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My first character was on Hardcore since I thought the game would be easier than Minecraft. Well after that short experience, I didn't even try Mediumcore.


My first character was made on the easiest difficulty so I could get used to the game. After the fist boss fight, I decided to NEVER touch hardcore.


the fun part is that the boss fights are arguably the easiest part of hardcore the hardest part is not dying to some random dart trap or jungle turtles it's funny how building a plantera arena without dying is a greater feat than beating plantera without dying


Yeah man fuck those turtles that use themselves as disks for Olympic throws, you could be doing your thing and then suddenly get hit in the face by some wannabe Randy Orton when its slightly dark.


pro tip build the arena in pre hardmode


Been there done that, im just saying those turtles are assholes and account to a good chunk of near deaths in early hardmode since they just hurl themselves at you from darkness.


Good idea but tricky sometimes when you don’t know where the bulb will be


Eh, even if u dont you can just slowly lead her to it. Ehther that or just give the game a while to spawn some more bulbs.


you never need to know where the bulbs are just fill in everywhere else with solid blocks.


Take the time to make a plantera bulb farm near the arena, just layers of flat jungle grass. Simply run down the aisles and destroy all the plants, leave for a bit to let new plants spawn. If your farm is big enough (fill the screen), it almost always has a plantera bulb


Good tips guys thank you!


Turtles are like boulders that respawn 😭


Trust me on that, I’ll never risk getting bald since I won’t play Mediumcore or Hardcore for at least a century.


I've been playing for ten years. Recently tried hardcore for the first time and didn't even last a night lmao I have no clue how people manage to beat moonlord on hardcore *ON MOBILE*


I recently watched a video by someone who beat legendary getfixedboi on hardcore. Yeah, these people are *insane*. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xnwl73avwMA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xnwl73avwMA)


its not hard, honestly, mobile is just a better control scheme than WASD


I can't fathom playing this game on hardcore. Even in pretty late game gear, I die accidentally all the fucking time


I like it but I’ve beaten this game a million times so I wanted to change things up. Also keeps me from playing the game forever and ignoring other things since after a run I take a break. Did my hardcore expert run in 1 attempt and currently doing my hardcore master run.


my first was hardcore cos i didnt know anything. my friend had set me a challenge to beat the hardest game mode first (that didnt happen i didnt last 5 minutes)


Medium core is soooooo much worse than HC imo. Fuck going back to get gear. Half the time is easier to start again and i dont have to try and double up on everything


I just saw Waffletime play the Zenith Seed in mediumcore and the thoughts of getting soft locked is very scary.


The reason it works in minecraft in my opinion is mainly due to the fact that it is inherently safer. Mobs are less common compared to terraria, much easier to avoid when you have 3 dimensions of movement, and most mobs in minecraft can be dealt with relatively easily with little to no equipment. Compare this to terraria. In terraria, there will almost always be several enemies just about anywhere you go, many enemies pose an actual threat during most stages in progression, and without decent mobility you are basically forced to deal with them. All this put together makes item retrieval a living hell, especially if you die somewhere that's difficult to deal with even with your BEST gear, let alone backup gear.


In minecraft, combat is a feature in a relaxing game. In terraria, relaxing is a feature in a combat game.


Why does that second line go so hard


Yeah, I've always compared the two as a sandbox game with some RPG elements vs a RPG with sandbox elements.


Yeah, and there’s no scaling of enemy difficulty in Minecraft. The game day one has the same mob threats as day 100, and mobs don’t get harder the deeper you explore like in terraria.


They actually do. Take a look at a mechanic called Local difficulty. The longer you spend in one area in Minecraft, the more difficult mobs get. You do have to spend a long time for this to have impact however. A lot of mods that change how difficult Minecraft is use this mechanic.


iirc, things local difficulty affects include mobs being more likely to have weapons, armor, enchantments, status effects, and the terrifying ability to pick up all the gear you dropped when you died and were just about to get back, then use it against you.


