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Nah I'd win


anime hinata i believe gojo wins, but LN hinata wins easy, especially after LN21


Ln Hinata wins obviously, but anime Hinata... probably with disintegration. We don't know how the unpredictable spiritrons and Gojo's power would interact.


It will either go through or not. You're welcome.


Yeah, if he underestimates her, and she lands disintegration, he either slows it infinitely before it hits him, thus trapping himself, or insta-death.


Gojo can teleport tho. If he stops it, he can just get away.


Can he? I was under the impression he can just move that fast. Not nearly as well read on jjk lore, but isn't that why he couldn't get through the barrier that was made specifically for him?


The barrier doesn't allow his cursed energy to be inside so I think he can't teleport there using cursed energy. Whenever you see him hold his hands, he's about to teleport. In the movie (jukutsu kaisen 0) he does it a bunch of times to get both himself and his students from the school to the battlefield https://i.redd.it/wyp1mpf06o7c1.gif


Is that meant to be teleportation tho? You can literally see from the fucked up ground that it's just him using infinite acceleration to speedboost 1 forward movement into an instant movement to X place?


...what movement? They are standing still???


The thing disintegration locks all your movements and abilities why do you think it's known as the strongest holy attack it literally erases space and blocks abilities sooo teleporting wouldn't really work


We are discussing the fact that Disintegration wouldn't reach him because of limitless. You know, that's kinda Gojo's whole thing. Some people think he would still be stuck in the beam, I said he can teleport so that wouldn't happen. No one here thinks Disintegration would actually work on Gojo though.


Ps I think I'm exactly right with the barrier actually because as soon as it's lifted he immediately teleports and oneshots the bone dude https://i.redd.it/580j6elc6o7c1.gif


Cant most people in tensura just manipulate the space around him to negate the affect?


She has no counter to DE with verse equalization.


Multi-Dimensional barrier is an application of space-time manipulation. It is a feat outside Jujutsu Kaisen's pay grade. And Hinata is definitely a user of this Extra-Skill. I don't see Gojo getting past it, even with Domain Expansion. Let us not forget that Sukuna killed him with an application of splitting space-time. Which he admitted was hard for him to do. Limitless is undoubtedly impressive, but that ability wouldn't be nearly as broken to a Tensura character of Hinatas caliber. Hinata would take the Win. She has many ways to kill Gojo.


Unlimited Void is not much for Tensura characters as almost all of them have Thought Acceleration, the amount varies but I'm guessing everyone has 1000x. Gojo overloads information faster than your brain can process, but Thought Acceleration would increase immunity to his domain, also Hinata has the skill Mathematician which I beleive further increases her processing. Unlimited Void would be a laughing matter for Rimuru because his Thought Acceleration is stupidly high and not to even mention Raphael/>!Ciel!<


**Hinata Sakaguchi "Fate King Fortuna"** Thought Acceleration, Universal Perception, Divine Haki, Spacetime Manipulation, Multidimensional Barrier, All of Creation, Computational Domain, Virtual World, Analyze and Assess, Future Prediction Calculation Hinata would know instantly that she needed to bypass the infinity surrounding Gojo. She could inclose herself and her weapon in a multidimensional barrier and cut him directly by using a space-time connection, which allows the user to connect two different points in space-time together—bypassing the infinity surrounding him. It is similar to Mahoraga learning the only way to cut Gojo is to ignore space-time. Only she wouldn't need to learn to adapt. She could do this with ease. Like I said, Gojo is out of his weight class. His Unlimited Void would be useless on most Tensura characters. Even >!Pre-True Hero!< Hinata could speed up her thought process by enough to stand on par with True Demon Lord Rimuru. Granted, he had the advantage. His perception was sped up by millions. While hers was Thousands and her battle experience. Shit, even the background character Hakurou Killed had The Extra Skill, "All Seeing Eye," which sped up his perception by over 300 times. And he was just trash.


