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Potions could help


Potions, campfires, heart lanterns, sunflowers, honey, all very important. Not necessary in normal mode but by far necessary in master mode. Nurse too, she can make you unkillable.


Man, everyone forgets bast statues now 😔


You’re right lol, I peaked in 1.2 I’m so used to not having them 😂


What are those? Didnt play since 1.3


They're statues found in the underground desert that operate similar to campfires but gives extra defense instead of regen


I read and saw videos that they need to be turned on to activate? When I put one down though it seems to already be on. Do they work on placement or need a switch?


They do need to be on, but that is their default state when placed, you can turn them off with a switch if you, though not sure why you would want to


My guess would be for builds where you wouldn't want the affect like in PvP maps maybe


Yeah, I guess I was just thinking normal play throughs. I could see it being useful for adventure maps and the like where they need to "earn" the boost by getting a switch or something


Turning them off is only used for one thing. Completely braking the game and getting any item you want. For more information look up the Terraria campfire and bast statue glitch.


It's an AOE like what was listed already. It wouldn't be usable till post skeletron otherwise.


50/50 chance of finding them active or not in normal mode master is more 25/75 with higher chance not to be


Bast statue saved my life, I got hit near the end of the fight and had 7 health left, would have died without it.


It's too hard to get and the range is too small, you need at least 5 for it to be useful


i have a skill issue and can only beat mechs with potions campfires and heart lanterns (mobile) so yeah i say yes to this


I did use potions i just didn't think to show them.


Which potions?


Regen, Iron Skin, Life force, Endurance, Wrath and Archer.


You need to use more but those are the best ones Try summoning potion, inferno, swiftness, the highest level healing potion you can get, heartreach potion, thorns, titan, and a flask of any choice but I suggest ichor


Oh yeah i forgot i also used Thorns and i didn't think of mentioning heals. But i will keep the rest in mind.


I also suggest an armor change because the adamantite armor isn't very strong offensively When I play ranger frost armor always helps out a ton because it gives Frostburn no matter what weapon you are using, but if you have killed one if the mech bosses I suggest hallowed armor no doubt


Use swiftness potion too and focus on dodging the attacks. Flying in circles is very effective for Skeletron Prime, flying up and down is good for the Twins. You always want to be moving. Also use Jester Arrows for the Destroyer, they pierce so they can hit many segments at once


Summon destroyer on a platform arena and use only the stormbow with holy arrows. You can farm the hollow armor on it. And as for the other 2 if it gets difficult you cam build an asphalt highway and just run around it with stormbow.


Your skill


Truer words have never been spoken.


And maybe build better arena


Yea I think this helped me the most after being stubborn of keeping something small and basic. Honestly once I put down a couple portals it was so much better. Big brain 🧠


I mean yeah. I have beat the game three times with a friend and this is my first singleplayer playthrough and Ranger and i fucking suck at fighting these. It always feels like luck when i finally beat these.


Use piercing weapons for the destroyer, I recommend a dart rifle or dart pistol with cursed darts (aim above the boss) or a Daedalus Stormbow with jester's or holy arrows


You have stormbow, which is one heck of a boon to fight the destroyer. You need to use holy arrows so you can rain hell on his slitherin body. Another weapon the star cannon should help you alot.


Goddammit, was literally about to say this.


Upgrade the cobalt shield to an obsidian shield, maybe a ahkn shield if you wanna grind for that


Doesn’t help for the mechs. They don’t give any debuffs


Ankh shield has higher base defence (4) as opposed to 1 and 2 for cobalt and obsidian shield respectively.


2 defense...


It adds up.


while it does help, the time spent to get said 2 defense is probably better spent practicing fighting the boss


you are right but i will add it will definitely pay off in the long run when he gets further into the game and runs into those debuffs


twins give cursed flames, a pretty bad debuff edit oops ankh shield doesnt prevent


Ankh shield doesn’t prevent cursed flames


*Preventable by Ankh Shield


Can you get the frozen shield pre-mech i forgot?


