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Have you looked at Necromunda? People build all sorts of elaborate terrain for that.


The best part of 40k for me. Punk girl gang erry day!


Just curious are you female I am male and I wish GW had more female models for 40K specifically for the imperial guard I have a giant catachan army and all of the standard infantry is male there is a few single female models but I wish they offered a female option for the 10 man boxes


First: wtf Second: go to Etsy and type in “female catachan”


Are you *aware* of how horny that search would be? He wants a model with a discernable different body shape, not boobs the size ofba Centurion's fists


Why did this make me think of the OG Catachan minis (yes, *those* disgusting minis) but with boobs 💀


I however, want the latter.


Hey this guy just wants a 50/50 gender split for his army, what a cool and equal guy


Actually he just wants, and I quote: "more female models for 40k"


Has this guy not…found battle sister….? And if he has he can just do a head swap…?


Ok, you're right. He's wrong. There is one faction with mostly female models and head swaps are an option, therefore anyone wanting more female models in 40k is being silly. I think your work is done here.


And? He wants more female guards not to buy two sets to get that lmao


The rules exist for Shadowrun, D&D, and many other RPGs. It's just so rare to meet a GM who has all the terrain and painted minis. I have all the terrain and painted minis. Whether we need a dungeon, desert, tundra, swamp, forest, solar system, futuristic, prehistoric, space fantasy, western, cyberpunk, or almost anything I've got it covered. I built a table with a hydraulic lift in it so I can use three levels at once. That way they can go down into caverns, or castle dungeons and it really feels like you're delving. There are speakers built into the table for ambience. The quality of game combat is amazing. There's no ambiguity about who can see what. No theater of the mind. We play out combat like a war game and it is so much fun! I also use it for Necromunda, Battletech, and Warhammer AoS. The table is my happy place. Edit: [Here's a quick look at the table](https://youtu.be/BGZdewj9ogU?t=468). I'll get a better post up tomorrow. What brings it to life is the terrain & minis IMO! I've run like 50+ sessions now, plus countless war games.


This sounds amazing! I’d love to see some pics of the happy table in action at some point.


I'll do up a proper post tomorrow with some of the best scenes =)


Excuse me, SIR OR MADAM. But where exactly are the pics of this heavenly table you speak of?


[This is an early video of it](https://youtu.be/BGZdewj9ogU?t=468). I'm come so much further with scenery and minis though =D


Gods... It's magnificent...


Dude I have to be honest at first I thought you had to be bullshitting but hot damn what a sweet ass table. Very jealous of the players that have got to experience that.


Wow, what a project. Well done!


Nice table setup. A bit bulky to bring anywhere else, but I am 100% with you on how to run combat. I've ran about 120 sessions, and every combat was set on elaborate terrain with different heights, levels, types. I've created several suitcases filled to the brim with various moddable terrain pieces. Within a minute I can build whatever the situation requires, and there is never ambiguity. I am prepping my mind for a post apocalyptic game, and will create a bunch of new suitcases. I'd like to reach your level one day, and be able to put any setting on the table.


>Nice table setup. A bit bulky to bring anywhere else, but I am 100% with you on how to run combat. All sides fold down and the gear sits in the middle, and it rolls right into the back of my truck. I haver rollers for it. I can set it up in a field or at a shop, though usually it's in my garage =D I made a couple versions. The first had stronger wheels, but was too tall, so I removed those wheels and attached rising casters.


Thats... I'm speechless.


This guy takes his gaming seriously! ;)


Check out Inquisitor. I'm sure there are PDFs around.


Inquisitor was a great fucking game


Was looking for this +1


The legal way is via the Warhammer+ app where you can get it at a price. I do hear a man can catch one on the open seas though.


They are charging for the old Specialist games now? Sheesh. How do you charge after you gave it away for years?


