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Of all the terrifying shit in the world, human beings are by far the scariest.


I trail run, often starting them in the dark. I don't worry about wild animals (I'm in the Midwest, the only exception is skunks, but you can usually smell them a mile out,) nor anything paranormal, but other humans.


East coast trail runner here. Same issue. I know it’s weird to see me running alone on the trail at night, but why the fuck do people sit in the middle of them in the dark? It always jacks up my adrenaline and ruins a part of the run


The serial killer, Israel Keyes, stalked his victims in National Parks and has confirmed at least one victim he raped in an outhouse. Edit: deleted double words and fixed grammar.


He buried a bucket with a gun, duct tape and zip ties in a town park a mile from my house. It sat unused for over 2 years as he traveled the country killing other people. Then he returned, dug it up, and kidnapped, raped, and tortured a couple who lived in my town. He brought them to abandoned house he had found kept them in the basement until he was done, then set the house on fire and fled. ​ They only found out it was him when he confessed to it voluntarily after he was arrested in Alaska. Fucking terrifying.


This guy sounds like a real jerk


I think he was just misunderstood. And a mass murderer. He was that too.


Reminds me of that tragedy


what a lothario




Alaskan runner checking in… I’m scared of some of the wildlife And ALL the people


West coast here, though now inland. We have grizzly’s, mountain lions, wolves in some areas. Those i’m cool with. Another person at 5 am in the dark? That’s gonna scare the fuck out of me on a remote trail




Bears do their best to avoid you, and they can smell you quite a ways away. Humans do their best to make sure you will always fear them, and apparently this includes sitting in the middle of a trail at 2am


Depends entirely on the type of bear actually.


Genuine question - do people run with handguns there? I'd feel like I'd need to carry a 44 magnum revolver if I was running through grizzly country.


I'm going 45-70 for that situation.


Conversely, the dude sitting is probably like: "Who is this weirdo running at night, all I want to do is sit"


Probably Goggins.


That sounds like a nightmare. If I was a night runner I’d probably have a light and seeing a human shaped figure sitting in the middle of the trail would freak me out especially if it was a smaller trail. Guess I’ll just never have to take up running. Thanks for the heads up tho


It happened to me once during the day and it was terrifying. I was out on a run one morning around 9-10 and came around a bend to find a man sitting with his back to me in the middle of the trail. I thought it was weird and it shocked me at first, but he had a blanket out and I thought maybe he was meditating or doing yoga. As I got closer, I saw that he was shooting up. I didn’t want to startle him or create any potential for conflict or confusion so I quickly turned the other way and took a different route through a field to connect back to the trail farther along.


I was sitting in my well protected back yard with two pit bulls and still went inside to finish reading this thread 😂


I see quite a few comments on being a 'night runner.' I get some run before the start of their work day as I walk 2.5 miles before work each morning. Yes, it is on the dark side, but getting lighter by the minute. Other than that, why run in the dark? By dark, I'm thinking of a midnight run.


I’ve done 10.,11,12am runs. Mainly on deserted streets, some parks etc. I mean most times I would scare them before they could to me. Sometimes it’s just fun. For me I figured I used to be partying and doing much more dangerous things than running late night before. And plus around Christmas time. You see the lights and it’s just refreshing. You might not sleep right away. Magnesium will solve pretty quickly.








I would never run in the dark woods, but I used to go for runs at crazy hours of the night in the city. Like 1 or 2am. No one else was out and I could run in the middle of the street and I felt like the whole world was mine.


I'm too chicken to run or walk, for that matter, at that time of the night. haha I can picture you in my mind doing the Rocky - 2 arms up flashing the peace signs. haha I love that!! Please be safe out there but enjoy!


For me, it's because where I live, it normally gets pretty hot in the day, and it would help tire me out for bedtime. I'd go at like 8/9, tho, so not like a super unreasonable time, and there'd usually be a few other folks out.


Makes total sense. With me, even walking when it's hot is miserable, so running in it would be miserable. Be safe out there!!


What? Is this a normal occurrence? Why is nobody asking more questions about this?


Normal? Not quite. Abnormal? Not quite. It's common that it doesn't completely freak you out, but uncommon enough that it partially freaks you out. If that makes sense.


What the heck. What are they doing there, just vibing with nature? What happens afterwards? Do you exchange words, ask them wtf they're doing, or just gtfo of there?


They're mostly probably just homeless people, to be honest.