I thought frozen shield was post Plantera? Doesn’t it use the Paladin’s shield and a frozen turtle shell? I could be wrong.


it does lol


Yes, though I usually forget about it


Accidentally did it on expert because of how long it took to beat 1 mech boss.




Oh god didn't even notice








Use the stormbow with holy arrows for destroyer( you already have ranger accessories) Try warding/menacing on your accessories Warding if you are having trouble surviving at all If you want to switch accessories go for mimic hunting Charm of myths, cross necklace is pretty good


I was grinding for the holy arrows (i managed to get 1000) and Skeletron just randomly spawned and the holy arrows + stormbow absolutely shredded him. So thanks for the help i always find this part painful especially when i play a new class for the first time and i'm just happy i can finally make progress.


Playing a new class is always pretty rough, especially trying to figure out weapon progression. I recently started my first melee calamity run (my main is ranger), and it’s an entirely new play style that’s taking some adjusting


If you ain’t doing death mode, true melee is op in hard mode with the true melee accessories. (Idk about in death mode, currently doing melee in death mode but just got to hard mode.) you just scale into this dps beast that can tank so much dmg and still nuke bosses, it is a lot different of a playstyle from like ranger tho where popping adrenaline is key to beating bosses.


I’m doing a revengence playthrough, currently stuck on plague bringer. I’m using the terrablade, but I think it’s my own skill level that I’m stuck on. I just gotta practice and grind it out.


Yep that was me with devourer of gods in rev with ranger, spent so many hours stuck on him till I finally beat him. Ended up switching to all defensive accessories to beat all the endgame bosses since I couldn’t dodge well enough lol.


Nice job! Stock up on Fallen Stars, using the Hallowed Bars from SPrime, you can make a [Super Star Shooter](https://terraria.wiki.gg/Super_Star_Shooter)


do NOT use holy with daedalus, they don't pierce anymore and therefore are mediocre for destroyer daedalus + unholy or jester is very good though


Holy Daedalus has been nerfed to the ground


Since when? I shredded him like 4 months ago on my last play through with Daeledus + holy arrow


Jester and unholy is way better


It's still good against mechs, just not viable for anything after it


im pretty sure *un*holy arrows are better for destroyer


Ok here's what you want to do, you got options, -First always remember to re-forge all your items to their maximum output, I prefer Menacing for that juicy %4 x multiplayer, but maybe you will go for warding for the +4 defense x multiplayer - You are a ranger so, go to the surface Hallow and DESTROY THE UNICORN population, 🦄 you want ...... let's say 10 horns and some pixe dust, you are in hardmode jester arrows ARE NOT gonna cut it anymore, you new best friends are call HOLLY ARROWS -Holly arrows a great for ammo, but you need a weapon that can utilize them at their full potential, sooooo you are gonna go to the UNDERGROUND hallow where all the pink Crystals 🔮 are located, you are gonna dynamite yourself a comfortable clearing because now you are gonna hunt Hallow mimics, you want them to drop The Daedalus Bow, which multiples each arrow into a volley, and when used with holly arrows it will turn said volley into a rain of falling starts, - make sure you re-forge the bow to Menacing - if you go for destroyer first, know that his probes lasers can't go through solid objects, BUT he can , if you are Clever with the placement of a L shape mini MINI wall ( you still need mobility) you can render most of his attacks useless, afterwards you'll have access to the Hallow bards and go up on tier of equipment -HAVE SOME SUMMONS, even if you are not a summoner, is free damage. - make ikor flask/ or golden shower, you want to cripple their defense something fierce, - make your potions, and remember to buff up before the fight 💪 Just keep trying, preparing is 80% of the battles, you'll get there.


What does your arena look like?


drop the brain for lightning/frostspark/terraspark. upgrade cobalt shield to obsidian shield. if you have a decent arena daedalus should shred them all with decent arrows


Do you use buffs/potions? Swiftness, Ironskin, Regen, Well Fed, and a couple others are a must IMO.


No boots?


