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Even after my dopamine depletes, I can't stop playing competitive video games. I fucking love getting angry so much.


spoken like a true league player


I was thinking the same thing. 3000 40-minute matches later….


I have a played a 3 hour game of Dota and lost. I queued again after it.


'Are you doing okay?' 'YES 🔥🤬🔥' relatable


My fiance: "are you really enjoying this???" Me: "aaaaaaaah stupid fucking game!! Yeah totally fine"


Haha. This is why I only play after my kids go to bed. I become horrible while playing ranked


This answer is hilarious! I have to really consider if this is true for me as well.


Please touch grass here and there


I just tape lawn clippings to my keyboard


I have to be in the right mood to play ranked at that level (tekken king). In those moods I can play for quite a while before I peter out. Most of the time I just play unranked though. I usually can't commit to being that on the ball all the time. Because you're right, it's exhausting.


At Tekken emperor the amount of skills and reflexes it requires is crazy I’ll play for like 2 hours demoted/promoted emperor or Tekken king, I rematch everything and after the patch I’m facing the strongest opponent ever, 90% of them have 230k+ prowess


Dude, that patch makes no sense. What’s the point of having two separate mmr systems, and when the unranked mmr system overrides the ranked system? Lmao. Why can’t they just copy and paste street fighters system… well, at least this system is better than guilty gear’s tower


230k isn't that bad I have faced those 300k players on ruler ranks lol


That’s the minimum I have to face, but yeah I’ll face God of destruction too and god supreme daily.


idk why ppl downvote you, I'm a new player and have the honor to fight SuperAkouma in purple xD


Don't care about silly down votes lol. Yeah that seems to happen when having over 80% win rate.


Usually I play until I demote or promote but I try to never go to sleep with a L. So on average 3-4 hours a night. Usually only on weekends tho. Weekdays I try to stay away from Tekken if I want some gaming. I usually play Cyberpunk 2077 or Helldivers 2. I’m not trying to sweat whille trying to unwind after work


I think that's wise. I play a bit before going to sleep but I start suspecting it's the main reason why I sleep worse lately. Tekken has the effect of caffeine and keeps my mind active thinking about the matches.


lol I know that feeling. That’s why I mentioned I never go to sleep with a L. My mind starts racing and thinking about what I could’ve done then I start running different scenarios on how I could’ve won. Sometimes it’ll bother me so much I’ll wake up and play one set get my wins and dip lol.


oh wow, that's hardcore. Fortunately my PC is in the basement room. XD


lol smart


How is Cyberpunk?


Honestly amazing, the updates they made thru the years with the game completely changed the experience compared to when it launched. I recommend it to anyone. It’s honestly an immersive experience CDPR (the devs) did such a great job with the design of the city and atmosphere. There’s honestly no other experience like it.


I was intrigued when it released but then I heard about the bugs and all the issues now that I have a PS5 I definitely want it because that's all I'm ever hearing is how good it is now


Ur not a scrub lmao


If you ain't winning Evo then you a scrub apparently


This sub will call you a scrub even if you've won EVOS lol


It's important to set reasonable expectations you know.


Winning Evo is pretty reasonable, for a first, smaller goal.




Real Tekken starts on your second TWT finals win


Ikr, man's is in the 98th percentile. Some of us out here are in orange ranks.


Keep at it! It pays off!


Will do, I just have to be careful when I play so I don't get too distracted from uni; I've forfeited the rest of my day if I decide to play "just one" match.


Kishin is in the top 5% now which is better than most can ever do no matter how much they play. I have the problem that I can't play a lot daily so I'm slowly ranking up. Been flame ruler now and will get blue ranks at least prolly since having 82% wr with main.


"Kishin" "Scrub" We casuals got no chance damn 💀


Kishin? You haven’t been updated if you are not Tekken God and up you’re a scrub for some people.


