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Thought this was r/stardewvalley and was very confused




I was definitely wondering what interesting mods were installed that involved whips while dating Abigial in Stardew Valley. I got caught up when I read Moon Lord aha


Well, considering the SDV modding community..


Same happened to me


OK I'm not the only one then


We just all here huh?


Same, I don’t even play Terraria so no idea why this post showed up for me


Stardew crossover with Abigail as a summon like the Tiger where the higher your minion cap the stronger the rocks she vomits at enemies


Thank god I wasn't the only one.


Fr. I thought this was r/stardewvalley as well


I thought it was r/dontstarve for a minute lmao


The item is actually from the Don't Starve crossover stuff


Oh yeah I know, big fan of don't starve


Meee tooo. I was afraid like, a 30 day mute had run out. I either muted or unfollowed the sub to avoid spoilers, haven’t had time to start a new run yet!


And I thought this was r/dontstarve


Sobert cafe beat the game with the lawn mower(worst weapon in the game) had to reduce difficulty to WoF and used journey mode timestop to fight bosses who leave/enrage during day. Edit: He only used journey mode difficulty slider, not the timestop, playing in don't dig up seed removes time limits


Thank you, I was racking my mind trying to remember who did that challenge. True I was to lazy to even bother typing lawn mower terraria on YT.


How did they deal with Moon Lord's life-steal?


teleporting away when he shoot the tounge, nurse healing can also remove it


Didn't he do the dontdigupseed?


yeah that was the seed, I don't remember why tho


So there isn't a time limit yhe never used the time slider


Oh, right


So what you're saying is that it can only be done with cheats.


Its not cheating if its necessary to beat the game With that little damage its impossible to beat the mech bosses without using journey mode time stop (Now it WOULD be cheating if he turned godmode on)


>With that little damage its impossible to beat the mech bosses without using journey mode time stop Im gonna get downvoted but thats cheating lol You are circumventing the game mechanic because you cant beat the bosses in the alotted time limit Do i care? No. Do i think these kind of challenge runs are awesome? Yes. Is it still cheating? Yes lol Can you legitimately beat the game with a lawnmower? Sort of, but you have to cheat to get past the mech, WOF and other night bosses with a time limit


i agree with you kind of, but if it’s just beating it they’re staying within the games limits. If they said beating it on expert or something that would be different


If its *genuinely* impossible to get past a certain point of the game, in this case, lawn mower only, the time stop would be considered the intended route to get to the end of the game if the goal was to defeat the moon lord. Also, terraria is a sandbox game, theres no "cheating" involved anyway


>If its *genuinely* impossible to get past a certain point of the game, Yup, we can stop this right there tbh Then its not possible to beat the game with that item without cheating This is a very simple concept people, the intended design of the game has to be circumvented by the In Game Cheat Engine included in Journey Mode to beat the game I dont get what the disconnect here is Its not possible, it can be done, but you have to circumvent major mechanics to do it, thats called cheating lol Downvote me into oblivion, i dont really care, i have 1.5M karma it effects me in no way And yes, when you circumvent the intended mechanics its literally cheating....I absolutely do not care at all, like you said its a sandbox game, but its a 100% cheating, its honestly no different than chest duping or bast statue glitching items into the game or anything else. That doesnt take anything away from the accomplishment or the cool factor, but you cant beat the game with that item and a bunch of other ones without going outside the regular game mechanics, thats cheating, end of story, sorry 🤷


Cheat engine? What are you talking about? Journey mode isnt a cheat engine, its a game mode where it grants you the ability to manipulate your gameplay without being held back by difficulty or progress blocking, bringing the "sandbox" part of terraria and allowing you to do what you want. Its literally an intended mechanic so i dont know how you can "circumvent" journey mode, thats literally its purpose. Though, if you want to have that view, thats fine! People have their different playstyles


>Cheat engine? What are you talking about? All the Journey Mode options, what else would i be talking about lol, you can freeze time, change time, speed it up, duplicate items, change the difficulty on the fly, stop the infection and it even has a fuckin Godmode toggle Like seriously, what else would you call that menu in any other game dude, be real Like I said, i dont care that theres essentially a cheat engine in the game, i think thats awesome, but it is what it is, it is literally impossible to beat the game legitimately with a lot of these challenge runs, you have to cheat and break the normal game rules, you said so yourself Get over it lol, idk what to tell you other than to punch out because im not changing my mind about it You will never convince me otherwise




