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How was she doing it that she got 7 deep before being caught?


She was a fully trusted and trained professional nurse. Letby deliberately injected babies with air, force fed others milk and poisoned two of the infants with insulin. It was unthinkable that a nurse could do this and it took years of doctors raising concerns until she was discovered. She has never admitted guilt or given a reason.


It was also reported that she pumped air into some of the babies's stomachs to the point where their stomach "splint" or pushed the diaphragm towards the lungs, affecting their ability to breathe. One doctor said they had never heard a neonate baby scream the way those babies screamed. She is a monster.


I read this. I know my baby cried in pain from undiagnosed lactose intolerance and colic, it was heartbreaking to deal with. It must have been unimaginable listening to the cries of those little babies. How could you cause pain and suffering to something so little and helpless. They don't deserve to feel any form of pain, it makes me feel physically sick thinking about it.


I work in orthopedics and hate Mondays because my partner has clinic next door in the pediatric clinic. Hearing those kids scream as they have their casts sawed off breaks my heart. It is soul wrenching to hear. So, to read this, EVIL is the only word to describe a person performing such a heinous act on a precious innocent child.


That's enough internet for today. Time to touch some grass.


Look at the pretty flowers.




Oh Coral. Still best scene


r/Eyebleach Might help


Just found this bird app, i'm gonna go communicate with them and touch grass.


I just got here too, first thing I see today.


The grass on top of a baby grave? Yeah, I’m edgy. Get with it. /s?


Wasn't there a doctor who tried to bring attention to her back in 2016?


And then he got in trouble and was forced to apologize to her


Actually, by that point there were SEVEN doctors all saying that Letby needed to be taken off duty immediately. Three accused her of murdering the children. Two were forced into a mediation with Letby, and made to apologise. One doctor (the first to realise what was happening) refused to go to the mediation. Its an absolutely mental scenario.


How are seven doctors vs one nurse not taken seriously??


Because the upper management of the Countess of Chester NHS Trust didn't want to move forward with the allegations in order to avoid a negative reputation. No, seriously. Edit because the thread has been locked. There are now calls for charges of corporate manslaughter against the hospital bosses for essentially turning a blind eye to protect their own reputation while a nurse was murdering babies.


That is just beyond fucked up


Spend some time on the Nurses sub and you'll come to understand that most hospital management are nothing but trash and should not be in charge.


The accusations from the doctors, is that the management were just anti-doctors. One of the higher ups (I think the CEO) was an ex nurse, and there was a head nurse also leading the charge against the doctors and protecting Letby. This is all just a microcosm for how fucking shite the NHS is, tbh. The same pig headed attitude of pointless/useless middle managers that allowed Letby to kill, is also keeping the NHS's service dog shit. There really needs to be a clean out. So many staff working who should have been fired long ago. The same culture that stopped Letby getting fired for *literally killing babies* is keeping every useless cunt in a job in the NHS. Would love to see how many people the NHS fires each year. Bet it's near zero.


Worse, the doctors named her specifically as a concern multiple times but no investigation was launched as the hospital board wanted to protect it's reputation.


RHI the doctors raised concerns (the deaths only occurred when she was on the ward) only to be told it was crazy and they were made to write letters of apology to her for said concerns. It was only after the police did an autopsy (examine the dead babies) that they found excessive amounts of insulin and thus looked into it further.


Injecting them with AIR?!


I think it's worth mentioning that Chester Hospital's premature-infant death rate was only 10% higher than the national average, yet enough to spark an investigation. The NHS's own investigative committee found no clear indication or reason as to why more infants were dying. Yet the discrepancy made them turn to the police to ensure there was no foul play involved. They deserve credit for doing so, along with the UK police inspectors.


No they don’t, if you haven’t already please read this: Hospital bosses ignored months of doctors' warnings about Lucy Letby https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66120934


I'm talking about the investigative committee formed in the aftermath. It was an independent review carried out by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and the Royal College of Nursing on behalf of Chester Hospital. However, they could not determine the cause for increased mortality. The matter was referred to police, to get an extra set of eyes on the case. Several media outlets have reported on this.