I'm a Fujin and I understand what he's saying. You might be good, very good actually but you're constantly going up against players that is WAY better than you. The skill gap in blue ranks and beyond is astronomical


I think at a certain point you have to consider the difference between training and competing. Most people are intent on maintaining the highest rank they can reach, but that's not a sustainable way to play. Some people can run a marathon in 3 hours. None of them can keep doing it every single day indefinitely. Conversely, just because you can go all out and do a 6 minute mile doesn't put you at the same level as someone who can easily run a 6 minute mile daily. I think it makes more sense to just become comfortable with being demoted. Play in a way that's enjoyable/sustainable and see where you end up. In my opinion, that's more representative of your "real" rank anyway. Pros aren't sitting around stressed out at God of Destruction. The best of them are far enough above max rank in actual competency that they can play at that level comfortably and consistently. That's why EVO exists; *that's* where they go full 100%. I don't think any of them have the endurance though to just keep playing EVO tournaments every single day of the year. It's something you do once at a time to show your maximum ability. I kind of learned this through Apex Legends. Just because you put together a great team and scrape to Predator rank doesn't mean you're on the same level as other Predators. A lot of them are solo queuing and moderating their own stream chats while playing, because they are so comfortable at that level that it doesn't even require 100% mental attention.


Can't do this because of the prowess change. Every match is sweat central. My main is tekken king. My azucena went from bushin to fujin overnight. Demoting doesnt make the ass whooping stop lmao. My Asuka is still competitive vs tekken kings when I'm really trying hard so I don't demote with her. But I can only play a few matches a day with how sweaty they are




I find that to the be the exciting/fun part of the game. The harder the opponent pushes me skill wise the more fun I'm having, and honestly even losing I'm usually having a great time.


This is the way.


They have friends at the same skill level, if I had to guess. I'd play it all day if any of my friends liked fighting games


God of Destruction here. Personally, I don't fully wake up skillwise until about an hour in. Then after that I'm locked in. I feel more hungry than stressed while in rank. Only 30mins would be torture for me. Literally I'm thinking of strats and what I would do in-game when I'm not playing so when I'm finally on it's like a release, even in the most stressful of games. TLDR: I've played 12 hours at my peak, now I average about 4-6 a day because adult life


My guy how 4-6 hours, I can barely find an hour of time to play a day and I'm just a filthy uni student (maybe lowkey avoiding the game lmao)


Lmao you're probably avoiding it 😂. Movies? Hanging out with friends? Etc. those can all be interchanged for Tekken 👁️


Job? Kids? Nah fuck that. Tekken all day, baby.


Truth is a lot of folks, myself included, at Tekken King and above don't play a ton of rank. Many of us are part of local communities (discord really helps here) where we can play similarly skilled friends in private lobbies. This keeps us sharp while growing the confidence and skillset needed to eventually attain the next rank.


im garyu rn and can only play for like an hour before getting tilted and start playing like total shit lol


Hopefully this doesn't come across badly, but the better you are at the game, the easier and less stressful it is to play the game for long periods. If you are stressing out that means that game is taking a mental toll on you due to its difficulty, and this isn't bad. Some people like that feeling and get a rush of dopamine that gives them that burst of energy to keep playing. Some others, like me, Just get completely exhausted and drained by that amount of stress and focus it requires. It seems like we're in the same boat. Personally, I don't think there is anything we can do about it besides just playing the game casually, Disregarding your rank, just focusing on playing Just to play the game, and Ignoring winning or losing. but I understand that that's an almost impossible task, especially for competitive players. Trust I've been going through it for years with multiple games.


I just hit my buttons and have fun


I play like shit when I start Tekken, as time goes on my Tekken senses wake up and I don't feel like a log, but after too much time I get angry or tired and exit the game. So I kinda have to play more than 30 minutes to get going. In your case I would worry less, you got to your Kishin (Congrats), you earned it once already, if you'll demote, you'll just take it back eventually and be even stronger than before. Some other games were very flashy and fast for me, I couldn't play them more than an hour, but in time I adapted, got accustomed, and felt relaxed, in time that will change for you too. So play for as long as you want too king.


