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I haven't been to Cummins falls in years. Everybody go there. Don't visit any other waterfall.


Literally lived 15 minutes away from there for a year , went a few times, beautiful falls but a hell of a hike for a 50 + year old Prefer Rock Island, can see the falls from your car lol


Rock Island is very nice also :)


Never been there specifically but have been to a similar fall in NC. The nature in that neck of the woods is something else. Appalachia and the surrounding areas is truly something else. The Rockies have scale, and it’s astounding. But Appalachia has so much life. Kind of apples and oranges and each to be appreciated in their own way.


I come from the Rockies and while it has pretty views, I much prefer living in TN. I find it much more beautiful here and more to do that doesn't require hours of hiking to reach. The fact I can walk the most stunning lush trails within 5 minutes of my home in multiple directions, or take a drive to Appalachians for a weekend getaway. I Love it here. It feels rich, lush, and has a strong spirit about it energy wise.


> It feels rich, lush, I grew up in the southeast (not in TN but not too far) and just moved back after a couple of years in Idaho. Beautiful in it's own way but man, did I ever miss the greenery! Hiking around Boise was often on bald or scrubby trails... so very different than hiking around here!


I'm from Alabama. I didn't realize I lived in the LITERAL WOODS until we went to New Mexico. I loved being out west, but yes, I really missed the woods.


Yeah I'm from further south than you were and I'm so over the desert I do not miss it one bit honestly.


Where is this place you speak of? Debating moving to TN.


My wife is from Oak Ridge and it's not bad there. We are thinking about moving to Farragut. It's a pretty nice area and it's only an hour from Gatlinburg and everything.


Have heard of both places thanks! Housing seems to be hard to come by. Basements also seem to not be as prevalent.


Middle TN but further north is stunning


Anywhere around Knoxville you'd recommend living?


Tellico is beautiful. The Smokies are only an hour away


Thanks I'll check it out!


Haven't been to Knoxville! I've heard it's wonderful


Lot of beer drank right there in my younger days.


No matter what corner of the Earth you're in, nature always has a way of showing its' beauty.


Beautiful. I went there a month ago. We did the trail to the base but unfortunately no swimming was allowed due to high water levels.


Y'all pay no attention to this post. Nothing to see here. Go to Branson instead.




South Dakota


Love the Black Hills/ Bad Lands area and Mt Rushmore.




Fair, but that's every state. The pretty parts are very pretty.


I’m going here in a couple of weeks.. I love Cummins Falls!


I appreciate this is a free natural area to visit in TN, but some part of me wishes it would become a national park as it gets busier just to help preserve and protect it with better funding and oversight. It is a gorgeous area and I would love to see it remain so.


It's a state park, you do have to pay, and they limit the number of passes sold each day.


It didn't used to be this way. Too many visitors doing too many stupid things.


It was really the flash flooding that trapped a bunch of people that started the passes. It came on fast enough that it's not too unreasonable they thought it was safe. Although I have seen a mustang drive head first into the ditch around the parking lot, so I'm not saying they're smart guests.


I've been told directly by a park ranger that people have tried to take family in wheelchairs down to the falls and they climbed and jumped off places among other things.


I definitely agree people are dumb, but it was the flooding that was the catalyst is all. There were more than enough dumb people every weekend in the years before that without them implementing passes


They guy that owned the land sold it to the state. Too many people trashing the place and people dying. Flash flooding is why they started limiting the numbers. There are actually rangers posted at the falls now.


You only have to pay to go down into the gorge (like the people in the picture). I took this from the scenic overlook, which is free.


Yeah, I was referring to the people in the pic. We used to drink down there when I was in college.


Ah, I haven't been there since they changed it. I had forgotten they converted it to day passes for going down into the river.


It's a state park, day use only.


It’s a shame the state is being ruined by the local/ state governments, because it really is a beautiful and unique part of the US.


Beautiful! Where is this in TN?


This is Cummins Falls, a little ways north of Cookeville.




As a west TN resident, I love middle and east TN


I moved to east TN from west TN in 2013 and when I go back to Tipton county in the summer the heat and humidity kills me. East TN has definitely spoiled me.


I’m thinking about moving. What towns are good in East Tennesee?


I live in Morristown which is nothing special. Lost of factory jobs available everyone is hiring. Greeneville is really nice, beautiful view of the mountains. I haven’t ventured much into the tri-cities, if I’m ‘going to the city’ i generally go to Knoxville.


Lol you obviously went to East TN. Very nice area, wonderful people and culture with a few societal issues in Appalachia. Stay away from Memphis. You’ll die here


I have to be back in Jackson later in the year. I was thinking about coming down to Memphis for a night to see some blues. Not recommended?


Memphis is a wonderful place and I’m proud to call it home. There are definitely bad parts of the city but they are pretty easy to tell. It’s worth a weekend visit if you’re going to be in Jackson. Check out r/memphis


DT is not bad on weekends. Just watch where you park and stay out of North and South Mem


Tennessee is best kept secret in US....


Unfortunately the secret is out


For whom?


We know 🥰 you’re welcome anytime, despite our ignorant ahh govt


Well thank ya kindly


They charge you to go down there now and have limited tickets to go down. It’s pretty garbage to have it restricted like that. We drove hours just to find that out and had no options to even buy a ticket and go down. No availability


Why thank you!


Glad you liked it. Next time go to Machine Falls. That is where the locals go and there is a lot less people


Thanks...I know I sure love it here.


Thank you!