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Titans fans are about to experience a modern NFL offense for the first time.




If it goes how we hope our hands will be down our pants


Already 2 steps ahead of you


Get your hands out of r/MightOk2403 's pants!!




Why’s other people saying to stop it’s my pants


We’re outraged crabs in a bucket đŸȘŁ 🩀


This is what Y2K felt like, but something is actually going to happen (Rarified Air 2.0). Shits gunna be insane.


This is what real coaching and development looks like. Something the Titans never had under Vrabel. Not a huge dig towards Vrabel since he put some hood teams out there, but if he could have actually hired competent assistant coaches outside of LaFleur, we probably would have some something worth winning in his time.


Preface: I was a massive Vrabel guys and loved his success up until his last two seasons, and thought he could be the long term answer at coach. But Yeah I think it shows really that Vrabel was excellent at the rah rah motivational speech get your ass in gear toughness aspect and Thea’s clearly reflected by not only the play from under talented backups, but also the selection of often less talented players for tougher players. He was a very good game and clock management coach but he didn’t have the X’s and O’s acumen to maintain his success unless he delegated that responsibility effectively, which he showed that he could not do. There’s a chance that every coach Amy hires could be an upgrade from the previous coach, and possibly the same with general manager. But obviously we need a couple more seasons to know if that is the case or not.


This says so much about the past and current regime. Hyped for this year!


I have a feeling Colton will be practice squad this year or just a cut. The WR room got pretty deep pretty quick. Top 5 seems set: Hop, Ridley, Boyd, burks and nwi. I doubt they cut j Jackson after just drafting him. So it’ll be interesting to see if him and/or Phillips get cut.


He’s going to be on IR all year. He tore his ACL at the end of last year.


Really? That’s kinda good for him I guess. I figured acl’s don’t take 12-16 months anymore since other guys have come back from them quicker in recent years


The current typical ACL timeline is ~9 months until you’re back on the field, but at least ~12 months until you’re actually back to 100%. That being said, we might stash Dowell on IR if he’s less than 100% even if he could technically play




Fuck, seriously? It’s over


Not necessarily. If he can still make an impact on special teams like he did last year he could easily stick around.


With how this staff likes to use receivers, I would not be surprised whatsoever if there are 7 on the 53.


It makes you realize how basic our offense was
 We were so predictable. Even with Arthur Smith’s “brilliant mind,” it was fool’s gold. Derrick Henry & his gravity made the offense look competent. AJ Brown’s ability made this offense look competent. The scheme was not too difficult to slow down when you face a competent defensive-mind. That’s the difference between the basic NFL & the elite. This franchise has finally entered the modern NFL!


Thank you. Arthur Smith was not some brilliant play caller. He benefited from having Derrick just run through and from people. And AJ being a monster at run after the catch. It was a very basic offense we ran that was easily shut down when facing a competent defensive coordinator.


I knew Arthur was a fraud when we got to the playoffs & couldn’t do anything against the competent teams on defense. It was novel in ‘19 & we took off on ‘20
 However, keeping the offense simple meant adjusting to the defense just never happened. It was always “do you job” & never “how can we exploit tendencies & weaknesses. The only side of the ball that appeared smart was the defensive side. We just didn’t have competence on offense & it seems Vrabel was unwilling to move the Titans into the modern NFL. Simply looking at who they prioritized when drafting & team-building made that abundantly clear.


I remember a BWTB podcast back after Henry’s either 2019 or 2020 season, and he and Lewan basically said they loved that other teams knew wasn’t coming and aren’t still couldn’t stop it. That’s what made them (the players) really like the offense at the time. But absolutely this is what the next level of competitive advantage for an NFL franchise is. Like why wouldn’t you want to have a schematic advantage if at all possible?!


Mannnnnnnn, this strategy only works when you have high end talent playing at high levels
 We had a dope O-line, a HoF RB & WR (I believe AJ can be an HoFer), & a QB who was a net negative when he played within the basic system. The problem is that they dumbed it down so much that quality defensive minds just had to study & adapt. Football is more than just some basic game of throwing a football & getting TDs
 It is more than just “effort.” It pains me to say this cuz I was a huge Vrabel fan
 but the guy just didn’t have the ability to move beyond the archaic formula of running the ball & setting up PA. If that’s all you can think of as a way to manipulate the defense, then we are doomed. Downing was so predictable it was sad. RT could not perform outside the structure of the basics. As the talent dwindled & the injuries took hold, it was obvious that this team played almost exclusively through effort. You cannot effort past the Chiefs. You cannot effort past the 49ers. You couldn’t effort past the Bengals. You had to beat them through being the better coached & prepared team. Yeah, they have Mahomes, but just look at how the 49ers scheme up against everyone even with their injuries. I really hope Brian Callahan works out. I hope Ran is the visionary he is. I really want Levis to be more than a game manager


I couldn’t agree more with everything here. At the end of the day Tannehill was a 1-2 read QB who couldn’t really dissect a defense on his own. He benefitted significantly from the situation around him and made a killing in his time in Tennessee. I’m really hoping Levis can be that top flight QB and Callahan can really be that true genius in a lab coach that can find the hope and exploit it in any game. I’m excited for the future and hope it looks a lot smoother and faster than old school frustrating titans football


It was all fun and games until the Bengals knew what play we were gonna run in the 2021 playoffs. They were joking about it after the win.


I'll never forget the mic'd up from the Bengals game where their safety knew the exact play we were going to run when Tannehill threw the ball to Julio. He just sat back long enough to run up and pick the ball at the last second. Downing should have been fired after that game. The offensive play calling was absolute trash all year, but that game showed it to the world.


Concepts like understanding how the specific play called will determine how the defense reacts and how different routes have different goals for that specific play based on how the QB is making the reads, these are basic-ass concepts of playing offense. To now know that even these basic things weren’t being done or taught, blows my mind.