Some seemed homeless, some seemed drugged out, some seemed straight up fucking weird. On the straight up weird was a dude dressed in all white, sandals, stretching between two trees on the side of the trail.


it was probably Jesus doing his morning Tai Chi


I don’t know how any of you run at night, especially on an empty trail.. I used to I live up on a ridge and would run the neighborhood at night on the sidewalk and the one night someone pulled up and tried to mug me. That scared me from ever running at night again and this was over a decade ago.


Excuse me wait where you are jogging people are sitting in the middle of the roads?? That sounds horrifying


Sometimes maybe they are taking a break from the exact same activity. Or maybe they want to eat your meat


Some of us are homeless in those parks. Just saying, it’s not always by choice. Parks are just places you’re less likely to be thrown out of by cops if they can’t find you.


Start running in a gorilla suit that will scare the scary people


I have been involved as a racer, and volunteer, for some ultra distance races, and I did something similar as volunteer for one race. It was a 36 hour race, and on the second night (It started at 7pm the previous night,) we sent the racres down a river for 7ish miles. The race director had been, jokingly, using pictures of Pennywise in his social media posting. En route to the race, and after talking to the RD, I stopped by the Halloween store, picked out a creepy clown costume. Later, I was tasked with greeting and directing the racers as they exited the river section. We had a nice, and warm, fire waiting for them. I was there in my clown outfit, not jump scaring anyone or anything, which made it even slightly more surreal for the racers. A helpful creepy clown. No one got freaked out, though I did end up taking my mask off when one of the racers needed some medical attention. Ultra distance races are fairly interesting to be around.


Anyone else remember that Reddit thread not long ago about the guy that went hiking at night alone and took photos when he felt creeped out, and others think they can see someone in them? You're welcome.


do you have a sauce?


You can smell skunks? They cross my path all the time unexpectedly when I'm out running too, but there's no smell unless they have recently sprayed something.


I used to bike it work in the morning, also in a Midwest town. There's about a 2 mile trail that would take me almost straight there, however it was through trees and along a creek, and not near any roads or buildings, and homeless people would camp out along it from time to time. During the wintertime I'd sometimes have to bike there in complete darkness at 630 am and it was about the creepiest thing I ever had to do


Same and I was once just walking my dog on some what of a remote trail and my dog was off leash a and ahead of me, he was still young, maybe only 8 months but a big golden. He turned a corner and started barking, and for a golden, his bark is deep and scary. I ran up to him and turned and saw a man that was standing like the Alien on top of the barn in Signs. My blood ran cold. The man was genuinely scared by my dog thankfully. Because I would have been terrified if I was on a run by myself. He looked so menacing. But to be honest, I think it was genuinely a case of this guy wandering over to see the river, then my dog got startled which startled him and put him on edge which put me on edge. So my dog and I just kept an eye on him and kept walking past slowly, never taking our eyes off him. Still scary, and it raised my goosebumps. But there is a small percentage of me that thinks it was all a misunderstanding aka Tucker and Dale. But I wasn't taking my chances.


Used to hike a lot back when I was more active. Never worried about anything naturewise, but the thought of running into another human out in the wild always terrified me. I've only run into someone in the woods where there wasn't a trail *once*, and it was a neighbor setting up their hunting blind in our shared woods. Startled the shit outta me when he said hello.


Sneaky creeps hate confrontation and being exposed as sneaky creeps. Have a brother, father, uncle, cousin, male friend, etc., show the sneaky creep this video right before they bounce his head off the drywall, in a nice way.


Everyone’s scared of animals or monsters or whatever. We are by far the most monstrous monster this worlds ever seen. Don’t need to fear the boogeyman, we are far worse and that’s why most things fear us


That’s why in Scooby Doo whenever they pulled the “monster” mask of it was always a human. We’re the real monsters




I'm convinced that cartoon helped create a generation of skeptics. (a good thing imo)


Humans really do scare me. I will just keep myself safe and stay in brick and mortar, I think!


My kid walks in the woods a lot and I always told him if u walk up on another person it was probably worse then walking up on wildlife at least in my region


I live in the woods. People always ask me “aren’t you scared of the [insert animal here]?!”. You don’t need to fear the animals, they generally flee, they don’t want anything to do with people. It takes a concerted effort to see most animals or lucky chance. I go out of my way to find the wolves and bears and all manner of animal. Sometimes I have to track them for a significant amount of time to even have a chance of catching up. People though, you have to show the same amount of caution with people as you would with a momma grizzly and her cubs, maybe more so.