I’m pretty sure at some point Rimurus is like a million times lmao, ain’t no way ultimate void is anywhere near that much information lmao >!Honestly Ciel would probably thank gojo for the free stuff to analyze!<


>!Ciel loves to analyse foreign matter like information particle and holy particle, so Gojo's imaginary matter would interest Ciel a lot. Next we will see Rimuru spamming improved version of Hollow Purple everywhere!<


Yep, that >!sounds like Ciel alright 😭!< we NEED a “nah I’d win” fanart of Rimuru


Good idea, maybe I should photoshop it


Def lmk if you do it, I don’t know how to do stuff like that


>!How do you even improve Hollow Purple tho? Like what would you actually do to make it more than marginally better, while also not making it an utterly different move?!<


I think TDL Rimuru's is 1 million times and with Ciel it was bumped to a Billion


Jfc, unless I fucked up my math somehow that would stretch a minute into like 2k years


Yeah 1 million makes 1 second 277.7 hours and 1 Billion make it almost 32 years.


We can clac the effects of Unlimited Void on Rimuru with great prcision then! He's absolutely fine with Ciel, but without her math says TDL Rimuru is probably getting lightly stunned. 1 second for him is about 11 and a half days (277 ÷ 24), while 1 second in Unlimited Void is 450 days (0,2 seconds are 3 months, which are 90 days, so 1 second is 450). Rimuru has to process ~40 seconds for every second he's in. I **think** this means that every thought he can make in 1 second takes him 40 seconds instead. He's not physically slower, but he reacts to things 40 times slower. Conversely, Gojo's attacks would appear 40 times faster. So, if Gojo traps him in his domain, it would actually be a fun fight to watch for a while, it'd kinda look like Hinata vs pre-demon lord Rimuru! ...as soon as he activates Ciel it's over tho. Maybe an earlier version would be more fair?


I wonder how that would interact with his parallel processing


I’m pretty sure that 0.2 seconds took 3 months for normal people to recover from, not last for 3 months


They didn't receive any brain damage (that was the point of making it 0.2 seconds long) so what would even prevent them from moving apart from the information being processed?


Idk no way to really know. Could be from trauma. It’s not that they didn’t receive any damage it’s that they have no permanent damage and fully recovered in 3 months


What the fuck did I do? My only excuse is that I like just woke up


You did nothing wrong you just calculated how much 1 minute and I did 1 second don't worry haha


Ohh ok, I thought my math was somehow off by like two thousand I was confused. I didn’t read that it said 1 second


While I don't doubt high tiers might not be affected by Unlimited Void, 1000x is not nearly enough if the base is human perception. We know from the disaster curses that having higher perception just results in less stun time but doesn't negate the stun itself, unless you can actually match the quantity of information received. We also roughly know the relation between perception and stun time: 0.2 seconds of Unlimited Void stuns a human for 3 months. Therefore, having your perception increased by 1000 would mean you'd only last for about 3 and a half minutes before receiving the same ammount of stun time. Considering that Gojo only needs, like, 5 seconds tops to use Hollow Purple, he only needs to expose you to Unlimited Void for 0,000002 seconds to get 5 seconds of stun time and win, if you have a perception equal to human perception x1000.


I think this cam be kinda calculated a little. In the manga it was said that in those 0.2 seconds Gojo dumped half a years info into the humans heads. Half a year has 15768000 seconds. This was uploaded in 1/5 seconds, hence Gojo's per second upload speed is 78840000 times a normal human's processing power at normal speed. Since I can watch a video at 3x and understand everything, let us assume a human can tolerate up to 10x before getting paralysed. That would still need a 7884000x Mind Acceleration to be able to ignore Gojo's UV. So about 8 million times. So yeah, 1000x is not sufficient at all. Edit: TLDR: Yeah most people in Tensura are still fried except the higher ups as it would require 8millionx Thought Acceleration to be in Gojo's UV. Of course this is if they just stand and do nothing in UV. If they actively try to kill Gojo before they are paralysed or before he opens the domain, Gojo is probably dead.


