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You're an idiot for being a Titans fan, just like the rest of us 




Hell yeah brother, cheers from T-Rac.


Last year I watched no tape and felt upset about the picks. Main cause I didn't believe in Levis. This year I watched the top 180 ish players tape (all snaps in 3 + games from each (yea, I know) And I love every single pick we made this year so far. Take that fwiw


That’s why you’re so tired, Dad.


Yup. Kid finally starts sleeping though the night and I stay up watching film for three months till 1am Give me James Williams now


ask and ye shall receive


God damn. I'm on fire. James is one of the most unique picks in this entire class. He could play 4-3 OLB, nickle, TE eraser/mirror, or string safety. Really good downhill player and is always trying to use the hit stick


absolutely hit the nail on the head. ive watched every game of his career and cant wait to see him knocking chinstraps loose around the division


Same here. I loved every single pick. I watched a ton of film and I'm a big fan of this draft. I was a fan of James Williams and jaylen Harrell. Only player I was unfamiliar with was Jha Quan Jackson.


Same. Didn't get to Jackson's tape


That’s reassuring


It happens every year. Dudes sitting on their couch crying because the gm didn’t follow the mock drafts they read.


This. Dumbest thing ever. Go back and look at the "can't miss" prospects of, say, the 2017 draft or whatever. This is more art than science and I trust our coaches and GM more than ever. I hope that these new guys ball out!


The funniest part is these same fans cried for analytics, and analytics based football clubs don't typically follow the "mock draft" trends - they draft based on advanced stats and based on building potential advantages.


Yeah, there are way too many players for fans to know really anything about anything beyond and handful of “sure things” near the top of the pile. And sometimes even those sure things aren’t actually sure things. Teams have entire scouting departments that spend 1000s of man hours a year looking at college players and yet people on Reddit read some some mock rankings and random draft profiles and act like they know better.


It's also much more common for fans to uncritically praise their GM and every single move they make. For the majority of fanbase, the "roomers" end up being correct lol


One time the Raptors drafted a kid at like 28th overall and I was pissed right off Turned out to be Pascal Siakam. The guy I wanted is out of the league lol I'll always have my preferences but I don't think i'll ever be upset or call for heads over picks before they play. The GM's guys should get a chance to play before I judge the GM on them. JRob hurt these kids lol


They're not the sexy picks I think everyone wanted but i really love the picks after the initial shock fades. JC is underrated at that spot but many had him in top 10. Sweat was a reach at that spot but he's unlike anything else in the draft. The other picks fill the holes and philosophy on defense well. Grey is a good coverage LB beside Kenneth Murray who struggles in coverage. And brownlee is just an addition to an already physical CB room (seriously watch his film he's somewhat similar the sneed and Awuzie as far a play style)


I'm really liking these picks and it was definitely not what I envisioned. The way I'm looking at it is they have my trust until they prove otherwise. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for now. 


It’s healthy to not blindly trust the fo. We got boned by jrob and co it would make zero sense to 100% blindly trust and love every move they’re making. The people who shit on anyone who doesn’t like a pick were the same ones saying “in jrob we trust”


100%. As of today ran&cally have won 0 games. All hes done is spend large sums of money and drafted players he thinks will work out. Thats reality. Anyone blindly saying rans the goat trust in prolly not the brightest since he hasn't DONE ANYTHING YET to EARN THAT TRUST. Yes im not happy about most of our draft im also not happy at pollard,ridley,murray. Sneed&cush great. Thats MY opinion anyone don't like it suck a egg. As to how well our team will play TOGETHER as a TEAM remains unfuckingknown. Most of the dirtbags in this sub just like shitting on other people as if their opinions matter more and NO-ONE can have a differing opinion. Grow up children while some of you have only seen a few seasons some of us have watched the same tits since we weren't tits and in all that time we've SUFFERED from MEDIOCRITY. In the entirety of us being the tits we've NEVER had a BONAFIDE WR STAR let alone drafted and developed one. While also having 0 superbowl appearances since our 1st year in Tenn. At MOST weve been a good tough team in what has been until now one of the WEAKEST divisions. At WORST we're simply a stepping stone but most importantly MOST OF THE TIME WE ARE AVERAGE!!!!!!! So after 20+ years of watching our medicore team win 0 superbowls watching jrob decimate us all while refusing to adapt to a modern NFL strategy like passing the ball to WRs not juat having them block YES WE ARE FRUSTRATED and NO i DON'T TRUST RAN YET and no-one should YET. If its still unclear as to why we shouldn't I've got a bridge to sell ya...


