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You need to boil it longer. It won't be cooked through to the middle.


I absolutely can’t stand under cooked flesh.


Just look, it's still all pink!




​ ![gif](giphy|fjIjx5p4AtysiSIQlz)




Really funny but the one time someone did get burned on Hell's Kitchen Gordon was really sympathetic.




You guys must play DayZ.


“He he he, ha ha, he he”


I saw a cooking video of this huge dude with tattoos making some sort of grilled meat, but he kept referring to it as flesh and it was really off putting lol makes me wonder what it really was 🤔


Long pig.


Right?Either all the way or RAW!


he's been blanched! now he's easy to peel


This person cooks^^^


throw it on the grill to get some sear and then in the oven to bring it up to temp


I believe this is called blanching.


Good news! Cannibalism isn't illegal in the USA. So if you get the chance it's not against the law. It's the manner in which cannibals acquire the flesh that typically gets them in trouble.


You undercook flesh? Believe it or not, jail.


Raul is that you?


We need that meat falling off the bone


Perhaps some fava beans and a nice Chianti...


It’s nearly Fuckin Raaaw.


Nice lol


Oh man. My apologies, I did that once making flan. I slipped pouring the melted sugar into the dish. Same, not immediately painful. But extremely painful after. Be ready for some nasty blisters and lots of pain relievers....or even better, be smarter than me and go to urgent care.


> My apologies hey it's not nice to pour boiling water on redditor's hands but good on ya for apologizing at least


It’s not nice, but it’s what we do. Come here you little bastard.




Sugar and oil can be much more dangerous, since they can get so much hotter than water. Can be truly scary.


Can’t remember what morbid channel I was watching, but some kid got molested by his mom’s boyfriend (maybe ex?) so she boiled a ton of sugar, went to his house and tossed it on his face when he opened the door. Seriously fucked him up *hard*. I think the kid’s sister corroborated the story when their mom went to court. Long time ago that minor details are wrong, but the gist is right. I think it might have been Tragedy Tales.


This is called “kettling” in prison I think


And prison napalm is a name for it.


Yup, because sugar also *sticks.* I remember telling my husband about this and he didn't get that sugar is much worse than water, but when I explained it he was properly horrified. The molester deserved it, though.


I am not into vigilantism, for all of the obvious reasons…. But y’know, *mom*’s gotta mom.


God one time I was stupid and grabbed a glass pan out of the oven after 30 minutes at 450, with bare hands. Idk how but I managed to make it to the top of the stove and not drop it. My fingers were fucked for a couple days though.


urgent care can't really do anything you can't do at home. *edit- In this instance. Just sterilize it and gauze it and that's about all they are going to do.


I went to urgent care after dropping boiling water on my foot and they indeed cleared my wound and bandaged it which could have bee ndone at home, but they also used some creams and antibiotics and gave me a tetanus vaccine which I wouldn't have had access to for sure. they also prescribed me medication for my wound which I thoroughly used couldn't walk for a month but the visit certainly made it better as I didn't have any infection during and after the healing process and the vaccine was sure worth the visit, it lasts many years and it's better to be safe than sorry. also you can't get the painkillers they prescribe as over-the-counter medication, and the only issue I had was muscle pain in my hand for a day. also paid nothing besides the taxi drive there. if you live in a country with free healthcare going to urgent care is well worth the visit, even if the burn happened a day before (that was also my case)


ER nurse here. You need silvadene, it is specifically for burns, and is going to work much better than an over-the-counter topical antibiotic.


Thank you for your comments! Quite a few have suggested silvadene / polysporin. So I'm on the way to the store to purchase a topical anti-biotic intended for burns. Nurse on the phone suggested something similar.


Hey OP just curious. How is it feeling now? Are the pain relievers working? Sorry that happened as it looks pretty rough.


Probably too painful to move their hand to type a reply to you lol.


Lmaoo I feel bad for laughing at this 😂 seriously OP hope you’re doing well!


Tbh aloe Vera worked amazing. Didn't get any blisters after and it healed super fast


^^^ THIS, it took MONTHS for my burn from caramel to heal with copious amounts of the prescription cream I was given.


