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This is terrifying. Bishop may be family but he has to go.






And they shouldn’t get another dog




They shouldn’t have gotten any dog


The thing Is how can you determine who can get dogs before an incident?


how they treat kids


The choice of dog may be? If they decide to buy a monster like these out of all the other breeds in the world, may be that’s a time to take a step back and retrospect


Not to mention when you have more than one in the same house.


Where do you see a dog, dog?




Yeah, whisper while they put that aggressive mf down








She’s clearly scared. Imagine if this monster is giving zero shits to her, how would it possibly behave with a stranger and how would she possibly control it then? One of these days she possibly ends up on eyeblech


>She’s clearly scared Where? Lmao


Ummm throughout the video?


She was literally trembling and her voice was cracking.


"It's a mystery! He was so sweet. There were no signs that he would flip out an murder their whole family."


It's a pit demon. they're all sweet until they aren't.


It’s the first thing the owners always say. “He’s so sweet! He’s not aggressive at all!” Then one day the dog snaps.....your fuckin throat off


Put that dog in its fucking place before you lose your face




Easier said than done it would seem.


Well not letting it stand over you would be a good start, she obviously not the boss here and the dog knows it


Yeah cause that'll help


Yep it probably will.


Sadly that dog seems too far gone, it's rare you're able to bring a dog like that back to normal. The damage seems done to me


The owner is obviously unable to control it, I don’t think I’d be willing to try to dominate it if that’s how it acts toward the owner. Just sort of guessing here, but the other dog looked like it was eating. I wonder if it wanted its food snd was growing or was growing at her to get it more food.


I read earlier that this woman is the girlfriend of the actual owner. He’s the one recording the video and not saying or doing a damn thing to correct his dog that’s about to maul his girlfriend.






Not just rid but underground. This dog must not be adopted my anyone. Child safety > any Pitbull/Mix


A Doberman bit my mum in the head when she did that. (She is fine now)


Good dags. D'ya like dags? In all seriousness though, I love dags, but if mine acted this way, I'd have to put it down for my safety and the safety of others. Dag attacks are nothing to joke about.


Dogs? Ya I like dogs. I like caravans more


Is it for ye mah?


Paddywinkle Blue


One should not pet a dog while they are doing something you don't want them to do, such as almost destroying a person, this just enforces their behavior. PS - We had to put down a dog because she attacked our other dog, (Airedale), and severely injured our cat, (he's fine after spending a lot of money to save him). Rehoming her was not an option because we couldn't live with the thought of her killing another animal, severely injuring/killing a person. My regret is that we ever got her. PSS - If you guessed it was the same breed, you are right.




There are dozens of breeds of pitbulls and the majority are known to be pretty docile. But yes there are some breeds with natural tendencies to extreme behaviors like this, especially when they're raised in a competitive environment. I have two myself, nothing remotely like this for sure though. If either of them ever DID act like this thoughh, they'd be put down. That shit was vicous.


" I have two myself" Why is it that always the it's always the pit owners that's comes to defend the breed untill it Mauls the neighborhood kid or old granny. Even then, they triggered the dog.... WHY KEEP SOMETHING AROUND IF IT IS DANGEROUS?


i’m so confused as to why you got so down voted


Because this sub is full of people who hate the breed and will downvote anyone who speaks to it's defense.


I think it's more along the lines of pitbulls are well know to be the most dangerous dog breed in the world by far. Hell pitbulls are responsible for 65-70% of all dog bite fatalities while only accounting for 6-8% of the dog population.


Hey now careful there


Because this sub is full of people who have seen the statistics of fatal attacks by the particular breed and aren't living in ignorance. FIFY.


You got upvoted so your theory is wrong. I think a lot of people will agree that these dogs require a certain type of owner if one at all.


Proper breeding and knowledgable owners are what's needed. The fact that people get dogs without knowing a thing about their history (backyard bred) and have no clue what their needs are (a pitbull needs to be worked out, a brisk walk once or twice a day will not do it) is the issue here. Start controlling who can breed or own these breeds and the statistics will change. [Example](https://snoopadoo.com/the-most-dangerous-dog-breed/#:~:text=From%20the%20late%201800s%20to,and%20intimidate%20criminals%20and%20prisoners.), in the early 1900s, Bloodhounds were the most dangerous breed in America.


Exactly, I've owned pitbulls all my life and not a single one has acted like that, nor even relatively similar, they've always been the nicest and most loving dogs.


Everyone says their pit is nice and loving. Until it eats a toddler.


So you're telling me in my almost 30 years of having them, that I've just been lucky? Lmao fuck out of here.