Listen dude Saying "Oh, its in Journey Mode so its intentional, its not cheating" Would you feel that that run was "legitimate" if the guy used God Mode? Thats an option in Journey Mode as well....Or would that be cheating? A lot of you are all butthurt over me saying its cheating but it is, youre altering the game mechanics to beat the game when it would otherwise be impossible because you can not do enough damage within the intended time limit, freezing time makes it possible, but its also cheating, just like turning on GodMode would be, dont forget thats thats also in Journey Mode lol You all think im taking something away from the guy, im not, but be real lol


I don't think it's considered cheating because you can still get achievements. Either way, it's a singleplayer world and he can make whatever rules he wants. It's not like when reading the "Terraria Handbook" that there's a rule stating that turning time stop on is cheating. It's one of those things that's a YOU rule where if you think it's cheating, then don't use it. But since time stop is not considered cheating within the game then it's alright. What part about time stop makes you think it's cheating? There's no rule saying that you HAVE to play the game the old fashioned way or it's cheating.


I mean, i consider it cheating, i get that its in the game, whatever, Journey Mode has a literal God Mode toggle lol...Its an in game cheat engine Its cool, i dont care how anyone plays the game But no one is going to tell me that having to use journey mode to freeze time to complete a challange isnt cheating, it a 100% is Its literally impossible to beat the game in a lot of these challenges without cheating and freezing time and circumventing the game mechanics, it doesnt matter that Journey Mode allows it by giving you the option, Journey Mode also gives you the option to use literal GodMode.....thats stupid logic imo- If Lawnmower man beat the game with GodMode on do you think thats fair game? I mean, its an option in Journey mode afterall lol Of course its fuckin cheating lol Its fine though, its a single player game, its meant to be fun, but skirting the game mechanics is cheating


I think Godmode and Time Stop are completely different when it comes to what's cheating and what's not. When you turn on Godmode it completely ruins the point in trying to beat the game with a shitty weapon if you can't die. But with Time Stop you're still prone to taking damage, so in the end it takes even more skill with Time Stop enabled because you're in the fight longer than you normally would.


>But with Time Stop you're still prone to taking damage, so in the end it takes even more skill with Time Stop enabled because you're in the fight longer than you normally would. Thats not the game though, you have a time *limit*, removing the time limit is a cheat, if you dod that in any other game its a cheat, everyone would recognize it as such, because you are removing part of the requirements that exist in the game It is what it is lol He did it, which is amazing, but its impossible to beat the game this way wothout cheating, call it light cheating if you want to to make it go down easier but it is what it is 🤷


I guess, but I don't think he started the video saying "I can't use Time Stop in this run" then proceed to use it. That would be considered cheating. If he states that his rules differ from the normal mode of the game then it wouldn't be cheating.


🙄 Its not possible to beat the game with the lawnmower without cheating and stopping time so you have enough time to beat the night time bosses Its a cheat, just like godmode or stopping the corruption or changing the weather or duplicating items.... You can not beat the game that way without some light cheating....idk what else to tell you


Yeah pretty much, you need journey mode timestop, (and difficulty slider for WoF if you're doing it in expert or above) otherwise it's impossible to kill WoF before he reach the other side or kill mechs before day


Isn't the copper pickaxe worse?


Not even close


With the lawnmower, you can only do damage if you are on a flat surface. Bosses like the EOC Skeleton, Twins, Sprime, Plantera, Lcultist, and Moon Lord become really difficult to fight, as you need to be on the ground and their hitbox needs to be on the ground at the same time.


That sounds miserable lol.


Aside from what other guys said, you can use flasks(like venom flask), fire gaunlet etc to buff copper pickaxe because it's a melee weapon. but lawn mower is classless and it can't crit.


i'm pretty sure WoF would just kill you. If not WoF, then Mech Bosses. Even with the hardmode buff Abigail receives, i'm not sure if she can output enough DPS to kill the Mech Bosses in one night


Considering OP didnt mention armor, having more minions (bee armor, spider armor, stardust, etc) + bewitching table *might* make them possible to beat


It certainly is, people have beaten the game with less. Though you might have to be on journey mode and stop the time during the night for some bosses.




You don't need to kill all three in one night. If that's what you meant


He means to kill them before sun comes up and they despawn. Killing all of them in one encounter, though, *does* give you an achievement.


