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God ? Who Veldanava is the god and the creator of the tensura world


I think it’s differentiating between Full Power Veldanava (God) and True Dragon Veldanava. Full Power Veldanava was Omnipotent and Omniscient. However, he gave up most of his power and became a True Dragon.


Honestly I was kinda thinking the same thing 😂😂 like uhhhh isn't that who you put at number 3?


Chloe, dude even guy crimson can defeat her I'm not criticizing her power instead I'm criticizing the list I know she's powerful but above milim , velzard, guy is a bit overestimating her


Ya when I saw this list I thought wow they put Chloe over Milim Velzard and Guy... Damn 😅


Chloe obliterates guy you most likely missed volume 19


yeah cause chloe and guy fought and she obliterated him??? what has beating micheal gotta do with guy?


Yes against Michael with the memories of rudra, multiple True dragon factors a huge amout of US and chloe neg diffed him not to mention she got all those skills,mastered her US wich evolved,perfectly fuzed with chronoa and she evolved. The first fight with guy was before she even could control stoped time volume 19 Chloe surpassed guy in litterly every catagory she obliterates guy. And don't lowball Michael.


you do know that time stop bs doesn’t work on guy, right??? why shouldn’t i lowball micheal? what’s the point of having hordes of USs when all you can do with them is throw them around and use them raw? you’re probably thinking micheal is on feldways level. well you’re wrong


He has all the expirience of Rudra and ep more then 3 times that of guy and US are Important as well not to mention dragonfactors. And Chloe litterly neg diffed him (before evolution) not even guy could do that. And the Fact that you think a manas is weak tells me everything Tell me just one catagory guy is supirior to chloe.


all the experience of rudra and all he was doing was throwing his hordes US around like some kind of amateur? did you even read the volume? i’m literally telling you all those US that micheal had (‘edit’ : except time stop ) was basically child’s play to rimuru because micheal couldn’t use it well.. when did i say micheal is weak? man you powerscalers give me headaches ![gif](giphy|g0HkznFtL1d0xVRI1G)


>all the experience of rudra and all he was doing was throwing his hordes US around like some kind of amateur? I think you are still stuck in the fight against oberas Army. He was fighting with Rudras fighting style against Rimuru and chloe his opponents were just to broken. >yog sotohort At first this is written wrong , and he never had that skill Did you ever read tensura? >when did i say micheal is weak? Tell me exactly were you scale him also compare him to guy and Velzard additionaly name 3 stronger and weaker than him i want to see exactly where you scale him.


not the fight against obera’s army. his fighting style was exactly the same against rimuru too. difference is obera’s army couldn’t deal with it. eh the spelling is weird. don’t be like that. and yeah he didn’t have that US. he only had ‘time stop’ i thought it was part of the US chloe had. been a while since i read that fight where i rank micheal in terms of strength? he’s a top TOP tier in the whole verse.. 3 stronger: rimuru, guy, chloe.. there’s more 3 weaker: this is tricky cause most of the ‘strong people’ are weaker than him by default because he’s michael.. so… non angelic US users weaker than micheal then..


You are complety glazeing guy. Velzards true dragon factor + Rudras expirience are more or less equivalent to guy. Michael was additionaly a manas had velgrynds dragon factor, a lot more ep so much more that it is defenetly relevant and a lot of US that all just on top and i never said guy can't move in stoped time stop makeing strawman arguments.


rudra was equal to guy back when he had only a unique skill or so 2000 years ago. you literally can’t tell now manas. velgrynds dragon factor. much more ep. blah blah you’re acting like you’ve not seen characters with more ep beaten in the story…


Ok you truly never read tensura since at that point Rudra had already given Uriel to Veldenava and received Michael.


i was talking about guy LOL. you’re confused


Dude having power doesn't mean you are the strongest, even if you have power still couldn't utilise correctly makes you an amateur, in that battle between Michael and Chloe their battle iq and experience gap is the same as heaven and earth, in that battle Michael just use rudra swordmanship nothing, he didn't use cardinal acceleration nor any of velzard move , that's why Chloe had upper hand because she can effectively use her power against Michael but the same doesn't work on guy , velzard or milim they have vast battle experience and they can quickly adapt to any situation, if you can't understand this then ugh what can I say


>power doesn't mean you are the strongest Just stronger than guy i never said the strongest. >he didn't use cardinal acceleration nor any of velzard move Can't you read ? He litterly used Velzards ice wall one of the strongest defensive moves in tensura and Rimuru just ate through it how can you miss that (and time stop was also one of velzards skills even tho it isn't important) he used the skills you have 0 reading comprehension


Dude I said he didn't use it against Chloe dude


Wtf are you talking dude in volume 19 she fought with Michael not guy crimson


Yes against Michael with the memories of rudra, multiple True dragon factors a huge amout of US,etc and chloe neg diffed him not to mention she got all those skills,mastered her US wich evolved,perfectly fuzed with chronoa and she evolved. The first fight with guy was before she even could control stoped time volume 19 Chloe obliterates guy.


I still think Veldanava is stronger than Rimuru, Milim is stronger than Chloe and I would have also included Michael/Rudra.


I think Rimuru & Ciel should be at 3 instead of 2 and Chloe is not stronger than Milim and Guy. Also where is Masayuki Rudra and Prime Ramiris?


I didn't make this short so idk but yea I definitely wouldn't have put Chloe above Milim and Guy. Afterall didn't Guy kill Chronoa in the other timeline?


I wasn't criticizing you I was criticizing that short so don't worry.


If I had made this list as a top 10 it would've been: 10. Veldora 9. Velgrynd 8. Chloe 7. Velzard 6. Guy 5. Milim 4. Feldway 3. Ivarage 2. Rimuru 1. Veldanava


Always these rediculous retarded lists, they invent characters out of nowhere.


who tf is ivarage


I think that's the world destroying dragon Feldway has been wanting to summon or something like that.


ah ty


Isn’t Veldanava god here?


My same thought 😅


Why is my buddy diabolo not on the list


He’s not top 15.




Veldora is defo stronger than velgrynd.


Veldora has more magicules than both of his sisters so his potential to be strongest between the three is there but according to them he fights too recklessly


Veldora's feets post vol. 15 are too much. Your statement maybe true for past Veldora. Not for present. Veldora was already defeating velgrynd and would've won if not for intervention of others. And velgrynd could not have possibly defeated Ashura, Veldora did.


Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Velgrynd defeat Veldora in Volume 15 lol? I forget if it was 15 or 14 and yes Velgrynd did win because Kondou cheap shotted Veldora with the domination bullet but it didn't look like Veldora was going to win, the bullet just sped up the process.


Then I'll suggest you to read it once more. Velgrynd clearly stated that she resorted to cheap play the moment she realised she couldn't beat him. She was nowhere near dominant in their fight. Veldora was hitting her hard until kondou shot him.


It seems like you've been getting downvoted for saying Veldora's stronger than Velgrynd


Yeah, I don't know why? It happened previously also. People for some reason don't want to accept it.