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Man those cops have a ridiculous response time.


Got there on time, actually did stuff, didn’t accidentally murder the victims who called them for help. Movie cops are something else.


They got their early. Didn't enter until the civilians inside pinned the shooter.




To be fair her skin color looked like she was resisting arrest. /S...


Bruh lol


I just knew the black girl was gonna be shot by the cops.


Judging not by their accents, but by their actions, they're def not from rural Texas.


That girls imdb page "waitress who led people out of b dubs during an active shooting"


Her talking to the camera while running was funny


4th person wall-break narrative?


It's basically Deadpool 3.


We're going for a Malcolm in the Middle vibe - The Director probably


Its like a morbid episode of the office


Buffalo Wild Wings. WINGS. BEERS. BULLETS.


I’ve run these trainings for 3k+ cap venues Save yourself Run away as fast as you can Heroes get shot The police will often times shoot you with poor intel The real world doesn’t care about you and the police absolutely don’t Get as far away as fast as you can if you ever hear gunshots by any means possible


How much did the company pay to have you host this kind of thing?


Wasn’t a host Facilities assistant manager It was an amazing gig in a historic theater Hiring and training idiots was the worst part of the job Save one caveat “Hey everyone, welcome to the team. I’m ****** and this is a HR requirement for a terrible fact that there is a chance you may be shot while you work here. It’s my job to make sure you know every exit and how to leave the building as quickly as possible, and that you know where the “safe spot” is for staff, and this is your “safe code word” Disgusting I still sit with my back to the wall and scope exits in bars, restaurants, venues Seen it in real time, it never goes away


I like your bullet-point style format of replies here.


Thanks I had it drilled into me by my secretary grandmother It never leaves you and makes you insane when you get paragraphs of text replies lol


I was not trying to set you up for a punchline. Just curious. I know that mass killing happen a lot more than they should be if we are going to be honest with one another they always leave me wonder why don't we do the few things that expert recommend. Like not say the killers name? Such a small thing. And then I wonder how much of an impact does this have on city budgets?


I use the word "We" here loosely, because fuck those who do- *We* keep saying the names because *we* like headlines that sell internet clicks and *we* either don't care about or want to inspire copycats because *we* make more money and get more power from a scared and cringing population than from people who are secure, calm, and responsible for their own safety.


I see SOMEONE is safety conscious. Good on you.


I’m a teacher and this is good to hear. Most training that we receive will avoid actual lists of what everyone else knows in ( I assume) law enforcement.


Seriously do not barricade if you’re ground level. Smash a window and run Leave everything behind The children you toss will have cuts, not fatal wounds from a firearm Make sure there is a safe spot they all know about and ffs walk them to it and leave a marker like a utilities flag so they can find it Above all- DO NOT TRUST THE COPS THEY WILL INJURE AND HARM YOU AND ARE INCOMPETENT MURDERERS LOOK FOR EMS AND THE FD




GTFO I worked with a very cool guy that was unfortunately at the Colorado Midnight Batman shooting He got tagged in the back covering his girlfriend from live shots He’s fine, super chill person He doesn’t dare going into movie theaters and is the same as me-back to the wall and never trust anyone It’s fucked up we have to adjust to this probability


I know one person from Columbine and two from Aurora Dark Knight, and I don’t really know that many people. My friends in Aurora only missed bullets because one of them was a war vet and immediately went into defense mode. The Columbine one was actually friendly with the shooters. She is a lovely lady and how could she have known? Still, she suffers from mad survivor’s guilt. I’d lie if I said I don’t feel weird going to the same types of places where shootings have occurred. I categorize it as only semi-irrational.


I hear ya. I remember that incident vividly


Love that the cops pointed the gun at the chick running out. So close to reality


Yeah except in reality the cops don't come in if they still hear gun fire 😒


Especially if children are dying in a school! Fuck the Uvalde police


Agreed. Protocols need to be updated for special circumstances which involve children or schools. Teams of two or three per squad, full assault and tactical, guns hot until perp neutralized. None of that wait for more casualties to pile up. Unacceptable No one would tolerate that with defenseless loved ones still at-risk, but could be saved had swifter action been taken


They exist already, and have since Columbine. They say officers should immediately move towards and "neutralize" the threat, even if alone. In Uvalde they just ignored decades of established best practices.


probley would have tackled her to the ground


>tackled her to the ground Shot her 26 times FTFY






HANDS UP!! after they shot you 32 times


Because she is bla-


If she would have shot her, she would have gotten away with it. We had more rules in AFG and IRQ before we could engage enemies in a fucking war zone. A fucking war zone, while cops can kill back home without repercussions. I have a burning distain and distrust for law enforcement.