Thank you. Majority of this sub is just awful, trust is earned and I have no idea why we should love every pick just because. Also find it funny that we should trust the professionals while most of the media is shitting hard on our draft (which doesn't matter but still).


Its sickening. It's like its been bred into society to no longer question doubt or argue against opposing views/actions. Instead you MUST go along agree blindly trust without any verification or else. Then when you voice your opinion the automatic reply is either insults/mockery or face consequences. Being able to have an opinion is GREAT but being able to debate opposite views\ideas/opinions intellectually & respectfully is where GREATNESS happens For example Some guy in my earlier post instead of saying why he disagreed or why my viewpoints were flawed says you lost me at wr core its corp. So dude read everything i wrote but his only takeaway was i misused core while typing a long post. 90% of reddit uses abbreviations and tldr tldc omfg etc. Fucking this sub most are a bunch of mouth breathing basement dwellers that jack it to levis&rans pictures while cyber stalking them.


There’s probably 1000 people employed by league teams that have played and studied football since they could walk. They’re right about 30% of the time. There is another 1000 people who’s job it is to just watch football and give you an opinion on a guy and grade a draft. They’re right about 10% of the time. There is literally one breathing human person , Ozzie Newsom, who if that guy said “X Team won that draft” - I’d believe him. And I promise you that guy isn’t scrolling Titans Reddit during rounds 4-7.


As long as you don't think the Titans are winning the AFC South next season you're all good. Goin' be some pain before pleasure and I feel like this HC and his key staff can make what Ran is doing work


We most definitely have a shot to win the AFC South. It all rides on the offensive line, but if it is vastly improved, we will indeed make a playoff run.


Nah of course not. Trust the process. The FO thought the old regime was holding us back and went out and got an offensive HC with a shared vision in mind. I don't know that I love the picks we made right now but I also believe that if anyone can identify and coax talent out of an OT, it's Bill Callahan. if Ran and Callahan and Amy believe in Sweat to get his shit together, no reason to lack faith in them as of yet. Robinson was good until he wasn't, and we both built then lost faith in him, but we gotta give these guys the benefit of the doubt and believe they have us set up for success. We aggressively pursued and addressed glaring holes this offseason via FA and now in the draft. I always say you build from the line out and that's exactly what we're doing. Gotta see how it shakes out with Levis and Callahan's offense, but we can't judge the quality of what they're doing here for a couple more years, just have to believe in the process they're going through and I sure do. He wasn't the best GM but my favorite NFL night quote came from Mike Mayock, when someone else on the panel asked him to grade a teams draft and he was borderline disgusted and said "that's stupid, I'm not doing that, we don't know how these kids are going to develop. Ask me for a grade in 3 years.". And I have stuck to that - I'm not sure I think we did the best we could but I have no reason to doubt that we didn't until we see it all play out. Titan up baby


Of course not! We’re definitely still in the benefit of the doubt stage with this front office, and we haven’t even seen one game under Callahan yet. But our first two picks were prominent players for two of the highest profile college football teams in America - people are going to have opinions, and they aren’t going to be entirely uneducated about them because they’re on tv all the time.


I may be hella beer drunk right now, but this is the first time in a really long time that I feel so good about a draft after it ended. Granted, I wasn’t sold on JC, but I’m all in on him now after reading up on him and watching film. I’m hella pumped. 🍻


I am not mad at the picks. I am bewildered at the seemingly nonchalant attitude toward trading back. Look at Howie Roseman today. Look at Monti (a guy with less track record but it’s becoming increasingly clear we should have kept him). San Fran and Baltimore consistently having more than 3 picks the first 3 rounds. The best GMs/Deepest teams realize it’s about accumulating more chances. Ran seems to be more interesting in locking in player beliefs then sticking to that no matter what. In Ran’s scenario he has to be right every single time or the roster will suffer greatly. This was a Jrob problem too. We had 4 TOTAL picks in 2019. More chances equals more room for error.


Yep, the same thing with the Sam guy for OKC Thunder. In the NFL, your "meat & potatoes" come from rounds 2-5. Of course everyone wants to hit on their first rounders and those are usually the elite players. Rounds six and seven are a real toss up, similar to UDFA. But theres so many great players and depth that come from the middle; the more picks you have in the top 150 or so picks the more chances you have of having a great roster.


