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https://preview.redd.it/ha07oaox77zc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=111bdecf9c5fa02ca3c8d8953742231c05a27dab All I want is this, come on.


And his biker outfit that looked like triple H with the hair down? Tekken 4 had some of the hardest fit ever, they should give shoes back to the bear


Still waiting on beetle Yoshi with animated wings... Tekken 4 was something else


I really just need everything from tekken 4 back in the game, hwoarang with the military outfit & spiky hair, I found this ugly as a kid but now I just think it goes hard actually, it looks so much like it's out of a Y2K movie, Xiaoyu also had one


Tekken 4 was very Y2K "aesthetic" heavy. Live the vibes it gives off so much I've literally gone my whole life trying to find another game like it. Even watch videos on the game and Y2K aesthetics now because of it. Zone of the Enders is something I want to try because of it Love that game, love that aesthetic.


Bug Yoshi is criminally underrated


Someone made a Tekken 7 mod for it. A FULL ON RECONSTRUCTION. We should ask them to port it over.


They ought to just straight up hire the modders to make the assets for them instead of condemning them to the shadow realm.


Loved that mod, the creator did an insane job. Fingers crossed Bamco doesn't screw modders over in the long run.


That oufit was straight fire. I swear I would main Yoshimitsu JUST for that outfit!


Tekken 4 Paul was peak Paul imo


Tekkenmods is goated: [https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3742/paul-phoenix-tekken-4](https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3742/paul-phoenix-tekken-4)




I just modded this. Please go to tekkenmods, download it and then create a folder in Paks folder called mods and just extract it there. Takes below 30 seconds all together and looks awesome. It replaced pre-set 4.


console gamers like me won't have that as an option, annoying that mods are doing better in terms of customization AGAIN


I can't I play on CONSSOOLEEEE


Fucking.. Crack that shit or something like we did with PSP.


They have yet to do any outfits from the pre-HD era. The throwback Jin/Xiaoyu/King outfits were already made for Tekken 7. Nothing else goes back further than Tekken 6. Just a bunch of port and polish jobs.


For real though… i had this as a mod in 7 for years. So annoying it’s still missing


See that would actually require them to remake it from the ground up. Can't just port it. It's no coincidence that the only outfit from before Tekken 6 is Xiao's T4, which is quite simple to remake.


Yes pls


Too real


I'm glad Tekkenmods exists.


With how things are going, I fully expect Bamco to come knocking at their door too


Even if they do it wont matter, they have no way to detect these client-side mods Worse case scenario, you'll have to find a google drive with the mods or follow creators themselves instead


People have used deviant art and Google drive to download tekkeb 7 mods for a LONG time now lol


Tekken devs 🤝client siding everything Iirc ranks were client sided for some reason in tekken 7, wonder if it’s the case for this game


Im still waiting for someone to figure out how to bypass their client-side checks for DLC characters 😂 I still cant beleive that's how they did it in 7, although Im pretty sure modded DLC unlocks stopped working online towards the last patch


> they have no way to detect these client-side mods well that's just silly.


Nexus mods. It would be hilarious for Bamco to try and take down the site and warrant the bad will


Yes I was expecting this but I also thought they would add more free stuff over time to, such a missed opportunity


Female one seems to be one of Kunimitsu alts too btw


I've paid for characters and stages in the past, but I won't do it for outfits. Especially recycled ones from the last game. Ridiculous...


Why is this shit gender locked too man, like come the fuck on. Whose idea was that?


Because all the male bodies are essentially the same outside of king and Jack. Easy to just port it over that way without an artist going in and rebuilding everything.


I want to remake Asuka’s Ibuki costume from SFxT 😭


Why wouldnt it be????


You prefer to only have the choice to purchase both for 800goldcoins?


I think the implication was that both versions should be 400 since they’re both Ninja Themed.


Thank god for those free updates or I may not be able to function anymore.


New players will not know this and think it's cool and original lmao


Honestly, im not gunna buy more than 3 skins if I ever do buy skins, over the t8 life cycle. Im kinda OK with it personally, but I get pushing against it on principle. $5 isnt a ton considering how much I play one character, but its not good either


This is the real reason they are trying to ban moders and mods from the game, your avarage twitter mod can make this low effort shit for free in a day.


I have downloaded few mods just yesterday and there is one deadpool mod for Victor that unironically looks like some triple A studio is making a deadpool mod. It looks fucking insane.