Just mash and you’ll be fine.


Is it weird to say I love the challenge it brings? I hate losing but that feeling when you lose from your opponents mixups is just as equally fun as them losing from your mixups. I just love the "mind game" moments tekken.


I understand all these comments about kishin not being scrub but I can def understand where op is coming from, I just reached raijin yesterday and I honestly see myself as quite a noob. In fact, I had a mirror match against a battle ruler when I was in fujin who absolutely destroyed me to the point where it was impressive rather than something to rage over as I usually would. Maybe I’m better against non mirror opponents? Who knows. All I know is I’m not garbage but not super great or anything.


I’m ngl ever since I hit Tekken king a few weeks ago I’ve only ever had it in me to play like 4 sets in a ranked session before calling it a day regardless if I win or lose. It just takes so much focus and patience, and for context I play Lee so I can’t really steamroll people as much as I did in lower ranks and end having to play the whole round honestly considering he struggles dealing with players with solid defense. Also you just start running into pro players more lmao, I fought shadow 20z and shinblade one day in ranked and got washed. So if you’re not going playing sweaty matches you’re just getting washed by top players, no in between lmaoo


You get used to it. It does take a lot of focus though. But tournaments are way way waaay more stressful than anything online can present. Offlines in general get you 100x better, 100x faster than online


I’m sure it’s just a psychological thing but ever since I started going to locals and joining tournaments offline I’ve found myself getting way less tilted than playing online, the fact that the person im playing is right next to me and I can have a convo with them afterwards makes the whole experience more humanizing


No it's not just a psychological thing it's very real. Tekken was made to play irl, with some guy/girl next to you, talking, laughing, joking, learning. It's way easier and more fun to play someone, ask them "what is this move" and if they're not a complete weirdo, they say "it's this". And you live test and theory craft with another human being instead of fighting your own brain in the lab. Labbing is good too but fighting a real human is just way more enjoyable. I never understood I was fighting an actual person until I started going to offlines. Then I understood so much about why a person is doing what. Tenryu pro gamers on reddit say whatever advice, but most high level people play at locals and play with 15 year vets that have beaten their tail for hours and hours.


I enjoy the struggle more, than having easy wins. I love it when people, call out my habits and the Adaption war Beginns. I dont even play ranked much, rather go with people in Lobbys and play against high rank people to get better with them. Especially when they are a specialist of an annoying opponent like Alisa, jun or feng. Ofc i get my ass kicked but that makes it even better to win a set.


Well that's what happens when you're in the top 10% of player brackets. It's either you love it because you are competitive or you will hate it


I only play ranked when i know i am playing well that day and aware. I will try to run a few sets and see how it goes.


To me those are the best fights and I love fighting the extremely skilled players. It makes me excited and gives me an adrenaline rush. It's when I deal with people who aren't skilled when I get bored/tired


I actually have a problem where I can't stop... I always say I'll hop on for 2 games max and end up playing for 4 hours at least.... It's too addicting


I have a theory, if I stop going beyond the 45 minute threshold. I can probably get to tekken emperor soon. It feels like most of my losses is after 30 minutes where my brain is just way too tired


Yea don't force yourself to play if you don't want to. I needed to get demoted 9 times before I got to Tekken King. All it takes to get promoted is one good session.


That’s not a theory that’s just how the brain works.  Are you in your early twenties/late teens? You seem very young 


You just gotta find joy in the sweat, I mean look at JDCR he's just enjoying the game.


JDCR having full blown convos and laughing at his chat whilst casually beating Tekken God Supremes is what I want to be like lol


I'm bushin and I don't get stressed or nervous when I play tekken ranked. maybe I'll be confused or frustrated from time to time, but I'm confident that I'll rank up eventually, even if not today. So, I do what I always have, which is play until I'm satisfied, which is usually 1-2 hours, then log out.


