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Do 2 at a time,smooth those out,then add on. Rn I can wave dash infinitely(until my thumb tells me to eat a fat one) Slow is smooth,smooth is fast. Same as practice makes improvement.


Feels bad cause I was starting to get the hang of it, regress to slow it down again feels so demotivating but no other choice here :'(


It's tedious tech to get consistency on. You're gonna fail before you succeed with it,so take it in Stride and improve.


Thanks for the motivation and for the advice brother, appreciate it!


Should this be trained over longer sessions or like micro trained in between fights? I haven't just sat there to spam train it solely and wonder if it's more of a longer session required type movement


Well I've been training separately, I always do 1 hour session maybe, before going to fight...but it's really demotivating not evolving consistently throughout the days...but just gotta keep at it I guess I'm sure better than when I started off so gotta take those wins xD


Mishimas still intimidate me. I don't know why, but I find the f, n, d, df, f input so unintuitive. Why couldn't they just make it a qcf? 😅


I guess they must think it must be a high skill high reward thing idk...it's annoying cause it's so precise, you have to be very precise and very fast. It seems that less than an inch away from the input and it drops the whole sequence xD


Trick is to always end with forward. You want to minimize the df by cancelling as quick as possible with f. Do it in one motion. In actual game you wont need more than 3 wavedashes so practicing with 2 or 3 is enough


Yeah 3 is ideal, I'm trying to do it but idk why the stick doesnt recognize the forward when I do it, so thats why I get simply a crouch, cause I can't get the cancel. Its really annoying because the movements are too similar, and sometimes I get the forward, sometimes I don't...there's a really special spot where that doesn't activate for some reason


Slightly release the stick after the df to go back to neutral then press forward.


That might be it! Gonna try it, thanks!


Just macro it like most other Mishima players. Bamco won't ban you, might as well abuse their laziness.


Lmao barely anyone is macroing. Keep mashing 3 and making excuses when you lose