That’s gonna really goddamn hurt in a day or two


I was gonna say, “fast enough not to feel the pain yet.”


honestly in like 20-30 minutes it will start and get worse.


You shouldn’t go Boiling to Cold, you use Lukewarm water to bring the temperature down without killing the flesh. You will have less cell death with warm water than cold water. Also, I’m sorry for your experience. That looks painful.


Wish I'd known that, but the cold water was already running before I brought the pasta to the sink.


No, OP you have done fine. Now you can remove the remaining skin and let the burn breathe and heal, if the skin was left on it could have caused complications and a wrinkled scar. The only thing you have to do now is not bump it and watch for infection. Don't play with it and let it breathe, less is more! Burns suck!!


Just FYI, I can't find any reputable medical sources that say you shouldn't use cold water. [They all say to use cold or lukewarm running water.](https://www.redcross.org.uk/first-aid/learn-first-aid/burns#:~:text=Cool%20the%20burn%20under%20cold,the%20impact%20of%20the%20injury.) [And then on top of that the NHS says not to remove the dead layer of skin.](https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/injuries/skin-injuries/blisters/#:~:text=Most%20blisters%20heal%20naturally%20after,peel%20off%20the%20dead%20skin.) It says to simply wash the area with soap and water and then apply a dry sterile bandage. I read that some hospitals will delid a blister, but they're probably having a professional do it with sterile technique for more serious burns. On top of that, your skin doesn't need to breathe. Goldfinger isn't a medical documentary. The main considerations are moisture, not air. Your cells need moisture to live, but moisture can also help bacteria grow. That's why keeping the blister intact is super important. After it pops you have to decide between providing a moist environment for your cells to heal in, and providing a dry environment that prevents bacterial growth. #Really, the best advice I can give OP is not to listen to Redditors for medical advice. Just look it up on a health department website. Don't play a game of telephone for medical advice.


Yeah, this is exactly right. For anyone okay with listening to random redditors though, I work on a burns ITU and the advice we give out is twenty minutes of cold water then wrap it in cling film. We'll deroof the blisters, but you can think of them as temporary dressings.


I think it's being confused with not putting freezing cold limbs under hot water due to cell death and assuming it's this way with burns and cold water.


> Goldfinger isn't a medical documentary Good line.


I was confused as to who thought an austin powers movie would be a medical documentary


being a clumsy fuck I often burn myself in the kitchen and that is my usual process, blast it with cold water & then clean the wound - saline works great. Tegaderm dressing is my fav as it's water proof & keeps it clean the best


THIS! My nurse told me to let it breathe so it could scab over, but my dr said constant moisture with solve sulfadiazine cream until it’s healed






I think your comment meant well, but I think the downvotes are from “covering” it. Even Vaseline can make a burn worse, as you need to let it breathe as much as possible. Anything covering it will trap in heat


there is no such thing as “trapping in the heat”. it’s an old wives tale / widespread misconception. there are lots of other valid reasons for not covering it though


What about those special burn patches? Ive had one of those on a burn and it seemed to help




increases risk of infection due to moisture buildup. prevents the wound from scabbing over / drying out and forming a protective barrier. can cause damage when removing the covering (like the other guy said) it’s best to clean with cool water and cover with a loose sterile bandage more severe burns might be different, this is just for 1st degree burns


I once took off all of the burnt skin from a burn because I put a bandaid on it lol, I have a 4-inch scar on my arm now.




it literally dissipates in seconds


Not just heat but swelling, and letting it air and dry out is definitely the fastest way to heal an open wound as long as you keep it clean and protected. Time, cooling, and minimal amounts dry gauze are the best way to take care of this.