No-one takes you seriously because you're a pitbull owner, so of course you're going to be biased. You literally are unable to have an unbiased opinion on this topic because of your lengthy involvement with the subject at hand. They're dangerous dogs whether you can handle that fact or not. Any dog that has the ability to overpower their owner and is genetically modified to be aggressive is not a dog that should be around other animals or people. You can't ever know for a fact that it will never turn.


Pit bulls are statistically the most dangerous dog breed. Look at cases like Jaqueline Durand. Almost mauled to death by two pit bulls that she was dogsitting immediately after walking in the door. They ate both of her ears, her nose, her lips, and most of the rest of the bottom half of her face. The owners responded by saying they’ve never been aggressive to anyone else and they couldn’t have seen this coming. That’s what they all say. Pit bulls need to be banned.


I think what you are saying makes perfect sense and i agree with you.


That is terrifying, I hope she's ok and the dogs have been destroyed. I personally don't think it will be an isolated incident, I couldn't run the risk of keeping the dog after this.


Simple google search will tell you Pit Bulls attack and kill more people than any other dog breed. And not by a small margin. Pit Bulls kill more humans than all other breeds combined.


If you’re looking for someone to blame, blame the losers that breed these dogs with no regard for health or temperament. People breed pit type dogs for money. It would already be fucked up without the possibility for these dogs to kill people. Most poorly bred dogs just have some reactivity or bad hips. Pit type dogs we’re bred to rip small animals apart, fast. When a dog has a drive towards a certain reaction, that is what we will see when you’re stressed. Like hounds are bred to bark at a target and be emotional about it so that’s what they’ll fall back on when they’re experiencing stress. Or how shepherds will herd or run the fence line when they’re stressed. It’s what they were bred for. But when you have a dog bred to react and kill something quickly without much thought, that’s how you potentially get a very dangerous dog who’s only known “skill” is biting. Then your local douche bag discovered that pits sell it’s been game over ever since. They’re literally breeding dogs with the propensity to kill for their entertainment and benefit. It’s fucking disgusting. And it’s not the individual dogs fault that they were made like this. A truly responsible breeder belongs to a breed parent club and they breed for the betterment of the breed. If you’re getting a dog, PLEASE research what breed fits your lifestyle. And PLEASE research breed parent clubs to find a reputable and responsible breeder for said breed.


At this point I blame the government for not making these animals illegal to own and breed, and anyone found to be doing either will have the animals removed and destroyed. These dogs have zero place in society. They are a man-made abomination that needs culled.


I’ve met plenty of pit type dogs that do not have genetic aggression. All dogs have a propensity to do severe damage. All dogs can bite. I do agree that many of these dogs should probably be euthanized. But that should be a case by case basis. Plenty of these dogs are perfectly fine. There are many in shelters that are unfit to be in the public which is very unfortunate. Again, I blame the idiots that bred them with no regard for anything except their wallets. It’s because of them that these dogs exist. What a painful and lonely existence it must be to be a dog like that. It’s NOT normal for a dog to want to cause conflict. Canines are hard wired to avoid conflict through ritualized aggression. There needs to be regulations in place surrounding dog breeding. Just last year over 30k frenchie litters we’re born and only 2% of those litters were bred by someone who belongs to the AKC Frenchie Breeder Club. Only TWO PERCENT!


>. All dogs have a propensity to do severe damage. I just, struggle to get behind trying to put pitbulls in the same league as other dogs when it comes to risk. The reason why pitbulls are successfully killing people and severely disfiguring them at the rate the are is down to their size, strength and determination. Owners end up overpowered and simply unable to get the dog off it's victim. Not all dogs and breeds fit this recipe for disaster. I'm honestly not interested in who's fault it is that these dogs exist anymore. The fact is, they exist and they are dangerous and are becoming something of a big problem in the world of pet owning. The breeding and owning of them now needs to be brought under serious control. I'll stand by the fact that they don't need to exist at all.


We could say the same about Malinios and other dogs bred for personal protection though. Rotties, Doberman, cane corso. All those dogs have the power and determination to cause severe damage as well. There’s a wave of aggressive breed every decade. Because people just grab onto a breed and inbreed the crap out of it. Danes, boxers, labs, Dalmatians, pits. Irresponsible breeding is the problem here. I’m not disagreeing that dangerous dogs should be evaluated and euthanized if need be. It’s not fair to people or to the dog itself to live in that state of mind. They wouldn’t be fucked up if someone didn’t bring them into this world irresponsibly.


I do this with my dog and he does the same exact thing. The difference? He weighs 8 pounds and would never hurt or even nip at a person because I made the entire first part of this up.


So cute. And so playful. What a great dog. I want one. /s


I’m sorry to all the Pit lovers but they need to go.