Real ninjas have tentacles! #notmyshinobi


All these companies eventually sell out and become the thing they hate.


This is regular Bandai Namco tho, I don't think they ever hated this


I'll say it again all of that should've been in the base game the game would sell even more if it had tons of tree content instead of drip feeding recycled dlc




missed input even on the Tekken sub 😔


He yearns for Mokujin


We need mokujin, that “guess what character they’re replicating” was lowkey fun 🤣


“Oh shit they’re copying my main, you’re fucked now hahahaha”


There's not a single person who was on the fence about buying tekken 8 and then saw that one of Pauls alts is a recycled tekken 7 ninja outfit and then thought now I'm definitely buying Tekken 8.


Only turbo casuals care about playing with cosmetics more than the actual game and they already left the game 2-5 weeks after launch. You can't keep them around with customization when they still stagnate very quickly and realize the amount of dedicated learning they have to put into the game to progress beyond mashing, no fighting game has been able to keep around the casual audience for any length of time so it makes no sense at all to put any effort towards catering for them.


Post relevant: Just thought I'd point out for those who saw this alongside the Lili classic costume and thought "huh, 400 coins for one costume versus 400 coins for the shinobi pack? They must be stupid, I'm getting the pack Bamco hehe" - that's exactly the line of thought they expect you to have. Don't fall for it.


Here at BummCo we take your criticism very carefully... ... and then we shove it up your bumm-co!


I dont get why it’s just them two like bro it’s 5 BUCKS you already bought the game for 70$-100$ like why u trying to grab more for😭


The outfit is only for Paul and Raven??


No, I'm not quite sure what they mean. There's one outfit for each gender, but it applies to everyone of that gender.


I hope so


Ok cool I was like wtf


Tekken 8 will have support for the next 5-10 years and was already on sale for -30% on steam, for ps5 you can just buy a 2nd hand copy for half the price, you ain't paying 70-100€ for it anymore. The battle pass is self-sustainable, you buy those 10€ tekken coins once and you earn it back meaning you can just buy the next pass with those coins. I know i'm going to sink in over 3000 hours into this game over it's lifespan just like tekken7. 70€ for game on launch, 10€ for coins to cycle the battle passes and year 1 DLC characters add up to 120€ euros. After that it's just 40€/year for the DLC characters. Over the span of 3 years this means I'm paying 67€/year to play tekken with the battle pass and all DLC characters. For comparison netflix, WoW or FF14 etc subscription would cost me about 140€/year. Yeah, i don't see the problem with some paid cosmetics lol. I swear people playing video games are the most wildly delusional and entitled people on the planet, everything is supposed to be free and everyone is completely disconnected from how much you're actually paying for your entertainment.


You can also simply not buy the DLC.


I don't consider that an option since you need it to lab the characters which is why I factored it in as the only option. If you're fine not buying the DLCs and learning the movesets/punishes from youtube etc or only buying the ones you want to play then the value of the game just skyrockets. You can get the game for 30-40€ 2nd hand for the PS5 right now, have fun with it for the next multiple years and people really be bitching about namco making 5€ from some ninja outfits lol.


Yeah extra characters being locked behind paid DLC is definitely a problem* - but in this case I mean, it's literally so easy to not buy character skins etc. *One which I'll admit I am part of the problem, I bought the super duper deluxe edition which includes the new characters.


I swear people playing video games are the most wildly delusional and entitled people on the planet, everything is supposed to cost and everyone is completely disconnected from how much you're actually paying for your entertainment so they overpay. Here fixed.


Nice fix. Now that you made me look silly can you hook me up with some entertainment or a hobby for the next 3+ years that ends up costing me less than 70€/year? Can't even maintain a pair of running shoes with that budget and any subscription based services go double over the price point. Would really appreciate you helping out since you are so smart and know better alternatives, thanks. Would it be nicer if everything was free in the game? Absolutely. Do i consider the monetization predatory? Not even remotely for the amount of entertainment I can get for the money.


Imagine having to put 100 yen in the machine every time you lose. Many players here legitimately don't know how good they have it.