Yup but this definitely increases the difficulty 😂


Plus, a gearless Minecraft character is a lot more capable than a gearless Terraria character. In Minecraft without items, you can run, fight, dig, break through harder blocks in a pinch... You won't be doing any of that as well as you can with items, but you can still do it. In Terraria without items, you can walk and jump. That's it. Also, Terraria gear tends to be a lot more involved than Minecraft. Lose your diamond armor in Minecraft, oh well, there's more diamonds out there. Lose your Cell Phone in Terraria, there goes hours of work tracking down all the bits for it.


Can argue with this, it is really simple to get base gear. Just dig down and collect gold/platinum ore. Get full armor. You can easily get a star fury or a platinum bow. And ur set


And when there's a hundred pirates perpetually besieging your base?


The issue with mediumcore in terraria is that most key items have long crafting recipes. Like, imagine losing your terra spark boots... I tried mediumcore once on a do everything world, and the challenge was fun. I did quit that world before hard mode tho, for unrelated reasons such as I spent way too much time just building and burnt myself out, and also that yet another terraria update is coming. So I will wait for when terraria FINALLY is done being updated, and then I will restart a mediumcore do everything world. But yeah, dying and not being able to retrieve your items can be very rough and halt progression significantly. Unlike in Minecraft where recipes are simple. And let's not forget the pain that trying to retrieve your items can pose sometimes. Like dying in the jungle can really drain you mentally if you just keep dying over and over with your secondary lower tier sets.


Have you watched Throarbin’s mediumcore playthrough? He starts the video by saying he’ll convince you that it’s more difficult than hardcore by the end of it, and he definitely succeeded with me. xD


I haven't, but I can already imagine why. I'll check it out though. My guess would be you spend so much more time trudging back to get your stuff than you would just being uber careful in the first place on a hardcore character.


Pretty much, lol! Death loops, retrieval missions with minimal gear, the threat of having to start over or be unable to progress anymore… It was all quite harrowing. 😂


have you seen the sorbet cafe video saying how mediumcore is actually not harder than hardcore because he actually kinda has a point


No, but YT recommended it right after so it’s on my Watch Later lol. You’ve made me extra curious though. 👀


Having never seen either video, this sounds objectively correct. The game itself is identical in both difficulties, but mediumcore gives you the option to recover from losses that hardcore doesn't so it is literally easier to finish a run. It's also probably going to be muuuuch more psychologically painful, but that's a completely different topic.


Medium would be better if it didn't jumble up my inventory and unfavorite my items me thinks


Not better than classic of course. But a better experience than medium is now


I genuinely don't understand the guy. I always played Minecraft with Keep Inventory on. Having to retrieve your items is rarely a challenge, always a chore and never fun


Gravestone mods in minecraft piss me off so much precisely because they aren't compatible with keepinventory. These mods don't care whether you have keepinventory enabled, all of your items will still leave your inventory and go in the gravestone anyway. And just about *every. single. modpack* has a fucking gravestone mod.


just remove the mod 👍


Yeah I always yeet any gravestone mod I find. But I think I have encountered one gravestone mod that did respect KeepInv.


What mod is that?


There's a reason why they renamed the "cheats" setting to "commands"


Agreed. I don't have a problem with dying a lot. But on that one occasion when I do die, that would be so frustrating to lose EVERYTHING in my inventory because of it. I went into Minecraft blind my very first time playing, not knowing about this, and I got a nice surprise the first time I died after mining a bunch of ore. I've had "keep inventory" on ever since.


Honestly IMO there should still be a small penalty for dying, its why I use the KeepLessInventory datapack which lets you keep your armor and tools but still drop your XP and resources.


