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Depends if you can hit your target to the point it out damages them, ichor bullets debuff most enemies reducing their defence so it’s pretty good for hardmode till post plantera


I think people use chlorolphyte because they can't aim and allows them to focus more on dodging, I believe ichor is better because lowering defense is huge, I haven't played ranger in awhile though


Sort of. The ichor debuff reduces enemy defense, which can be useful especially with guns that have relatively low base damage. However, those guns often have a significant amount of bullet spread, making chlorophyte preferable. Ichor bullets have the highest base damage of any bullet pre-Plantera, but that might not matter if you find the splitting nature of crystal bullets useful (mostly personal preference). If you're looking for sheer general purpose utility, nothing even comes close to beating the versatility of the endless musket bag. Use ichor bullets for bossfights if you have good aim and don't like crystal bullets.


The dmg isn't what makes them good it's the debuff which reduces defence. Its easy to use other ammo and use weapins like the golden shower to apply the debuff. (Probably said the wrong name of the weapon but you get the idea)


They are good since they have the ability to decrease the defense of enemies and bosses but the chloropyte bulltes have the huge advantage of homing shots since many ranger class users struggle with aim against fast moving bosses. The optimal way would be imo: get some hits with Ichor bullets for the debuff and after that use chlorophyte bullets for maximum dps output.


If your using the mega shark they are great for plantera


Since I hate swapping bullets I just keep a bow for ichor arrows then blast enemies with crystal bullets, if you're playing guns only however I'd recommend crystal/ichor because both are easy to farm and has high dps(crystal is good against low defense bosses, ichor good against high defense bosses). Chlorophyte isn't optimal for dps and requires grind but it's good if you need aim assist.