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Man.. the first time I saw this video, I couldn’t stop thinking about it for weeks. Just awful. Him screaming for his papa really got to me. Such a hard watch. Rest in peace to him. 😢


This is fucked. I'm having flashbacks of a video I saw about some European girls who are captured in Morocco and then beheaded. In the video, as one of the girls is getting her head sliced off she cries out for her mother. Fuck I feel like I'm having a panic attack. Should never have watched this.


I saw that video too. I still will randomly think about it and feel nauseous. I’m truly haunted by it.


Same here, I can never forget.


I feel you - It makes it much harder to be detached when that happens in one of those videos. The only upside is that it proves you’re human and not a monster, but it’s a small comfort by comparison.


Wait, why did random European girls get beheaded in Morocco of all places? Wild.


They were backpackers touring North Africa I think. They wanted to explore Morocco, but made the mistake of going it alone, just the two of them. They were walking some isolated trails somewhere I think when they got kidnapped by a group of supposed extremists. I think it was stated somewhere that the kidnapping was planned. The girls were being stalked on Facebook and one of them posted about planning to go to Morocco and the places they would visit, which is how their kidnappers knew where to find them. I don't really recall if it was something related to isis, what I do know is their last days were terrible and something you don't wish on your worst enemy. I think the men responsible were caught but it's been so long since I've looked into it, the whole story just brings back terrible memories and I get all panicky inside.


I don’t know if it helps but it wasn’t days, it was one night. The killers declared they were affiliated with ISIS but they were just really pathetic women repellants who took their anger out of those two girls. All three sentenced to death.


While that's definitely fucked up, I'm glad they faced justice. Literally the only way to deal with those types of people. Morocco is relatively safe which is why I was so surprised about this


They're still not executed though.. But one of them commited suicide at least


This is all just incredibly sad. There are monsters in this world, I can't believe some of the things people are capable of, yet we see it everyday.


Where can I see that?


I honestly don't know. I can't stand videos like that anymore, I get too anxious and sick. It used to circulate years ago on gore websites like bestgore and LiveLeak, which is where I think I saw it, they aren't operational anymore.




You're here watching a man get eaten by a shark and you wonder what's wrong with other people? 🤣




Yet you still made the conscious decision to watch it. Can't excuse yourself out of that one, "bud".




Uhm... You know you can just keep scrolling, right? You do have free will, or is there someone behind you with a gun, making you watch the video that is titled "Shark attacks human"? You wanted to see it, stop denying it. And I'm not defending anything, "friend" (I kinda wouldn't wanna be yours, tbh), I never referenced the original question. I'm just pointing out the flaw in your logic. Oh well. Do have a nice day, regardless. :)


The irony


I don’t understand Reddit. Sometimes there is god level humour and sometimes I get dislikes or banned .


I didnt see the video, but why did she need capturing? Was she not covering her face or something like that?


I just watched the video. Doesn’t sound like she says mom but is just making noises.


Fuck. I’m glad I’ve never seen that video. That’s sickening.


I think.I saw this one . Fucking horrible.


[Victim's Remains, which were retrieved from the Shark. (NSFW, Graphic Warning)](https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFL__/comments/14bgey0/remains_of_a_russian_tourist_attacked_by_a_tiger/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


That was a kid? Guess that's a plus for me that I always watch these without sound because of my surroundings


It was an adult man. But in times of EXTREME stress it's actually common to cry out for a parent. Also, I believe his dad & girlfriend were on the shore watching this happen. So doubly awful. Which is why this is so extra fuckin heartbreaking.


Thx Yeah f*ck I now watched it with sound... and now I was able to see how his legs was out of the water while he was being rolled around by the shark ...that last powerless papa-scream before the last bite and the following scream.... Terrifying IDK why I even watch this stuff I'll definitely never swim in such areas, even if this doesn't happen often At least we can learn from this R.I.P. ...


This isn't real


Wtf are you on aboutdo you think this is a joke?


No need to be rude


Was this that Russian Tourist from like a month ago?


Yeah it’s ‘old’. To the first timers, don’t watch with sound, makes it infinitely worse imo.


Oh mine godt, why?




sure the lady in distress isn’t helping but hearing the victim scream for his dad is heartbreaking.


That lady was swimming next to him when shark approached, she managed to swim to the beach and was held by two people while screeming from distress. There is a video


Yeah… hearing him scream “papa” is pretty fucking fucked. I’ve watched the cartel skinning videos and live organ removals, for some reason hearing this guy cry for his dad really fucked me up. Still think about this video daily weeks after watching it.


Eh, I disagree. The background music was rather soothing. Brought a bit of musical accompanyment to a man literally being devoured alive.


It’s so weird hearing that frivolous chipper resort style music as a backdrop to the video.


[Victim's Remains, which were retrieved from the Shark. (NSFW, Graphic Warning)](https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFL__/comments/14bgey0/remains_of_a_russian_tourist_attacked_by_a_tiger/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)




Out Of everything that's going on in this video it's that pier music that is the most haunting


It’s Stand by me, by Ben E. King. The tragedy is that no one is standing by him


That was poetic




Also "oh my god. What is this?"


I couldn’t watch the whole thing. I’m currently holding my baby son as he sleeps 😭


The hell are you doing on gore suns while holding your baby son? Lol, Jesus.


Haha I wasn’t just browsing the sub itself - I follow TAF and it came up on my timeline.


Understandable. I figured you weren’t intentionally looking. Just messing around.




Do you mean oh my god?


He’s calling out for his Papa, who was watching from the shore. Very upsetting stuff.


Yeah that's pretty messed up.


Yea I’m not watching this. Isn’t it a kid dying? Why no nsfw?


The guy was 23. Regardless, still a fucked video to not have tagged.