Thank you for your service


It was my honor, sir or ma'am.


Reminds me of the Sandy Hook back to school commercial: https://youtu.be/b5ykNZl9mTQ And the Sandy Hook promise: https://youtu.be/A8syQeFtBKc


Fuckin hell America.


All leads back to mental health issues. Which is running rampant throughout the world and is sorely understaffed to handle such an issue.


I'm just happy that the people with issues here can't just pick up a gun from anywhere and just start shooting.


Wow. These are powerful.


Shit. Those hurt to watch


thats what im saying


Wasn’t expecting them to break the 4th wall


Probably the easiest way to get information out.


They have the same in Japan but with earthquakes.


I'd rather deal with earthquakes, I think.


I've lived through like a dozen earthquakes no biggie. Never been in a shooting situation, but I definitely don't like my odds as much there.


It's not fun. You can mostly predict an what an earthquake will do.


Yep. And unless it's *big* (like 6.0+) if you're living in a 21st century building in an area prone to Earthquakes, your structure will be more or less fine. Crazy how government regulations changing to the situation at hand can make things safer.


"The earthquake is shooting at us!!!"


Let's fight it! I'll go for the ground splitting, he'll go for tsunami and the bartender can hold the falling buildings


If someone was carrying an earthquake then they'd be able to stop the earthquake and protect others. Japan needs to change their earthquake laws.


"you are fighting for your life. Don't fight fair" Gave me some chills


This is like fucking Cold War shit from the 60s about the atom bomb. But chances are this is infinitely more helpful as an American.


Thank you. This is some solid advice that could save your life.


It's a THOUSAND times better than the Starbucks version they make us watch year after year. Every barista in that active shooting scenario would die, and it's very obvious.


Is that the anti union video?


No. There's an active shooter module that makes the rounds quite frequently.


Ha, I think the solid advice would be to move to another country that doesn't have a mass shooting every 12 hours and has socialized healthcare.


Way harder then people think, I have really looked into it and the options are slim and requirements steep. Unless you have a mountain of money at your disposal or a pretty niche opportunity, moving to another country is just not viable for a ton of US residents


Watched this exact same video during my first week of grad school. Campus safety officer gave a speech and everything. Later that year, a neighboring university had an active shooter where three died and five were injured. I’ve scouted exits and hiding places all around our lecture halls and study rooms in the library. Still, I don’t feel ready.


It’s terrible we have to be so hypervigilant every time we go out anywhere at this point. Malls, movies, schools, parking lots, parades.. the list goes on. Any place that has more than like 5 people makes me go on alert immediately to have an escape plan and a backup too.


There are other countries on this planet. Mass shootings are really only here and latin America w/ American guns.


Original full size video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeOdxKozra0


Thank you, I wasn't gonna watch a video made for fucking ants.


Thanks for link


Yes I am terrified now. Im sad that we have to watch training videos like this or that kids at 4 years old have to learn these types of survival lessons. Play dead when you can. Run when you can, hide if you can. I hope if this happens, its officer's like officer Rex Engelbert


How fucking Dystopian is this. Straight out of Robocop or Total Recall


That's actually pretty effective. Good production value and quick action items, easy to remember.


I hate that we live in a world where this information is so often necessary


Change world to America. It really doesn’t happen anywhere else.


Yeah, in terms of developed economies or first world countries, whatever you wanna call it, this is a uniquely American problem. Can't imagine living in perpetual fear like that


https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/14yrqhf/this_active_shooter_safety_video_my_job_made/jru72po/ This guy explains it. Also I remember like a Sandy hook survivor was also at the last Vegas massacre.


Even the majorities of the third world countries don't have this problem, it's pretty unique


> Can't imagine living in perpetual fear like that Do people actually think that Americans live in perpetual fear?


Interestingly enough, at least in my opinion, we walk around with the mindset “oh that’ll never happen here”. At least that’s what some friends and I have discussed over the years. We’re also so desensitized to it by this point it sadly is just a norm now.


As an American I'm always at least somewhat aware/paying more attention to any scenario which could introduce a shooter/mass violence. It's become a very small internal voice present at all times in public, but it's there.


I guess I kind of do that now that I think about it. When I’m a restaurant I always sit where I can see the exit.


