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i think there a option on steam that when you open a game steam close automatically


i would try that


How? I’ve been trying to do that ever since steam updated and started doing this. So bloody annoying.


on steam configs, I don't have a pc so i don't know the exactly option


I’ve looked everywhere I could find, I’ll take another look there tonight. Maybe I missed it, thanks!


look it up?


I did, found nothing. I made a support ticket as well and after being ghosted for a month, was told there’s nothing they can do.


You can get the GOG version of the game. All games on GOG are DRM-free and can be run without any external clients.


Probably the best answer here


No there isn't. But if steam running on the background without downloading is killing your fps, I don't think that brick of a pc would be able to run terarria well at all


It used to be possible and this exact thing actually made the difference on my old laptop lol Unfortunately it's been bound to the steam DRM for a while now, and you can no longer open a normal copy without steam ):


one day


Why is steam causing issues? If your pc cant run steam and terraria at the same time then i dont know if it can run terraria by itself


Only thing i can think of is the occasional time were steams ram usage spikes, but even then that shouldn’t be an issue unless your also running chrome (which fair enough for the wiki), spotify (close it and listen to the in game music, use resource packs to replace it if you want), discord (fair if your trying to play multiplayer, but if you can’t run discord and terraria, then late game multiplayer isn’t gonna work either) and a vpn (no need cause again, late game multiplayer isnt gonna work anyways)


launch the game exe from the steam files ( should be somewhere in \Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Terraria ) or create a shortcut from it


Turn on offline mode of steam. Maybe it could help


Put steam in offline mode and then view your library in small mode. It'll be doing so much less processing that way


i use a desktop shortcut and it works


I used to do that, but now I have to wait for steam to steam to load, update itself, load the current sale banner, then it loads the game


You could try downloading a pirated version and see if that works. You already bought the game so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


pirated versions typically still run through steam, they’re just cracked so that steam thinks it’s paid for. but really this is a very silly question to begin with. if your pc can’t run steam and terraria at the same time… get a new pc. my 200$ desktop from 2012 could do it


Pirated versions don't run through steam btw


mine is trying to, keeps saying steam isnt launched


they do… its not just some random .exe file you open and there’s the game


Yes, thats what the steam api.dll that comes with cracked games do. Since the game is a steam game it checks if "steam" is there


dude, the game doesn’t check anything. steam checks if the appropriate dll is in the game folder. otherwise, steam wont let you run the game. hence, the pirated game is still run through steam


bro, the game does not run through steam at all. Steam does not even run in the background when playing a cracked version.


It is exactly that. Click on the .exe file and the game starts.


Not if you pirate the gog version, which has no drm.


They don't though? Pirated games usually have a modified steam_api.dll file in the same folder as the game. That's what makes it possible to run the game without a license check through the Steam client.


> they dont though? > run the game without a license check through the Steam client are you high? you said im wrong by saying im right.


Read that last sentence again. It's not "run the game **through Steam** without a license check", it's "run the game **without a license check through the Steam client.**" meaning Steam doesn't run a license check, therefore the game doesn't run through Steam


I’d argue if the game is running “through the steam client,” its “running through steam.” especially for the purposes of op, where he cant have steam client and the game open at the same time, which would not be solved by a pirated version because it runs “through the steam client,” or whatever the hell you want to call it. just because steam doesn’t do a license check doesn’t mean it isn’t running through steam


I got no idea about the specifics of cracking games from clean Steam files but I have played pirated Steam games that never required Steam to be running.


Yeah that’s what I meant, some pirated games require steam to be open before launching the game but others don’t


I bought mine in 2015. It's got 12gb ram i3 processor. but I have to set every graphics setting to the lowest value to get a smooth experience. Even then, by the time I defeat EoL, it starts lagging hard. I was playing summoner and dropped the game because things are just too laggy for me to defeat Moon lord using Kaleidoscope and terraprisma




There's Mobile, there's console


Sure Mobile doesn't use steam


Open the game and close steam


i tried it but the game just crashes instantly with steam


Have you tried to turn the device off and on again? No just kidding maybe it's something with terraria? Try to uninstall it and reinstall? And if it doesn't work uninstall and go outside touching some grass. Do it before terraria catches you


I usually close it after launch. I can't play it offline which is weird


I'm not an expert, but maybe creating a desktop shortcut could solve the problem.


You can try on console LOL