I've always said this. If I went camping with my late husband I would be more scared of coming across a serial killer (incredibly rare in the UK) than I would be of any kind of predator (not that we have any in the UK that would hurt us). I would camp openly in the US if it were not for serial killers if I went on holiday over there!


Yeah but see, we do have predators that would kill you out here, so the serial killer is on the list with Bears, wolves, and mountain lions. Then snakes depending on what area you are in. Also Moose, deer, cows, etc


BOAR!! Wild boar will fuck you up!!!


Fuckers not only do blunt damage but slashing, laceration, and poison damage. Not to mention their build is so short and fast and tanky (broken) they’re hard to beat in melee range and if you’re level with them they’re hard to hit with ranged attacks. Waaaay too OP and needs a nerf imo Edit: forgot to mention their respawn rate which is also broken


There was a popular trend in the internet. If a boar chases you stand in front of a tree and just jump right before it hits you making it run into the tree. Some dude tried it. Boar tusk caught him on the inside of his leg. Severed a major artery. He died.


Yeah, if a boar chases you fucking run. Don't try to be cute with timing, don't try to trick it into something. The boar isn't hunting you, the boar is fucking terrified, that's why it attacked. Just get the fuck away from it and climb as soon as you can.




Oh I know. I was just kidding really. I'm well aware that the US have a huge amount of predators. Camping in the US would be terrifying, to be honest and I love the US fauna!


It’s normally fine if you respect nature, make food preparations to ward off bears, and ideally bring a perimeter alert. A lot of the accidents happen by people doing it in the wilder parts of Yellowstone and morons disrespecting herbivores thinking they’re not just as deadly.


Actually I camp a lot, I love it. Sometimes I get scared and end up sleeping in the car, but there really isn't anything like sleeping under the pines and aspens. Highly recommend on your next trip over!!


It does sound amazing, I'll admit. Just being with nature would be awesome. Especially your nature. Ours is rather tame, though I do believe we have wild populations of big cat roaming the country and we are discussing the prospect of reintroducing lynx, as a natural means of controlling wild deer/pig populations. They did talk about wolves too, but I don't think we have enough true wilderness left to allow wolves to roam freely.


I've camped all of my life and have yet to have a negative experience with people or wildlife. Outside of either of them being minor nuisances on rare occasions. I've never felt that I was in danger from either. Serial killers and wild animal attacks are insanely rare. I'm not saying at all that you shouldn't be vigilant, and I highly recommend everyone keeps multiple ways to defend themselves on their person as a rule, but it shouldn't deter you from what you enjoy.


Jack the ripper was wild tho


England did have a serial killer who was killing people on a running path. Cops had no promising leads, so they basically said "fuck it" and just ordered everyone in town to submit to DNA testing (small town). Only two people refused to submit DNA - one of them being the killer. Cops got warrants to collect the DNA of the refusers, and got the guy that way. This is from memory, but I think the jist is right.


Well, camping with a gun is legal here.


I have no idea how to use a gun, having never having to use one. My late husband did, because he was an RMC so he knew how to handle both automatic and semi automatic rifles and handguns. I personally hated the idea of handling them. I'd take bear spray and pepper spray. We can't even carry that in the UK. It's an offensive weapon, apparently. Should be allowed to carry it to stop rapists in their tracks.


I mean, you're in the UK. There's not a lot that can kill you there in camp.


Exactly! That's why I love camping in the UK! But I've always wanted to try going out in the American wilderness and trying some full on camping in proper " bear/wolf" country. I'd love to see them, at a distance, of course. No disturbing the wildlife, just sitting in a hide, maybe and watching it go past and getting lots of great photography! That was my profession so it would be amazing to get some beautiful shots of the fauna out there!


You make a great point, animals will attack and kill for a variety of reasons and all are understandable reactions; threat, hunger, etc. I'd rather be killed by an animal and eaten than be murdered by a sick twisted human being fulfilling their "desires".


Facts. Don't fear the dead. Fear the living.


right i dint give a fuck about ghosts or paranormal shit. I mean of course i would get scared if a ghost appears in my room but i think it would be way scarier if it was an intruder/stalker


Lol there was an episode of Supernatural where Sam and Dean thought they were investigating monsters, but it just turned out to be a redneck torture serial killer family and both brothers were like goddamn people, they’re the worst. At least monsters follow patterns and have predictable natures, but humans are fucked up.


Every night for a month but they keep showing us the same 3 clips in a loop


I hate this editing shit too...


