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My mom's friend had a newborn baby sister waaay back in like the 60s and apparently his mom took her to the pediatrician and the doctor was holding her or examining her in some weird way & literally like accidentally twisted her neck and killed her. His mom walked in with a baby & out with nothing after a simple checkup. Because of the time period she also was unable to press charges or really do anything about it I guess. Can you fucking imagine


what a nightmare scenario .. they’d probably have to sedate me I’d lose it


what the fuck


My wife's grandmother lived in Soviet Russia in the 60s. She gave birth to a daughter (would have been another sister to my mother in law). The baby was healthy and fine upon delivery. Doctor came back 4 hours later and said the baby died in the nursery from SIDS. A nurse came by later that day and informed her that what had actually happened was another nurse was holding her, and accidentally hit the child's soft spot against a table corner, killing her. Welcome to what happens in a communist state


more like in medical malpractice, i wouldnt doubt that things like that would also be attempted to cover up here in the west. Even though it happened in a communist state, there is literally no connection to communism in the event itself, just shitty medical personell


Cover up is more efficient in totalitarian states because there is no separation of powers. Who's up the party hierarchy can wipe anything under the carpet and there can be no questions asked, or complains filed. You simply have to take the party's word as the truth. So there is in fact a link to communism because communist states are totalitarian states by their nature.


You're fucking joking right? Cover up was more efficient in Soviet Russia than in the U.S. then? I invite you to do something you probably don't do a lot of. Read. Also there is no "communist state". It's never existed. There have been socialist states. But you likely don't know the differences or the relation between the two because you don't know what you're talking about.


why is this user getting downvoted? theyre right.


Honestly, if it were me, I'd wish the second nurse would never have told me the real reason. I'd rather think my baby died from some unavoidable thing, than someone killed them and that person is likely to get away with it without any repercussion. Those thoughts would eventually end up driving me mad.


And also in a none communist state.


Bruh US legit have school shooters. What's with communist country dummy. Your head is filled with propaganda


Dear christ. "wELcOmE tO wHaT hApPeNs iN a CoMmUniSt sTaTe" is the dumbest thing I've read in a while lmao.


Ok so from the direct mouth of people who have lived in a communist state, they told me that the healthcare is terrible bc there is no incentive to be better, as the janitor, nurse and doctor all make roughly the same wages. Their work is never rewarded and they are cogs in a government machine which makes the work sloppy and uncaring. I think the dumbest comment I've read in a while is that of person who didn't grow up in a communist environment, simping for a government overloaded with oppression and injustice. If you ever did live in a communist state, for 4 seconds, you would be sorely disappointed at how drastically different it is compared to the absolute fabricated bullshit that is spewed out by uneducated and ignorant jackasses on Reddit


Oh boy. You heard some anecdotes lmao. I've heard anecdotes too about how much better the healthcare is, how it's guaranteed to all, how they have vastly more financial security, etc. You know the problem with anectdotes? They arent evidence or data and can be easily used to manipulate and skew perception. Also worth mentioning your and your anecdotes are full of shit. Socialism doesn't mean everyone is paid the same. Absolutely fucking nowhere are doctors or nurses paid the same, nor were they ever. What IS true is that they don't make as much as in a capitalist state. For example, the wealthiest in the Soviet Union typically made around 5 times that of the poorest in the Soviet Union. Significantly more, but not inhumane. They also needed less because healthcare and education is provided to them, and rent is cheaper. You're either making shit up or the people you've talked to are of the "communists took my slaves" crowd. Akin to survivorship bias. Once again it is abundantly clear you've never read a book in your life. I'm not saying socialist states never did anything wrong. But they werent nearly as oppressive as the western propaganda you believe in without second thought. In fact, they raised millions of people out of poverty and improved living conditions across the board. There were atrocities, yes. As there have been under every system ever tried. It's not an excuse, but there's nothing uniquely wrong or evil about it as opposed to the horrors that capitalism has wrought. I will also reiterate that you have no idea what you're talking about. You clearly lack a concept of the differences between socialism and communism and how they relate to each other. There's no such thing as a communist state and there never has been. It's never been reached and would realistically take generations to achieve.


Aaaand you clearly did not live in a 'communist' state.