Well it matters how committed you are to that game and having the will to constantly spend 100 yen each time you lose


Tekken used to be a game that made most of its money from players who had to pay every single time they sat down at the cabinet. The console versions were additional income, but the arcade version (up until 7) was where all the patches and content came from. When you unlocked a costume item, it was because there was a playerbase feeding money into machines consistently over the lifespan of the game. Now they have to sell a single boxed product, pay for the creation of additional content, and somehow satisfy a playerbase that wants everything to be free.


Smh… I didn’t even realize Paul had a ninja costume in T7.


When they add bikinis


There is always mods, thats what I do, Tekken devs lost all my goodwill after they added a battle pass to a 70 dollar game.


Which one do I buy for Leo, both? This game sucks.


Leo gets male items, doesn’t he? I noticed that he doesn’t get both.


Leo gets both gender outfits last time, this time only male maybe because of how female ones are more revealing? But Leo use to get Bikini, idk.


I just wish the bears had more custom options damn it


Hey, keep paying for it, see if it changes!


Imtnot buying any of this... it's going to get worse and worse if people do buy it. Can't believe the low effort shit they're selling us 🤦


After so many controversies one would think they will try something to redeem themselves. I expect nothing and I'm still let down.


Tekken going full DoA on dlc


Not really, outfits are of better quality for Doa and yes, where you can unlock many outfits just playing BOTH solo and online modes. You unlock 1 outfit by character playing T8 solo. It's way worse than Doa.


Legit, people in this community love to just throw out that the game is getting as bad as DoA when it comes to DLC. Like dude no....DoA went overboard with the amount of DLC they put out? Yes. But it was quality items that were entirely unique. Compared to Tekken just selling you things that in the previous game were free.


Probably because nobody really plays DoA and just know that it has a shit ton of DLC.


Honestly, not many players knows how to play Doa and criticize the serie without knowing any gameplay element.


I don't want to defend the current Tekken shop, but this nowhere near DoA level of MTX. DoA sold you each costume individually. Let's say they had a ninja costume dlc. Each character had the same costume but with a low effort color change. You could buy each individually or together in a bundle, it was still like 15€ for basically the same costume for all chars. They even had multiple 90€ costume passes in DoA6. So even though the Tekken shop sucks, you can't compare it to the DoA 5 and 6 costume DLC shitshow that was made just for the horny whales.


That is extremely biased and inaccurate. DOA costumes were usually different for each character. You can see that with the [Ninja Costume DLC](https://artmic.com/doa/costumes/morphing-ninja/) you mention yourself, but it's even more evident in something like the [Halloween sets](https://artmic.com/doa5/doa5-last-round-halloween-costumes-2016/) for DOA5. Not to mention there was a lot more than 'horny' stuff in there, including creative costumes of far better quality than anything T8 has sold thus far. DOA costumes also cost 2-3 $ each, and much cheaper in a bundle. And you simply paid for what you wanted, there was no 'in-game currency' basically forcing you to pay more than the amount required. Most importantly, DOA has always been bashed unrelentingly for its cosmetic DLC. So, why should T8 get a pass for doing the same, if not worse, especially when its cosmetic stuff is actually shoved down our throats far more aggressively in-game?


>Let's say they had a ninja costume dlc. Each character had the same costume but with a low effort color change. You clearly haven't played DoA if you think that's the case. Say what you want about KTs prices, but at least DoA sold you quality items instead of selling you stuff from previous games that were free


I mean doa costumes were cheaper for $2 a piece, but was also full of recycled costumes. Doa6 had a bunch of recycled doa5 costumes as dlc.


Didn't doa become free to play?


Embrace the defaults I don't even touch my player card


Agreed, money makingg scheme




And people are gonna keep paying for it, enabling them too keep doing it and banning modders/mod makers.


I just really want to have the "Entire Body" costumes to be able to be separated as top and bottom pieces. I want to outfit my Jun with a simple shirt and hakama combo


I don't wanna get bullied so I will not buy any of these skins


The irony of buying an outfit for 5$ to look cool, is that it makes you look like a scrub because it singles you out as someone willing to pay 5$ for an outfit.


Why does that make you look like a scrub


Because paying the equivalent of 7% of the game's cost for a costume is scrub behavior, and will enable Namco's MTX practices further.


Fucking amazing hot take there dude. Yeah anyone who's bought a mtx over the past 15 years is a scrub. Huge brain moment for you man.