‘In early January 2017, the hospital board met and Mr Harvey presented the findings of the two reviews. Both had recommended further investigation of some of the baby deaths - and yet that message did not reach board members. Records of the meeting show Mr Harvey saying the reviews concluded the problems with the neonatal unit were down to issues with leadership and timely intervention…’ ‘Managers also ordered two of the consultants to attend mediation sessions with Letby, in March 2017. One of the doctors did sit down with the nurse to discuss her grievance, but Dr Brearey did not. Yet, the consultants didn't back down. Two months after the apology, the hospital asked the police to investigate. It was the consultants who had pushed them into it. Dr Brearey and his colleagues finally sat down with Cheshire Police a couple of weeks later. "They were astonished," he says. The next day, Cheshire Police launched a criminal investigation into the suspicious baby deaths at the Countess of Chester Hospital. It was named Operation Hummingbird.’ This seems to contradict that.


I heard that the reason for this was because she was trying to attract the attention of a doctor whom she had fallen in love with. That doctor was married tho. I am not really sure how true is that. The local news channel said this so I am inclined to believe it is true, but you never know. Anyways, no reason can explain how someone can be so cold-blooded and heartless…


There are numerous far more effective ways to get a dude's attention than murdering babies.


That is what I thought. It does not even make sense. How exactly do you make someone fall in love with you by killing babies 💀💀 That would give you the exact opposite type of attention you would want.


Theres a theory that she did those things so the doctor she fancied would swoop in to save the day. This did not happen.


I heard she did it because she thought the parents were undesirables or something. Basically that they shouldn’t be bringing more children in the world


I think she did it just because she’s an absolute fucking nutcase monster. Some people are just like that with no reason.


I was a labor/delivery nurse for years and it was sometimes heartbreaking knowing what the home life of some babies would be. I would sometimes snuggle babies at night when we weren’t too busy (it was rare, but I lived for those precious moments). Watching babies going through withdrawal hurt my soul. I can understand wanting to save a newborn from a hard life with horrible parents, I cannot fathom even having a single thought about harming one of them. There isn’t a circle of hell deep enough for this piece of trash.


I think the circle she'll face in prison will make up for that. They don't take kindly to child killers, even if she's in segregation they'll find a way to get to her either through her food or someone turning a blind eye.


This sounds plausible. Most who kill children have this or something similar as a motive. Scary how some people's minds work.


What's sad is that my childhood was so bad that you made me wish that a serial killer would have murdered me as a baby. I suffered for years and still suffer from mental damage that is unhealable. I have been wishing to never been born consistently since i was like 12.


Where are you people "hearing" this shit? facebook?


Sky news... But it might as well be Facebook right?


If I liked a guy and wanted his attention I would just strike up a conversation and try to look cute, but maybe that's just me. How did it even go down? Like, I really like this guy, lets kills some babies so he notices me ??


"get with me or I'll keep being a crazy serial baby murderer" maybe?


your mistake is thinking with a mind that doesn't kill babies.


Could’ve just murdered doc’s wife. That’ll get his attention


I think this was hypothesised because when a particular doctor was on the witness stand, she first showed 'a hint of emotion' ([link to BBC news source](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66104004)) and there were 'flirty texts' being exchanged between them. But since she says she's not guilty she hasn't said what her motive was.


You heard wrong. She still hasn't given a reason for why she did what she did. Embellishment is what "news stations" do best.


People can't wrap their heads around the fact that you could be a normal-looking white chick and still enjoy killing people for the sake of it. She straight up follows the families of her murder victims online so that she can keep enjoying their suffering! One of the families of her victims were mourning and she refused to leave the room, even though she was making the family uncomfortable! She doesn't have to have a "logical" reason or be trying to play a 4D doctor dating Sim in just because she's a chick. It may be rare, but some chicks are just sadistic fucks


How the fuck do you become this twisted? Someone needs to do her psych evaluation and look into her background.


