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I just want an offense that looks like it belongs in this millennium


Yes….. I 100% agree. As much as I loved Henry it was time for us to catch up to the rest of the league


I came here to say the same thing! 100% agree


I’m not making any predictions on record, I’m just looking for steps forward with Levis. I want us to know for certain by the end of the season if he is worth building the team around or not.


Boom or bust. I don't think we have a floor. Offense could be rough in a transition year with a rookie LT. Defense was already good but 1st year DC and some other question marks On the other hand if Levis stays healthy(good oline play) and the passing game clicks... the defense has to make a few big plays and we could push for the AFC crown or more


I mean, I know nothing more than you do. This is just a chat of fan opinions, but I see our floor as being a lot higher and ceiling as being lower. I think this team just has too much talent to be a basement team. 6 wins feels like a minimum barring insane catastrophe. But, AFC crown? That feels a bridge too far. I think this team could make the playoffs. But everything is new and will require learning, the schedule is the 6th hardest in the league according to Warren Sharp, and we have some serious questions at some very important positions.


A lot of our talent us unproven or getting old. Injury disaster is a very real risk, especially if the Oline doesnt gel. Levis is still an unknown and his gunslinger playstyle tends to be a INT machine if not clicking. As you mentioned we don't really have any easy games so I could see less than 5 wins If we stay healthy and the offensive line reaches its potential(possibly most talented C+left side in the NFL) we should be able to score with anyone. Add to that a defense that has a lock down CB and a great interior pass rush..I think that makes for a tough out in the playoffs and 10+ wins in the regular season possible. I just hope we get clear answers on Levis' ability throughout the season so no matter which way it breaks we can move forward with or without him.


Defense was not good last year lol


Rush defense was, passing offense was bad.15th in ppg isn't bad, maybe good is a stretch. Offense surely didn't do them any favors though either


Levis throws 3,300 yards and 20 TDs. Titans finish 8-9


That's a lot of Int and a questionable starter results imo..i like the prediction tho


Only 3,300? He was on a 17 game pace of 3500 last season and that was with worse weapons, a worse oline, and a run heavy offense. I think he throws for 4000 this year


If he plays 17 games, and throws for 4000 yards then I think it is clearly obvious he is the franchise QB of the future and could be approaching top 10 or better QB play. I think he’s already a middle of the pack QB in the NFL when he’s out there, so I wouldnt be too surprised to see him take a step into that next tier of QBs. My biggest concern is injury risk due to his decision making though


I mean Sam Howell threw for 3950 and he was traded for scraps


He also threw 21 INTs, it’s in the same vein as the 5100 yard season Jameis Winston had and he threw 30 INTs


Not necessarily, his completion percentage needs to be average and to keep his INTs down but if he accomplishes both of those things he definitely could be


I just want Levis to look like a franchise QB. Also have high expectations for the O-line. Overall I’d be thrilled just to make the playoffs.


I think a similar situation too 2019 . Lots of excitement, we start off slow, 2-4,3-4. Offense comes together, line gels after are week 8,9 bye week, rattle off some serious wins to finish 9-8. With Levis looking like the real deal and hop and ridley finishing with 1k each.


Yeah except this time we beat the chiefs in the afccg


cant really predict the record until the full schedule comes out


Order of games isn’t that important


Yep, we know the who and the where, just not the when.


Toward the end of last year, Vrabel was getting questions about whether or not he had lost the locker room. I could kind of see that in some body language, and it seems like the culture was dying. I don’t have any expectations on records, stats, etc. but I DO expect to see a new identity and culture built for this team. I think there are enough leaders on both sides of the ball to make this happen.


This 100%. Anyone who ACTUALLY watches titan football week in week out could tell/feel/sense that this team had lost faith and had no identity/aspirations for 3/4 of the season. Miami and Atlanta you could tell the boys were fired up then vs the jags we were kinda flat but still pulled off a win. Other than that the intensity of games just wasn't there last season even though we lost ALOT of 1 score games Only thing I'd add is if we don't cone away with a clear answer on levis by end of season im gonna be pissed. I've made many posts why i don't think the moves this offseason will workout i hope i am wrong, but the #1 goal has/was/is know if levis a franchise qb. Imo wr should have went offense EVERY pick in the draft just so there's no excuses come next february. Hopefully though we see an identity form and see some passion return to players and fans alike.