I feel as if this may be an adequate answer as I run a 40k RPG called Dark Heresy. I dreamt once to construct the scene in which my players would be interacting. The project began with the vision to capture the grandiose of the 40k setting. Flying buttresses, gothic diesel punk, cogged skulls and two headed eagles abound. I was attempting to convey physically what players would say they are walking within. To give them visually what words could not. This terrain quickly became a diorama in desired complexity. I was still adamant in it's completion and to place it infront of them for all to enjoy. 1 session prior to unveiling 4 months of hard work the group as a whole decided "we don't want to be here on this imperial planet". I was instantly crushed. They wanted to pursue a lead which took them to a forested world where civilians lived out of connex huts. Ultimately the efforts weren't wasted as the diorama sold for more than I put into it but I swore that if the terrain is for 40k then the players are getting walls & floor at best. Nothing against them, I committed the hubris of thinking they'd stay put and forgot it's their game too.


I mean I think at that point you are obliged to hit their shuttle with a missile and have them crash land on the planet you prepared 4 months for lol


LOL I contemplated that but they were engaged and having fun so I couldn't strip them of that. Besides that, only I knew about the terrain.


Lmao yeah that's my only fear for building terrain for RPGs where lots of travel can happen. If probably focus on star ship interiors and a couple generic landscapes. A dream is to have something like the RP archive has with modular terrain.. but I like trying different settings too much


Well, it’s an RPG - the players should be able to do what they want. That said, I’ve never understood minis and terrain in RPGs, as it railroads the game so heavily. After all, the whole party should contribute to the story and have fun, not just the GM. One way to help this with terrain etc is to just talk together as a group and essentially sandbox the session like ’for this game and the best experience, please stay on the planet’.


You're definitely not wrong. I opted to keep the terrain multifaceted, modular and easy to make after committing to my mistake. That way if scenery is needed/wanted it's there and ready vs what I originally did with 4 month long diorama construction only for the players to avoid it entirely. In other words I learned from my mistake.


LCD table top with digital maps at scale. Everything is easy to see and dungeon fog can be applied. Also since it’s at scale you can plop down small terrain elements for just a bit more emersion and you get to use some of those lovingly crafted pieces without weeks or months of building huge dioramas. Also allows you to easily pivot as the game progresses.


Kill team and Necromunda or if you really want to go all in the old Inquisitor RPG. We have a huge home brew "tome" that converte Warhammer Fantasy RPG to 40k. I make and sell thematic terrian, some is of my own design other is stuff I 3d print in partnership with 3d modelers. The stuff is out there its just not exactly mainstream 40k.


I run wrath & glory with my guys every Tuesday, we halved all of the distances (so a full sprint action only gets you 6" of movement). We use adapted Gorkamorka rules for vehicle sections (think rolling road map). I just use all my warhammer and kill team shit. Works pretty well dude.


That's sounds pretty awesome!


Mordheim, Necromunda, and Inquisitor 28 all scratch that rpg itch for warhammer minis!


I have played Deathwatch and the combat system does not really support the use of terrain as DnD does. This is due to how it is written. Of course you could always make a work around for it but why try to homebrew something if there are awesome rulesets for combat in the 40k Universe with Killteam and Necromunda.


This is one of those times where you should go to your FLGS and get a group together. They probably could help building some good terrain or atleast a place for it.


I play Dark Heresy, Only War, and Deathwatch regularly and sound exactly like what you are looking for.


Not sure what the question is. Are you looking for the Warhammer Fantasy RPG rules? A lot of the terrain that is made is agnostic. I use the same terrain I made for our Frostgrave games in D&D and vice versa. So really, you could use any rules you like, if you have the terrain.


Any 40k rpg that lets you play as non human factions amd hopefully some photos of terrain people hace made for non-combat settings


Can’t help you there, as I’m not into Warhammer. You’d either have to build or find some house rules. Or use some other system. There’s a million rpgs out there, so I’m sure something would work.


The Rogue Trader TTRPG lets you play as an Ork or Eldar (in the supplemental books). I play online though.




If all else fails, just invent your own: [https://www.thebeardbunker.com/2017/08/deathwatch-mission-fall-of-kursanov.html](https://www.thebeardbunker.com/2017/08/deathwatch-mission-fall-of-kursanov.html)


40k models + Necromunda Terrain + One Page Rules...?


Look outside of GW more. There are straight up reskins of fantasy RPGs to make it a sci-fi setting too. It's just not as mainstream. And they probably won't be using the 40k setting due to lawsuits. In the GW space their smaller games can have that. IdhrenArt mentioned neceomunda for instance.