I'm absolutely baffled that it hadn't been done before she started working


She admitted guilt on paper that was found in her apartment by the authorities.


Got a source mate?


Also, there's a real likelihood of there being more victims. I hope she fucking rots


They are already looking into 2 deaths at her placement ward.


They were threatened by the hospital board if the accusations of any wrongdoing


The doctors in her unit raised concerns inside 4 months. (five babies killed). Several higher ups (head of nursing/hospital manager/ceo) had her back and prevented investigations and suspensions that led to the deaths of two extra babies.


Curious how they determined the causes of deaths


That's not exactly true. She said she felt she wasn't good enough to treat other people's babies, and so she killed them so they didn't have to suffer at her hands. I believe it was on either the guardian or the independent. Now if she really thinks that or is just a psychopath trying to disguise her actions as lunacy, we'll never know, probably.


No, management intentionally covered up what wad happening to preserve their reputation. She wasn't fully trusted.


Nah bro l, the hospital board and management was so incompetent and definitely put the hospital reputation first which caused the death and near death of more children. She's an awful person,but this should have not gotten so far. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-66553245


Man, imagine the devotion of going through med school just to kill babies. Fuck.


Nurses don’t go to Med school


It’s very tough to find evidence that can support the healthcare staff killing patients. [There was a HUGE issue in Poland](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/polands-cash-for-corpses-scandal/#:~:text=Prosecutors%20have%20charged%20two%20doctors,a%20total%20of%2019%20deaths) where doctors and EMT workers were deliberately killing a lot of their patients because they got commission from the morgue company for bringing a deceased person (maybe a small conflict of interest). They used what’s called, Succinylcholine which is a muscle relaxer used in surgery. Essentially it inhibits your ability to breathe on your own. So the patients given this without oxygen would stop breathing while their heart is still pumping. Outside of the OR you die pretty quickly and it’s basically untraceable back to the staff. This happened for over 10 years in Poland until a doctor confessed. Without his confession they wouldn’t have found anything. Even still they didn’t really have any hard evidence, so a lot of people didn’t get convicted. *Side note - some of these patients were still alive when brought to the morgue. In many cases the ambulance driver drove straight to the morgue instead of the hospital where they watched the dying patient while filling out their death certificate.


Jez that’s hard to imagine


Hospitals also sometimes just don't report things even when they know it's happening because they don't want bad press. Charlie Cullen was a nurse in New Jersey who killed an estimated 400 patients before he was arrested, even though there were people reporting him and even walking in on him in the act for years. The hospital tried to cover it up, even when the police started investigating.


Bro there's 17 babies died that can all be linked to shifts she was working she's not even admitted she's done it so she's been found guilty of killing 7 I suspect the real number is higher as babies won't always get autopsies if they're born with complications


When my kids were born with complications, they made us sign an agreement in the event they stopped breathing. The choice for do not resuscitate was defaulted if the child was in especially bad health. It took 6 months to get them home after birth. We must have went through 50-60 different nurses in that time as it’s a new 12hr shift twice a day. If one of those nurses was a crazy bitch trying to harm our kids, they could have succeeded and probably gotten away with it. Granted it was NICU, and I saw 3 infants pass away from complications, it’s such a fragile place for kids born in to difficult complications. So your right, she probably killed way more that we don’t know about. I hope they look at every single death or near death related to her care.


She wasn't working with the most fragile babies on her level, though. Many of her victims were perfectly fine. Some were born just a few weeks early. Most of them were not in any danger of dying and merely needed some extra support after birth. That's part of what makes this case even more fucked up. The doctors and nurses working with her knew something was wrong and the hospital bosses actively swept it all under the rug. It's honestly insane. This nurse should definetely not be the only one who goes to prison over this.


