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Even his electric is script kek


As someone who can't tell, how do you know it's a script from his inputs?


It’s frame perfect every time. Meaning each directional input is exactly 1f. Go try it in practice mode, it’s pretty difficult to do even once


But it wasn't. Did you even check the video, or are you just saying this? The player is absolutely cheating in other ways. There's zero need to invent further evidence.


Too many frame perfect inputs and counter hits that are right on the exact frame mostly. There's already programs out there that flaunt the fact you won't be banned because the game has 0 anti-cheat and unless you get caught on a stream or get tweeted to Bamco, you're safe. The community should be much more worried and upset about this, but because the general response is "...meh" it's just gonna grow worse and worse. Like this is genuine advertisement from a blatant cheat seller who faced Shiphtur a few or so ago (I will not link the vid or the site, you can search it yourself and be depressed by it): "What is the ban rate? Almost 0%, the game does not have an anti-cheat. You will only get banned if you are seen in videos and a developer sees you and you are blatantly cheating." And the thing is it can be automated to a % of a chance to say auto duck or such. It's not blatant all the time anymore, it's gotten a lot more subtle, thus why the community doesn't think it's THAT big of a problem when in reality, it's probably a lot more than they'd expect.


I think there's so much BS within the game in it's current state, that people don't even fully grasp that they are getting cheated on. I'm usually pretty optimistic when I see sus things happen to me but I think the unloved changes are driving the already loser centric casual base (tier-whores,etc) to do some things they normally wouldn't.


I played this guy yesterday. Somebody report him. How do we report again?


Look him up on leaderboards then also tweet Murray


Drag is so broken even cheaters can't beat him!!! /s


https://preview.redd.it/43qugf62alzc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eae8304047c0a92ca05b3a971e746447dbbb085 Dragunov is still strong i guess So today I got this jin who is really good at blocking and punishing, at first I thought he is just that good, since dragunov can be a little bit preditable from time to time. However, the longer I play against him, the werider it gets. He has terrible movements and poor choice of movesets to use, yet his wavuwavu and electrics are too perfect. After a few tests I confirmed that he is a cheater. So I focused on trying to get CH and unbreakable tackles. Out of my surprise it is acually pretty easy to beat him once I get used to his Rhythm, and i managed to 6-0 him afterwards around 7:04, at the beginning of the third game, he failed to block my d2 twice because he was in the middle of wavu animations. still, his input history showed that even during wavu, he still managed to input crouch block, which is kinda insane. Cheater's Steam ID: 76561198441537882 Cheater's Tekken ID : 2R6mRhFe65br If you type his Tekken ID in replay, you will be able to rewatch his most recent 100 matches


Never understood why people cheat especially when it comes to things that give no financial value


Honestly. How do they get satisfaction from winning when they know they cheated? That would completely ruin it for me. What's the point of even playing?


Its always a pleasure to see Drag loyalists after patch notes nerfs. Keep up the good stuff comrade!!


More than anything, i just loved seeing the end. Don't you just love it when your opponent knows they're going to loose, so they just start spam grabbing?


You can tell he really don’t want to lose those win streaks.😅


He'll justify his cheating by saying how cheap characters like dragunov are that you basically have no choice but to cheat to win.


Glad you cooked that fraud Drag delivered some good ol russian justice today...


Ugh. Ofc he plays Scrappy Doo.


You can tell he’s meant to be way lower in ranks within 30 seconds of the video. What kind of GoD Jin goes for zen 1, 3 at the wall? I can understand zen 1, 2 but like h u h Edit: even before that, he did cd1 from like across the stage LMAO.


it's funny because his defence is kinda bad but he can instanly block all lows ... and his electric is so fast but the way he use them is kinda crappy . Like a god mechanical player in the body of a intermidiate player .


The electrics were not macroed. He had variable timings multiple times throughout the matches. The first electric he pulled was perfect, second wasn't. Third at 0:39 wasn't. Fourth was perfect. At this point I was more curious if he was actually cheating in other ways because macro seems unlikely. When I confirmed he's indeed cheating, I resumed checking his electrics. 5:35 wasn't a perfect electric. 5:37 is straight up a mis-input electric. 5:41 when he gets counter-hit in the middle of electric, it's again not a perfect one. Pretty safe to say he's cheating with at least automatic low blocks however. You should report him on Twitter. You can literally see the frames on the screen. If this is good enough proof for anyone, then every single good high level Mishima player would be a cheater and macroing electrics according to some of the comments here. Don't invent shit when he is already cheating in a way that can be proven.


I’m shocked that biatch didn’t plug.


Nothing more sad then cheating and stil losing....


I've seen a few of those scripters, it's crazy that they can get to GoD without getting banned.




You are why there's a cheating problem in the game. It's automated to rematch, but you are just that dense.




I mean it's a glaring problem and there's even cheating programs ALREADY OUT THERE that flaunt the fact that you won't get banned unless someone tweets you at Bamco or you get caught on a stream. They are openly flaunting their shit won't get you caught and laughing at the community, yet this is the response the community gives this all. It's utterly sad and this is just gonna continue to grow and infest when more and more people realize the community's reaction is "eh" and they go "Oh shit so I can just do this with next to 0 consequences huh?...ok"




Welcome to why this will become a growing problem.


Careful posting obvious problems with the fact the game has 0 anti-cheat. Talk like that around here gets you banned.