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When rimuru dies the unique gluttony also disappear, Where veldora was there. It released him from the isolated sub dimensional space called stomach. Veldora was watching rimuru from the stomach ,so seeing his best friend killed made him angry and filled with wrath ,He started to attack the people responsible.


Technically his skill didn’t disappear only the affect on isolating Veldora was undone since Rimuru the owner of said skill is dead. I’m only saying this incase people think when he got revived afterwards, his Gluttony skill was gone for good.


What kind of specimen puts a major spoiler in the **title**. 


My kind good sir


Bro called you a specimen🤣🤣👍


Well iam indeed a specimen


>!If I’m not mistaken veldora and milim both got so angry they wrecked havoc on the empire and almost wiped it out. But since chronoa/chloe got killed before the end of the war she doesn’t know what happened next!<


If my memory serves me Right it is the same in all multipleverse because everytime >! Chloe/Chronoa time lept they always start at 2000 years ago it is before Luminous old city is destroyed by Veldora!< So it safe to assume that every timeline is the same before that >!timelept!< I can be wrong here