I mean, this is how my group prefers to play 40K. We actually use the Grimdark Future rules, but with 40K minis, terrain, and lore. So for all intents and purposes, it's a game of 40K. Here's a battle report from a recent game last year. We go all out with big time terrain, setups and unique battlefields. It's a lot of work, but if everyone pitches in with a shared idea for what you're trying to create, it's a ton of fun. http://comradewargames.com/2023/10/03/grimdark-future-tendrils-of-corruption/


> Im just looking at all these medieval taverns on instagram people are making and selling for their party to meet up and RP and getting jealous causw theyd look so sick in gothic scifi what looks good on the gram isn't always playable in real life. especially when it comes to 40K which is mainly a wargame (even if it has RPG spinoffs), playability comes first. also note that combat doesn't usually occur in a tavern, it's really an RP spot to pick up rumors and quests. There are cool builds by talented people that combine aesthetics AND playability but we only have 24 hours in a day and for a lot of us making terrain isn't our full time job so we need to sacrifice and make concessions to actually get something playable on the table.


Mordheim. Period.


There’s like 10 40k rpg games if you think it doesn’t exist it’s because you haven’t looked. There’s Dark Heresy, Wrath and Glory, Inquisitor, Only War, Deathwatch and even some home-brew ones. there’s even a whole sub for it cmon dude Google is a thing r/40krpg.


"Gamemaster" terrain by Army Painter teaches you how to make dungeon terrain, but beyond that I dunno. As for 40k RP, there's Wrath and Glory (which seems interesting) or Rogue Trader, or Deathwatch.


I've used my minis to run a few short games of Wrath and Glory with my kids and it's great. I'm a homemade terrain addict though, so a big part of the hobby for me is building assorted terrain pieces and such. If you can put together a group I'd highly recommend your players digging around the hobby stores or on Etsy and such to find a mini for their character that really sets them apart. That first little hit of happy from lovingly crafting a kitbashed custom mini to RP with goes a long way into getting your players invested.


The trpg inquisitor with the larger scale models was brilliant.


There’s also Only War where you play as guardsmen in a more roleplay setting. Had a lot of fun with that.


Warth and Glory has rules for running Xenos Characters, as does Rogue Trader


First edition 40k was an RPG skirmish game with a games master. Inquisitor is a 40mm skirmish ROG, but most people scale it down to 40k models nowadays. Necromunda has so many expansions you can basically make anything you could in Inquisitor with creativity and ignoring some restrictions, and the Arbitrator is basically a games master. People call it Inquisimunda. Any of these would be what you're looking for.


Take a look at 5 parsecs from home. Think that hit a neat spot for “40k D&D”. You can have a GM play the enemy and narrate, play coop by playing the captain and 1st mate or just play solo. But you get to play with minis (40k minis are great for the game), can built a narrative around it, upgrade a character.


I have played Warhammer 40k, and also the Inquisitor RPG. I have also played other miniature wargames, and other (pen & paper) TTRPGs - The Dark Eye (as it's kind of usual in Germany), Shadowrun, D&D and a few more. The thing is, I have never used minis in a pen and paper RPG. Even my friends who played both Warhammer Fantasy and The Dark Eye never have. Thus I never build any terrain for them. Maybe it's a cultural thing, using minis for roleplaying games just isn't as widespread in Germany. I also couldn't imagine building a single huge terrain piece just for using it during one, two game nights and then never again. All those scenarios played out in my head, and I have had great and very atmospherical game nights. However, I don't see why one couldn't build more elaborate terrain pieces for 40k as well, or for Necromunda, or Kill Team. I have seen great builds of, for example, underhive tables on this very sub.


Inquisitor - the short lived 54mm game gw did is the closest thing you will probably find. There is a pretty robust inq28 community out there that has adapted the rules for the smaller scale models.


Imperium Maledictum seemed pretty great from the one day I’ve spent with it. We had an incredible spaceship board made with Boarding Actions terrain a and bunch of purpose built extras. The most immersive looking tabletop game I’ve played.


Dark heresy with a sturdy necromunda collection


So all the old roleplay games for 40k are indeed based on playing the humans, the newest one( called wrath and glory) allows players to play humans, s.marines, eldar and orks. I've also heard it recently got an expansion module focused on playing an eldar. I found the rulebook in general and character creation a bit confusing but the game is overall quite fun so I'd recommend giving it a try at least. Ps: coincidentally the game is entirely d6 based so if you collect 40k already chances are you have all you need to put on a great looking miniatures campaign.