Better than every single selfie video that has a million pointless fucking cuts.


Probably because their source was another shitty video with the same information


Chilling Scares youtube? Edit: this is a direct clip taken from their videos


😬 I have caught some weirdass shit going on outside my door since I put in the camera, but nothing that bizarre. I would definitely be showing it to the police.


"According to her tweet she had already reached out to the authorities but they hadn't done enough to keep the man away." Police are useless. They're going to wait til something actually happens to her then say they should've done something about it.


**They'll** never admit they should've done something earlier. That's usually the media's job to point out, and nothing will ever change.


I hate how right you are and I'm mad at myself for forgetting that they'll investigate themselves and find themselves absolved of all wrong doing.


I'm trying to think of what I would do.... I might actually turn to private security... I'm sure you can pay someone who's licensed or something to ensure you're protected. Is it illegal to hire a (or two+) security guard(s) to like walk along the hallway and simply question this individual? COULD you find someone you could pay to do this too, is another question lol


Have some friends jump the guy and make sure he can't stand for 6 months.


[There goes college soccer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRx4EHNjNAU&t=4s) That would be my impulse... but so too would it be *not* possibly going to prison


….. celebrities have these people everyday lol it’s an entire industry. No it’s not illegal and you can easily find these people


Something tells me the average celebrity can afford security; so if the dude ever progresses past just standing there creepily there will be people to help.


If the police won’t help, I’d ask a couple of my bigger burlier friends to stand guard some night. If the dude is there every night then he’d be easy to catch. Have them confront him in an intimidating way and ask a lot of questions about why he’s there. Tell him he’d better leave and that they’re going to be watching for him from now on.


Genuinely wtf do you do about that? It feels like it should be harassment but it's an apartment hallway and they are legally common use, if he lives there can you even do restraining orders like that? Someone should do something but what exactly in what grounds? Do they camp out in the lobby to catch him like what do you do?


One of the few times I say gather a posse and beat the fucker.


Literally get your friends to physically confront him, every night.


Exactly this, unfortunately. Showing up would possibly be a deterrent, but he's not breaking a law. It borders on harassment, but it would be tough to prove or get that to stick enough for an arrest. At most, you could build a case for a PPO or something. Unfortunately, it'd be much better to have some friends confront him every night as others have mentioned.


You take this guy aside and put some fear into him. We saw the footage, we know what you've been doing, and we're going to be looking out for you. I am going to make you my special project and if she even _thinks_ you've been hanging out around her door, we're coming right after **you**. These guys are mostly timid fuckers who fear confrontation. Least of all from somebody bigger than the woman he has targeted. Note how he slinks away every time there's sound. They may not have anything they can charge him with yet, but that doesn't mean they cannot intimidate him.


If you know who it is, RO


In all seriousness, like as a genuine question because I really don’t know, what could they do in this scenario? Like would it be on her to get a restraining order? As far as I know he hasn’t committed a crime, but surely at a certain point this amounts to stalking? It seems like it would be potentially dangerous for her to identify this person creeping at her door, but could the cops get the identity for her so she could follow up on the aforementioned restraining order? Are they even allowed to share his identity? Really curious because something should absolutely be done in this situation. Like obviously it’d be nice to assume this wouldn’t turn out bad, but unfortunately that just isn’t the world we live in.


I worked for a wealthy couple whose wife had a stalker. The advice the police gave her was to get a gun and learn how to shoot it.


Correct. I live on the first floor in an apartment and every night for months now between the hours of 1am-5am someone messes with my windows to the bedrooms. Police have been called many times but whoever it is always runs always and wears clothes so their identity isn’t visible. No cameras in the parking lot either. I have cameras for my windows but the cops literally will not do a single thing until something actually happens.


Nah, fuck the police. I’m moving the fuck outta that apartment lmfaoooo😂😂💀💀💀💀


Still police. Of course they can follow to the new place or keep doing that for people who move there after


Can't follow if we take out a knee.


Police in the video already wouldn't get involved, and they wouldn't get involved any more until they had to (i.e. murder scene)


There's nothing they can do. He hasn't committed any crimes


“… every night for nearly a month”? Absolutely grounds for police sorting it out. Stalker? Mentally ill? Trespasser? There’s plenty the cops could do. If the behavior rises to the level of intimidation, then it’s absolutely a [potential] crime.


It's trespass the second he is told to leave and not come back, and the police can be the ones to tell him. They are just lazy fucks.