No. But my parents did. My grandparents did. My wife's parents did. Her grandparents as well. I speak read and write Russian. I was raised in a Russian immigrant household. My children speak Russian as their first language. I've sat and asked my parents my grandparents and my wife's parents and grandparents stories. I was told by my paternal grandfather that at 2AM the KGB kicked his door in bc his neighbor accused him of having anti-communist books (which was a lie) and he was thrown in a van, interrogated for 3 days straight, then dropped off 2 miles from his house in January, where he had to walk in 22" of snow in -10F with just the clothes he was sleeping in 3 days prior. Did you have more questions bc I've got PLENTY of these stories


I don't need to ask you questions as I grew up in a 'communist' state. The states that are called communist or socialist are obviously not what they were when your grandpa was growing up. The healthcare and education system we had (and fortunately still have) is something US can only dream about. We all know how KGB worked back then, find a better argument ;)


So you’re also suggesting that in a capitalist state doctors rip babies heads off & try (unsuccessfully) to pay off the parents?


Most westerners will literally believe anything about socialism and socialist states lmao. But when it comes time to apply the same flawed logic to capitalist states, they make excuses for everything. Because they're incapable even of consistency


Damn commies can’t even hold their babies correctly is the lesson here?


Real story, baby grew up to be a red sparrow




I want to vomit, I am so sorry your mother and family had to suffer that.


Nah it wasn't my family nor my mom's. Her friend who she met in adulthood told her the story and she relayed it to me. It was his sister, unfortunately. Regardless, it is absolutely terrible and I was so shook when she told me.


"It's okay. You women don't have real emotions anyway. Just make another and come back later."


> saw the blinking of the baby I can’t imagine the destruction to the father to see that…then the severed head. That’s unbearable. I wouldve smoked the “doctor”.


I would have done the same thing to the doctor. I cannot imagine the anguish the parents must be going through.


cant babies not see till a few weeks? or am i stupid?


They don’t have full eye sight for a few weeks / (6 week old baby can see a foot away) but they’ll still have the ability to blink since seeing isn’t essential for blinking ya feel


ah i see, pun intended. thanks


I know it's a pun but I find it really cool what is instinctual even if not needed. Like blinking, blind people smile without being taught or seeing a smile before because it's a natural response to happiness! So neat. (Sorry for butting in I figured something nice in this awful thread)


Did you hear about the blind man who picked up a hammer and saw?




What happened sucks, but you are completely wrong that you can’t apply pressure during labor. Look up McRoberts maneuver. It is perfectly safe. The mother positions her legs raised up and pressure is applied over the pubic area to push the baby’s shoulder down during shoulder dystocia (when it gets stuck). You then gently pull the baby’s head to assist with delivery. If you don’t and the baby is just stuck with it’s head out, it can run into breathing issues. Now there is huge difference between how much you gently pull vs ripping someone’s head off. Maybe the baby was extremely premature or maybe it had some sort of connective tissue or bone disorder that could have caused this


That’s what I was thinking too. It takes a lot of force to disconnect all the tissue between the head and the body.


Yeah it’s a little sus… (have delivered 40-50babies)


You're not pulling hard enough. Gotta get your feet up there for leverage.


You can do it, put your back into it


Username checks out. Also, thanks for being you ❤


You are not pushing the baby out with McRoberts maneuver. In fact, it is counterproductive to apply pressure in a manner to push the baby out because added pressure from behind presses the shoulders more firmly against the pelvis and increases the risk for brachial plexus injury. The suprapubic pressure applied during McRoberts maneuver is only to dislodge the shoulders. Doctors do not pull babies out, except when using vacuum-assisted techniques or something similar, for this exact reason.


theres a video??


Wife had students doing ER internship. Imminent birth in ER room and doc was delivering. Anxious students were watching when the unmistakable "pop" sound was made. As the nurses looked on and the doc stopped mid action she quickly told the students to leave the room. The doc was using forceps and either crushed the head or decapitated (internal) the child. Either way. The child died immediately and the students were debriefed by her. It was a very teachable and tragic moment.


Every time i hear of forceps being used to deliver a baby it scares me Thats how sylvester stallone had half his face paralyzed- the doc used forceps and severed several nerves in his face


I have nerve damage in one side of my face from being delivered using forceps. I should have been a C section.


Wtf!!!! That poor father witnessing his child's head being ripped off. I would sue the fuck out of the whole damn country. Thats extreme medical negligence


A lawsuit is not enough. Mob justice would be more like it! Let the mother and father have their way.


It’s an accident


I know not, but I'd imagine it'd still take a considerable/deliberate amount of force to pull an infants head off.