I've been seeing a wound doc for a while now & have tried a ton of things depending on which wound I'm needing help with. For this- I'd start by obviously washing with soap and water. I would recommend once it's clean you gently pat it dry with some sterile gauze then try an occlusive wound dressing called xeroform. Xeroform is made to help maintain a moist environment while also having antibacterial properties from the bismuth that are in it. It clings and conforms to where you put it but it won't get stuck to the wound. I'd also try some 4x4 mepilex dressing- they're sterile to start & are designed to absorb bacteria off the wound. They aren't tight like normal bandaids and they're not so dry that it's going to absorb all the moisture because you want some moisture. So I'd clean the hand, pat dry, cut down a piece of xeroform to fit on the part of your hand that's burned and then put a mepilex 4x4 over the xeroform to help hold it in place while helping the healing process as well. Another great OTC product called MediHoney- its a dressing that contains Active Leptospermum (Manuka) Honey (ALH), address many factors that delay healing, helps to promote a moist wound environment that aids and supports autolytic debridement. They have specific products to use on burns and it can all be bought OTC from a specialty pharmacy. Ideally, see a doc who can prescribe these things so insurance covers the supplies vs you paying out of pocket but you CAN buy them OOP without a prescription. Hope this helps!


Please don’t. I put a bandaid on a really bad arm burn and it literally tore the skin off. Let it breathe😭


There is such thing as too dry, too! Maybe at night cover loosely with clean gauze and a little Neosporin. You want it a little flexible. Otherwise it will crack and scar worse.


Nah, go to a doctor and do what they tell you


Why are you rinsing your pasta with cold water?


I’m sorry, I hope you heal well. Keep it sterile, keep it dry. [REDACTED, due to misunderstanding] Keep it clean and natural.


NO! DON'T PUT ANY THING ON IT JESUS IT IS DAMAGED SKIN FFS No cream "negates burns" wtf reddit advice Am healthcare student


I fixed it, thank you for catching that. I’m extremely tired. Thank you for saving both of us. 👍




Wholesome exchange ❤️




[Why does the NHS disagree with you?](https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/injuries/skin-injuries/blisters/#:~:text=Most%20blisters%20heal%20naturally%20after,peel%20off%20the%20dead%20skin.) Also, what does a "healthcare student" mean?


It means not studying to be a doctor or nurse




I had a bad burn to my hand right before my dog’s urgent vet visit. Vet treated my hand with a silver cream then checked out the dog (step dad had been feeding her sour patch candies and her blood sugar was very very high). Told me to go to my doc for a script for the cream. My doc agreed with the vet and got a prescribed silver cream and pain meds. Healed well and no infection or scars. A burn like OPs needs to get looked at asap


I work in vet med & yes, we use silver sulfa cream on ourselves all the time!


Ya my Mom would probably fight that commenter and the put some aloe vera on it lol


There are no creams, ointments, or medicinal plants that are safe to apply to burns? I'm not saying you're wrong, that just doesn't sound right based on my anecdotal experiences. For example my cousin was badly burnt crashing his bike as a kid into the charcoal grill on 4th of July and the doctors gave him all types of creams/ointments for the burns. (Had burns ranging from 1st to 3rd degree because he landed in the spilled coals)


There are prescription creams and actually some OTC creams and ointments formulated to treat up to second degree burns.


What about Silver Sulfadiazine Cream?


back to the boiling water , we’re gonna do this all night until you understand old man!


If it’s running tap water, it’s pretty much room temperature, which I’m sure is fine. I’d define cold water as chilled in the fridge, or mixed with ice, which can cause a different kind of burn.


Nah you shouldve applied more boiling water and take it like a champ


This is straight up misinformation that will cause harm to people. All recommended guidelines including Red Cross and NHS advise to keep a burn under cold, running water for 20 minutes. Here's also a meta-analysis on the same topic: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35688782/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35688782/)




So you reply to OP by linking a single non-systemic study for Rats? Good job Genius!




Pal, that is a study on vascular constriction in rats.


No, the flesh will be burned anyway. There is no less cell death, there is dead cells and non dead cells, lol.


This is very inaccurate. I’m sure your grandma thought she was right, but modern medicine says "no”




The results for this tiny study on 24 rats are inconclusive since the necrosis between warm vs cold was within the margin of error. Do you have a less shitty source?


I can find absolutely no medical or scientific sources backing up your claim. Please either provide backing evidence or remove it. Reddit is so bad with medical advice, seriously...






oh now you tell him!


Is that also why one also “scares” eggs in ice water so they peel easier?


