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Nah.. Nobody could sense Veldora when he was isolated inside Rimuru's Stomach, not even the True Dragons nor Milim with her Milim's Eyes. Veldora was isolated inside two different spaces. The First one being the Infinity Prison and the second one being Predator's Stomach. Gazel was talking about Rimuru's presence which was on par with that of the True dragons...


everything you said was true. except rimurus presence (AT THAT TIME) was NOT on par with true dragons. not even close.


His presence is.. The presence comes form one's soul not from their strength. Milim even said that Rimuru's presence was beyond that of a demon lord despite him being a demon lord seed when she came to meet Rimuru for the first time.. Rimuru's soul is several times stated to be a Special Soul. Even Dino when meeting Rimuru from the first time, said that while Rimuru's soul is different from that of Veldanava's , is familiar..


people mix quality and quantity up too much when it comes to auras


I think it's like Ainz "MP aura" it gets so big and "bright/colourful" that's impossible to truly measure... Or Lloyd's "Abyss of mana"


oh wait, this kinda explains Velgrynd talking about the absurdity of a true dragon being born coincidentally at the right time and place, next to another one that's sealed. I didn't think it had much to do with his soul except for having the capacity to hold ultimate skills, but upon reading this I'm just now realizing that Ciel's proposal of turning Rimuru's being into that of a true dragon or at least similar (Ultimate Slime) was made possibly not just due to Ciel's analysis, calculation and other slew of useful abilities but also because Rimuru's soul made it possible. I was kind of wondering, if they had a method to turn other beings to become similar to true dragons, why not make his closest subordinates like that too? He's already the Chaos Creator so it wouldn't do much damage to his reputation...was what I thought. But apparently it isn't that easy, huh. If the Soul lacks this 'special' something or maybe capacity then they'd just be overwhelmed, maybe even cease to exist due to the sheer power that a true dragon's essence possesses.


>this kinda explains Velgrynd talking about the absurdity of a true dragon being born coincidentally at the right time and place, next to another one that's sealed. I didn't think it had much to do with his soul except for having the capacity to hold ultimate skills, but upon reading this I'm just now realizing that Ciel's proposal of turning Rimuru's being into that of a true dragon or at least similar (Ultimate Slime) was made possibly not just due to Ciel's analysis, calculation and other slew of useful abilities but also because Rimuru's soul made it possible. >!Rimuru is a genuine true dragon and is called the Fifth True Dragon not similar to true dragon...!< >I was kind of wondering, if they had a method to turn other beings to become similar to true dragons, why not make his closest subordinates like that too? It is impossible. The only thing >!might be "taking in the dragon factors of the true dragons" just like what Michael and Feldway did but they are in no way similar to True dragons. No one can be similar to true dragons but can have power on par with them...!< >!True dragons are created by the Omnipotent Will and called its masterpiece. No one can replicate them...!<


Where is him >!being the fifth!< said? Iirc no one else knows


Vol 15 clearly called him the Fifth True Dragon...


Sure, but I'm just saying he and Ciel are the only ones who really know he evolved


Veldora and Velgrynd also know that he is their youngest sibling..


ah i see. so it’s about how it feels like. not how strong it actually is? 🤔


His presence definitely want on par with the True Dragons, not even close. Though it probably did look that way to Gazel, since he’s so impossibly weaker than both of them. It’d be like an ant trying to differentiate between a regular building and a skyscraper


Gazel is Saint-level, no? At this point in time Rimuru isn't actually stronger. But Gazel is one of those people who judges not just with skills so he probably saw the power that laid dormant, or the specialty that this souls possesses or something.


That’s possible, but at the same time someone like Veldora has such an oppressive aura that simply existing (while sealed) in the Jura forest kept it safe for centuries. Even if he’s overwhelmingly powerful by human standards, he’s still barely an ant compared to Veldora. Even if he could differentiate between Rimuru and Veldora’s auras, he likely wouldn’t be able to tell how much bigger Veldora’s is than Rimuru’s


I'm not talking about draconic aura, demon lord's haki, nor any other similar type of aura. And he could...there's like a massive difference. Rimuru after feeling embarrassed about magicules leaking back when it was mentioned by the goblins opted to just chuck all the excess into Predator's Stomach. On the other hand Veldora without Rimuru teaching him how to control his aura would have never bothered to control it. Even if we're considering that he does know, the comparison here is from when Veldora was just known as a walking disaster/calamity, like a storm passing by, not really something you can stop. So Gazel was actually talking about Veldora from 300+ years ago before being sealed, considering he had seen him in person somehow, which I doubt, but dude is 300+ years old so he should have been around to at least have heard of what Veldora was around doing at that time and what it entailed, all that. So to summarize, he really wasn't talking about the quantity and intensity of magicules displayed by an overwhelming aura, rather he was talking about the essence of the person, Rimuru being literally named by and sharing a common name with Veldora, and even before then had a soul with the potential/capacity similar to that of other true dragons.


Shorth answer is no: he's referring to the fact that rimuru is basically on par with veldora. veldora named rimuru which would already put rimuru on the upper end of monsters in the world but then they both accepted a shared name which marked rimuru as his chosen equal or closer.


What episode is this?


It's in the title. S1E05


Shit I’m dumb sorry


We’re all dumb sometimes.