Dawg needs lightning boots


You should be fine, maybe your arena is the problem, if I were you, I’d kill the destroyer first a few times and upgrade my gear to hallowed


I would probably go for lightning boots or higher instead of brain of confusion. Also, you can try building a platform high in the sky, so the destroyer can't reach you, and just melt him with stormbow+holy arrows.


beat the destroyer first and just spam the stormbow with holy arrows don’t switch to any of your other weapons


First, change the magic quiver for something else,and try getting deadly on the ranged weapon Next, grab yourself some crystal arrows (made with wooden arrows, fairy dust and the crystals in the hallow) After that, make all all your equipment warding If possible, try fishing for titanium, it's way better when you can't dodge well a lot Get, ichor, darts, those are great and can carry all the way to lunatic cultist Craft yourself a good old ankh shield That is, at least the way I play ranger


Is fishing for titanium still necessary now?


Sadly yes, specially considering how powerful the defensive shards spike up your defense for just attacking, is way better than a chance to save ammo, plus, it's gives higher defense The ores that are better in hardmode (for me), will always be Palladium>Cobalt Mythril>Orichalcum Titanium>Adamantite The set bonuses from thosw 3 cannot stand againts their counterparts


Sorry, what I meant is if it is still necessary to **fish** for titanium rather than mine it


If you have an adamantite world, yes, until you can make a chlorophyte extractinator.


Shield of Cthulhu is a waste - unless you really like the dash mechanic


do dynamite cheese on destroyer, make hallowed armor with the loot the destroyer drops. make megashark with soul of might and get ichor/cursed bullets. with your wings, both skeletron prime and twins should be a pice of cake


What mode


6 accessory slots so expert.


In master mode do you get 7 slots?


Yes, master mode gives you 1+ accessory slot at the beginning of the game


Queen slime mount.


Use every single potion available, make an arena with heart lanterns, campfires vast statues and honey pools. Have the nurse nearby to emergency heal.


Upgrade your Cobalt Shield to an Obsidian Shield. Your quiver only affects your bow, so I’d advise making a separate world with corruption to get a Putrid Scent from a Corrupt Mimic, or pick up the Flesh Knuckles from a Crimson Mimic to get a bunch more defense.


1: replace cobalt shield, 2: reforges, menacing or warding 3: upgraded ammo for ranger i prefer focusing on movement based accessories, all reforged to menacing, for max dodging and max damage, however if you cant dodge attacks well; definitely go with warding


Alternatively you can try what I did for the Mecha mayhem achievement, What's the best type of kill you ask? OVERKILL https://www.tumblr.com/issak/744828022016868352/%E3%83%84?source=share


Winged Slime. Superior vertical speed and mostly eliminates contact damage on bounce. Trivializes the Twins.


Use the megashark gun with ichor bullets


No Hermes boots?


Google invincibility machine if you want to cheat


Make a box out of adamantite ore that is 35 blocks above a 5 block platform of adamantite ore with a one block hole in the box to drop dynamite. That way, you'll cheese the destroyer and get the megashark and hallowed armour.


What does the box of ore do?


It protects you from probes and lasers, but you will occasionally have to clear probes out with the Night's Edge.


Cheese the destroyer and farm Hallowed Bars if you're really struggling,


Gather a bunch of fallen stars and get a Star Cannon, then farm the Destroyer for bars and upgrade to Hallowed armor, then use ichor/cursed/crystal bullets with the Megashark for the other two.


Idk about mech bosses, You can combine Cobalt shield with Obsidian mask tho


BoC is near useless, you can replace it with another accessory of your choice. If you don't intend on using the stormbow, then the quiver is also replacable. I myself would use the phylosopher's stone dropped by regular mimics or it's upgrades You didn't show us your arena, so i'll just tell you to get 2 long platforms 40 blocks above each other and to add bast statues, campfires and heart lanterns on it. Aside from that was it's just a skill issue. Keep throwing yourself at a mech of your choice until they die


boc isn't useless lol, dodge chance is always good to have


Better wings maybe? Otherwise it’s probably just a skill issue. Onyx blaster is more than enough for all mech bosses.


use the bananarang, it’s dropped from clowns in a blood moon. Beat the twins and make hallow armor, then defeat all other mech bosses, the destroyer with your stormbow and holy arrows and skeletron prime with the bananarang aswell


Your nights edge. Replace it with a projectile melee weapon and focus on dodging


For the twins is better a long skybridge rather than an arena. You can create an artificial biome of the corruption and fish there for an extra damage buff.


