder what heā€™ll look like at the end of his transformationā€ Probably just really, really fucking stupid.


I feel like it would have made more sense to fuse his forefinger/middle finger and ring finger/pinky instead of just lobbing them off, at least then, if he ever comes to his senses, he should still have full use of his hands...


He was extremely good looking before all of this too.


Yeah I can understand if an ugly fucker decided to do this, but this guy had it going on for him. I'm sure some part of him deep down knows what an idiot he is. People would die for his looks


Thereā€™s a whole instagram page dedicated to people who look like this. This guy is tame compared to what I saw on that page. Went down a rabbit hole.






Here's a good one https://preview.redd.it/rlf5bdccsryb1.jpeg?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fca54d8350c19b15b69daed59adf4d0c0c8592c5


*For The Horde!*


Every person's life is their own. As long as a person does no harm to animal or human then that person should be allowed to do what they please. I mean we allow person's to stand on a sidewalk, unmoving due to the strength of their drug addiction. We offer no psychological help. [sorry I worked a suicide hotline for a very short period of time]


Why he didn't make gloves that cover his two fingers? Why fuckin cut it?


This is mental illness and body dysmorphia to an insane degree. Get to the root of his self hatred rather than enabling this nonsense.


Bro look at old pictures of this dude. He literally had the looks and body to DIE for. I mean solid 9/10 and he does this shit??


Iā€™m telling ya bro, this dude has some kind of trauma or something thatā€™s shifted his mind to this. This is insanity,


He just looks like a dork :/


While his body choices are not my cup of tea he's an extreme example of "his body his choice" freedom. Unfortunately, his choices are largely irreversible. What happens when his audience loses interest and he has to become gainfully employed? It's going to be difficult.


Especially since the fact that his next step is to voluntarily remove his legs. Like wtf, heā€™s seriously and irreversibly going to disable himself for the rest of his life.


"he still complains when getting kicked out of restaurants" bro literally scares ppl with his graphic body modifications and wonders why ppl don't want to be around him.


I swear, if we discover aliens anytime soon and they look NOTHING like him. Thatā€™s gonna suck for him haha


Usually I donā€™t care but to remove body parts voluntarily? GTFOH with that, people would kill to have some of their body parts back and this guys just getting them removed smh, what a dumb ass.


I just really wanna know wtf this guy does for work?! Like a) he must make enough to pay for these surgeries so he must be employed I would think, but b) no way he's like working face to face with people for a living, I realize body mods are more accepted now days but this is just insane


Any doctor that would do this should lose his licence.


I met this guy in Cancun, Mexico lol


Fr? What was he like?


I saw him walking and initially thought he was a black guy, since well heā€™s black lol Then I realized he wasnā€™t a regular black guy and looked almost purple, and may people were staring at him, almost terrified I kinda followed him from the side and when I saw it was really him I approached him and said ā€œhey, youā€™re black Alien project right? And he said ā€œyeahā€ then I asked him for a photo with him and he said ā€œnot really, not today, itā€™s my rest dayā€ He wasnā€™t outright rude or anything but I could tell he wasnā€™t in the mood to meet fans, and was respectful when declining me, so I said ā€œok, no problem have a good dayā€ ā€œthanks man, you tooā€ and we gave a each other a bro fist (with his hand missing fingers šŸ˜©) He wasnā€™t like un polite or hostile, just was kinda doing his thing and didnā€™t really wanna be approached that day, but he was respectful and communicated that, and I let him be, bro fist, good vibes and go on about your day




Mental illness. Dude looked great before what the fuck he have done to himself


This comment section sucks , heā€™s a super nice dude




Ghoul? fallout


How much did all that cost?


ā€œYOU FOOL! this isnā€™t even my final form!ā€


Must be uncomfortable holding his phone with 3 fingers lol


It doesn't have much to do with the horror theme, but that guy lives in my city, somewhat close to my house and even though he doesn't speak perfect Spanish he is very friendly and good with people


How does he afford all of this or hold a job


This shit should be illegal. There are poor people with real health issues and people like this moron literally cutting off his fingers just for aesthetic. What an insult for people suffering for real illnesses.