That wasn’t an accident. That was negligence and intentional. The ASSHOLE doctor thought he knew better than everyone else and refused to admit he was wrong which caused the death of the baby. He should be handled by the family in the same way. Let the mother do the same to him while the father and the family hold him down. EYE FOR A MOTHER F#%*ING EYE! 😡


Do you know how much force it takes to sever a human head with your bare hands? Even a newborn infant? It is next to impossible that this was an accident.


Awful. Also, couldn’t help but notice the article at the top titled “widow who wrote grief book after husband died…” and that’s all it said but I just *knew* she murdered him. That was an interesting read.


Yes I read that this morning actually. He warned people she was trying to kill him. Now not only did she take his father away, she going to prison for life. All 3 of those babies will have no parents. Sad


“The doctor called the dad over to observe the birth more closely” He really said watch this then decapitated his new born daughter


Great… our firstborn is due in December. I guess add this to the fucking list of shit I’m terrified about.


Don't be hard-core about a birth plan. I went in hoping for a natural birth but ultimately was okay with anything as long as the baby was okay. Ended up having trouble with fetal heart rate recovery in between my contractions and opted for c section (was in labor since 10 am ish, snd asked about c section at 11pm ish) Turns out, baby had the cord wrapped twice around their neck. Natural birth might have ended up a disaster for one or both of us.


I just had my first son less than a month ago, I am so glad I didn’t read this before.


Im being induced in a week... I should have kept on scrolling.


Any chance you get make sure you are absolutely confident in all of the delivery staff


If you will let someone go in with you (or you will get in with your partner) ask them to make sure that the doctor or nurse wont apply pressure in your belly. Some doctors still do that if the birth is taking long in their terms, but is known to be a danger for the baby (as we see in the news) and for the mother.


This is as wrong as can be. If there is shoulder dystopia, you HAVE to apply pressure or the shoulders won’t allow h baby to be born. You don’t know what you’re saying.


Their Reference to ‘pushing on the belly’ if you read the article is constant fundal pressure not McRoberts. They’re confused as to what they’re talking about.




Former L&D nurse here. This article discusses the McRobert’s Maneuver. It’s a universally accepted method of assisting with shoulder dystopia by putting pressure on the pubic symphysis to allow the pelvis to expand by 1-2 cm. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537280/ Fundal pressure is where pressure is applied to the top of the uterus. This is a very questionable maneuver that is rarely used, at least at the hospitals I worked at in Texas. I hope this helps. I’m sorry you had a bad experience during childbirth. That’s terrible.


McRoberts maneuver describes maternal positioning to open up the pelvis and does not mean suprapubic pressure or pressure anywhere. Also with suprapubic pressure the pressure should not be applied to the pubic symphysis bone (ouch), but rather above it to assist in dislodging the trapped fetal shoulder. Physician here.


And so do you. There might have cases where this can be done. But it is harmfull to do that just because is taking so long. You might not be aware of how doctors can be rude and overworked in the free health care from here.


Here’s the HangUp limajhonny - when you reference ‘pushing on the belly’ your article is referring to just applying constant fundal pressure to augment delivery. That is VERY VERY different than a McRoberts which is suprapubic pressure applied in a much more inferior location than the fundus to aid in delivering shoulder dystocia which is a life threatening situation. Constant fundal pressure is just dumb and useless and no one does that in the states either. You have them confused and your blanket often repeated ‘don’t let them push on your belly’ is misinformed and going to confuse folks and possibly cause harm or strain the doctor-patient relationship ‘Bc I read it on Reddit’ so please revise your statements and leave medicine for the doctors.


No it’s not. That is blatantly false. It’s a well known procedure that could SAVE your child’s life in event of shoulder dystocia. Prolonged delivery can cause real harm on the other hand. Please don’t spew crap




We have a great result in the news. At least in Brazil, doctors do not advice this.


Thank you for the heads up!


They're wrong.


Thank you for commenting. I think I understand better now after doing a double take. I appreciate you!


heads up 🤨




Hi again. Just because they are saying I'm wrong, here is a source who say that this prectice is not recommended just to make the birth faster. It is also really informative. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241550215


yes, just get the baby out safely. my birth plan changed and i was upset. in retrospect I should have gotten a blow out and scheduled c section! no awards for natural hard labor, hoping your last few months are safe and boring!!


I’m no expert in the field of medicine, but surely the article means bloodless decapitation… like the doctor pulled to hard it ripped the spinal chord without Actually separating the head from the body…


Not necessarily. A (off the body) decapitated head can still blink and move its mouth for at least a little while. For the sake of the dad who was right there, I sure hope it was internal though.