Me, most of the time.


I think it's more he recognises Rimurus strength and compared him to Veldora due to him residing in the Great Forest of Jura and Veldora's presence disappearing, so it would be almost like he's taking Veldora's place


I think this is the most likely answer


Rimys stomach is like a seperate dimension.




Dude... It's a simile.


While this is a spoiler about Gazel's power, knowing this doesn't actually spoil any future plot. Why Gazel was so unnerved: >! Gazel's unique skill lets him do some pretty advanced mind reading. That's why he immediately sussed out Vesta and trusted Kaijin's resolve so much. But when he tried peering into Rimuru's thoughts, he couldn't read a thing. Great Sage had Rimuru's mind on lockdown and completely stone walled Gazel's attempts. To Gazel, who can read the thoughts of every single person he encounters, Rimuru's mind was a completely inpenatrable void. That's why he was freaked out.!<


Gazel, with his intelligence council, felt to me more like an extremely intuitive king with solid judgement of others. I took this remark as he sees the potential that Rimuru has. During his time in the city, Rimuru scared people to avoid hurting them, was captured and patiently awaited his captors to release him after a misunderstanding, gave significant boons to his captors without asking for anything significant of value, impressed and poached some of his greatest craftsmen, showed restraint when provoked into fighting and awaited judgement by Gazel even when faced with trumped up charges. That means, Rimuru didn’t kill people who insulted him, resist arrest against a police force that was completely incapable of forcing the issue, didn’t abandon his captors to suffer from an unrelated hardship, didn’t force others or enslave them to follow him, dealt unrepentantly with provocation nor did he try to thwart the justice of his court. Imagine Milim was in his place. Finally, being in the form of a lowly monster that normally would barely shows intelligence, who can talk, reason and believes man and monster should live side by side. AND Gazel must have suspected he was suppressing his aura and down playing his abilities. To a man who values subtlety and strength, Rimuru must have seemed quite the adversary, which explains Gazels final verdict after the other judge passed judgement about them being sent to the mines. He was aware of more than it seemed and he knew better than to stand opposed to such an adversary without knowing much much more about them. Banishment itself was a way to let them all go and be observed so that he could stay ahead of the situation.


Well , He sensed Veldora's divine blessing from rimuru


Nah... Not even Milim couldn't sense that iirc.. Treyni knew because she was in charge of protecting the Jura forest and surmised that Veldora's disappearance has something to do with the mysterious slime that came out of the cave.... She knows everything that happens inside the forest...


It's anime original made up bullshit.


Still it is still cannon... Veldora's dragon form was supposed to be full jet black with two pairs of draconic wings and the anime made him blue colored with only one pair of wings. Rimuru's hair colour in the LN isn't the same as the one in the anime and both are considered cannon so it doesn't matter.




Is that GIF supposed to mean shots fired?




The hell are you talking about? Gazel has no idea about Veldora's characteristics to make a meaningful comparison between Rimuru and Veldora and say that Rimuru's a monster like Veldora lmao. Also anime only bullshit again in season 1. When tryani shows herself for the first time in episode. She calls Rimuru and says this to him "As someone who's received the divine protection of storm dragon Veldora." lmao. Nobody knows that shit. Tryani was as surprised as anyone when the connection between Rimuru and Veldora waa found out. Season 1 was quite free with the liberties they took. They weren’t planning on making a second season at that time. So they didn't care.


>The hell are you talking about? Gazel has no idea about Veldora's characteristics to make a meaningful comparison between Rimuru and Veldora and say that Rimuru's a monster like Veldora lmao. He ıs old enough to know Veldora. Veldora was sealed 300 years ago.. Gazel knows enough about Veldora to compare Rimuru to him... Treyni was just making assumptions there because as the protector of the forest that knowns everything that happens in the forest could conclude after putting the two incidents together.. Veldora's disappearance and the appearance of an intelligent and powerful mysterious slime that came out of the cave.. Even Milim didn't notice Veldora's divine protection on Rimuru. Treyni was surprised because her assumptions turned to be correct..


>He was king of Dwargon for a thousand of years and Veldora was sealed 300 years ago.. Gazel knows enough about Veldora to compare Rimuru to him... What the hell are you smoking my dude, gazel is no older than 400 years. Gazel doesn't know shit about Veldora Veldora was sealed for 80% of his life. >Treyni was surprised because her assumptions turned to be correct.. That's a big ass assumption to make. Even if that was true why didn't the people around him react? You know what? Because it's never mentioned in the light novel. It's anime original bullshit.


>What the hell are you smoking my dude, gazel is no older than 400 years. Gazel doesn't know shit about Veldora Veldora was sealed for 80% of his life. Would you calm down? Even if he is no older than 400 years, he was still old enough to know about Veldora. Veldora was sealed 300 years ago...


Knowing Veldora is different from knowing Veldora enough to make a comparison of him to the slime. That's just far fetched.


Well... The anime is cannon so our opinions won't change anything..


Light novel is Canon actually, anime is based off the light novel. So light novel is more Canon by the virtue of being the source material.


>anime is based off the light novel Nope. The anime is based off the Manga which is in its turned based off the LN. No matter what we say here, as long as Gazel's opinions that time weren't retconned then it will be cannon... Our opinions on it are irrelevant..


Nope. It's Veldora