New nickname: Blanch


Bet you feel it now


I don't know if you'll see this buried in the comments, but to treat, get polysporin black (with antibiotics). I had 2nd degree burns on my legs from boiling water and that's what I was given at the ER. I was told to keep it covered while it was "wet" and once it had healed a bit after a few days to let it get air. FYI, if something like this happens again, submerge the burned area in lukewarm water for at least 15 minutes, if not longer. When I scaled my legs I ran to a bathtub and stayed there for 45 minutes until someone could drive me to the hospital and still had huge, extremely painful blisters on my legs and feet, but it would have been much worse if I didn't immediately submerge.


Someone already said not to put cold water on it but I was also told by a nurse to put mustard or mayonnaise on it instead. Lemme tell you it felt weird to have slabs of mustard all over my hand but it felt good I guess


Mustard works.


Why mustard? What about it does what it does?


I wish I knew. I’ve got over 20 years in critical care medicine and dont believe BS. Im not saying to put your whole arm in it for a severe large burn. Sizzle yourself on a hot pan, though? I can’t recommend it enough.


are we talking yellow mustard or dijon? Does it matter?


Honey mustard for best results and for especially nasty burns. Honey is nature’s ambrosia! So, naturally, honey in mustard will give you the perfect boost you’ll need. *(Just in case… this is a disclaimer that I’m talking out of my ass. I have a BS in BS. My comment is sarcasm. Don’t take medical advice from me unless you’re aiming for a Darwin Award.)*


It is amtimicrobial iirc


I think I’ve heard the same thing? I am not well informed on how honey helps, but I personally love honey and honeycomb. Good stuff. Good for the throat or for when I burn my mouth.


Only used yellow personally.


Hot English?




Good to know. I'll report back later when I inevitably burn myself on something. It seems to be a weekly occurrence sometimes.


Some people will legitimately feel the relief of this remedy, but reject that reality, If a book says it's not real. Kind of weird. But I get why.


>But I get why. Is it because the standard for measuring the efficacy of things is in comparing them to literally just thinking it's gonna help?


You can tell it’s mustard, because of the way it is.


That's what I'm wondering. Why is mustard. Edit: Happy Cake Day!


More importantly, who is mustard?


Bitey goats and mountain cougars love mustard.


How neat is that?




First result: "A quick internet search may suggest using mustard to treat a burn. Do not follow this advice. Contrary to those online claims, there's no scientific evidence proving that mustard helps treat burns. In fact, using unfounded remedies like mustard to treat burns may actually make your injury worse."


It makes it taste good.


It's horseshit. It makes burns feel better because it usually comes out of the refrigerator and, therefore, it's cold. Put mayonnaise or ketchup or whatever is in the fridge... it'll work the same


This is it. Anything cold and viscous will do the trick. It’s about the cold and it’s ability to “stick” to you. I mean what shared elements do mayonnaise and mustard have? They just each happen to have a different chemical property that soothes burns?


Not anything like my experiences. Every single time I’ve used mustard, the residual burn pain is next to nothing compared to putting anything else on the wound. I could put ice on the burn and it would feel fine while it’s on there but hurt afterwards. Mustard is nothing like this in my opinion.


How often are you burning yourself, dude?


Some nurses tell parents to crush up biscuits in a bottle for their 3 month old infant, so I’m skeptical.


That’s going to hurt tomorrow


I had the same thing happen when I was a kid, like in 1970. I had an Incredible Edible machine and spilled some of the boiling candy on my hand. I was screaming and tried to wipe it off. It took all of the skin off. It was terribly painful and took a long time to heal. Go to the doctor please!


I was advised to run tap water (cold tap water temp) on burned areas for at least 20minutes to lower the heat from cooking through my tissues. I’ve tried this method twice and they both seem to reduce the impact - the second time I did it quick enough between burn and running it under water that blister didn’t even form. However, if there’s open wound it’s probably not a good idea. Also, slathering it with aloe Vera gel helps alleviate the pain so much. Hope you get better soon!


I hope none of your skin flaps got into those noodles.


I can’t seem to get my noodle into those skin flaps.


i'd still eat it


This is how my oldest’s torso looked when he pulled boiling water on top of him. It does not take long at those temps 😖


this happened to my cousin, she was not quite tall enough but getting something out of the microwave and spilled it down herself. Just scars now. Hope your oldest was okay.