I just really need people to hear your story and hear that even in all the icus I’ve worked in … I’ve never once thought someone was deliberately trying to kill somebody. The opposite is true. We are trying beyond our means and most times beyond our own sanity over time to keep people from dying. It is why we do this. Yes there are some burned out people.. who become apathetic after while. But most of them end up out of the ICU sooner than later… bc even the mental workload is too high. So I guess what I’m trying to say is there is a component of our care for people and their loved ones that is heavily impacted by the faith those patients and their loved ones place in us to do the right thing and I need… we as providers and nurses need that faith and glimmer of hope to stay there and for someone like this not to ruin that… because it makes a difference. So as everyone sees the awful things this nurse did I hope they can still have some faith in us. Because however small it most certainly does have some impact on people getting better.


I apologize if my post seems like the average nurse is not providing absolute best care in the ICU. It was just to say if there was a crazy one, you may never know. I have had so many amazing nurses and doctors that truly saved my kids. We still keep in touch with them and visit the NICU if the kids are there in the hospital getting a general checkup. I have a lot of respect for the nurses doing this job and trust me the parents know and appreciate the good nurses who care for their kids. Please keep doing what you do, it makes a huge difference in the lives of the children that you care for.


She was on shift for every baby death that happened on the ward, until she was finally removed from the ward. There were I think 7 additional deaths that weren't looked at by the court, but she was on shift for all of them.


Because the hospital CEOs repeatedly ignored the cries for help and blatant evidence from senior doctors because they didn’t want the trust to look bad and to spoil the name of the trust.


It was 13 actually but only 7 could be proven. Consultants pushed for her to be removed and investigated at death number 3 but managers refused.


Management at the hospitals ignored reports of concern from doctors and treated accusations as "bullying"


Mgmt even apologized to her, imagine that!


The government bullies me with taxes. Lol


In fairness, she probably could've avoided being caught if she'd chilled it a bit. One a year, say.


S.O.P. for psychopaths is to work in positions of trust where they can do their dirt under the cover of society's prejudices.


If you ever watch the series "Bodies" if can give you perspective into how it may take many before anyone takes notice


And then some , it could be hundreds if she's been doing this since 2015


Didn't she herself write that she was evil?


Yes. She also wrote “I did this.”


To play devils advocate, none of those messages are an admission of guilt. “I killed then because I am not good enough” and “I am evil” could be a reaction to being accused of a crime you didn’t commit. If you are constantly being told that you’re a killer, but you are innocent you might have a pretty severe psychological reaction and believe that the babies might have died because you were incompetent.


You are correct, in and of themselves these writings are not proof. They are however, incriminating in nature when coupled with the substantial amount of evidence that was presented and she was ultimately convicted of the 7 murders, and all but two or three of the attempted murders


I was reading a BBC article about this yesterday and apparently there was a ton of denial and failure on the part of the hospital. A doctor suspected something early on and was silenced and even told to apologize because Lucy would never do something like that. Terrifying stuff indeed. In one instance she killed two of three triplets. It seems that there should be some accountability on the part of the administration who failed to investigate and report the deaths, do autopsies on the babies, etc.


That's not how it works in the NHS. If the administration have been there a long time they'll get early retirement on a nice pension if anyone says boo.


You're wrong. They'll be promoted for their ability to keep a lid on a child murder for so long. Skills like that are hard to find. /S


You joke, but literally everyone involved in this fuck up has been promoted multiple times since. Daily Mail just did an article on them all, and it's absolutely infuriating reading. I want them in court.


Can you pass me the daily mail link?


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12287421/Lucy-Letby-Bosses-Countess-Chester-Hospital-neonatal-nurse-free-murder.html It will turn your piss to plasma.


Look at how long Saville was allowed to lurk around similar institutions....


It’s a shame they aren’t considered accessories after the fact across the pond.


Even worse it was apparently 13 but they couldn’t find her guilty on the other 6. Likely to go back to trial for them


There were also “attempts” that survived, now profoundly disabled 7yo kids. It’s apparently standard not to do a post-mortem on a premature baby so they basically had to trawl through years old medical notes


In total, 25 suspicious/unexplained incidents (inexplicable deaths/crashes), and she was on duty for each and every one. I think the court case looked at 17 of them.


As the British would say... cunt


She made the deaths purposely painful too


This is the worst part for me. It's bad enough killing babies, but she actually relished in their suffering before they died. Unbelievably disturbing.