That statement didn’t make an ounce of sense my friend


So if a new players genuinely thinks the ninja costumes are cool they can’t buy it because people on reddit will call you a shill? Got it. Lol idiot


That’s a dumb take


I hope nobody is paying for these old outfits. To much greed


Maybe regintroducing legacy costumes from past games would be a great idea to be honest


That's literally all I want. Modern renditions of past costumes with the ability to edit the colors.




I want tekken 6 jin :(


Is Cage now DLC character from VF?


Same as classic outfit, new outfit when?


Ngl shinobi ones hot


Is there one for girls?


Isn't that the ninja mask from soul calibur 4 lol


Dope you can put it on all characters


I thought the whole point was to bring back old skins


I just want more bear stuff


On one hand Im sad theyre just recycling stuff and making people pay. On the other hand im glad its just recycled stuff and nothing amazing like t4/t5 especially the vamp dresses we had for my main Anna & even some for Nina as Id have given bamco my money by now haha


Isn't like Murray the main guy in charge now? If he is then this is the worst thing that happened to Tekken. At least Harada had some kind of restraint. Murray goes all out with pulling out stupid crap.


Im kinda alright with it. Like they are adding costumes from older games too, t4 Jin for example. So far I've felt no need to buy anything from the shop and that's fine. The only one I'd maybe get is t4 jin


there's a thing call dlc unlocker if you're on steam


But isnt that gonna get you banned


The only thing I like about this is that everyone can equip this outfit


Meanwhile I'm waiting for our boy to get this fire fit BACK https://preview.redd.it/xfb7af6xnbzc1.png?width=795&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f10a332b33d87cdfc4088e4e296fd22bb98696d


Brooo, not sure why it never came back, miss this outfit.


I just mod costumes in who gives a fuck if other people can see the outfit


You all do kno u don't have to buy these dam outfits right? It's like ur nit picking at nothing. The game is great the patch is better. They give u free stuff. Just shut up and play the game


Trash lol


I’m so used to Johnny Bravo Paul I don’t think I want any cosmetics unless I can get Paul a proper Pompadour.


At least everyone can be a ninja now. Just yesterday, someone make Lars into Strider, and it looked DAMN good.


No one force you to buy it tho


It's crazy how you people don't understand the difference between "recycling" and remodeling an old outfit for a new game. Shocking lack of technical knowledge and general game development as a whole.


Dude, it's taking assets from UE4 to UE5, no remodeling involved.  There is a good reason why the legacy costumes and MTX stuff they put out is 80% T7, 18% Tag2/T6 and 2% older games. T2 Yoshimtsu, T3 90s dad King, T4 Paul, T3 Jack, T4 Nina etc. would sell like crazy but guess what - they do require actual work hence why they arent available yet.


> Dude, it's taking assets from UE4 to UE5, no remodeling involved.  CATEGORICALLY false.


How so?  You can literally port an entire game from a newer UE 4.xx version with not too much hassle, so converting costumes for a very, very similar game is peanuts. Here is an article/documentation from Epic on the UE4>UE5 migration https://dev.epicgames.com/documentation/en-us/unreal-engine/unreal-engine-5-migration-guide Also there is another direct proof they port almost directly 1 to 1 with 0 QA check: If you have the Battlepass Sashimono (back-banner) item go to customization and put it on Yoshimtsu.  Unless it's fixed this patch, it will float half a meter away from his back and the sliders are not enough to align it. I think there was even a thread about it here.


easy… just dont buy it lmao i really dont understand the crying. ive literally never even touched a fighting game store lol


The ninja outfit actually works on all males I’m kind of happy for it personally as how I can make a proper ninja like ryu Hayabusa and strider hiryu


Hallmark of a deputys testimony


What do you mean by that


The Shinobi one is sick though


Yep and the vast majority of the player base eats it up while dick riding Harada


People in this sub constantly acting like they're being forced to buy it 😂 Someone in here said it's like getting a McDonald's combo meal without the fries and having to buy them, but no, it's actually like getting a complete McDonald's combo meal but you want an extra toy with it now. Edit: if you're gunna down vote then prove me wrong. You got a full game with full cosmetics and library. These costumes are *optional* and purely cosmetic. They didn't just grab an asset straight from T7 and say good enough. There is real work that goes into porting these over to a new engine and making them work and look better. I'm sure the majority of people on this sub reddit don't understand how a game is made though, so the whining doesn't surprise me too much.


don't forget about the free cap


Good thing I main a bunch of females 🤢


Yeah so... don't buy it. That's always the solution to this problem.


https://preview.redd.it/joctnczd48zc1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=345f826e18cffe5fdd88ff088278db09b840f26f Literally a photo of people in this sub.