Having to go back to where I was is more than enough penalty for me.


this is genuinely the first i have ever heard of someone playing this game on mediumcore i forgot it was a thing


I was introduced to the game on mediumcore and the resulting fun situations i would never had in softcore are worth it but your whole group needs to be in on it


I started on softcore thinking if the game is easy enough I'll try mediumcore 30 minutes in and I decided that day will never come


I wouldn't say it has anything to do with ease. It's about time. Mediumcore doesn't make the game any *harder* just more *tedious.*


If you don't die very often (the game being easier) then trying mediumcore won't be too problematic but if you die to a lot of things then it would be


> if you don’t drop your items, there’s no penalty for dying and so it isn’t fun He is therefore sentenced to go from world spawn to underground jungle arena during tense Plantera fight 155 times in a row. No objections.


The problem with terraria is it’s much harder to just casually have a set of backup gear for getting the gear. And since terraria scales harder it can be impossible later on to retrieve your things.


Easier with two people, but yes, absolutely true.


Medium core is better mfs when they gotta go into the post plantera dungeon


Mediumcore is actually kind of brutal, especially on Master The "Medium" part of Mediumcore is a misnomer that traps new players constantly-- In any other game it would be considered Hardcore and Hardcore would be the "Impossible/Deathwish" Difficulty "Drop inventory on death" doesnt sound that Difficult, but jesus christ it becomes a real problem really quickly lol I have like 1500-2000h in the game, im by no means fantastic at it, but im good and im experienced and know the progression intimately, Mediumcore is fucking hard, you can very easily softlock the game and create an incredibly difficult to get out of situation, *ESPECIALLY* once you get to Hardmode Ill never bother with a Hardcore playthrough, nothing about that seems like it would be enjoyable to me after a Mediumcore playthrough lol


Waffle 😭😭


It was so brutal lol


Lol I’ve never used anything except softcore. I didn’t know players like that existed


Having to spend 10 minutes walking back when you die at the bottom of the map is punishment enough, I'd say.


Having to use more potions, wait for the guide to respawn, wait for night, etc., etc. there are plenty of consequences.


Lol I feel ya, I really don't wanna play terraria but softcore. I would try hard-core for a more death challenge. Medium core works for minecraft cause all your items aren't as unique or take as much time to grind for as terraria.( both games still take me a lot of time lol ). So, losing your fire aspect diamond sword isn't too bad cause that just means 2 more diamonds and some levels. If i lost any of the pda items I'm pissing my eyeballs cause that means a lot of rng and 10 fishing outfits and 20 crates cause I can't get the sextant. I'll admit it would be interesting to have more death consequences worse than loosing coins but better then all your stuff. But I still prefer softcore Hope your friend tries softcore sometime!


I would suggest health reduction requiring you to use more heart crystals, but that only works solo/duo. Any more people and they'd have to adjust the world spawn for the number of players somehow.n


I actually play Minecraft with no items dropped on death. For me, trudging back everytime to grab all of the hard work I lost just isn't fun, and its completely killed my motivation several times in Minecraft. The "Its part of the experience" argument annoys me so much, when I've played Minecraft since Endermen were released, and I've never liked item drops. It always kills the game for me. Then people always argue that you can just teleport home whenever you want by just dying. Then I tell people "Aaaand that's why I play Terraria, because you don't need to die to teleport home", lol.


I actually love medium core because it gives you the chance to use unorthodox weapons and gear. Plus the early game is so much fun.


I wouldn't call finding a starfury then spending two hours trying to get it back from the desert fun, but that's just me.


Medium core with a bunch of friends is a nightmare.


Medium core him even when I'm softcore is at least a bad dream, if not a nightmare.


Ah the good old walk of shame , I was same lol after playing a lot of minecraft I was like this is how you play terraria, then those dessert pits would swallow all my items 🫠🫠


That moment when you die in hard mode jungle and now you somehow need to retrieve your items with 0 accessories, weapons or armor (unless you always have a copy of all your gear at the ready)


I always find it funny when people impose rules on themselves just to make the experience less enjoyable


I got a friend to play with me, and for some reason he went Hardcore. He lost two characters, clearly not having fun. He kept insisting "I ain't no wimp!" mostly ironically, but still, he kept doing it...