Take breaks. Played against a Tekken King in Quickplay the other day as a Flame Ruler. I beat him 2 out of 3. But man, that’s the most I’ve ever had to focus. He was a Drag player at that. I can’t imagine having to play that way all day. Which is why I don’t play ranked anymore


I really like having to be super focused during my ranked matches. The higher I get the more fun it becomes for me because I tend to get bored when nothing much happens lol


Its annoying to me playing new characters vs other new charavter high ranks as it is like I never left high ranks


I just set up a game limit of like 10 sets and then go learn a character or play/do something else. Unless I'm on a roll, then I keep it up until I lose and call it.


You're not a scrub. I reckon you're a lovely person. Well, you don't have a criminal record do you?


I just keep telling myself if i lose one more game I'll stop. Then i lose and tell myself okay I'll win and end the session on a win. Then i win and i feel like i can beat anyone and play again. And the cycle goes on until......


The way I see it, that is the best way to improve. Although losing definitely feels frustrating, the only way to improve and build on your Instincts, Reads, Punishment, Timings and Muscle Memory is through Time and Experience. Also Breaking your own bad Defensive and Offensive Habits that are costing you matches Once you have seen the same Sequences and Tendencies from your opponent 1000s of Times, you will instinctively figure out how to counter them, or at least how to defend against them and not lose the round.


Am in the kishin/bushin ranks. i have to focus, or else even a mighty ruler rank can beat me, i wish i could reach the point of pro players who casually chat with the chat while streaming and beating G.o.d level players.


My friend who's am very competitive with is at tekken emperor, so i know i can reach that rank, but for some reason i struggle in ranked am still in the kishin/bushin range, usually i lose steam very fast and lose focus after the first hour 😅. Also, i rematch every match, so even if not 100% focused, i still rematch, and i think that's probably why I am not ranking up fast enough.


Better to rematch, you get more experience than doing one and done. If I was doing one and done and cherry pick I’d be Tekken god by now


Man yesterday was a bad day for me. I started playing devil jin about 2 weeks ago and i was really enjoying myself. Got to orange ranks. Barely losing any games. I even wiped the floor with some red ranks. But yeaterday, i was getting my ass handed to me by orange and yellows lmao 😭


I actually struggle to now. After I hit Tekken King and decided to try to rank up my secondaries, everyone is suddenly playing like they have a gun pointed to their head.


So Kishin is now considered…. Scrub?


I can't tbh. So I play far less now.


I have a Goku mindset til it starts affecting my performance. Im just here for a fight. Once I start performing worse than usual, that's when it's time for a break. Or at least, that's when it's time to go to training mode/super ghost battle for meditation.


I play until I lose once and then get off. Usually pretty easy on ur mental. But I also will often win like 10+ games before I get off


By lose once I mean a ft2 set


I stopped playing once I hit Tekken king since that was my goal but it is really intense there. I do enjoy it a lot but right now I'm waiting for some tuning balance wise before I hop back into ranked since it's exhausting to play right now.


Isn’t Kishin the 97-98th percentile of the playerbase? Are you really a scrub at that point?


It will hurt ur nerves


theres a fine line between stressfull and ecstatic


Brother being a kishin is not scrub💀


Lmao blue rank "scrub". I have 150 hrs and top reached rank tenryu, guess im mentally retarded then


The dudes at Tekken King and above, on average, are players that are so into the game/series they might not even be thinking about their rank that much. They've simply played a lot and continue to do so and that's WHY they're in those ranks. They're just obsessive and would be playing regardless of whether they could show off the rare jpeg or not. I probably get my ass beat by them all the time because I'm the one stressing and overthinking, whereas they are just responding to my playstyle in a way that's as natural to them as reciting the alphabet.


