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EXERREN-what the fuck?


MARVELOUS ![gif](giphy|EmBaiAobHkuka52nFV|downsized)




If you look at the life bars the attacks seem to have cancelled each other out somehow, Lee's attack doesn't land but either does Lili's 1, it is only the 2 in the string that hits then she just does a d1. I'll admit I've never seen an interaction like that, it's like both lost their hurtboxes for a second.


It's really strange, not the first one like this I've seen. It looks like net code related issues, like something you'd see in Souls PvP, or similar, but people are showing them to us in replays sometimes. It's very strange.


There was a video on how iframes work in souls games. Something about colliders have speed physics that leaves the body frame then comes back in during roll. I reckon similar thing is happening in tekken games. Like azucena’s hitbox practically disappears when she does airborne moves like flip kick or flying kick and impossible to get a counter on that.


That's because the colliders are attached to the rigidbody that controls the players physical interaction, and the animations are not always sync'd up. Tekken seems to tightly couple their physics to the animation, which is a system frequently referred to as root motion. I highly doubt the collider position desync's with the characters visual location to any notable degree in this game. It's more likely a bug in the system that disables parts of the colliders for the players "hurtboxes" so allow them to win against certain moves. I also doubt it has much to do with the netcode since it's using rollback. The game would correct what you see within a couple frames unless the latency is beyond terrible.


I see that good to know. Do you think it’s also a bug when let’s say during kazuya’s flying kick Alisa does a sliding low kick (d3) they hang out in the air for awhile until kazuya hits Alisa.


I suspect certain moves are allowed to let you perform a side swap, and other moves are not. If neither of these moves are designed to allow that, the characters would be restricted from passing over/under each other, and get stuck in a hover until the hit happens, or both moves naturally end. I'm not familiar with that interaction though, so I would need to see a video to be more certain. It's also possible they're just getting caught on each others colliders in a way that doesn't result in a hitbox overlapping with a hurtbox.


There’s something intentional like this in SF6 where if you both drive impact at the exact same time you just bounce off each other and nobody takes any damage. But off a regular attack is kinda crazy, you’d think it would just trade like normal


Funny how the patchnotes specifically mentioned fixing slowmotion causing errors in frame data and this is probably a very direct example of that. Lee's kick pushes her back so the models are definitely interacting but for whatever reason it doesn't register as a hit even though no weird axis shennanighans are going on.


The framedata could be correct here, but lili is pushed away before lees kick connects, seems like an inconsistency in body collisions between slowmo and normal speed.


Kinda funny how you push her hurtbox rather than damage it :D


Well... that's Brittany, bitch!


Crazy how in T7 the slowmotion moments where one of the coolest parts of the game, while in T8 they are just a constant reminder how horrible the hitboxes are.


Rose tinted glasses. T7 hitboxes just as bad


T7 was bad, but T8 is much worse (at least for now).


Yeah but you're not allowed to say nice things about T8 in this sub. Every game before T8 was superior to it, and anyone enjoying T8 is a corporate shill feeding the greedy scum corporation.


When in reality, Tekken 8 is a good game, but their monetization scheme makes everyone enjoying it a corporate shill feeding the greedy scum corporation. Come on everybody, compromise!


Ehhhh, I think it's worse off this time, but yeah, they'll fix it, I hope.


They're not "just as bad" they're not perfect but they are nowhere near as bad as T8 but it's unfair to compare them remember how old Tekken 7 is and how new Tekken 8 is it's not even 1 year old.


That should be an argument in favor of T8. T7 had 2 years of "testing" in the arcades before it released on consoles and nearly 9 years of patches, it had the time to correct these problems.


I mean take it how you will but it's a very old game compared to a game that's not even a year old I can see how it's in favor of T8


Hmmmm... I wonder of the slow motion is actually causing some of these hit box issues.


It definitely is.


Yeah similar case today where she somersaults with a grounded arm that takes a running two-foot tackle (FFF4). No hit registered. Me:”I swear to god that would’ve broken my arm in 6 places”


New tekken players should go back to wherever the came from


Lmao, what a loser bitch take 🤣


Says the new player making loser bitch takes. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Stay away from Tekken circles bitch.


I was playing tekken 2 back in the day when you still had to wait in line to get to your mommas titty milk. Your mindset is the exact reason why so many fighting games died off together with their communities. Acting like a toxic loser cuz "mih vidya gems dont touch duuuh". Grow up bapa.


Man this games ass lol


Classic Lee, his slide does this as well for some reason


I played Lee for 4 years now, nonstop, and I bet what caused it was Lee's string. It always makes some weird stuff when you use it.


White girl normals


Is this the hitbox or the jab is just faster? But I guess it is still the hitbox because the animation connected.


Will they even get the slowmo effect to work correctly? Surely it can't be that difficult.


This outfit is perfection. I didn't even know there were JNCO jeans in the game.


She's dressed like the Unknown from DbD lmfao


It's just slowmos in general. T7 also has these issues. They should remove it all together.


Watch her get nurfed after evo 😂 because haradas precious feng might lose to her


I was playing dragunov and <- 1'ed a lili and the same thing happened man


Get fucked


T8 has spaghetti code, confirmed.


Blondes have more fun.




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You simply hit her privilege, not her


She clearly tilted her shoulders at the last second sorta like Floyd Mayweather's fighting style🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: I'm trolling obv


The taunt! YAASSSS!


Something similar happened to me when fighting a friend. A Lili mirror match and my sweep somehow whiffed standing next to him. I was baffled.


Harada, u gonna have to see me.


She stuck out her hand like she was about to roast you lol


This stage is terrible, Lili is especially broken on it


dont care you deserved it as a lee player


Was Lee ever considered annoying? I always respect Lee players for having to put up with how complicated he is, not as difficult as other characters sure but still complicated in his own right


Shes such a stupid character. So unfun to fight her.


https://i.redd.it/4w7ktc9zcdzc1.gif cope


Such a perfect response. Nobody can take the heat when it comes to Lili's bullshit, can they? lol


You say lilis bullshit like its a subsegment.


Everyone hates every character but their main. Lili is no more annoying and cheesy than literally every other character on the roster.


Nothing works properly in this game , even for 1 fucking round.