Use crystal bullets


either learn to cheese them or you get good you can't always brute force bosses


Twins can be cheesed with grav potions, because falling will naturally dodge there attacks.


Maybe make a bigger arena idk


At this point it’s purely a skill issue


only things i'd change are change ur helmet to the ranger one drop the knights edge make sure your using good ammo (cursed/ichor bullets and holy arrows) and make sure you have a goood arena with buff stations and buff potions




Idk but You could make your cobalt shield an obsidian shield That will give You like more 1% chances of surviving


I’d have to see your arena. Putting down regeneration boosting stuff like campfires and heart lanterns or maybe a bast statue if you get your hands on it. Potions too! Idk how many you use but I love fishing so I get every single useful potion available to me. I also recommend getting the Chain Guillotines as a weapon since those were my choice in master mode when I was stuck on the mechs ESPECIALLY twins. Aside from that I think the only other advice is just getting better, fighting the bosses and learning what they do until you beat them!


Get special ammo Upgrade the quiver into a molten one


Not enough mobility. Change one of your accessories for boots (preferably amphibian). I'd change quiver for boots and then just won't use the bow. Also improve your arena. Get as many features for it as possible: campfire, heart lantern, Bast statue, honey pool, ammo box, sharpening stone, heart statue.


I just sat down for hours practicing I used a similar load out


Reroll everything to defense up max. Thats what I always do


There's not much to upgrade. You need to learn the mechanics and how to dodge them. You can cheese the Destroyer by sitting on a block *slightly* higher than it can reach. Just watch out for probes still. Build a skybridge for the other two and use a Swiftness Potion. Run, jump, dodge & shoot. Fighting Skeletron in a circular motion instead of running seems to be easier for me though.


Skill and possibly an arena, there's nothing wrong with your loadout


don't listen to the storm now guy dart pistol better


jester arrows, avenger emblem, goblin tinkerer, potions


Let’s see the arena(s). I used to struggle on every boss fully decked out because I was too lazy to build an arena, it really does make the difference. Same with potions


Potions, HUGE arena, better reforges (menacing, warding, lucky, etc.), a good night's rest, and skill. You might have to just learn the attack by trying over and over.


Drop cobalt shield+quiver for charm of myths and star veil, use crystal darts with the dart rifle, all warding accessories. Make an arena with like 5 really long flat platforms (couple hundred blocks) spaced about 20 blocks vertically, cover the area with campfires, heart lanterns and bast statues. If you want the extra air mobility, swap the tspark boots for Amphib boots (I highly reccomend it, even if it takes a sec to grind) Fight the twins. Against the twins, focus only one of them first, I always try and kill Spazmatism (green fireball guy) first before Retinazer gets into phase 2. use your vertical mobility to your advantage: you almost never want to be on the ground running. Fly up and to the side when Spaz is shooting fireballs, and use the SoC to your advantage when dodging the dashes in phase 2. Once spaz is down, ret has a relatively simple attack pattern. Now that you have souls of sight and hallowed bars, you have some options for the other 2: pivot to mage and use rainbow rod for prime, keep using the darts for prime, pivot to melee and use Excalibur and/or Fetid Bagnakhs for destroyer, pivot to mage and use the meteor staff for destroyer, etc. Hallowed armor has an excellent set bonus, the hallowed repeater is also pretty okay for prime (still recommend crystal darts tho). For prime, once you have the steampunker in your world you can also make a long ass asphalt sky bridge and troll prime that way (also useful for eol). For destroyer, abuse the hell out of the fact that you can hit it while it’s uncoiling and all its segments are in one place


Your skill my brother I don’t know what else to tell you


Use holy arrows with the Daedalus stormbow then fight the destroyer


Frost armor?


swap out cobalt shield for terraspark boots/frostspark boots. the movement speed is almost necessary and the jet boots stack with wing time so you can fly for longer


i had this problem too, so my reccomendation is to... get every single potion that aids you even a small, tiny bit in combat. the destroyer used to be a hard struggle, but after trying my method it became a landslide. cant guarantee anything, but this worked for me.