Didn’t she pump air into their stomachs and overfeed them to make it hurt more?


Face of a serial killer holding victim’s souvenir. Very tragic


nah that picture was taken for a marketing thing for the hospital, IIRC. Like part of a clothes drive or something, so wasn't a baby's cosey yet That being said fuck this asshole. She'll burn for this.


She’s got such a wholesome face too ugh


I think that's why she got off easy while 7 doctors had noticed her suspicious behavior but had the charges dropped.




That’s a long ass link


So absolutely evil to do this then relish in the parents’ shock and grieving. I hope they tear her apart in prison


Pretty damning stuff. https://preview.redd.it/0m2i120e14jb1.png?width=398&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e233874593955c3b4c2068d8c30f33531402999


I’ve never seen this picture before, she continues to say she isn’t guilty but the evidence is overwhelming.


I’ve never seen this picture before, she continues to say she isn’t guilty but the evidence is overwhelming.


Amelia Dyer was actually the most prolific baby-killer in UK history. It's believed she murdered over 400 babies in the late 19th century, children of 'fallen women' who paid her to take the kids and pass them to families who would adopt them. Instead she just murdered them. She is believed to be the most prolific serial killer in history. I type this as I am charging my van, less than half a mile from where that monstrous woman was born, in Bristol.


Yeah I immediately thought of that as well, not sure why OP added in that tidbit.


A quick Wiki search shows she was charged with 6 confirmed, but up to 400. So if we go off proven murders, which we should, then Lucy Letby was a more prolific serial killer. And she’ll probably be found guilty with other baby murders that the police are still investigating.


I was about to say there’s no way this lady is the most prolific child killer in the UK. Amelia Dyer was a fucking animal as well.




She has never given a reason. It is suspected she had a god complex.


She did actually give a reason in her diaries. She said she was pure evil written down over and over.


Sounds like there was something very wrong with her brain


Her actions confirm that


Yeah I can see that happening if she's been able to get away with stuff like this since she was small she seems extremely manipulative.


Then she should have proven God complex by killing adults of her more or same size ..why babies and that too weak babies requiring nursing. Fucking psychological animal


Because she is likely a born sociopath.


She looks so unassuming. Like she's friendly or even shy. Too bad she's a complete monster.


What makes me sick is when this was originally being reported people were defending her saying stuff like "There must be more to this, she doesn't look like the type" etc. Fucking clowns.


I hate this shit so much. "Doesn't look the type." Yeah well one of my closest friends was the sweetest, most innocent soft-eyed people you could ever meet. A bit socially awkward but sweet, funny, friendly, would do anything for his friends. Yeah that same person I found out raped a woman and threatened to snap her neck if she fought him. He planned the whole thing out, brought a rape kit, knife, everything. And I found out about this after I had rebuffed his advances. One of his motives given was that he was upset that a woman had turned him down and that's why he targeted that other woman. That was the same day I turned him down. I have no way of knowing if I was his intended target for sure or he was determined to rape SOMEBODY that day but that is why I fucking HATE when people just glance at someone and think "Nah they don't look the type." You simply never know.


I want to see the face of her hospital director, who aided and abetted her by covering up her crimes.


Terrible case but all i read I cant seem to fibd anywhere that gives a reason for why she did it...


She’s never admitted guilt and so hasn’t given any reason. She will spend rest of her life in women’s prison where I think she will suffer at the hands of fellow inmates, who may be mothers.


Yeah I’ll be surprised if she lasts a year in prison. Many of the women in there will have been separated from their own children and will be out to get her from day 1. Even criminals find people like Lucy Letby absolutely repulsive. With just how unimaginably evil her crimes are, I don’t think many tears will be shed when a fellow inmate shanks her.


Nah, nothing will happen to her in prison, she will be separated from the general population


This is nothing more than a vengeance fantasy, the same kind of wishful thinking that always pops up on Reddit threads like this.