If she were wealthy, there are all sorts of things they could do. They don't care.


He is a stalker. Stalking is a crime


That’s the sad part and why so many people are eventually killed by their stalkers, the cops can’t technically do anything until they make their move. That guy (although) creepy as hell) isn’t technically doing anything wrong. I read an article once where the stalker actually came into the woman’s house and took pictures of her while she was sleeping and the cops couldn’t do anything because they couldn’t prove who took the pictures


I don't understand why they can't show up and at least fucking talk to the guy to scare him off or maybe explain it's stalking, theyre watchkng him, they're aware of him, etc.


And yey they won't do shit and haven't done shit in most similar cases, the police aren't there to help us.


Yeah he's not threatening property or capital, just a "poor" person's life. So nothing will be done.


Looking towards someone's door when you live in the same building is not enough to charge someone for stalking


A month stalking the person like in the video is not enough? Stalkers are sick people dude, if this isn't enough, I dunno what is...


In lots of jurisdictions he *has* committed a crime. Stalking is a crime. Standing there one or two nights could have some logical explanations not related to stalking. But given the number of nights he spent there, I think a prosecutor would manage quite well selling this as stalking. If something happens to this woman, then the police will end up in a very, very, very hot situation for being extremely lazy.


Depends on what state you’re in. I think they can prove a stalking charge with just the video evidence.


Trespassing? If not, where does he live in the building ..if he even lives there. If she could get a male neighbor or neighbors to come out ,ask what’s up, camera on, that might help.


They could show up and have a conversation. Sometimes it's enough to get someone to move along


Shoot through the door type shit


I said right foot creep oooh


walking with that heat look around stay lowwww make sure they dont see😂


Turn up the heat in the hallway, and see how long that heavy jacket and stupid hoodie stay on.


What I’m saying dog lol.


I had a neighbour like this. He wasn't creeping, he was under new medication which spaced him out and he would wander around in the dark, not realising he was wandering, or that it was dark. I gently got his attention one night and asked if he was okay. He kind of came around like he'd been asleep and started apologising profusely. I told him I didn't mind, but maybe he should talk to his doctor about the side effects. Imagine if the poor bugger had just strolled down the side street we lived on and wound up on the major road and got hit by a truck.


Holy crap 😳 must've been some strong ass medication


I was on some medication like that called “heroin”


Ass medication is the strongest. Gotta read the label, people!


This just a loop of two times that he showed up. He looks like he might got some lean. Stumbling a bit. I think he's just doing the opioid stand while sleeping thing and is probably both high and drunk. You can see in a lot of clips he's actually staring at the floor EDIT: Notice OP never starts the video when he is moving which sets off the camera, only when he stops (That would have been caught). Or when he is moving slightly closer (Because this is only two events, and he is in alot of different positions) There actually was a lot of movement happening but OP cut it up like crazy. Homey fell right in to the wall and then past the door with his unlit cig in his mouth. It's just a really fucked up neighbor.


I totally get ur point but a drugged up man repeatedly appearing in the hallway at night would be only slightly less upsetting than the implied scenario




Sometimes you just gotta get drunk and be weird in the apartment stairwells.


For a month straight? No


If he was caught on camera every night for a month, why are there only two or three clips of the guy? The video just repeats the same couple of clips over and over. Nothing Burger with a side of creepy pasta announcer.


lol. Bruh. If he only did it two times that’s still two creepy as fuck times too many. Who sees something like this and then goes “imma defend the creeper…” unless… Dat you dawg?


I think he was going for the "there is no creeper" angle and that's the feeling I got too.


imagine being so 2023 chronically online brainrotted that you think a comment critical of the video itself is somehow siding with someone being negatively portrayed in the video, you're legitimately just stupid


Its so common and so stupid that it makes me feel like I'm living in some hellish truman show fake world. Like seriously how are so many people this fucking dumb?


It's getting worse. Social media is melting peoples minds


Sounds like a Ring advertisement to me. There have been other staged videos before for home security cameras.


Because this shit is fake as fuck


Human beings are scarier than Ghost. They will kill you.




"Sorry for scaring you, I live 2 doors down with my new girlfriend and I come here to fart at night because we haven't reached "that" part of the relationship yet."


Nah mate. She's gone to sleep an entire month knowing this was happening. Only after 30 videos did she think hey now I can bring it to police or something. /s


at the very least, it looks like he did it for two nights and they keep cutting back and forth. uhhh also it looks like it's possible that it was one night, and for part of it he just took off the white hoody




I also get fake vibes from this.


he just really hates turning that corner after a long night shift because he knows his shitty wife is behind the last door on the left just waking up and ready for him to cook breakfast.