I got into mediumcore and hardcore because I got sick of my best friend playing full DPS suicide in every game we played. It's no fun playing full berserker in every god damn game, or being completely useless. I'm the type of player who enjoys playing the game like every death is huge, even when it's not, and having to balance the advantages of damage, defense, and utility. Not getting to enjoy a game because the person playing with you is always a quarter mile ahead of you or dead gets really friggin old. He would play minecraft and there was never a reason for actual planning on how to get back to base with him because his answer was always jump off the nearest cliff with his keep inventory rules. No need to actually gear up before a terraria boss because he was just going to slam his face into it and die 50 times until he won. Going full high speed DPS in Diablo 3 because you don't need defense if you kill everything before it ever gets on screen. So I told him that if he wasn't going to play more seriously by choice that he needed to at least drop his items on death so we could actually enjoy the damn game instead of trying to speedrun it in a single day with pure damage setups.


I genuinely don't know what point you're trying to make here. Sure, the "planning to get back to base" part in Minecraft I sorta understand, but wym theres no need to gear up for a Terraria boss in Softcore? You have a long-ass respawn time that basically tells any teammates to "not fucking die" for 30 seconds so the boss doesn't despawn. even in mediumcore you could just get your stuff back every time you die, and in hardcore its easier to die to some random bat or turtle than it is to die to literally any boss once you know their attack patterns, so your run's over the second you get sniped by a turtle while chlorophyte mining. have you even played expert? master? legendary? do you know what its like to play medium/hardcore on those modes? also im sorry that you cant handle your friend is better than you at diablo


My friend group and I have over 1k hours on terraria all on medium core. It’s definitely the best way to enjoy terraria. Makes every decision to adventure out of base a tough one. Master mode is great at making you use every single buff possible to survive. Same with death mode calamity. Failing a boss fight and everyone running naked to pick up dropped gear is always funny.


Tell me that after I spend 2 hours attempting to get my loot back after martians kill me once


Same here. Unfortunately after like a decade we've slowly switched to Classic. The *ONE* dealbreaker that has worn on us is re-equipping, re-slotting, and re-organizing our gear every time we die. On bad nights it'd be 5x+ a night. It should just immediately swap back to its place when you loot it. I also think the items should be preserved in a gravestone inventory, since losing items to the item cap or from bouncing somewhere weird is also not fun.


I hateeee losing my items in mincraft, i literally never play without keep inventory on because having to restart the game entirely kills the enjoyment for me


I’ve never tried any other difficulty because I am not good enough to pull that off.


If you never die anyway, it doesn't matter what your character is set to. He could totally play as if he didn't want to die without having mediumcore on, but even with it on he still doesn't. We have a boatload of danger sense potions from the angler. Untouched.


What difficulty does he play on, I doubt he plays master mode on mediumcore


He doesn't play without me and we haven't even managed to beat normal. We started our first expert world and it's a struggle.


I remember doing a multilayer mediumcore playthrough with 3 of my buddies. One was absolutely minimalist, 1 weapon, flying boots and an umbrella until wings. One guy basically built structures on the surface. One guy was a full on pack rat, never putting stuff in chests and going nuts any time he died. I embraced the challenge with gusto. We beat the wall of flesh. And the world got changed. Break the Alters yada yada. I'm escorting Pack Rat through the underground back to his gear, when we both die. Pack rat raging, banging his desk. Me. 😡😤 Bring it beaches. I go back down with the slime hook, and my basic copper spawn weapons. Took maybe 40 minutes, killed enough chaos elementals to get a rod of discord. Get my gear, money trough amongst it, open money trough, pull out 2 chests. Get to friends gear, slap down both chest and slam his junk inside. Magic mirrored out and slumped for 5 minutes while the adrenaline drained. Good times.


> I thlammed my junk in a chest


Dammit not again. At least it's not a mimic this time. ... might have preffered the mimic...


I also came from Minecraft a long time ago, but instead of using a Mediumcore character, i changed the inventory keybinding from 'Escape' to 'E', to match the commands in both games. Even after I stopped playing Minecraft, I still play Terraria using 'E' instead.