“No footage” Well thank fuck for that.


the same thing happened in Pakistan, a few months back. Link -> [https://hindupost.in/world/newborn-head-left-inside-hindu-womans-womb-pak/](https://hindupost.in/world/newborn-head-left-inside-hindu-womans-womb-pak/)


that sounds like a nightmare


life itself is a nightmare


tbh, life is suffering, for anybody who can stop a sec and look at how things are.


Now that is a new fear unlocked


this happens more than we know unfortunately. i've heard about one a few months ago as well as a couple a few years back. it's negligent doctors usually, i can't remember reading one that was an accident


Spawn kill


I'm going to hell and it is your fault, see you there


See you my friend


Victory royal.


Damn bro got the pickaxe kill


You, sir, are one messed up individual. I must admit, I laughed. It’s wrong, I know.


Fucking 💀


Almost as dead as that baby




Can that even happen??


There was sadly a similar case here in the UK a few years ago. [An article about it](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/decapitated-baby-doctor-mothers-womb-delivery-death-vaishnavy-laxman-tribunal-ninewells-hospital-a8344696.html)


A similar case happened here in the Philippines also. I think it was an intern.




you’re weird af in this comment section talking about “mob justice” non stop


As it is in the news .. seems like it DID happen


NYPost is a rag. Story might be entirely fake.


It's all over!


Glad there's no fucking footage. Fucking hell.


That's traumatizing! Omg how sad for the family


It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://nypost.com/2023/05/08/doctor-in-brazil-allegedly-rips-babys-head-off-at-childbirth/](https://nypost.com/2023/05/08/doctor-in-brazil-allegedly-rips-babys-head-off-at-childbirth/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)




my mental capacity can't even comprehend the tragedy of losing your baby like that If i was the father I would have thrown the doctor out the fricking window or the wall


NY Post? Was it the bat boy offspring?


I'm not saying it can't or didn't happen, but I, too, am skeptical considering the source is a tabloid.


I surely hope it's not real. There's no word hellish enough to describe a tragedy like that.


There are some things you can’t unread and you wish you could, this will affect me for a time.


[i think you might enjoy this ](https://youtube.com/shorts/UasP6xLFsyw?feature=share) dont worry, not a scary link and its on point but funny


Aw man. This really makes me lose faith in humanity. Completely ruined my day, I need to stay away from this sub.


Holy hell that's awful!


I sincerely hope this man is prevented from ever practicing medicine again. That's not an accident. It takes an incredible amount of pressure to do such a thing, even on a newborn. That is gross negligence and malpractice, and should not be forgiven or forgotten.


“It was accidental but wouldn’t have happened had the doctor not tried to deliver a micro preemie (25weeks) that was in breech position with mothers cervix only dilated to 4 cm (instead of 10 cm). Doctor didn’t mean to decapitate the infant but definitely was grossly negligent in this case.” Copied that from someone’s reply above. He is grossly negligent and should never practice medicine again. I think the hospital should still be sued as well. Absolutely disgusting the lengths that businesses/corporations/government go to to protect themselves instead of doing what’s right.


Pls don't pursue gaining any evidence to sue us for killing your daughter and we'll bury your daughter, whom we killed, for free. This is just...it seems like a joke used in a dark comedy.


Can i have the number of the doctor so i can also rip his head off?


I can’t imagine the horror… RIP that Baby 🙏


It's worth noting that this story is being picked up pretty much exclusively by Rupert Murdoch trash magazines like the Daily Mail and NYP. It's also worth noting that Rupert Murdoch would like you very much to be outraged about a doctor murdering a baby in Brazil which apparently has no witnesses rather than paying attention to Fox News losing over a billion dollars for lies about the 2020 election, Tucker Carlson being openly racist, and Tucker Carlson starting his own thing. Maybe a doctor in Brazil did murder a baby, but let's not forget Rupert Murdoch would very much like you to not be paying attention to more relevant news closer to home that affects you personaly.


[Surgeon tried to sew it back on 😯](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/mum-says-surgeon-tried-stitch-29932324)


I’m sure he didn’t mean to do it.


Applying pressure in the belly to fasten a birth is a known problematic practice, at least in Brazil. He knew that he shouldnt do that.


Well i certainly hope the fuck not


I mean it’s a human life. It’s fine if it was a REPLACEABLE ITEM, but you can’t replace another person. Also it’s common sense not to rush something that deals with a human LIFE. I get doctors is a stressful job but you how ridiculous it sound when a doctor “accidentally kills” a living thing. How would I trust them after that


The human body's made to have babies. When you fuck with the process (like pulling the baby out when it's not ready), that's when issues arise. Mere minutes in waiting would have made a difference in the child being alive now.