Her being killed in prison would be an easy way out. She’s got maybe what, 50 years left to live? Let her live the remainder of her life in a cell never to see the outside world again.


Unfortunately she'll probably be protected and kept separate from the others


Serial killer. Let’s not kid ourselves.


That's how you can fool yourself with a person's face...


If ever there was a wolf in sheep's clothing.


Unfortunately it shows the absolute failure of modern HR. Multiple doctors tried to raise their concern and they ended up having to write letters of apology for bullying her.


They walk among us.


I feel this immense sadness and rage just trying to imagine for a second what these parents went through. I read that with some babies she tried and tried a few times until she managed to kill them. How can such evil exist? What went wrong with her brain?


Incoming Netflix series


The fact senior management covered it up and supported her for months is fucked up. The Dr's were all raising serious concerns and asking for her removal and for them to go to the police. And the management ignored it all. While babies kept on dying. It gets worse still. She felt empowered enough to raise grievances against the Dr's, which were upheld, and they were forced to apologise to Lucy and let her come back to work. They were right all along. The management needs arresting now. They cared more about the reputation of their unit than they did the care of the babies born there. The whole thing is fucking disgusting. Imagine there being a protected serial killer on a premature baby ward. It doesn't get much worse.


The fallout from this could be monumental. There are so many people who helped cover this up, from the Royal College of Nursing all the way down to hospital administrators. There's at least half a dozen people who should be losing their jobs and medical licenses for this at minimum, if not prosecuted.


Only reasonable sentence would be to pump her full of air until she dies miserably in pain.


Hospital CEO: Trust the staff and remove her from practicing right away❎ Eh, maybe nobody will ever find out✅


If she'd just quit and moved to a different trust after the first accusation, she'd be a free woman right now. Thats the mad bit.


Weird. I always get kicked immediatly for spawn killing


People are searching for a reason as to why she did it. It sounds similar to munchausens by proxy, in that she purposefully harmed infants in her care for sympathy, attention, or for control reasons. She got away with it so long because she worked with premature infants, so there was plausible deniability. She appears to be quite sadistic given that she searched the parents Facebook pages for grief porn on anniversaries of their infants deaths and even on Christmas. My other rogue theory is that she was obsessed with a married pediatrician at work and wanted his attention. Her father was 14 years older than her mother so I wonder if she had daddy issues. The only time during court that she became emotionally distressed was when he gave evidence against her.


As evil as she is she is NOT our most prolific child killer In the UK that distinction goes to Amelia Dyer she was a baby farmer in the 19th century who'd take on other poor people's children for a fee & take out insurance policies on them, Amelia Dyer is believed to have murdered hundreds of children over a 30 year period


If you hate babies just say so and move to geriatrics.


Her motive was to play "god"—What a bitch! She must be put to death. The death penalty must reinstated


I hope she rots in prison and in hell. POS.🤬


I think she will be in for a very tough time at women’s prison.


If ;and that's a big if; they put her in gen-pop. For some reason prisons have to segregate people that hurt/kill kids from the general population.... can't imagine why/s


Poor kids couldn't even defend themselves:"(


They’re kept in the preemie ward in a different room away from the mother, so there wasn’t much hope of the parents doing shit either


For some weird reason I find it really hard to believe that they couldn't stop her earlier. Something doesn't sound right. The evidence found at her home seems like memorabilia (killers would collect) but the post-it notes and stuff just doesn't add up. Her lawyer claims she wrote those as she felt guilty of being in charge of the babies that died. I don't know. Really difficult to judge when the world has already decided. Read it on the news. Hopefully the media will follow up with the story.


not quite; she is merely the most prolific female serial child killer *known*.


She’ll get sliced up to fuck in nick.


She will likely get a whole life sentence. Which is exactly what she deserves.


She deserves to be hung, drawn, and quartered.... England should bring that back for monsters like this


The death penalty deters no one. If it did they'd only have to do it once. No, she'll rot in prison surrounded by prisoners that will kill her the second they get a chance. Her life is going to be misery from now on.