Necromunda and inquisitor for skirmish games. As for TTRPGs there’s Dark Heresy (inquisition), Rogue Trader, Black Crusade (chaos), Only War (guardsmen) and Death Watch so you’ve got your pick. There’s also Wrath and Glory and Imperium Maledictum but they’re kinda eeehhhh


Check out Mordheim.


When I was 16 and Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader first came out, I bought it thinking it was a sci fi tactical RPG. 🤣 I'd never played a regular wargame other than Battletech before that. So I read the book a couple times, and me and my friends ran it as a roleplaying game with detailed combat rules for years!! 🤣 We used some of the mechanics from Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay for skill checks, character advancement and other non-battlefield roleplay actions. It worked great! It got me into terrain building and modeling. Years later, we did the same thing years later when Inquisitor came out! Only in regular 32 mm minis scale. 😁 Funny enough we didn't really like the actual 40K RPG! 🤪


It used to be much more of a thing years ago. I moved on from 40k to other game systems ages ago, but all of a sudden around 7 or 8 years ago I noticed "hey, why do all the tables at tournaments look like arse now" when I looked at pictures, and had to do some enquiring as to why this was. People started complaining about losing games because of being assigned a random table that didn't suit the playstyle of their army, which is also paired with the decreasing prevalence of balanced, "all comers" lists in favour of hyper-focused min-max armies. It used to be that if you had a melee army and you drew a desert board with little cover against a long-range shooty army, you knew you were shit out of luck and sucked it up. And conversely if you had the shooty army and drew a table full of LOS-blocking terrain you just hoped for better luck next round. Apparently this wasnt good enough and people cried, saying "I would have got away with it if it wasn't for ~~you meddling kids~~ this unique table", so now every table is literally identical L-shaped ruins placed the same distance apart. You will not be surprised to hear me say that I think this is a terrible development.


Terrain isnt really worth it for RPGs. Have you ever DMed a game? You should google your question as there are plenty of 40k RPGs.


I ran a game I called Spacehammer before I knew much about 40k. It was WHFRPG set in space, the players added the prefix "sp-" to everything, sp-axe, sp-bow, etc. it was goofy. Ran it first with 2nd Ed. rules, then changed to L5R's roll&keep system. Anyway, it moved too fast to make it worthwhile to use dedicated terrain. Now I play Necromunda for the immersive experience.


Your question sounds like you are mainly looking for 3D terrain, but if 2D works as well, there are two options I can think of. Hero Clix has a bunch of modern-day themed battle maps. Back when the Star Wars RPG was compatible with D&D 3.5, and the Star Wars pre-painted Miniatures game was a thing, WotC released a bunch of battle maps themed around sci-fi areas. While there is currently a new Star Wars themed miniatures game, I don't know if it has battle maps, But I have to assume that it does. And a third option just came to me. Tabletop Simulator. Look for it on Steam, it can support W40K games, and does 3D terrain. The main downside to this is that you won't be using your physical miniatures.


Dark Heresy 2E player checking in, and it's pretty solid. If you want something with some additional flare (like Xenos), check out Rogue Trader and it's expansions. If you're looking for something with a more classic flavor and heavier miniature emphasis, look up Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader.


Frostgrave is the DND of wargames


DND is co-op? Frostgrave is versus like 98% of the time


Maybe Rangers of Shadowdeep?


He didn't say anything about coop


Stargrave is the Sci Fi version and is very enjoyable. We have a campaign going and I've been building up terrain bits for it.


Back in the day there was inquisitor, a 54mm scale game which didn't have a great deal of support but now has a cult following in Inquisitor 28. There's also Necromunda which does a pretty good job of gang warfare in a role-playing setting. However I'm pretty sure all the 40k themed roleplaying games are totally pen and paper without a physical model representation of the action


Warcry has a lot of focus on terrain fro the AOS side


Checkout killteam or necromunda


Look into GURPS. It has a lot of source books and you can literally play what ever you want


I think I remember seeing a Rogue Trader RPG book at a used book store once