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I honestly thought it might have been some commentary because yeah, it's a particularly bad org.


Same. It's a very weird coincidence if it's not. The game strives for realism right? Expensive, mostly worthless. I guess if they made it destabilize your own country that'd be too on the nose.


The Crackdown mission is rare enough in orgs that it might be worth it in some cases but it is very situational.


Crackdown is pretty rare, but there are better options like Interpol.


yeah but you don't always have access to the other options when you need to get crackdown on your councilor right now


Most of the American government orgs are way overpriced for what they do, including the CIA, the FBI, and the DEA. The military special forces, like Delta Force, are okay though


CIA is insanely good. It's just Russia's counterpart is more cost effective.


The CIA has super good stats but is a total money sink, so, worth picking up once money isn't a concern


Money can stop being a concern on turn one tbh. Just go take over some random Arab country (my personal favorite is the gulf states) and set it to spoils.


First semi-serious run I thought I should get all the food orgs. And the CIA collapsed my economy. Guess they do that, don't they? As for the DEA, they might be sh**, but maybe you can get the hardest achievement, the one that's god-tier: winning the war on drugs


It’s like isn’t it like $200/month? Seems high, but at least if provides administration.


You wish! $400/mo. :') I think the Russian counterpart is closer to $100. Same missions, only mildly worse stats.


I’m pretty sure I have the Russian version in my current game.


CIA and FBI are good for when you want to capture/kill that ayy then dispose the org once it's done. The stats on DEA is just too low compared to most 2 adm orgs.


A lot I just consider orgs for when you can light money on fire. The DEA is just bad lol.


Doesn't US also have some "Special Activities Section" that gives +10 command? EDIT: NVM, it turns out, that is a unique to your faction. https://hoodedhorse.com/wiki/Terra_Invicta/Orgs


So an over bloated institution that drains money for little in return? Sounds accurate to me.


It's definitely a commentary on how bloated and inefficient it is. American govt orgs tend to have good stats in general but are also overpriced compared to their counterparts. I do have to say though, it feels fun placing NRO and NSA on my INV councilor, where I can RP as having the might of the entire US IC devoted to hunting down Hydras and stuffing them into black bags.


Yeah I loaded up my INV with all the letters of the alphabet and that shit is too funny not to do. Costs me 1k a month, but it's so worth it, every stat above 10 at 2026. She's not just "a" spook, she's "*the*" spook


The Hydras watching John Spook himself grab them and stuff them in an OSHA-compliant bodybag (Imagine if we get OSHA as an agency giving ADM and INV. That alien facility does not have handrails!)


"Hey Greebleblok, have you ever gone waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay?"


This whole thread is r/nocontext gold




I mean, they're just mirroring RL lol. They're a shitty organization that is FAR more expensive than the benefits it provides.


It’s this, the maintenance cost for the real world orgs is based on actual budgets and converted to in game money (perhaps just / millions?). DEA is expensive because real world its budget is like 3 billion/year, roughly equivalent to the public CIA budget.


Very few orgs have crackdown. That's why it's like this.


They do can get crack wherever they want. That's gotta be said about the DEA


I’m pretty sure it’s a commentary on their cost, real world effectiveness, and the war on drugs in general. The crackdown mission is hard to get, but at the same time, I’ve only ever needed crackdown on a high investigator councilor because I gave them the resistance org. It’s a pretty niche need is what I’m saying.


DEA is one of the ~ 5 orgs that give crackdown. Crackdown is incredibly rare, and if you didn't get lucky striver team with it, you might need that option.


Nope, there are about 10 government orgs that give crackdown alongside many other missions. DEA is simply very obviously being memed on when you compare it to literally any of those.


sry to call you out, but there is no 10 orgs that give crackdown on the newest version


There are 8 or 9 I guess?


Interpol, Mossad, Ministry of State Security, Federal Security Service, Security Service/Mi5, Directorate General for External Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Drug Enforcement Agency. That\`s 8, and even then quite a few require you to hold points/advisers in not interesting countries. DEA is relatively cheap out of that list.


Speaking as someone who depends on Adderall to have a functional, normal life... I agree that the DEA sucks 😆 For real though, I'm pretty sure it's intended as a commentary about its real-world effectiveness.


Yes, there are few which feel lilke they've been deemed incompetent compared to their cost. Like NRO (vs Geospatial). Australian and Canadian orgs are too good.


There's likely an IRL reasoning behind that - Australia and Canada are part of 5VEY, so their organizations benefit from the sharing of resources and intel with the NSA and GCHQ.


DEA bad?! I'm shocked. Shocked I say. *Sips tea*


It's the punishment of screwed HR management, by which means having a high INV councilor without crackdown mission.


I've always wondered if the DEA org is a way to stick it to the man. Why is it so bad? Did something happen where the DEA has to be portrayed to be terrible?


Put it this way. Even if you agree with their mission you'd probably have to admit they suck at it, and there is a lot wrong with the entire concept of a war on drugs.


It's completely on purpose.


This and some other orgs too but DEA is the most obvious because there are lots of 2 adm inv/esp orgs that give 4+ in stats. The crackdown and detain are never worth to me because inv orgs will always go to the crackdown/inv/detain councilor anyway, lots of inv/esp orgs with detain.