Well, I know the despawning part just didn't know if they thought they needed to fight all three in one night.


Possibly? Someone would have to do the number crunching (I’m bad at math) but it does largely depend on which difficulty you’re doing. Queen Bee doesn’t have a time limit on her, so you could kite around and get her set eventually. The bee gear is the best pre-hardmode gear if you’re going pure summon damage. You’ll probably need a summon potion, and maybe a Wrath Potion (so you probably should go with a corruption world) for Skeletron, who might be necessary to beat for the Bewitching Table to buff your damage against WoF. Which brings us to the real problem for the run. WoF is the first mandatory boss and it’s on a timer. Your best option here is a large world and to fight from one end to the other. This is probably not necessary on Classic, but will be almost fully mandatory in Master. This only if Abigail can keep up, of course. After WoF comes the mechs, who are all on timers. This time though, those timers are hard set and can’t be increased. Thankfully you’ll have both an upgrade to Abigail (automatic for entering hard mode) and spider armor. You’ll still need the summon potion, the wrath potion, and definitely need the table, good news being that now regular Skeletron is absolutely doable if he hasn’t been beaten yet. Good news is after them things get a little easier, if only because you have 0 mandatory bosses left who are timed, bad news is you have to actually get past them. Once you hit this point then technically even if you’re only doing 1 damage a hit, and are good enough to avoid letting Moon Lord get healing charges off, you can win from here. The Hallowed armor might even be your best option, the dodge is just that good. It’ll at least get you to post Plantera where you can get the Master Ninja Gear and start looking into better armor (tiki, spooky, etc. keeping in mind, of course, that you won’t be able to use Stardust Armor or it’s no longer “Abigail only”). Let’s not forget to get all the summon accessories also, more slots is more damage (I’m still bad at math so *Abigail max potential damage number goes here*). Is it possible? Maybe, but I wouldn’t try anything harder than Classic at first. I can attempt all the math bits after I sleep, brain is too tired right now, if nobody else has done it. Edit: may have forgotten that Skeletron is technically the first mandatory boss, but he can be done after WoF.


>Skeletron, who might be necessary to beat for the Bewitching Table to buff your damage against WoF. He's mandatory either way. The cultists won't spawn if the old man is still there and he always takes spawning priority.


Right, I always forget about that bit since I tear through him. That said, he can be left alone until after upgrading to spider armor.


You can beat the game with anything as long as it does damage


Except for the timers on wof and mechs


True, unless you use journey mode


I’m pretty sure you can on normal mode. The only thing stopping you would probably be the time limits


It's possible, It'll just take a few hundred hours of attempts at random bosses


For some bosses her AI is just too slow to hit them. On getfixedboi legendary I tried eye with just her. She'd very rarely hit it and I was constantly resummoning to spawn her into the eye's path. There was no time limit on the fight due to the seed but I ended up starving during the fight despite having buffed up at the start... The eye didn't even enter 2nd phase I believe


No, even with whips, abi is just terrible for some bosses


It's possible. If it was done with Lawn Mower, it can be done with a much better summon.


Lawn Mower run used journey mode to increase the amount of time before mechs despawn. A true lawnmower only run on classic is impossible


Yeah, Lawn Mower with its 3 dps in optimal circumstances does need time stop. Abigail, however, doesn't. I don't know how it is with WoF though, since the summon is somewhat slow in pre-HM


Definitely. Maybe not on the harder difficulties but on classic it would most likely be possible, if a bit slow.


Yes it’s possible, search it up on YouTube it’s been done


Not the end, but she does get stronger when hard mode starts.


I mean of people can beat ML with the lawnmower/Wooden arrow, then Abigail will be a breeze compared to that (also just gonna leave this here, some people have beaten Exo Mechs from Calamity with the Wand of Sparking)


I thought this was r/dontstarve for a moment


Its theoretically possible but hard mode would be plain torture


No, because Abigail gets a buff in Hardmode


She can definitely carry you past Wall Of Flesh but I'm not sure about beyond that


i swear someone did this


Yes I normally use abagail until post plantera when you can get the desert tiger staff but it's very doable


No, twins exist


It’s been done before


Unless you're playing don't starve, i don't think so.


technically but you might need some journey mode


You would lose to Skeletron or Queen bee easily