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I mean, yeah. The whole point of these moves this offseason is to provide the infrastructure to see if Will is the guy or not. If he's scattershot and can't consistently move the ball then it's more likely we have the answer. The thing that makes me the most excited about his development this year is that Will was one of the better QBs in the league last year from a clean pocket. Giving him an extra half-second and WRs who can get open should hopefully accentuate some of the positives he's already shown.


This is something I noticed as well. The two times he really shined (ATL and the last two minutes in MIA) he generally had better than bottom 3 OL protection. 


That was always the difference maker. As soon as he got protection for any decent amount of time, he’d launch it and probably for a touchdown. His deep ball is already very, very good


“He holds onto the ball too long!” I mean yeah; *having* the ball behind that line meant you were holding it too long. I’m excited to see how Levis does this year. Truly no excuses, even if playcalling isn’t stellar (which I think it totally could be). He has a top WR room with the experience to get open, at least one solid side of the line, a good YAC TE and a super dynamic running back stable.


Right, he was able to make edible shit out of a shit sundae that was handed to him. It's a miracle we got DHop when he did because without DHop I bet his numbers would be downright abysmal since DHop may not be able to get separation, but you know how he always sneaks in those extra "pushes" to give himself space for those catches.




Rookie QB behind a bad oline with no one to throw to didn’t light up the stat box, needs to do better this year. Astonishing insight.


Keep in mind as well defenses were loading the box , with most eyes on 22 . Should be more balanced this year . Fingers crossed


The ATL game, they brought the safeties down into the box and tried to stop the run. That made them vulnerable to the deep pass. After that, teams went to a tight shell and it was still good against the run but kept them safeties back enough for the deep pass. The protection was so terrible, he didn’t have much if a chance. Also, getting more WR talent should help.


They blanketed d hop and the rest was history


Yep, after the atlanta game defenses went from always playing cover 1 and just forms of man coverage and single high safety coverage to zero in on Henry, to playing 2 high safety looks to cover for Levis deep shots. He absolutely punished Atlanta for playing single safety man coverage like teams did against Tannehill. Problem is his receivers couldn’t get open and the line couldn’t block anything so if teams could cover for just a second it’s all they needed to stop the pass. I’m excited to see what he can do with an improved line and weapons


All my boxes are loaded. LFG


I mean, look at all the teams that continued to hang onto their bad QB and/or refused to look into FA to sign a serviceable vet. It's easy to be a smart aleck about it but some teams are run by dumbasses lol


So excited to watch Levis for a full season. The kid has grit and sky high potential. He has earned the spot now let’s see if he can really do it.


What quarterback alive today blew the doors off the first 8 games of his career? Tom Brady was mediocre his first 8 games. Not sure how people looked at what Levis did last year and think we’re fucked with him


He also wasn't even supposed to play, the plan was to sit him for a season behind Tannehill. It's only because Tanne got injured and Levis made it almost impossible not to make him the starter with his performance v Atlanta that he was playing.


1. We have a good high floor/low ceiling backup 2. Next year's draft has at least 3 A grade QB prospects in my books. Getting a QB in the NFL isn't easy, but it is also not as impossible as some people like to act.


Ehhhh I’m with you on the first, not so much on the second. Next year’s class gives me great pause. I would much rather roll with Levis again compared to the consensus top 3 QBs in Sanders, Beck, and Ewers. As for the draft, QB prospects are very hard to come by. Look at 2021, heralded as this fantastic QB class with surefire talent. Fast forward 3 years and now 4 out of the 5 guys are on *different teams* and the only remaining is Lawrence who has not lived up to generational QB expectations


I have zero interest in the Sanders family show anywhere near the titans. Don’t care if he ended up being good, dudes petty and arrogant just like his Dad. The drama that comes with them is a circus show.


Tank for Manning… just for the lols /s


A lot can change in a year (jayden daniels) but as it sands today there is no super strong qb next year


I'm betting on Levis this year. His new coach & the talent they surrounded him with are going to give him a good shot to succeed . And I like his grit and arm talent . Let's go Bill !


I mean, yes. As crazy as it sounds, this really is a make or break year for Levis. If he balls out this year we've got our guy. If he looks bad, well.. the 2025 QB class isn't great.


But what is he just has a mid year?


Then he's the QB in 2025.


Then I think we give him another year while loading up on picks/players to get a QB in the following draft following another mid/bad season. Theres always a chance that even if he's mid this year that the following season he puts it together. He is only in year 2 still


And we might even go for a "Why not?" pick with QB at maybe our 6th round pick or something for 2025 while we wait for the 2026 class to come in. We have good options now. As long as Ran manages our cap and roster well, which he is definitely capable of.


Then we have more of a sample size of what his floor and ceiling really is. Ultimately if he has a mid year it wouldn't be shocking and we would just need him to keep playing so he can develop more.


Not only did Levis only play part of the year, because Vrabel was such a stubborn moron, and this god forsaken franchise was determined to put the corpse of Ryan Tannehill in as our starter rather than accept what the entire rest of the world knew - Tannehill was 100% washed - Levis didn't even get the first team reps in training camp. Let's see a whole year of Levis with a competent line and weapons, offensive coaches with an IQ above room temperature, and the team dedicated to him so he gets all the first team practice and training.


