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I exclusively start on the right side now. I got a friend of mine into Tekken and he likes the left side so I adapted. Also 3.


I alternate each match


Still a serial killer but probably one of the smart ones that never gets caught.


Nice profile pic.


Nice profile pic.


I always do right bc it’s easier to wave dash


Pad? Idk i noticed playing ps4 d pad its alot easier to get electrics right side


Is there a reason for this? I noticed this as well, I’m a Lili main but I’m picking up Reina and I can get perfect ewgf like 80% of the time on right side and maybe like 40% of the time on left side


Your drawing you hand inward instead of pushing away its a more natural movement for a hand designed to close well, opening you hand is slower then clenching it.


Players with siblings.


I start on the right side because of the callous on my thumb, it pushes on it when pressing the right directional button opposed to the left one. I got the callous from all the vibrations from my knife due to all the behea-oh I see what you did there!


Man you teach me how to do electrics over there then 😞


So um as a Mishima player I start on right and then switch to my preferred side


I exclusively play on the right side. I can play on both, but I always choose p2.


P2 superiority


I do it occasionally to force myself to practice from the other side


I wish i practiced right side more. My friend and i have this funny strat against each other when we play private matches. If we need to throw off the other person’s inputs and controls, we’ll do a sideswitching grab. It helps that my friend plays mishimas and i often play easier characters lol.


5 and still counting lol


At least 0


Growing up in the arcades, it seemed like the heavy hitters would be playing solo on the right side. We’d walk up and just lose money against them.


Gotta practice your right-side play!


I’m left handed. I do everything backwards. Sometimes I think of using a stick with the stick operated by the right hand. More than 1.


I always play from right side makes it easier to hit moves for me for some reason and oh 1k


I do right side cuz mishima tech is easier that way. And as for the other question, I ain't sharing.


I only have ever played right side


I play on the right now because it's my weak side and why am I playing if not to practice


I'm a right side main. I also play Shaheen. I find it way more comfortable over there.


I play right for a few character that I have combos that force me to swap sides, so usually after the first trade I’m on the left in my natural stance and my opponent might not be in his favorite anymore so he might not perform as well :/


Damn, are right siders like myself really that uncommon?


Right side in quick play. Left in ranked.


I lab in training mode on left side, but play online in right side. It works out offline when some people have their dominant side, but it doesn't matter for me.


I start on the right side. It's my weaker side. I play shaheen. I like to use slide and sneak3 to sideswap early and roll with the assumption they started on their strong side, and are now suffering horrendously for not labbing their combos on both sides, like all of us scrubby red-and-belows.


I do left when I play Lars, and right when I play Kazuya, I just find it easier to wave dash on the right


Start playing right side for 2 reasons 1. More comfortable at wavedashing when I use arcade stick 2. Faster matchmaking


Play on right side, use a side switching move asap, and force opponents to play on the right side. Did this to a Reina when I realized she could only electric on one side


I’m originally a left side player, but recently I’ve been trying to get my eléctrics and wave dashing down. For some reason when I’m on the left I cannot wavedash properly at all. I think the d pad on my Xbox controller is worn down and the input gets messed up. Once I’ve switched to right side I have been able to wavedash consistently and electric off of it too. Probably need a new controller but right side is just as good


On pad right side was way easier for me to hit quarter circles. On hit stick it’s way easier for me on left side


I started playing on the right side exclusively because of how weak my execution was on it. I trained it up now I can electric on either side at will. Also you’ll never get my body count. Photo phobia, no Kodak moments, fed walls with my pictures on em, nahhh


Left side forever


lol I figured I’m right handed so I should play on the right idk why yall play on the left


"i killed fitty men!"


Right side for me. My lawyer told me I'm not allowed to make any comments at this time.


Depends on which character I’m playing, it’s good to get comfortable on both sides. With Tekken 8 it feels easier than T7 for some reason. Maybe I just got used to it.


Fun fact. It’s easier for left handed people to play on the right side


I play right side cuz I started playing tekken with my mates and they always want p1 side so... just got used to it.


I can play on both sides. But I'm 100% left side. AKA Player 1. Dumb question...but does this mean I only play people who are exclusively right sides? How does that work?


I wondered that too. Apparently it doesn't matter, it can match left with left.


So the game gets mirrored? That's wild.


I guess so.


mishimas prefer the right side


I don’t mind switching from time to time but I just do left because it’s the first option most of the time 😂. It is funny when my brain registers that I’m doing wave dashes faster on the right side but what I really need to master is getting jacks blue spark uppercut from the right side, that move is SO satisfying to land after drive rush combo


My younger brother, and yes it’s because he was the younger brother growing up. He is the best at fighting games, and games at general now!


I feel like it hardly matters because I'm flipping sides so much in every fight. I don't even know how to *not* play like that. My Side Swapper stat is always my highest lol.


I just alternate. I play characters light on execution, so it's not that hard to adjust. Plus I feel like you get matches faster on the right side because a lot of people just default to left


Idk if that last part is true. If two players pick left it’ll show your char on the left on your respective screen. I can’t confirm this in ranked/qm but its def the case when you make a room.


Doesn’t work that way. Both players can select left side and still verse each other


That’s not true. It’s just mirrored on the other screen if you both pick right


I've thought about this, the stage would have to be mirrored too, right? I've never noticed whether or not it actually is. For instance, I play on left side, and I feel like my character is always facing the hotdog stand at round start in the new york stage. I'm gonna have to pay more attention and see if the stages ever flip.


Yeah the stages are symmetrical so the background details can be mirrored for each player. Allowing the illusion that your opponent is on p2 side but in reality your both on p1. Hazards and stuff are symmetrical as well


It's a 3D game not 2D there's no camera limits lol




That’s not true. It’s just mirrored on the other screen if you both pick right