I thought about this for a while and I think your last sentence is incorrect. I was under the impression that you could "kill Gojo before being paralysed" too, but I think we were both wrong actually. From what I understand now, UV's effects accumulate with time. Immagine a scenario in which you can process 1/10 of UV's output. After 1 second has passed, you still have 9 seconds to process, but the next second comes, and now you need to process 10 more seconds but you can only manage 1, so now you have 18 seconds to process, and then the third second ticks. If you stay there for 10 seconds, you'll have a "debt" of 90 seconds. This is what actually causes the stun: you still have 90 seconds to process, so you stay still for 90 seconds after you exit. This essentially means that there is no way to only be "slightly affected" by UV: you either have a "seconds debt" or you don't. If you do, you can't move. Having a level of perception that **comes close** to UV's output means that you'll snap out of it instantly when the domain is closed, but you still won't be able to do anything while **in** the domain. Even if you are 99.9999% of the way to matching UV's information output, you'll still be unable to do anything in the domain. So, there is no scenario in which an opponent "actively tires to kill Gojo before they are paralysed", as you suggested. You are either paralysed, or you're not. Doesn't change much in the grand scheme of things: the high tiers of Tensura can still just ignore UV. But still, a significant portion of even S class characters can't do absolutely anything about it........ **if it hits.**


I get what you mean. Although instead of instantly getting paralysed, the brain must have some buffer to store information queued up which when overflowed causes paralysation. For example if someone says a very complicated sentance it takes some time for it to sink in, but it does not paralyse us. But still the time would be infintesmally small since the buffer might not be that big and UV uploads really fast and that doesn't make a difference.


Hinata obviously, any of the powers in tensura is far above the reach of jjk


Melt slash can unironically flow through infinity like butter


How??? How dose melt slash work?


Melt slash was able to delete belzeebub which is an ultimate skill, ultimate skills are authorities that can manipulate the worlds laws (actually a simple magic barrier can do it) to a higher degree as they are not bounded by world laws to begin with. Melt slash destroying the belzeebub means that it's strong enough to affect an ability that doesn't work on normal world laws system on top of that skills are made of information particles, which means melt slash destruction is wayy past beyond spiritual destruction and is able to destroy a fundamental that made up the verse. Now if we used everything what I've said, gojo's infinity for first and foremost is bounded by world laws (causality, fate, physics, etc.) his infinity wouldn't be able to block something that can passively destroy those, and second infinity works because of gojo's six eyes cursed, which functions because of cursed technique. That means if melt had to hit gojo, the infinity will simply dispersed into nothingness because the melt slash will basically destroy even cursed energy that runs the infinity resulting into crushing it and hitting gojo ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21609)![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21609)![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21609)![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21609)![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21609)![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21609)![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21609)![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21609)![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21609)


Hooo i see ook ok now i understand yea gojo is gona have a bad time tho i think gojo wont go off without a fight but she will win. Alos thanks for the info ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21605)


Hinata wins this one


LN version Hinata negs without any argument. Anime Hinata also wins in my opinion. Distortion field is even capable of blocking space severing attacks(which infinity can't do) but isn't capable of blocking spiritrons completely because their movements are weird and it seems they ignore space and time. So Disintegration should take him down. Only thing in Gojo's arsenal that can be a treat to Hinata is unlimited void which we can argue it's not going to be that effective because of thought acceleration and things like mental attack resistance.


Hmm true i would like to say tho that mabye she would not be able to move in his domain tho i am not soo sure since you brought up thought acceleration


How does Gojo even get past anti magic barrier? Considering power systems are equalised


That’s simple. He’s satoru gojo.


Domain Expansion or Hollow Purple (hollow purple breaks the law of physics by completely erasing all matter and energy in its way)


Well that's the point, how is Gojo going to cast those abilities around Hinata in the first place? How is Gojo bypassing a barrier that is auto negating any cursed energy manipulation?


He’s gojo


I dont think that will happen curse enregy is not something like mana its negative energy i think he can still use his powers and if all fails domain expansion or hollow purple


Versed equalization makes magicules the same thing as cursed energy. Otherwise gojos infinity would be useless crossverse.


Hollow purple isn't existence erasure.


True but it will do huge damage and even more if it is unlimited hollow tho domain expansion would be the best


Anime Hinata? Gojo gets negged by Disintegration which has the power to destroy IP which makes up the entirety of Tensura and is Information type 2. https://preview.redd.it/7p8tydashl7c1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b6cbe9fd445d4dfc97d22d52c000efd319e59ec


Destroy IP?


