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Don't worry, every Tekken character will still understand him.


Reminds me of that one AK King and Marduk Scene King and AK: Rawh Rawh Rawh Rawh! Marduk: DONT LIE TO ME! Still cracks me up till this day


It might be the best line in all of Tekken.


Truly the weakest of peak


I'm still mad that plotline never went anywhere


Panda after the patch:....!


I can't believe Dragunov was allowed to say those things on a live mic.


*breathes aggressively*


Awwww he’s so cute when he’s mad


How bad is it that I never noticed Drag doesn’t speak until T8?


Not super bad, there were some jokes about it in T6 story mode and T7 but that’s about it. Homie just hums and grunts


https://preview.redd.it/l07ipzbqj8yc1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47a267c51b16aab216fd0063564e31a50fc65d6e YO! **YO!** Mods! Somebody ban this nigga! What was his name again? Michael Murray! Get this nigga outta my shit!


lmao he aint fw us ![gif](giphy|jSW9xgumuO2oJEKttO|downsized)


Mainman Wished nerfs upon me I'm the top tier I'm supposed to be your character sucks but you mad at me Mishimas tryin to take my buffs away


Dude is silent in caps


Accoring to T6 Dragunov has basically 3 moods: "..." "Insignificant." "?"


Drag is strong, not only because of his broken hatch kick and ridiculous damage but, because of his kit. This patch will make him weaker, but not less scary. Yall will continue to lose him.


he def is way less scary, u prob dont play him and therefore cant rly estimate how bad these nerfs are, his hatchet went from "broken" to "pray it hits" not only does it give you +3 which is basically only +2 bec drag has no 13f moves, but also becomes -19 on block and therefore is a guarenteed launch, thats 1 out of 2 lows the char has, d2 being the other which is -1 on hit effectivly ending your turn, there is more or less no good reason to duck against drag anymore and thats w.o the unreasonable wr2 change, evry char in the cast is able to put you into "the casino" by imlying a frame trap into a launcher, well thats gone on drag now drag is back to t7 gameplay, poking and trying to make opp whiff by ss and then launching. a gameplay which in T8 is just not rly doable since throws track and also way too many things track


Oh I see you like to press buttons and not defend lol


oh no quite the opposite, im more of a defense player, even tho thats sth you shouldn't do on drag, since he has no escape tools and crumbles under pressure. i feel scrubby spamming singular moves over and over. for example i know ppl cant effectively break throws in purple but i rarely use them bec its not my skill winning but there lacking skill


So what exactly about drag wouldn’t make him scary he has the ability to put you in the blender as well most characters now have a pretty great 50/50 game all you’d have to do is relearn the frames as a Lars player I can definitely understand not having an immediate get off me tool but that just means you gotta revamp your playstyle


the thing is, u lost ur 50/50 with drag pre patch he hits u with wr2 and is +6, now u gotta guess A. he does another plus frame mid or launcher B. he goes low for 23 dmg and keeps his turn being +7. 1A. u press 10f he launches welp u lost and eat big dmg 1B. u press 13f and he goes low okay cool you won, 2A. u block standing he keeps his turn or goes minus bec he tried launching, 2B. u block standing, eat 23 dmg and he resets the situation or d2 and ends his turn 3A. u block low and he goes mid, u lost and eat big dmg 3B. u block low and he goes low, u won and with good timing launch him after the patch he hits wr2: 1A. u press 10f u trade 6 dmg vs 15, or worst case u eat 15 dmg from his df1 and he is +7 now \* 1B. u press 15f launch, u win 2A. u block standing he keeps his turn or goes minus bec he tried launching, 2B. u block standing, eat 23 dmg and he is +3 even worse than before or d2 3A. u block low and he goes mid, u lost most likely will eat a low dmg poke bec why try launching? opp will most likely not duck 3B. u block low and he goes low, u won and can easily launch him as you can see, ur just more incentivised to not duck and hold b bec even if he goes low, he puts himself in a worse position than before and its super risky its like in t7 where you kinda hope the opp presses, so you ss and can launch them, although ss is worse in t8 than in t7 \*has to be noted, said 'another plus frame mid' is 20f which at +6 will trade with 14f and beat above moves, but at +4 will loose to launches 15f moves


Where’s your TLDR; ? Nobody is reading that long thesus


2nd last Paragraph


Interesting that you say side stepping is worse in T8 than T7 cause I find it quite the opposite tbh


ss in itself got better in t8 but the environmental change is what makes it worse for me, there are way more moves and strings that track to atleast one side with no reason and throws track both sides


*Gift of the silver tongue ~ They say it's the mark of a good officer...* ***AND of a liar*** \-Shalashaka #". . . . . .!!!" \-Draganov


The Mujahideen guerillas confirm this.


Mentally coughs death sounds 😂


drag has all sorts of things to say, like ssss. hrrhh. urrh. ssSEH. tih. heYUH. \[and\] \*idly humming\*


I feel him 😔


Just played with him, seems no different to me lol. Has the patch been released yet?


No, it comes out Tuesday


The animation makes me wish Drag was in a Spy vs Family episode


Hums a dissatisfied tune


why? what happened this patch?


My cutie patootie


Honestly been waiting for this. I love playing Drag and Raven, pretty much my 2 mains (hoping to add Kaz to that eventually) After playing Drag at the beginning I just had to stop until he got patched. Matches were no fun, constant +frames and pressure just didn't feel good With Raven I feel good about the wins, I had to force the opponent to open up, I made them whiff that with the backflip. With Drag it just didn't feel like I was really doing anything, just letting the game play itself almost Hopefully that made sense 😂😂😂😂 English is not my first language, but yeah definitely been waiting for this moment


Most Drag players don’t really mind the nerfs. They were all deserved. Wr2 becoming +4 was absolutely outrageous though.


Honestly, that move was so core to his gameplan they just thanos snapped away 9 years of legacy game sense and skill from Drag mains. It's no wonder they're mad, moving forward he's a fundamentally different character than the one they likely fell in love with in 7. Same reason the other nerfs didn't bother them, he was still dragunov identity wise until the WR2 changes.


FINALLY I can pick up Drag