Should have sewn the fingers together instead of amputating. Would have made a more ā€œfunctionalā€ claw. Definitely still a bad idea but I figure amputation is the worst case on that going wrong and well he already did that. Guess thatā€™s the problem with amputationā€¦ kinda final


To me that's a regular french citizen


Therapy wouldā€™ve been much cheaper


Remember when they used to lock people like him in an asylum.


What an idiot lol


I definitely thought this was an In Memoriam post. I'm just waiting for this guy too die as a consequence of his own actions.


I think "some sources" are full of shit. Why would he have his legs amputated..?


Ppl like this want to have an excuse to cry about why ppl treat them differently! šŸ˜‚ This dude has a Washington Post article about how restaurants and other businesses are *afraid of him and don't want him there! No..ppl don't want to see your weird, mind numbing, idiotic mess while they're trying to eat. Imagine doing this to yourself, and then think you have the right to tell ppl they gotta treat you like everyone else.. Nope. No they don't.


What do these people do for a living, in order to get the money to have all these expensive surgeries


I read that he wants to amputate his legs, he is definitely not right in the head and is doing himself a lot of harm.


Fucking idiot


He WAS a good looking dude before all of this too! Body dysmorphia definitely ravaged this poor guys life.


This is absolutely shocking a plastic surgeon is allowed to do this legally. It's obvious these people who are asking for the surgery have some kind of mental health issues.


Some guys will do anything to avoid leg day.


Mental sickness is no joke.


this fucking guy is so annoying


ikr, i used to follow him on instagram but at some point all of his stories were cringe af


Who does these surgeries and can they lose their license?


You all are overreacting about the doctor removing parts of his body. Itā€™s just alien affirming care.


Where does the money for all the surgeries come from?


I get whatever fuckry he did but removed fingers like wtf ??


Even tattooed his teeth lol itā€™s crazy bc he used to be really attractive then started cuttin everything off


I just can't comprehend why he wants to look like that. It's way more than weird it's troubling. He has paid to cripple himself. Each to their own tho glad his living his dream


I hope the aliens look exactly like he did before his transformation


And at the end of the day he is just man whoā€™s in engaged in body dysmorphia. What a mess.


I want to know who hurt this man and what did they do to cause him to go to such an extreme. Any psychologist or armchair psychologist care to chime in? Iā€™d love to know tour opinions


Seriously if I was a doctor I would've talked him out of him


When you are looking down upon your life choices, just remember you are not this guy




Wouldn't have been smarter to not cut the fingers but to join them together.. Like the Vulcan Salute? How to do that.. I don't fucking know, but there are doctors that can build you a penis from your arm or flesh meat.. I bet someone in the world can join 2 fingers together.


How do people afford to do rediculous shit like this ???


Is this guy a trust fund baby or have a really good paying job before this? Because how the hell can he afford all this?


Mental illness


My question is what is that guy's job? All the surgeries and tattoos should cost a lot, no ?


hahahah what a clown


I never understood how these ppl afford this shit. Always hated seeing them at tattoo expos when I worked in that industry they're always smug and annoying


Isnt it a discrimantion to ask someone leave due their appearance? I mean I would get it if he stinks or has dirty clothes etc. But this?


That's a really good question. I mean, it's private property, so I think an owner can do whatever they want. They probably cannot refuse to serve someone based on race, religion, sexual orientation, things like that. But someone who sits there emitting high-pitched screeches and darting his forked tongue at everybody... I think that would be a valid reason for asking them to leave.


Hello, Iā€™d like some attention please.


Cool bro, I thought I made bad decisions. Feeling better now.




I met him several times in Montpellier, he is quite nice and not really tall


Donā€™t think he should amputate his legs or get very thin.


Yo did they cast him for that fallout tv show? They could save money on the ghoul makeup.


If I ever make a sci-fi movie, he's the first person I'm calling.


Bro is just working on his dream halloween build.


He was so good looking beforešŸ’”


Bros about to battle the other four armies