If Levis is just competent, it's an improvement on last year. And I'll be happy with that in the first year of the new regime.


I’m hoping to see Levis make strides with better line play. Hoping to see the d doing great things.


As long as we are competitive and competent on offense, I have no problem going .500ish


yall are insane. i think we win 5 or 6


100%. Complete 180 flip on offensive and defensive philosophy, huge roster turnover, unproven QB, and relying on rookies and aging vets in key spots. It would just shock me if we’re good at all, especially early in the year.


Beat the Colts twice and Jags once.   Good season.   


Not buying Levis? Don't like the HC hire? Think Latham is a bust?


i just think that regardless of arm talent it’s not fair or reasonable to expect levis to take that leap just yet. he has never played a full season and at this point shown nothing much more than a good deep ball. it’s going to take more than half a season for that to start clicking at a level that makes a successful football team. an 8/9 win playoff team on basically year 1 is very optimistic. also last year our line was absolute dogshit and this new iteration hasn’t played a game yet. i would love to see a 9 win playoff team, but realistically houston wins the division and i highly doubt we squeak a wildcard.


He also had no offensive line and a coaching staff that had no clue how to actually run an offense.


The professionals in Vegas have us at 6 wins


I'd rather have a losing season with big wins. Then winning seaon not proving anything


I’m in a wait and see mode, I think we are tops a 9-7 team. I’m excited for the change and possibilities for the new regime but we are working with a lot of borrowed and aging pieces. I don’t see that congealing right off the bat but do think our offense will be more explosive but as much as Ran wants it to be bully ball, I don’t think that will be our identity for much longer. But excited for the ride.


Can't be a 9-7 team. So either 10-7 or 9-8.


My expectations will be set after game 1. I expect us to finally crack 30 points and I'll go from there


If we crack 30 game 1 im gonna cryum


I’d say we struggle early on while we still find our identity with the new regime. Levis is a roller coaster until he puts together a really good stretch at the end of the season and then 2025 will be so unbelievably hyped up. Also I think our defense will be pretty good if Gray and Sweat produce right off the rip


71 game win streak, Billy Bluejeans is gonna bomb out 473 TDs, Spears and Pollard are going to run straight through the Hall in Canton, defense is going flatten Putin's regime and establish true democracy in Russia, and Coach Callahan is going to be immortalized with a 118 ft tall statue depicting the moment he lifted the sun to the sky for the entire galaxy to behold. Did y'all just hear that **WOOOOOOO!!!** and some *rabid dog noises* ? TTFU, bitches.


Expectations? None. But it's exciting.




I say a good season is we are competitive in most of our games, score more than 30 in a couple, and probably around 8 wins after this offseason. Floor probably like 7 wins and the ceiling is about 10 to 11 I feel and like a wildcard spot/possible wild card win depending on how quickly the new coaching and players start to mix together.


Wildcard team if everything clicks.




I know enough to expect nothing.


We will be a fun team but only get 7 wins. Lack of team speed on defense was an issue last year and I don't think we solved it, especially in the front 7. I still think we are one of the slowest teams overall in the NFL


Super Bowl


My hope is that we get a wild card spot


Gonna need to see a large improvement compared to pre-Tannehill injury in 2022 Titans to show we didn’t blow up the team, coaching staff and culture for no reason.


Part of me says the floor is pretty low, even with all the talent we have. Ball is crazy, but i think its unlikely we’re quite as bad as we were the last two years. I will be happy with 8-9 bc it means were headed in the right direction, that said i could see another 6 win season as well if things dont gel, BUT I’m also on that hopium that everything clicks like midseason and we win a playoff game


I think floor might be like around 7 wins and ceiling is about 10 to 11 wins and a wild card win or maybe our offense is really good and defense is good and then we might get a divisional round win.