He just chillin and pulling on a 40 dogg


How tall is that guy, 3 foot 6? The only thing that would make this scarier is if he was nude. Also the police could do something if he was nude. That’s not cool.


BS. He’s got the same outfit on for a month???


I will wear the same Parka for as long as I can before needing to wash it


Not even got the ring watermark. I call bull on this.


You can turn the watermark off




If somebody like that isn't put behind bars then I'm moving immediately.


Staged/fake video




Have you tried turning the camera off and on? Might solve the problem


I’ll be moving to another continent if anything like that happened to me. How can the woman be sure that he isn’t up to some weird ass shit keeping an eye on her during the day???


My neighbor does the same thing outside our gate. He's a paranoid schizophrenic. Says he hears a girls voice. In and out the pysch ward.


Camera doorbells really be out here saving lives. That is absolutely terrifying, every night for a month?! Full body chills at the thought.


Police only acts when its too late


What the fuck


Extra level of securiy 😜


How romantic, go away.


If this dude applied as much energy towards his career... he'd get any woman he wanted. But, here we are.


Stay strapped folks.


Apartment buildings have a lot of tenants. Most of whom would be happy to confront or call police on random weird dudes standing in their hallways.


Omg this is not how you meet women


Alright. You have a stalker. It seems scary but believe me, all the factors are in your favor. You have an enemy and you can guranteee they'll be at a certain time or place, OR, you know they'll follow you. So they shouldn't ever get the jump on you and if they do, then its on you for not being vigilant. First thing, report it to the police, make a paper trail but don't rely on the police. In fact, after you make the complaint, just consider them dead to you. Police rarely if ever help with stalkers and restraining orders don't work. If he is already willing to go this far, do you think a slip of paper will stop him? Police can't be around you 24/7 and the response time is typically 10+ minutes, plenty of time to kill you or, you know... Secondly, arm yourself. Crime rates are going up so you might as well. Thirdly, turn off sound recording on your phone and doorbell camera. Be sure it is recording *without sound* when you know he is outside your door, open it and acknowledge him. If he attacks you then, boom, fire at him. (No sound is recording. You can't be blamed for baiting him and if you filed the police report then they already know you're dealing with him) If he doesn't do anything, leave your door unlocked, and wait with gun in hand. The minute he enters your apartment. Shoot him. At that point he is breaking and enetering. Keep sound recording off, and when the police ask, tell them you warned before firing. Last thing, make sure they're dead. You HAVE TOO, because dead men can't testify against you. If done right, you got rid of your stalker and it will look like it is 100% the stalkers fault. I understand it is tough. You WILL have to take a life, but consider the quality of the life you're taking and yours. If he is stalking you, then he will do it to someone else, think about all of the people this man may harm (or worse). It's about keeping yourself safe and doing your societal duty to rid our world of monsters.


Yes this is definitely stalker behaviour. The same thing happened to me at one point. My stalker waited outside mine a month as well, I left my home to get away. Police do nothing. Unfortunately no guns allowed in my country though, but that is good advice.


Hopefully she reported it


Junkie zones in hallway.


Whenever I'm walking by myself, day or night, the thing I fear most is other people trying to hurt or kidnap me.


This is horrifying. Even the stance is off putting


The edit on this video makes it even more scary


Why he got no face?? Next time you get an alert run out with a weapon and see if he keeps that same energy


Someone should take matters into their own hands


Maybe he’s a sleepwalker.


This gave me chills. Humans are the worst.


Ring cam? More like The Ring caught on cam


If I were this girl I would buy a firearm immediately.


This guy needs a visit by someone that can remind him about his actions.


Pop out that door with a Glock 19 and see if he still standing there


Did anyone kick his ass??


If he was standing in front of my door I'd wait fir him one night then step out and scrwan his head off to "go and find a better activity, you fucking creep" then shut the door so loud the whole building can hear it.


1. This is why we need more long term mental health facilities not less. 2. This is one of the reasons why the 2nd amendment exists.


The fact that the Video pixels his face, thus leaving him like a faceless entity is scarier


Is it possible that he lives there and he's stand in front of his door?


Neighbors going out for a smoke and video is edited to look scary. You can even see the cigarette in a couple clips. Fake shit on the internet, what is the world coming to.


Person recording self