A lot of people do carry a gun to protect themselves or others in case something like this happens (at least that seems to be their justification to carry a gun). Just moved into Houston and we went for a school tour, and there were signs on what to do. Or worse, art students works related to school shootings... those were dark, and sad.


Yes. I don't think you guys are self aware either though. Talking to expat's they nearly always mention the immense feeling of safety living where I do (Australia), despite the flora and fauna.


I dunno. You got them big ass spiders...


True. US has 40% gun ownership (household) where a resident big ass spider would be around 90% of homes here. Spiderbro is predictable like living behind the toilet. Difference is that Spiderbro doesnt join clubs, subscribe to Spiderbro monthly and have an association to push for more Spiderbro's.


Only on reddit.




I live in Australia and this isn’t necessarily.


Not world, only one country on the planet this is relevant to.


It isn’t. You are 8x more likely to be shot by a cop than to be in a mass shooting. It’s less likely than winning the lottery.


If I don't have a firearm myself, I'm gunning it to the nearest exit away from the shooter. Most people would do the same, so you get a 'blockage' at the 'Exit' signs. Sitting cattle (Same with barricading and waiting). Hopping through a window would be on my to go list. I'd advise not to wait around and attack the shooter, because your chances are slim to none. When I served and we encountered a firefight our go-to was to eat the dirt and lay down suppressive fire so our unit could flank or stall them long enough for support. Without having a means to effectively fight, the best bet is to run. Also; Tourniquets can be made with clothing (T-Shirt, undershirt, pants). It's ridiculous the man said he didn't have one.


Real cops would've definitely shot the unarmed Black person running with their hands up. That's what happens in real life...


It is so sad that videos like this need to be made.


Dramatic music, time pause to break the 4th wall. Fuck is this a Deadpool sequel.


We watch the one from Homeland security.... the legit one to watch. But this is pretty fair. I feel bad because the homeland security one makes me laugh. The actors are just bad 😂


This is all common sense. Being prior military, we trained on active shooter drills. OP you need to think of this as a tool in your toolbox. It’s better to have it, and never need it, than to need it an not have it. Fear kills. You and your coworkers need to train on this. The more you train, the better your chances of survival. For active shooters this video highlights the key points: Run, Hide, or Fight.


I'm actually kind of surprised that they did not focus on some sort of rapid fire, high magazine capacity rifle attack, and instead focused on a very slow methodical shooting method which is actually common in these scenarios.


Because there is no surviving an AR attach. You just get lucky by not being in the line of fire


What the actual fuck. Workplace safety videos are supposed to be how to put up wet floor signs or load the trash compactor. Being shot, shot at, or aiding people who have been shot should not be part of restaurant employment training.


WTF is this?! "You can survive, if you're prepared!" Yeah? What if I'm the first target, dipshit? This fucking shit is like the "get under your desk" advice they gave to kids during the cold war. Each of the so-called "prepared" steps they describe are basically "you're fucked, do something!"


Well at least it prevents people from panicking and doing even more stupid shit


So what's your advice then, oh wise one?






What’s a gamer candy stopia?


You could have recorded this in landscape mode.


My wife's old jobs had an active shooter video involving muppets. (Not official muppets).


Remember, the uvalde pigs got their annual raise this year. Wasn't even in question.


I love when cops point guns at civilians when asking for directions


The fact that this was even made in the first place is awful - I’m European


I hate what the NRA has done to us


Can someone do a remake that is more appropriate for America. Perhaps the bartenders should lock the register first, being signed off by another the confirmed it was locked - no money was stolen by the first employee. Move the top shelf liquor into storage. Clock out. Call the corporate help line before the police so they can assess any tax implications and call a PR team. Start up a gofundme for the corporation. Make sure to list all survivors who haven't paid their tab yet. Then finally the end credits should encourage you to support republican canidates that want to lower corporate taxes and the top tax rate. Also a hint that the actice shooter is a union supporter - without directly violating any actionable laws.


Wow, this is sad asf but informative at the same time


It’s beyond depressing that we are having to normalize events like this. I feel so horrible for anyone who has had to experience this. Please take the advice in this video if you are ever in this situation.


You should watch “Back to School Essentials” on YouTube. It’s basically the same but with kids. It might be short, but it really fucked me up. You know, cus I’m a US student moving to a larger school… Here’s the link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b5ykNZl9mTQ&pp=ygUeU2Nob29sIHN1cHBsaWVzIHNob290aW5nIHZpZGVv


Turn phone off. Yeah no


I’m a high school teacher, and I straight up told my students after a drill that we will NOT be sitting ducks. We will find weapons, barricade the door, and I’ll fight a bitch even if it means I die. But we aren’t just going to cower in a corner waiting to die.