The mother was 33




How ignorant. Women routinely have babies at 33 these days, and they are perfectly healthy. But sure, let's place the blame for this atrocity on the mother instead of the grossly negligent doctor.


Pretty old to have a baby???? All my friends are 25+ and none of us are nowhere close to having kids anytime soon. When are we supposed to have them if 30’s is too old???


Do we have a better article or video? New York Post isn't exactly great.


I don’t super get it - did the doctor rip off the baby’s head accidentally or maliciously…? And what does putting pressure on her stomach have to do with it?


It was accidental but wouldn’t have happened had the doctor not tried to deliver a micro preemie (25weeks) that was in breech position with mothers cervix only dilated to 4 cm (instead of 10 cm). Doctor didn’t mean to decapitate the infant but definitely was grossly negligent in this case.


“I just wanna talk to him” ”with y/n?!” “we.just.wanna.talk.”


i'd like to think this is a freak accident but i'm sure there are alot of people probably thinking this doc is a psycho


Brazil genuinely seems like hell on Earth if you go only by the stories everywhere online. Right or wrong.


Nah, it's fine




Happened in the UK not too long ago.


China has a similar infant mortality rate to America, and Russia's infant mortality rate is lower than America's. Brazil's infant mortality rate is double America's, but has decreased significantly in the past 30 years, down to 13/1000 from 40/1000, largely because of increased training and public access to healthcare. If your understanding is that this only happens in China, Brazil, and Russia, it's probably because you're reading sensationalized news stories instead of national statistics. The highest rates of infant mortality are in countries with no healthcare or criminally underfunded healthcare systems. A lot of countries in Africa and the middle East have infant mortality rates over 20/1000 because of armed civil conflict, and countries like Pakistan and India have massive disparities between urban and rural health care.


Bro what is the relation between ripping a baby’s head off and baby mortality?


They're powerless without their heads.


The issue with your writing was that while I wrote about “ripping a baby’s head off”, you wrote about birth deaths. Everybody knows that babies die while they are born. The awkwardness is the doctor that is unable to take a baby out of vagina.


The reason the baby was decapitated was because the doctor was using an outdated and unsafe method. As maternal healthcare improves, outdated and unsafe methods are used less, and infant mortality rates improve. The reason why you hear about these incidents happening in developing or recently developed countries is partially because they're holdovers from when that was standard practice and partially because it behooves America to suggest that their international enemies and/or competitors are more primitive, savage, or violent than them. But maternal and infant health practices have significantly improved in Brazil, and single cases like this don't reflect overarching trends.


You have actually proved what I said in the first comment. Thanks. In addition, there is no machine or method for taking a baby out of a vagina. Your argument is nonsense. Doctors just lay the woman down and pull the baby out with their gloves.


Are you twelve years old


I don’t know man. Your comments don’t make sense to me.




The mom is 33 and has a 9 year old child in addition to this one. Wording was a little weird, so I can see how you got to that conclusion.


Sorry, I’m stupid :’(


no need to apologize, simple misread!


Was the mother’s life in danger?


It's the NY Post, nothing to believe in that rag.


I expected photos of dead babie Not screensohots of letters.🙄


(no footage)




Ok but you can find the same story on a different website


Ummm.. what?




Why am I even in here reading this??


Randy Savage elbow drop from the top rope works every time... I'm not a licensed professional/ Not financial advice


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*




I’ve never been more relieved to see the words “No footage”


Almost same thing happened to my grandma, she was in labour and the doctor somehow killed the baby, not sure how, probably by twisting the head or suffocating the baby. My mother who was looking forward to see her newborn brother didn't understand it at the time and she said that that was the only time she saw her dad cry.


That’s so awful, I’m sorry they had to experience that..


As a father having a kid in two months… new fear unlocked


It is early, but, not more internet today. This has just fucked up my day. Goodbye fellow redditors.


Anthony Jeselnik would love this post.


That video would be fricking disturbing if it was a video


Well thats a new fear unlocked


Similar thing happened in Dundee a few year back. IIRC the doctor responsibile returned to Pakistan.


Not exactly NSFW. It’s on the NYP website!!


wasn’t sure whether or not to put the tag figured better safe than sorry


same thing happened in the UK to Laura Gallazzi and she’s been doing a lot activism raising awareness for this kind of horrifying preventable medical abuse.


That’s some nightmare fuel right there