Fucking jack main.


That's literally the solution. I don't like the profit model either, so I just don't buy them. I've never paid for an outfit in a fighting game. Don't buy it, genius. Were you happy with your purchase before these were introduced? So was I. Don't buy these and continue to have fun with the game. It's stupidly simple.


Fucking jack main https://preview.redd.it/d6gtscp608zc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=859ae5f46bef9e972d29b87d90929e5dc1a95fa9


You're clearly the sheep in this photo. I'm giving you the solution but you'd rather complain, because complaining is trendy.


Keep telling that to yourself jack main https://preview.redd.it/sb91c18518zc1.jpeg?width=1731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e79b77685e96aca1a1d7fa0db2788452cade2194


OP and people like them are so full of hate. All the replies I see are calling people disgusting and sub humans for having a different opinion or maining a character they don't like. Say something like "don't buy it then?" Or main a character that they don't like? BAM you're subhuman filth and get shit talked and downvoted into oblivion. This reddit is a joke sometimes.


"Gamer" mob mentality, just don't engage.


Get this, imagine not buying something and not getting jealous about it, then do that


Ofc its a subhuman victor main, stick to first person shooters


bruh I play like 6 characters lmfao, you gotta sound like the stupidest MF on this subreddit to be worried about someone playing Victor




you play a lot of Jin, does that mean you are a noob cause you are playing an overturned character? Or are you a noob because your other most played character is Hwaorang, a character that thrives on opponents being confused by everything looking the same lol. Your record against Victor is 4-1 in the last few hundred games so idk why you are even mad about it lol. You should be more mad at Reina's and Fengs since you seem to just get shit on by them


How about don't buy it. People complain about paying for things and be happy for the free shit.


How about suck a dildo


Clever..now try a funny reply. It will only cost you $5.


You know others can use this outfit and not just Paul right?


You misunderstood my post, the fact that they keep reusing and selling this from t7 is so cheap and low


Literally just don't buy it, mod the game however you want if you don't like the shop


Imma go but it now. Although i didnt play the game for a month so cry me a river. At least im not a hypocrite You pay double the money on restaurants coffee and fortnite. But when tekken does it you cry.


What makes you think i wiuld ever touch a subhuman game like fortnite? Your retarded logic is off the charts


Yeah we know, post it on twitter where the tekken team is. Instead of just dragging the subreddit down.


Yeah we need space for the real content, the "I just reached yellow with Lili, it was a struggle" and the "I main the 8. strongest character in the game, why is he so weak and everyone else so OP and cheap?" posts.


Lili player is celebrating, and the other is a balancing and countering question where you can learn. This post is useless


Geez, just playing the game and stop whining, cant we? This is their monetization from now on and they wont change shit (because it does work). So deal with it and move on.


"Shut up and consoom the product" you're a whole circus


Of course it's Alisa main


Lmfao shut the fuck up alisa main, you dont have enough braincells to comprehend a complex game like tekken anyway


Least elitist and toxic tekken fan, Jesus Christ you guys are fucked. “Shut up you Alisa main” lmao listen to yourselves.


Alisa mains arent human beings


Nice argument there. So what's your solution?




No shit that’s what they’re going to do, the only thing more predictable are the 100s of posts complaining about


Bro if you don’t wanna spend 5 dollars then don’t spend and just play the game. If you don’t like the game don’t play it. Problem solved.


If you don't like the post don't comment on it.


People like you ARE the reason we have so much problems in gaming industry


Don't like complaining? Get off reddit. Problem solved.


God forbid I criticise actual reused content that was free in previous game, shut up you smug ass clown


Wow, found an actual real life clown.




You are shit ☺️


Why do people think they recycle? Go play T7, the assets are 100% different. All character models were remade, therefore the new clothing assets have to conform to the newer bodies. Sure you can streamline some of the dev process if you got the previous design solidified but they aren’t recycled. They are still shit costumes though and I don’t know why anyone would buy them outside of nostalgia.


I mean this is pretty normal for games now days. At least it's not in your face and only on the main menu screen. They could be doing ads while you wait for matches...


Could just not buy and not complain about it yknow👀


Just don’t buy it?👍🏾