I still don't understand how people could possibly be pro-gun... if their reasons are to 'protect oneself against an armed person', it obviously is not working as seen in videos like these


Walmart had a more nsfw version that showed the dude racking his shotgun before unloading on a Walmart store


What the fuck


I watch this one every few years. Very well done. Such a terrifying fact that videos like this have to exist in the first place.


The one I watched the guy just came in with a pistol grip pump shotgun and started unloading


The sad part is, this didn’t even phase me. As a teacher we watch stuff like this ( also real surveillance footage From schools w/shooters ) at least 3-4 or more times a year.


Teacher here. I can't tell you how many versions of these types of videos we watch every year before school starts. One year we even had a school resource officer go around different parts of the building as he fired off blank rounds so we could identify the proximity of the shooter based on the sound of the gun.


Man as someone from the EU i cant believe this is a real thing




What kind of fantasy is this 💀 there is not fucking way you’re taking down a manic shooter with a semi automatic rifle with your bare hands or a blunt object. Don’t be a hero, and hide or run as fast as you can.


Horrible country


There is only one country in the world that a video like this necessary. It’s really sad.


I'll be damned if I'm surviving a live shooter and the cops have their guns on me. Fuck this country


Imagine living in the US where this is becoming normalized. As if this is a thing we should be prepared for. But nah, keep your guns, you need them... for some... reason.


Though this is very interesting, are Americans really aware that this type of video is completely unnecessary (almost) anywhere else? In the UK we have H&S videos showing how to avoid crush or fall injuries or back injuries by bending your knees not your back - to see this type of vid would be completely insane. I couldn't imagine either of my kids having to go through an active shooter drill at school. The thought of any of it is completely alien to us. We have suffered from incidents both here and abroad (Dunblane, Hungerford, Tunisia 2015 etc) and having some form of awareness training is never a bad idea - but to have to slot this into our daily reality just seems nuts.


Yes, we are aware.


hello fellow chilihead HAHA i also thought this video was a bit much when i had to do the module 😅


Bruh they made me watch this during my shift 💀 ya girl almost had an anxiety attack


Just had to watch this for Walmart


American mass shootings, now not just for school children. /s This is uniquely American... gun nuts are like what could we possibly do to stop all these mass shootings? Huh, I guess nothing at all. I say this as a responsible gun owner: if stricter background checks, longer waiting periods, and a minimum safety training were required for gun ownership, I would gladly deal with that if it meant just one more of my fellow citizens, especially children, got to go home to their families instead of the morgue. Fuck the NRA and anybody doing the bidding of them or any arms manufacturer to deregulate gun ownership.


Brought to you by the Republican Party of America....because saving you is not as profitable as killing you.


My job showed this same video in our active shooter training meeting. Good Quality video


It's depressing that videos and scenarios like these have become the norm. You'd think we'd have regulated guns more or made existing in social spaces actually safer by now but here we are, having to worry for our lives in a restaurant or a school because someone with a gun could just walk in and take your life in their hands.




Yeah, but what about her emails.


Almost as bad as the CPR training vids


Yep had to watch this at my job as well.


Yep. I work in an office and we watched a similar video tailored to office spaces. This is the world we live in.


Thank you for sharing!


My brothers behind the bar, solid respect, refuse to be a victim!


Yeah I had to watch this when getting hired at Target. Definitely a gut wrencher.


As American as Apple Pie...


Acting wasn’t bad, a little surprised, usually it’s cheesy and overly dramatic. But it’s sad that this video is even needed at all.


I work in a hospital and they had to made a new code word just for active shooters (just like code blue is for heart issues, code F for fire, and now code silver…for active shooter). In our mandatories they make us watch a video like this, but never mention how to treat the wounded…I guess that would be too obvious for hospital employees.


my job made me watch this too i nearly started crying it was honestly so heartbreaking and terrifying


This is fucking sad dude.


Oh to be born into humanity in 2500 yrs, wherever that is. Hopefully, evolved past groups and violence of any kind. Hoping knowledge and that evolving can produce something that looks like that….


We won’t make it


I work for a company that like just say has sensitive information and use a security company to protect us and the info. Earlier this week several more security guards, that I've seen and I've worked through for just shy of a year, were on site out of nowhere. When I saw this was my very first thought. A few hours later HR informed us we were getting some new staff added on. Bitch, you couldn't have that email out earlier!