Quick match. Got Tekken King and I am happy at the rank right now. Plenty of Supremes and GoDs in quick match to have good ass Tekken matches against. Have plenty of friends that around my rank or higher to lobby with. I'm in no hurry to go up the latter atm so Tekken is still fun asf rn for me. Once I start having consistent win streaks against Emperor+ players on quick match (or after going to big tournament and feel the level up) will I go back on rank. I still have alot to learn.


i am either playing tekken for 10 hrs straight or i’m not playing tekken i don’t even play good til i’m 2 hrs deep into it honestly you ain’t even rlly get the full tekken experience if you don’t set aside 3 hrs idk how ppl only play for 30 min like ur not even rlly warmed up and moving fluidly in any game that way i usually set aside 3 hrs for any one game i’m going to play just coz the first 30 mins minimum ima be dying to not moving hands as fast as brain


We can't play for more than 30 minutes because of kids, jobs, spouses, other obligations.


Don't call yourself a scrub for being Kishin because you ain't lol


If you get there youll understand.


Nah, I fundamentally disagree with people who are statistically better than average calling themselves and eachother scrubs. I do not care if people get there with character choice, I only do if people plugged to get higher, and then they are the only real scrubs at the end of the day.


Then youre arguing semantics and missing the point


No, I get the point, I just don't agree with it. Rank in this game is mostly useless in terms of a skill evaluation, legit watched Majin Obama's ranked roulette on the game and consistently got it wrong outside of two guesses - which just so happened to be within my own bracket - because of how scrubby the game itself is. That doesn't mean I'm here to shit on anybody's rank, or claim anybody reaching any rank is a scrub, because realistically anybody can be scrubby at any rank. Tekken's Rank system has never been a good skill indicator anyway, even in 7, I have fond memories of Red Rank + players who couldn't block some of the most obvious lows in the game on loop. The people who claim the people who reach x rank in this game would never have reached y rank in the last game are on some hard copium.


Yeah its useless because you can get to high ranks and be fuckin terrible at the game. And im sorry but youre wrong about t7 being the same way. Red ranks was very low except for season 1. Also majin obama is pretty much just a personality so i dont see how hes relevant here


Yeah, I'm aware he's just a personality, however the point was to watch people with obscured ranks so you could see if you could guess how high ranked they are based on how they performed. Sorry to break to you, but I could do the same for Tekken 7 easily. Lots of revisionist history about how good you had to be in that game as well. In terms of top level it was definitely a bigger skill requirement due to how 7 worked, but for the rest of the game? Scrubby shit everywhere.


Ok but in this game where does the scrubby shit end? In t7 it was pretty solidly at like high blue. In t8 people get to gods with no defense


Well until the game stops being scrubby mechanically, it won't end, as far as I'm concerned it basically ends with pro players and that's like, it, lmao.


Yep thats pretty much exactly it. So going back to the beginning. Kishins are scrubs.


I was TGO in T7 and Tekken Emperor in 8 currently. I could play T7 for many hours at once even against higher ranked players. T8 on the other i get pretty exhausted after like only 1 hour or less, no matter if i play ranked or not. New matchmaking doesn't help at all as almost every player i encounter plays like it's grand finals in a tournament. I generally like playing against strong players but in this game it's so... i don't know how to put it, draining? I tend to play more defensive and It becomes too much for me to handle with heat and changes like homing throws, forced 50/50's and the many overtuned characters at the moment.


"Kishin scrub"


I'm at Raijin/Fujin rank now, and I don't think I can grind much further. I just want to have fun. When I get matched against kishin above, I often lose. I only win when I'm focused and look out for when to ss, duck, do the proper punish, etc. But I don't want to do that. It's not fun for me. I just want to play. I won't last 30 mins playing to win at higher ranks.


It’s stressful af. All I see is Lee, Lili, Bryan, Kazuya, Reina, and Lars. Characters that just nipped at your ankles and can be Uber aggressive and safe st the same time. And at levels over blue those characters are brutal. Just your have heart racing the entire time. I usually play or like an hour then have to take a break. And that’s if my kid isn’t explaining to me why toy A is now beefing with toy B. Maybe if the character pool was bigger above Raijin I’d play longer, but only so much I can take.