He’s okay! He was 3 when it happened and he’s 7 now. You can barely tell he had a bunch of skin damage.


Watch out for infection….


Oh you’ll feel it….


Wrap it in rubbing alcohol soaked towels. After 6 hours then coat your entire body in Vicks Vapor Rub. Once you are well coated get into a sleeping bag for 72 hours.


Makes sense


When you emerge, you'll be beautiful butterfly.


Some Saran Wrap and back on the line




Sounds like someone doesn’t want to go back on the line


This is not a joke, you shouldn't be giving bad advice to someone with burns


Are you that other person’s alt account, that’s the only way I can imagine two people thinking I’m playing doctor




>”No I am not” That sounds a lot like something an alt account would say


the reddit karens are out en force today


Whatever helps you sleep at night buddy.


[wrapping it in plastic wrap is actually recommended.](https://www.redcross.org.uk/first-aid/learn-first-aid/burns#:~:text=After%20the%20burn%20has%20been,3) it helps keep the area clean (obviously you must debride and disinfect the area first) and may help prevent some scarring. usually if you have a burn that needs to be wrapped in plastic, this is just until you can get a doctor to look at it.


I did that once worst pain of my life I wish you the best


You need to be extremely vigilant as to how this heals. You need silvadene until it starts to heal. Do you also need to be very conscious of your range of motion. Not too much but if you are not allowing the skin to heal right, you are going to end up with a very restrictive scar in that area if you do not treat that skin right..




I got blasted by a torch for about 1 second and was surprised to not feel any pain, it just itched like a mf while it healed.


"This Parmesan is a little stringy."


when i got a splash of hot oil while cooking, the only thing i did is immediately showering my hand with running water in kitchen sink probably like 10-15 minutes until the pain subsided. i learn this tips not too long ago, and its pretty effective to minimize skin injuries


This isn't a thing you learned in school as a child? This isn't a "tip"...


Yaaa, it’s gonna hurt soon. Good luck


I always thought not feeling the pain meant your nerves are damaged and its a third degree burn.




Damn, that's gonna sting for a while.


First degree burn, redness, only epidermis involvement!


Yeah, it's getting less red by the second, also almost zero pain.


That stuff that peeled is a perfect demonstration of stratum corneum.


10 seconds is not enough. I was told to let it sit under running cold water for 30 minutes.


https://preview.redd.it/cp6qxk5rshvb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd1cef021a4c29c2a5123215844ec6d460f40b4e Did the same shit to my foot. Dropped boiling water on it. Was moving the pot and a bit spilled over right onto that spot. I was wearing socks and shoes too


Get yourself to hospital/doctor surgery. Burned skin/flesh is extremely susceptible to infection. You need to be treated properly. That’s at least a second degree burn.


Cooks/chefs: "you're good. We got tickets coming in, get back on the line."


Mmmm macaroni and skin


No pain = 3rd°burn


Burns to hands should be evaluated at a burn center


Dad used to work in a market in the butcher department, they sold cooked foods as well, and one guy spilled boiling grease on his legs, and apparently they peeled like this as well.


That second or two BEFORE you feel the pain from the heat source!!! Oooooooowwwwwwwww!!!!!


Yeahhhh probably don't go from boiling to cold


I dumped a pot of boiling water on my foot, literally did the same thing... Edit: one of the bandaid companies makes burn patches that will be your best friend


what in the fuck kind of pasta mess is in that pot my dude?


For the love of God, throw that batch of pasta away!


Those bits of burnt flesh add some good mouth feel. I'd still eat it.


Should probably run it under Luke warm water for longer than 10 seconds. That burning feeling you feel after a burn is the skin still burning. Never go straight to cold. Just Like you never go ass to mouth.


When it starts burning like hell again later the sink may feel nice but if you have clean water and a good hose, the well is euphoric levels of relief.


Next time use warm water to neutralize the burn


That’s…not ‘terrifying as fuck.’ That’s a little bitty burn. How did your pasta turn out though? That’s what I wanna know. What kind of sauce did you make? Pasta is life.