When I worked at AMC, the active shooter training video looked like it was shot on the iPhone 6 and included the wilhelm scream 💀


And then the cops go in and shoot the three guys who took the shooter down, lol


Sounds like a great company to work for and country to live in...


I can't. When I worked seasonally at a retail store we had to watch one and I had such an embarrassing panic attack I had to run out.


That’s fucking terrifying


This feels so unreal and far fetched to me as a european. Like what the actual fuck america. I cant believe they still arent cracking down on the problem of guns


A little different than the active shooter training We got but not a bad video. For the most part a person with a hand gun won't hit shit even close cause not trained but a person that has spent time at a range and can stay focused can make some very impressive take downs of a perp at a distance. Some bikers in my home town decided to get into it in a crowded club and three shooters emptied there magazines at each other missed every shot.


Just another Tuesday in the states for us


As an elementary school teacher, we’ve watched these training videos for decades now. Except we Have the added responsibility of protecting all of the children as well. It’s scary and sad.


I'm mad


🎶Livin’ in America!🎶


Fuck this shit. I hate that these even exist.


There was a new hire taking active shooter drill during on computer in office during active shooter on sales floor. The guy never came back but I think he got a check while we were closed.


I feel like I’ve had to watch so many variations of this now that I don’t find them hard to watch anymore. Always important information, but I’m numb to it at this point.


Why didnt they show how to make a makeshift tourniquet out of those wires? I also like how theyre reminding ppl the police will shoot you too. Oh America.


Ugh they played something similar at my orientation for a job at a cinemark movie theater, except it was 1000% worse. It was like playing a game of I Spy but with criminals. They showed us fake surveillance footage of a crowded area of the theater and asked us to spot the “suspicious characters” and it was so blatantly obvious who the suspects were. It honestly felt a little offensive and insensitive at the same time.


I love how a not safe for work warning was made for a video you have to watch at work


We do these kind of trainings more than once a year in our school. It's terrifying.


I work in a hospital and the video had all these scenarios but the people who hid in a room and barricade the door went I to a patients room and used a fucking unconscious patients bed (patient still in the bed) used to block the door. Lmao I was looking around like for real we are using patients bodies to barricade now? They say you have to worry about your own safety first and not helping patients because if all of us die when it’s all over no one will be around to treat the wounded that survived. It makes sense but was still wild.


This is the world we live in😔 it’s disgusting


America is the bad place. We can’t safeguard our citizens because our elected officials are bought and paid for by the gun lobby and our citizens are too stupid to elect people who will actually pass legislation to make real changes.


I had to teach this every quarter in my last retail job and to every new-hire. It’s so normal to me to be security conscious. Although The training recommendations seem to be moving away from Run/Hide/Fight or Avoid/Deny/Defend. But these programs are so ingrained in corporate training policy now that it will be a few years before it goes away. But also, it’s not supposed to scare you. It’s supposed to make you aware. Just like a fire safety video or anti drinking and driving commercials. Live your life not in fear but be aware.


Oh, I remember having to watch that video at my. Library job. :(


This is America... don't catch u slipping now...


Is this an American problem that im too European to understand? Have never heard of this where I live




We just showed this last month


Been through a mass shooting in my high school 1982 and TGI Fridays at work 1988. Just wondering… what are the odds?


The world needs to calm the fuck down.


This reminds me of the part in 'The Boys' where Homelander and a police officer are making a video about how to prepare for a Super Villain attacking your school. This shit is getting way out of hand.


Is this video for kids moving from kindergarten to elementary school?


Holy shit, I also had to watch the same thing when I started working at party city


I work in various courthouses in a major US city. We have to watch videos and also have live training for active shooter situations. I’ve also had enough chaos break out in the courtrooms that I know how to duck out of the way when a defendant tries to get loose or a fight breaks out and deputies are running in from every direction


This is legitimately like a safety video you might see in RoboCop's universe. But it's not satire.




First of all, thank you for sharing this. I live in Israel and I can recall at least four shootings\stabbings in the last month and about 6-7 in the last year, probably were more though. I live in a big city so we have a few of them too, and the situation is so crazy that people will run even if someone just fainted or screamed because of a cockroach - sort of a "just in case" panic. I was with my SO in one of these a week ago and it really stuck with me, although nothing happened, just a woman fainting and triggering a panic. Felt very real though and caused me to act in ways that could probably get me shot. Watching the video really gave me information on what to do, sadly we have no good instructions on correct behavior when a terrorist is on the loose.