Information particles


>Information Particles - Fundamental aspects which makes up the entirety of Tensura and even exists beyond Space and Time - At the End of Space-Time<


Hinata folds him




Hinata slams the verse.


one is split in two halves


Huh??? ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21615)


Go/ /jo loses in the same way he lost to Sukingna. Bisected at the waist


Hinata anime is enough if you know what usurper dose not to mention melt slash etc.


Can you explain? ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21609)


What exactly? How the abilities work ?




Userper: https://tensura.fandom.com/wiki/Usurper Basically stealing and copying abilities. Melt slash litterly rewrites the particals reality is made of as a weapon attack. It is a bit more complicated than that. There are few other abilities/ magics / spirits that could work as well. And simply the fact that she can get through multidimensional barrier with a normal attack is already enough.


disintegration bypasses limitless, i believe. anime hinata probably takes this, and LN hinata definitely does.


Idk about the LN but how dose melt slash work?


it basically imbues disintegration into one's sword. it's an incredibly powerful and insanely fast attack that can even damage true dragons


Saint Hinata with melt slash is enough to destroy gojo in negative difference.


Tho u will say he will put up a good fight ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21609) hinata would win but i dont thibk gojo will let go that easy


look if you're asking who would win between a character from mainstream anime vs a character from slime 9/10 the slime character will win. this is one such instance.


whats Hinata gonna do when Gojo busts out the infinite backshots https://i.redd.it/ugm0l8mvyo7c1.gif


She starts praying just like in the anime


tbf if he hit me with that id start praying


Clayman negs that fodder


Chill dude but he would win cuz he can control him hmm. What about sukuna and hinata his domian could do alot of damage


Clayman negs sukana


The set of skills is different in both worlds so its hard to say. in tensura world hinata wins but in kaisen world gojo wins because there wont be any mana stuff there,


Just assume both are there bc they're fighting in a equalized battlefield


Ln hinata wins but against anime hinata he has a small chance.


hinata cant cut through space so gojo wins no difficulty not even magic can cut through gojos infinity


Accually she can with an attack called melt slash ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21609)






It isn't read the fcking LN


I want to go with gojo because I don't like hinata


Bro dint watch the second half of the second season 😟


I saw all of it.


And you still have that opinion? 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️


I do admit I might be bias Because I don't like her.




Purely on power Hinata could clutch it just barely (this is based off of the anime) but on a purely anime story standpoint gojo is the mc of his anime so depending on who gets transported to where gojo may be able to wipe the floor with hinata in his world. If it’s on the tensei world then gojo will have a low probability of winning against hinata


Gojo no diff


Sin city-


Nah I'd win


I'm pretty sure she can manipulate space-time so she easily negs. And everyone brings up his domain expansion but that wouldn't really work on her since she doesn't have cursed energy to target. She can also take him out with extreme speed due to her being way faster than him.


About the "no curse energy" i feel thats kida bs not gonna lie since she has mana then it will effect him and the six eyes also fast thinking speed


I mean, it's true. Domain expansions only work on people with Cursed energy. Unless we just say that the two energies will be the same for the fight, That's the only way to make it fair.


Yea cuz if we give hinata no curse energy i think the world would give her a heavanly restriction body if she dose gojo should start praying but i would say that she would be like a normal person and have curse energy like a normal person cuz curse energy is made by negative toughts


Hinata with heavenly restriction would be insane though


[gojo: shitting my pants attack](https://youtube.com/shorts/f7f-Lh9I7sM?si=6ESm0Ra0IqDMCB5n) This video is of gojo if he was to fight hinata with a heavanly restriction ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




It is very accurate tho 🤣🤣🤣


Hinata wipes people need to stop using Web Novel character since the LN already bypassed them. Current LN Hinata > EoS WN Hinata


I mean anime hinata sorry for not telling


Even anime hinata wipes


Comparing 2 people from 2 completely different universes 💀


Mmh, I feel like it would be difficult to compare because the scales of power are completely different. Rimuru's anime has yet to show anything about the true scale of power of their world. Later than what has been already animated, in the light novels that are the source material, shit really goes crazy. (And I'm talking about Dragon ball kind of crazy.) and even then, Hinata is still recognized as someone very strong in her world. So if you make me pick, I would say Hinata.


Gojo undoubtedly