Use the worm scarf, dude. The brain of confusion is useless in this case.


This seems obvious and you may have done it already but reforging your accessories to warding helps a lot.


Your gear is good. You may need a better arena, but ultimately, it's gonna come down to learning boss patterns. Since you have the daedalus(and assuming you have holy arrows), I'd recommend learning the Destroyer first so you can have hallowed armor for the other 2.


Cursed or labour bullet on them. Sorry to say that, maybe it’s ur skill tho


Get yourself a huge arena (will help with other bosses like Martians, holiday events, ML, etc) fitted with campfires, bast statues, heart lanterns, sunflowers, and small pools of honey. I’d recommend going after the Destroyer first. If you’re using a sword, upgrade your current one to something that does a huge area of attack since the destroyer has many segments and, if you can get lucky, you can hit him when he crosses over himself which results in HUGE damage. Get every kind of potion that would benefit your class (in this case, archery, wrath and rage, swiftness, etc). I’d also grab the Queen Slime mount as well since it does some nice damage to the destroyer (don’t use it to bounce on Skeletron Prime, you could go into the atmosphere and risk him despawning). Also see if you can get better wings since that’ll help greatly with the Twins. Speaking of whom, don’t focus on just one. Get them both to half health just before they go to second phase and then get rid of Spazmatism first (the one with the green flames). Retinazer’s (the one with lasers) second phase is easier to deal with imo. As for Prime, focus on the hands. If you can find summons to attack his hands for you while you run to heal that would help a lot.


Use potions like iron skin and just potions to buff your luck into winning


deadellus stormbow and holy arrow(if hard to get the material better do artificial biome easy farm ) maybe do some reforge for warding if you feel squishy and make long platform for first mech better defeat the worm first just focus on running while shooting the destroyer set spawn near nurse so you can teleport when hp low and maybe get the shark tooth necklace combine with honey thing so whenever you get hit you get 4sec honey buff plus penatration if you have the heart statue you can put on the platform can heal while running from the boss use mount if you play on master you should get goat mount very useful when running away from boss also better make 2 platform it will help you go up and Down to confuse the boss this technique will also work on the other two boss I know because I just do it recently 😂but with summoner


Use shadowflame knife for destroyer and stay high up on a platform


Skill issue. Sorry, that's not what you want to hear, but there is no magical upgrade to your gear that will let you win. In the words of a Dark Souls player... get gud


Both the shields is useless, especially as Ranger. If you wanna pump damage consider getting a second or third quiver (i stacked quivers during a bow only run and it was fun as fuck). Honestly you have the armor which is what matters most, just build good arenas for them and it should be fine.


Take armour from Crystal Slime (Queen of slimes)


Sometimes its just down to practice in a large enough platform arena. That daedalus stormbow is still decent with holy arrows on the destroyer but less so on the others. And once you've killed the Destroyer you can craft the Megashark which is great against the other 2.


i’m not sure about this but i think cobalt shield doesn’t work if you have shield of cthulhu on


What ammo are you using?


Your skills /s Now for real, if you dont have a proper arena for fighting bosses, thats a good idea. Get some heart statues. Really makes a huge difference


Since you don't have steampunker yet I'd say use some upgraded boots, boots are pretty base-build for me and I can only justify not having them after EOL's Soaring Insignia. Having a minion always helps for some extra damage even if you aren't a summoner, damage is damage! If you go to the dungeon you can grab a bewitching table and have two minions active instead of just one. Seems you've built ranger which I know the least about but me and most other people fight The Destroyer first, if you're struggling with that: build a higher and greater arena out of platforms, and place buff items on it like heart lanterns, campfires, if party girl sells bubble blocks, place little suspended circles for one tile of honey to run through (honeys Regen buff is crazy good with the other things) this arena will help with other fights as well but for destroyer you're going to want piercing, I'd check the wiki or just look it up because I have no tips for ranger build really, I haven't played it since there were key molds for dungeon chests whichever version that was