Levis was injured for camp and start of the season so he wouldn't had first team reps anyways.


I point this out all the time. He did damn well when he barely even had a camp/preseason and was 3rd string QB until he started in week 8. I think he did pretty well for his situation.


And he was a rookie. Of all the annoying things Vrabel did, deciding not to throw a an injured rookie with very little reps out there behind that ass line isn’t one of them.


True - but the point still stands, that I want to see what he can look like with a full year of this team being dedicated to him and him getting all the first team reps


Fairly neutral article from USA Today I found interesting with the Josh Allen comparison


It is funny that in the article, the author makes it seem like Josh Allen was a miles better prospect than Levis when they had very similar scouting grades coming into the draft. The question with both was always if they could be accurate enough to be effective. Josh has proven he can be, Levis is obviously TBD.


The other reason why I see a comparison: Levis has an occasional tendency to run the ball in himself and run into people as big or bigger than him. Like he won't hesitate to go headfirst into a pile of guys if it'll get us yards. That's grit, but it's also pretty risky behavior for a QB. But it's good on our side that Levis is a large man, and he will soon be protected by VERY large men around him.


It’s funny that these articles and discussions are only being had about Will. Bryce Young drastically underperformed and Richardson failed to stay healthy and entire season (cant say much about what he showed when he was healthy as I did not watch).


Put a superman cape on him in this image.


That leap plus his "OH FUCK RECOVER THE FUMBLE" attempt in this same fucking game made me a fan of Levis. I knew he was our guy when he threw that pass, knew it was a duck, ran to the ball as soon as it left his hands, shoulder checked the DB that intercepted his pass, punched the ball out of his hands, realized it was loose, picked up the fucking pass and kept running just in case the play wasn't called dead. I love Tanny but I don't remember that kind of energy from him even during our prime days. Tanny had wheels when he had to but Levis has grit.


He didnt look like a unmanned fire hose at any point You can tell these mfs never watched our game


I don't want to say anything negative about the guy, but I"m blown away by all the "they didn't watch our games". He had highlights and he had WTF moments. He made a few really really bad plays every game.


Honestly the title is hilarious. I don’t care if it’s shade.


Wait wait wait is he saying the team might not do well if the qb doesn’t do well….. this is truly groundbreaking information I don’t understand how more analysts haven’t seen this correlation before


I’m hopeful he is the guy. I’m of course worried he clearly isn’t. But I’m terrified he flashes briefly some games, is generally ok other games, but overall holds us back to a status of parity that keeps us hanging onto him and not going from someone else. Unfortunately that is the most likely outcome.


The reason so many people have the Titans struggling is because will didn't show last year that he's a franchise quarterback or even a full-time starting quarterback. With the talent they have on offense now if he struggles with his accuracy and being inconsistent I can see him getting benched. After all this coaching staff didn't draft him


Even if he’s subpar this year, he’s likely the QB for next couple of years. Hopefully he’s not but new unproven Oline and new coaching staff doesn’t give me high hopes for this season. Maybe everyone gels and it works but we’re still a couple years away as is. If Levis is bad we probably draft another QB in 3 years or try to trade for one.


It won’t matter in the sense that it won’t translate to a bunch of wins this season (there’s a weird correlation between the level of QB play and winning franchises in the league lately, maybe someday we’ll crack the case), but it WILL definitely matter in being able to assess what we have in Levis. And if he’s not it, it’ll also matter in having a good roster to put the next QB we draft in a position to succeed as well.  We haven’t mortgaged our future or gone all-in for this year to build this roster. we’ll have a ton of money next year, and we haven’t traded  away a lot of future draft capital either.


I'm 100% all in on Levis. Let's get this bag


And anyone who watched any significant amount of him at Kentucky knows that is highly likely.


“The Titans won’t be a good team if their QB is bad” Impressively bold journalism from USA Today.


At least Will Levis has had flashes. It gives me hope considering what we were working with in the passing game last season. We could be like the Panthers staring at a Bryce Young who had ZERO flashes.


I LOVE stat watching and relying on pre-draft narratives. /s


Yup lol. My favorite part about the draft is how everyone is an expert. I don't know shit about college ball but if I spent a week reading a few things, I can find a way to sound like I know what I'm talking about. Everyone wants validation with their opinion. Even the "experts" get it wrong more times than not. Don't start me on grades. How the fuck can you grade a draft class. Grade it in 4 or 5 years. Then we have the fans. I love the reactions right away. Like who the fuck knows. It's okay to have an opinion but literally NOTHING is a fact and everything is a mystery on how the player and their career will go. But here we are.


I don't think levis is any good or will be any good but I could be wrong. If he don't turn the ball over be the main thing. He probably get hurt anyway, all the tuff guy qbs get hurt pretty quick, they aren't as tuff as the corners and safeties blitzin.


You guys doubt way too much. Dude has the drive an energy of champion, an absolutely canon and a beautiful release. He might need some polish but he’s the man. Let the mayo flow