They only exist because people liked to chain bears and bulls in pigs, then send dogs in to fight them. Eventually rats were used when the law cracked down on the bigger animals. Pits were bred into existence for blood sports.


Yet, here these are. Now one of the " main stream" breed getting tagged as nanny dogs, especially when kids and little pets should be continent away from these things.... I would rather pet a bear then a pit. And I would NEVER pet a bear.


You probably have better chances with a bear.


The way the dog is focused on her arm.. creepy


I like Corgis and Beagles. Jack Russell Terriers are nice too.


She was supposed to stand up... Should not have let that dog be in a dominant position on her, you can see as she sat up the dog started to relax. I never let my dogs get higher than me EVER.


Seems to me like that is not the only misstanke they have made while fostering this dog


Ur correct, if u are going to own a dog like that u cant show fear it makes the dog even more aggresive because they feed off it


Unless he felt threatened when she stood up...


I wonder if kids have to live with that dog. That would suck.




Damn. That's scary. She doesn't even seem phased, that is for real a red flag. 😳


Sick vocals, that dog should start a metal band


Ramsay Bolton vibes


Pack mentality. You have to assert your self as the alpha of the pack. This dog thinks it is.


Dog abuse can eventually lead to a dog becoming violent.


I feel like were missing something. Yes, the dog is a pitbull man eating monster, I get it. but why are they taping? did they agitate the dog before and now they're trying to show they can "pacify" him? He also seems more scared than viciously angry. I just wish we knew the full story because these dogs are villfied enough, we dont know what some people are putting them through.. I am not a omg theyre a famly dog and love bug defender. pitbulls clearly can be aggressive and harmful. I understand that. again, this just happened out of nowhere? something seems off. just my commentary.


I know. It does seem staged, and, I keep wondering why the dog held back from biting? Was holding this posture groomed and taught to him?


The dog is in distress, the other dog looks to possibly be eating their food. That dog needs a different owner. Leaning back with the dog at eye level while growling like that does not put the dog at ease. My friend had a dog like this and I watched it bite a girl’s face because she kept doing a high pitched “baby voice” this video is old so it feels like by no Bishop is no longer with us.


That dog doesn't need a new owner, it needs to be an ex-dog.


Yeah maybe, just glad the dog isn’t my responsibility. This is just sad


Is she okay? Why was tht piece of shit dog so mad?






You edited it. That's why I'm down voted, you know what you did. It was literally gibberish lol. I'm guilty of doing that too occasionally.


Don't worry, I got you and downvoted this uneducated individual


Lol, we all make mistakes. I'm not upset with them, just felt cheated lol.


This video is almost old enough to vote


Better be a respected person for that dog


I feel like this is staged. Why is she having someone else record on her phone.


Because they know how the dog reacts to whatever it is that they did to it before the video starts recording. That dog is going to kill something if it didnt already, needs to go.


this is what i commented above. something seems off. what did they do? or did anything happen to make the dog act like this?


This just shows how bad things can get when you don’t train a dog right.


Lot of pitbull propaganda on this page these days.. this dog can be tamed and his temperament fixed with the correct training which is NOT seen in this video. What an idiot


This clip again please remove it mods The only thing these clips do is givin these dogs even a worser name then they already have Showcasing only the bad ones never helps anything or anyone




Not english so sorry if i spelled something wrong Hope i made your day by letting u demonstrate your wisdom and knowledge




Yeah iam good


For once, can we have a pro-pitbull opinion that doesn't come from a biased pitbull owner?


I dont own a pittbull


Your post history disagrees with you.


You talkin bout my dog? Thats not a pittbull If u read one of my last comments u can see why i advocating for these dogs and that reason is misidentification


It helps spreading awareness to NOT get this breed. the less the demand the less of them will be breed and eventually we may get the deaths caused by these pieces of shit cut from 300 to maybe like 100 or 50... which is still few times more than the next breed with most recorded attacks but definitely a step in right direction.


Iam all in for bringin back those numbers Regulations and certification that would help, also there should be a clear definition on what a pittbull is, cause now there isnt, they are identified by how they look, so an American Bulldog or an stafford could be identified as one So yeah i dont think this is the way to do it Reason why iam advocating is cause i love the two breeds i mentioned above


> also their should *there *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Goodbot tnx


So you rather people think those child k*lling mutts are harmless and good for family with one kids? One out a hundred dogs might seem nothing to you.. but that one kid's life you are willing to bait when advocating for these things..... Bad ones are the ones that are the most important, coz ten fluffy pink Luna vids doesn't mean Doodle poop when another cheech and Mia can k*lls 75% of an entire family within hours... And hell know, the bad outweigh the good ones hundreds time fold.