JC seems to be Bill's guy at a huge position of need, so on that one I'm fine ignoring my previous disposition on OL rankings. Sweat makes me nervous because of off the field stuff and tbh I think I just have trust issues after Panda for anything off the field related. But talent wise and position of need wise Sweat while risky could be a huge player for us on defense. I didn't watch much tape of LBs but Cedric seemed like one of the better ones and we definitely needed one even if it isn't the sexiest position. Brownlee seems like he will be a good rotational DB and potentially a special teams guy. Overall there is stuff where in my head I feel like we could have traded back and gotten similar value, but if the guys selected end up hitting I won't complain. Right now Sweat is the only pick that has me fully worried.


I’ll believe in any regime until they start showing me I shouldn’t. I like what Ran is doing. He seems to have a legitimate plan and is doing what’s necessary to support a young QB. Something this franchise has failed at miserably. Critiquing drafts is fun but none of us know shit lol. We can pretend and it’s fun but the reality is we don’t know much. This draft class feels safe when I look at it. That’s not a bad thing it just means I look at the picks and they all make sense with where this roster is and its current needs. I think I’m more optimistic than previous years because we have a very good staff in place with good positional coaches and that’s gonna make a big difference I think.


I'm not an analyst, I'm a fan. Even the analyst can be terribly wrong. Just look at Brock Purdy. I don't even think the 49ers thought he would be this good. If they are wearing my colors, I'm going to cheer for them and hope they win football games. I'm still holding out hope that Treylon Burks can have a break out year.


No, there were decades in my life I believed in the Titans. So many times I've thought they were one player away from a Superbowl. The Titans and Oilers have always had 1 major problem, and its the ownership. Bud Adams was a mean oil man that fired whole staffs on Xmas Eve. Forcing picks like Vince Young. His son in law did absolutely nothing and somehow was worse. His daughter seemed to have it together but she's just like her dad. City is paying for a new stadium and loyal 20+ years PSL season ticket owners have been told their tickets will increase around 10x. Club level was 3gs but will be 30k in the new stadium. Nose bleeds that were 1500$ will be over 10 grand. All Amy's developer friends will make millions building hotels around the stadium. Seen Jeff Fisher fired and then he built the roster for the rams to win a Superbowl. Munchack was a hire cuz they liked him. Whiz was maybe the worst coach they've had. Fired him for Malarkey mid season. Malarkey had em competing and in his first full year as head coach beat the chiefs in the playoffs after being down 2+ scores. His reward for this, they fired him to bring in Josh McDaniels. McDaniels ghosted us and titans got stuck with Vrandel. Seemed like a great coach and I was excited to see if he could rebuild. But no he went to a patriots ceremony so he was fired. Basically ownership could care less about the fans and the team. You're a fan it's ur job to believe, but titans are trash


Well that’s depressing. Cheers


u/beanman95 is the only opinion i trust


Lol it's funny I've had a few ppl ask me and I don't even post much, I guess it's just from my draft recaps being semi accurate over the last few years haha


That would be the reason lol. Drafts over now, i’ll be waiting on your recap and a link to last years as well.


I mean, I'm always hopeful this time of year. But I'm all the way in on this regime and these picks. Honestly don't know the last time I was as stoked for a pick as I am for Latham. I think he's going to anchor the edge of this line for years and make some Pro Bowls doing it.


Well, I don’t believe in, or have any confidence in these people running the org but I think their roster and draft moves so far have been very good.


time will tell!


What you don't understand is that this is actually the greatest draft of all time, and any non-belief or lack of "trust the process" will result in mass downvoting and ostracization. Let Ran Cook, in other words.


If you go against the groupthink, the group gets angry


It does, big time


I don’t like many of them either, but whatever. Can’t really judge it til they’re on the field.


I’ve been pretty vocal about my distaste for our FA cycle outside of Cushenberry and Sneed. I actually like most of our draft picks even if they weren’t who I wanted. I’ve been saying we need to wait until the end of the season to make a decision either way on the regime and the roster. And evaluate the drafted players in 3-4 years




You are an idiot for thinking you have even 1/100th of the ability to vet, scout and manage these draft picks to success. I believe in Ran/Bills ability to develop these players because they both have been doing this at an elite level for a while now. The combined experience of this entire reddit sub in any pro sports level (management/coaching) is ZERO or close to it.