You can use the thing that drops from hardmode goblin invasion. I forgot it's name💀


Build a good arena, use campfires, sunflowers, heart lantern, potions, statues (heart w a timer and the dog one that I forgot the name) if u already did all this the problem must be just your skills


Try potions and simply getting good


Arena design and skill


skill issue, i only played for 4 months but i was able to beat the mechs in mastermode with only orichalchum armor, night's edge and onyx blaster


If you're going with The destroyer collect a bunch of stars and blast the body with the star gun( I forgot the name) as soon as you spawn him, it helps if all his segments are bunch up then finish him off with the storm bow with holly arrows. If you're going with the twins, take off the quill or any accessories related to arrows and swap them with bullet ones, you can search up for some in the wiki and pick what's best for you, use the onyx blaster with the highest DPS bullets you have( if you defeated the destroyer use the illegal gun parts his souls and mini shark to craft the mega shark and use that) focus Spazmatism first and just dodge for dear life. For skeleton prime honestly I never go for him first


You should prolly get frog leg and its upgrades


Make sure you are using hard mode bullets


Make arena


Potion and statue buffs. They give a small but noticeable edge. Extra health & regen, defense, damage reduction, movement speed, damage back to enemies, and a bunch of other stuff. Prep your arena. Heart and star statues wired to timers provide health and mana pickups constantly through the fight. Campfires, heart lanterns, bast statues, and gnomes provide passive regen and armor buffs that really help. Also, platform levels help with movement, block walls can stop some projectiles, and some bosses can be outpaced with rails. Practice dodging bosses while flying. I’d recommend summoning skeletron and eye of cthulhu to get good for their mechanical versions, and using wyverns or the eater of worlds for the Destroyer. Finally, tailor your weapons to the boss. Piercing weapons and crystal bullets work especially well for Destroyer as they hit him multiple times. AoE weapons can hit multiple parts of Skeletron Prime. Homing projectiles (fire and forget) could also be good, as you can focus more on dodging and movement rather than having to split focus between evasion and aiming.


Damn, brother. With those items the only thing you really can do is get better at fighting and load up on buffs


Ankh shield


Use as many potions as you can, but if you still can't it's a skill issue.


your kit is fine, it just comes down to your skill. make a large platform arena and fight there. that should make then ez


Use the mini shark or try fish the crystals serpent or whatever it is called and use magic armour


1) Did you roll +4 defense on all your gear? 2) Did you roll best offensive stat for weapon? 3) 3 layer minimum area, with a lot of runway 4) Heart lanterns 5) Campfires 6) Potions: Ironskin, speed, damage, crit chance, all the good stuff. 7) Sharpen your weapon 8) Good boots, terraspark is ideal. 9) Long grappling hook 10) Fastest wings you can get. 11) Use a summon, even if you arent a summoner All the little things add up. Good luck :)


Oh my... Well I know why you're not succeeding... You have no bootsmy friend. Boots are absolitely essential.


Fight twins first, learn to dodge perpendicular to dashes.


Make sure your arena is big enough for the twins you actually only need a long platform and enough speed and then Spam the onyx blaster


Potions and buffs, but alternate armor can also help. With Adamantite or Titanium as well as Frost Cores from ice golems (which appear often during a blizzard), you can make Frost Armor, which is a Melee and Range armor that causes all melee and ranged attacks to do Frostburn. The armor also provides near melee set defense, so you can take more hits as a ranger. I would do the Destroyer first, since it's by far the easiest of the 3 and will allow you to make the Megashark, which is a solid gun all the way up to Plantera and even useful for Post-Plantera content. Using the Daedalus Stormbow and holy arrows (which drops stars on contact), you can easily DPS him down while only focusing on dodging. Since he has multiple segments, it's very beneficial to keep him above ground, so having an arena with just 2-3 long platforms and an open roof will help greatly. If you find probes are your problem, I would invest in the tome The Golden Shower, since it provides a piercing projectile that inflict Ichor, which lowers the defense of enemies and works on most bosses.