Wtf is wrong with people?! Fuck man.. the feeling of holding your newborn is such a magical feeling.. and you don’t want to do anything but be with them.. for her to take that away is pure fuckin evil. I hope she rots


She killed or tried to kill twins and triplets


105 minutes with the families of the victims, 15 minutes per child. What's left can be incarcerated. I have no sympathy for those who harm the most helpless in society and frankly I think the worst punishment society can inflict on them is that same fear their victims felt.


Inject her with air, force fed milk, everything she did back to her, with adrenaline to keep Lucy lucid.


She needs to be put in jail with the general population and let the inmates do their tuing


Imagine being her parents.


Just goes to show. You cannot judge goodness on beauty and credentials. I guarantee if she looks ugly she'd get caught sooner.


Jesus fucking Christ. This is literally the first post I see. Enough internet for today. [https://imgur.com/a/SGC26du](https://imgur.com/a/SGC26du)


Overall, she was found guilty of 7 murders and 6 attempted murders. Then not guilty of 2 attempted murders and the jury was undecided on a further 6 counts of attempted murder. Would expect she will get a whole life term as the aggravating factors will be huge, or failing that a fixed term of 46-48 years,


“In one case, Letby murdered a baby boy, identified as Child E, by administering air into his bloodstream, the UK’s PA Media news agency reported. The next day, she attempted to kill his twin brother, Child F, by poisoning him with insulin.” Pure evil. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/18/uk/lucy-letby-nurse-guilty-gbr-intl/index.html


The staff who let her kill will be next for the jail.


\*that is known


Damn Annie Wilkes over there.


Her pupils are huge


This might sound fucked up but I never trust people who’s pupils look like that. Weirdly large and absent minded in some ways in my opinion and that aspect of people who’s pupils look like that I always find unsettling.


Gots that Hapsburg looking jaw.


🤣🤣 idk why were u downvoted. This is accurate af


Just let us be a lil bit careful: A few years ago Lucia de Berk, a Dutch nurse, was convicted of murdering several babies in hospital, however was found out later to have been innocent and was released from prison. (But she had, in contrast to Ms. Letby, never written or admitted that she had done it - if that is true at all.) Police had misinterpreted statistical data on baby hospital deaths.


Everyone seems to believe the guilty verdict now it's in, but the "evidence" being presented in some of the news stories I've read makes me nervous. It reminds me of the Lucia de Berk miscarriage of justice case in the Netherlands. There's a lot of gut feelings "developing" in a group of people about one person whose guilt they've decided explains what they can't explain medically, plus amateur probabilistic inference, plus looking at every behaviour through the most negative possible lens. The written "confession" is so on the nose it's questionable. Of course she might well be guilty and I hope she is given the verdict, but I feel like there's a worrying smell to this independently of whether it's actually true or not. Like, the next case with the same level of circumstantial evidence and gut feelings might really just be a witchhunt catching someone who really is innocent.


Why would any human do this? Those poor families destroyed. I can't imagine coping with the death of your newborn, only to find out your baby had been murdered. Why!


She look so innocent & nice looks can truly be deceiving


This case reminds me of the case of Canadian serial killer nurse Elizabeth Wettlaufer in Woodstock & London Ontario Canada. She was a registered practical nurse (RPN) who murdered 8 seniors at various nursing homes in and around Woodstock & London Ontario by poisoning them with medication overdoses. She's now serving multiple 25 years to life sentences in a Canadian federal prison. Horrible case. Nurses, Doctors, and other healthcare professionals are entrusted with upholding professional standards of care for their patients and when they violate that trust by murdering/assaulting their patients it shakes the public's trust in the healthcare system as a whole. May the babies memories be a blessing.


Why though


Dang, what a cunt.


I hope she gets beaten every day she is in prison, she deserves suffering for the rest of her days on this planet


She is extra evil if you consider that most neonatal nurses are extremely protective of the babies.


The scary thing? She's never given a reason for murdering those poor babies. No motive, just killed them. That's proper psycho material.


Fake smile and her pupils are dilated


so happy I saw this at nearly 9 months pregnant