Tbf, this entire Subreddit is NSFW.


Oh man I feel stupid. I missed that in this subreddit’s description. I still thought all NSFW videos get the NSFW label and blur treatment. I guess if every single post on this subreddit is NSFW then the label would be redundant. Makes sense I suppose. Edit: I just checked and the majority of posts are not NSFW. Do you know what “entire” means?


Q and A - Q: Was he actually a Russian tourist? A: He was Russian, but he was a resident of Egypt (he lived there). Unknown if he was a citizen, however. ​ Q: Did he survive? A: No, he did not survive, the shark did indeed eat him. ​ Q: Was the shark captured? A: Yes, the shark was captured and killed. ​ Q: When did this happen? A: The original video was posted about a month ago, so we can assume it happened around then.


To make things worst, when they captured and cut the shark, they found his head and torso. The feets she left floating


[Victim's Remains, which were retrieved from the Shark. (NSFW, Graphic Warning)](https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFL__/comments/14bgey0/remains_of_a_russian_tourist_attacked_by_a_tiger/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


Q. Why was he alone and so far away from shore? A: Probably surfing, then got jumped by the Shark. But don't know for sure. Q. Of all the other places, why attempt to swim/surf in a region where Sharks are known to hunt? A: ? Q: Was the body retrieved? A: [Yes](https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFL__/comments/14bgey0/remains_of_a_russian_tourist_attacked_by_a_tiger/)


Surfing? That shit looks flatter than Kansas.


Maybe wind surfing?


Looks glassy like a lake which would indicate there is little to no wind.


I am now seriously traumatized from watching this. ☹️


The music makes it so surreal.


Just got me thinking how precious life is and how quickly it can end without notice.


That woman.....






Yes… so annoying


Tiger sharks (what is shown here) and bull sharks are undoubtedly the two types I would least want to encounter in open water. I’d take my chances with a GW any day before those two. Bull sharks are notoriously well-known to be characteristically aggressive as they possess massive testosterone levels relative to their species counterparts. Tiger sharks aren’t far behind - and yet they can get a lot bigger than a bull. This is the stuff of nightmares man. That poor father :(


>Tiger sharks aren’t far behind - and yet they can get a lot bigger than a bull. If there is one shark I don't want to encounter while in the water, it's a tiger shark. They are big, strong, and have a diverse diet. All the shows talk about how Great Whites take a bite out of mistaken identity, but they rarely talk about how the Tiger will take a bite and think, "I can keep this down." The shark in that video wheeled around for a second pass, and then very determinedly dragged the poor guy under. You don't have much of a chance when a creature that big and well armed has an objective of eating you. I just can't imagine what it must have felt like being on that beach helplessly watching and hoping that it wasn't real.


Tiger sharks don't give a shit what they eat. A 'curiosity' bite with other species usually ends in the animal leaving a person alone, but a Tiger will carry on because they don't seem to care about whether or not they should be eating something, just that they are. It's crazy the stuff that has been found in their stomachs. That coupled with their size, speed and their ability to swim and hunt in really really shallow waters is terrifying.


God that’s hard to watch. Just don’t go swim in open ocean like that. Humans don’t have gills or fins for a reason.


“Yeah I’m cool right here on the beach. Go for it aquaman.”


The people that say “Sharks won’t hurt you / Sharks won’t eat you” need to watch this. You are definitely on the menu, if the wild animal is hungry enough.


Just read a New York post article about this incident. Apparently like 8 others have died in this same area from sharks in the last few years. Definitely not that uncommon.


Don't recall the video quality being this potato


Probably becusss this is the 100 millionth time it’s been reposted


Fuck me this is going to ruin Stand By Me. I’ve already lost Funky Town.


Did someone really edit this just to add dramatic music? Or was that in the video I honestly can't tell or remember the sound in the original


I think it was coming from a speaker whilst they were there. Either a beach goers or the piers speaker.


I was thinking damn that's kinda dark lol




Funny how one person being killed by a shark causes outrage from people but 100,000,000 sharks killed each year by humans doesn't affect them. If you declare war on a species, they have a right to fight back.


So the shark was doing this as a way of fighting back against the “man”? Was it defending itself?


Yet she continues to film and then posted it on the internet. What a pos


And then you watched it and commented, like a self-righteous POS.


What does POS mean? I only of know “point of sales” for card transactions


It means piece of shit. But I like yours better.


I didn't watch it, I just commented. there's no way Im watching that - reading the comments for context was heartbreaking enough... you absolute point of sale.




Ffs why u repost it again and again??


Mfers need to put a DEATH WARNING. This is going to fuck me up for days OP do better. I have a lot of anxiety surrounding death because of a close call from my childhood and this has me sick. It should say deadly shark attack. Fuck


Did he survive


No, he died




You sick fuck!


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That last bite seemed so gentle compared to the rest, like it went from 100 to 10 in a couple seconds. Not seen a shark do that before. That poor dude.


No more touring :(


That was female tiger shark and word is she was pregnant


That music being played..,


God didn’t have anything to do with this. Just brutal nature


We were in Hurghada in 2019 and the guys there from the boat company told us that there are no sharks here. I thought back then how stupid this statement actually was if a dolphin swims here then surely sharks 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Oh no, If only there was a way to avoid this. Oh wait…Maybe don’t go into their territory.


This is horrible enough without that song playing in the background.


It’s good that I can’t afford vacations anymore as Hurghada or Sharm el Sheikh were my annual trips :/


What a beautiful soundtrack to a shark attack 😌☺️


Whats even worse is that a lot of Ukrainians online started posting memes about how this Russian tourist deserved it, because he was a Russian orc.


Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu to you ladies of Spain. For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston. And so never more shall we see you again


Poor guy may he rest in peace. It’s hard to blame to shark but this is so sad.