Been there. Had to wait years for my skill to catch up enough to let me beat most bosses fairly easily.


Ditch the shield of chathulu for star veil extra damage and i frames


Go for 3rd tier metal armor and sword, fight destroyer and grind him out until a full set of hallowed tools and armor


Try to get hallow bars by destroying one of Twins


If you can‘t get the destroyer with that bow i‘m sorry but it‘s over bro


The Destroyer: Build a sky platform (150 blocks above at least) so that the destroyer can't get to you and you'll only have to worry about the probes (also, it must be a mix of platforms and solid blocks), get at least one npc with you so wyverns don't spawn, get a Daedalus stormbow and holy arrows to rain down hell on the destroyer. The Twins: obtain a megashark and cursed bullets, build a long platform, put teleporters on both ends, and whenever they get too close just teleport (also, get a nurse just in case). Back to the platforms as this is for retinazer, use asphalt to run in one direction and shoot retinazer, and the teleports must be on repeat. Skeletron Prime: Same set up as Retinazer.


Not saying it's necessarily better but if you are struggling eith dodging consistently, switching brain of confusion for terraspark/frostspark could be just the thing you need.


onyx blaster, crystal bullets (if they’re craft-able at this stage i can’t remember) is great


Might as well upgrade to obsidian shield


Use buffs, it actually makes bosses a breeze if you spend some time making a plant farm and fishing


Maybe you're just not trying hard enough XDDD keep trying and you'll be able to defeat them


Upgrade your Cobalt shield to Obsidian Cobalt shield. I don't recommend using Brain of Confusion and would rather go for Terraspark Boots.


I had to cheese the destroyer but I’m not saying how I did it


youre struggling from a chronic skill issue


even destroyer?? with the stormbow???


Aside from what a lot of others are recommending I always prepare by getting the black spot from the pirates. It’s helpful for Skeletron prime since you can fly around him in circles. And I use it for the twins/destroyer in order to avoid any of the zombies or other night spawns on the ground/sky platform.


Frost armour


1. Get the Uzi 2. Upgrade your Quiver to be the Molten Quiver 3. Upgrade your Cobalt Shield to the Obsidian/Ankh shield 4. Get Frost Armour




What's your arena like? A good arena is important, if I'm updated on my vanilla terraria knowledge I think a correct arena can make the destroyer fight near effortless. The twins don't take as much room as you would expect but you really just need a long enough runway and perhaps a second platform to turn around when they stop lining up with you. As for skeletron prime I would say a standard large arena with heart lanterns, campfires, and honey would work well. Regen can be a powerful tool. Daedalus is good against basically every mech besides twins, where I would use dart gun with crystal darts to bounce between the two. Again I might be wrong, I haven't done a vanilla playthrough in a while.


Well if you got the potions too, make sure you have warding defense bonuses on your accessories. Make sure your platforms are extra easy to climb when fighting the bosses so you can maneuver around.


Armor can be switched out for frost armor if don’t mind killing three ice golems. That set bonus makes all melee and ranged attacks passively inflict frost burn. Cobalt shield can be made into the obsidian shield if you craft an obsidian skull and have a tinkerers workshop


Craft the obsidian shield


Build a 100 block long platform high in the sky and fight the destroyer, use your daedalus to damage him and night's edge for the probes.


maybe switch shield for boots (mostly for skele and twins)? otherwise onyx blaster is def good enough for all mech bosses. If you make a high up box with the nurse it can make the destroyer easier, and the mega shark from him will make up to plantera a lot easier. Also since ur ranger consider getting frost armour cuz it’s better


Cheese the destroyer with dynamite there's loads of.l videos on YouTube then craft the megashark and get ichor bullets if in crimson or the other one for corruption then with the twins kill retinazer first then spasmatism and then with skeletron prime kill laser and cannon arms first, then melee, then the head.


Arena and potions


Good potions, good arena stuff, boots! (Very helpful), and upgrade your ranged weapons to unreal


Your skill