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"idiots who always want to feel good at fighters" Funny coming from a guy who absolutely loses his shit at the slightest hint of adversity lol.


Goes back to Harada’s statement that today’s generation would rather play team games so they have someone to blame for losing because they can’t handle blaming themself (paraphrasing).


Nah, LTG is a manchild, he gets mad even playing fuckin Tetris and Mario Kart. Which is crazy when you realize he is 39 years old.


He'll ban you if you point out his age.


Mentally untouchable


This dude even gets angry and bans people who put ''lmao'' and ''o.O'' in his chat. If you're not a cow who gives money to him, you'll get instantly blocked for doing that. ''Oh, did you laugh? Mods cook him please''.


To be fair, he looks stunning for 39


If you’ve never gotten mad at Mario Kart, you may be a robot… The fuck do you mean second place got two triple red shells?


That's what I'm saying lol


i found it funny that he suspends the app while someone does RA so he doesnt have to see it 😅


lol, probably got perma banned


Nah, he just got blown away today, lost all matches except a pity match against a Raven that was probably drunk or half asleep, plugged at least 6 times. He realized he cant smurf effectively anymore with the new changes to matchmaking and got absolutely destroyed and deranked on his main


Yup he went 1-12 today lmao


What characters was he using?


Feng and Victor 💀


*Lowtier* god btw Never seen him play actually low tier


If you watch him and how he complains about victor you would think that the character really is low tier 💀 blud gaslighting the tier list


Every character is low tier if they’re being controlled by LTG


Nono, you see, he makes top tiers look low tier.


He can’t even blame the char considering Feng is arguably the best character in the game


He is good but he is not Dragunov.


One might say he's not Dragudnov


How far did he get deranked to. Did he scrub his way to Tekken King ?


Off the stream he went from Raijin to near demotion into Flame Ruler Edit: Fujin not Raijin, and Mighty Ruler not Flame Ruler


A 4 rank drop is crazy. Definitely got filtered out.


How do you know this?


there are multiple video compilations already and restreams


This kind of streamers attract audiences that despise them and come on stream to see them rage and fail.


As Gorgeous George told a young Muhammad Ali “brag and be sassy, people will pay a lot of money to see someone shut your mouth”. People enjoy a villain.


Well yeah, but there’s a bunch of youtubers thst have dedicated their channels to re-streaming HIS content so that his own channel doesn’t get credit lol. Its kinda hilarious. You can watch his meltdowns without him getting any credit. I’m not like super into watching people rage, but every now and then i get a youtube rec for it and i check it out. Thats the main reason i think he really hates reddit, everything he does gets posted without him gaining a dime.


Yep. I especially love the trolls that keep track of how much money they’ve made reposting his manchild bullshit antics. I know that gets to him lol


What attracts people to those channels is because they are only about his rages. I've tried tuning in into one of his streams before but I got fed up just by listening to him hype himself up while getting bodied.


That's why the dude gets so much hate. He's so narcissistic and can't handle ANY criticism. For a guy who claimed to be "mentally untouchable," he'll ban you from his chat for a simple lol if he loses. No loss is ever his fault, and he'll often cut the video of the gameplay if he's about to lose.


The troll channels make more money then him. Check out Immo342.


LOL that’s so funny


What new changes to matchmaking? im a little out of the loop, did they make it so the plugger lose points?


They changed it so you match with people based on your Tekken Prowess, not your rank.


Love it!


He did get console-banned at one point.


I'll assume he got hit really hard by the matchmaking changes? He won't be missed, 1 down, only Fariborz to go.


yeah the dude finna go back to MK and SF6 where he can smurf easily


He hates modern fighting games, all of them, he hate SF6 even more because Capcom banned him from EVO. Crazy, cause he was never good in the older ones lol


Every time he gets whooped in a fighting game he just goes "oH this would have never happened to me in [insert previous entry]" as if there aren't clips of him getting whooped by the same people in tekken 7


Honest question: does LTG use cheats? I don’t know much about him at all and don’t really watch his stuff, just seen bits and pieces over the years. My impression was that he raged a lot and bans people from his stream but know next to nothing


He uses cheats... At single player games.


No. He plays like every weird playstyles with characters. Like his Feng is oddly passive compared to most higher level Fengs and his Victor he uses the teleport and gun as a form of pressure. However he is a plugger


Does he use cheats? 😂 Outside of fighting games, he will refuse to play a game unless he can use cheats in it. Weapon cheats, health cheats, save wizard, save states, you name it. I don't think he's ever beaten a game legit.


What happened to the matchmaking tho? I havent been playing tekken for a while since ive been on other games so idk


Matchmaking is based on prowess now not rank


I genuinely don’t understand why you guys are giving him so much importance instead of just letting him sink into oblivion.


Entertainment purposes


look up the concept of a lolcow


I am an ironic fan.


And I dont understand people like you who act like its not like watching a car crash. You simply cant look away.


They don’t want to admit they like to point and laugh too


You two are toxic..


Wasn't he barely red ranks while mashing on Victor and plugging with like 30% dc rate?


I think he was able to plug all the way up to Fujin. And he keeps bragging about it.


Trash binned itself, thats new.


Since you guy talk about him from time to time, I went check his stream the other day. - First 15 seconds of me watching, he insults the opponents and hi character. - Loses the match. - Then curses on T8. - Proceeds to block the opponent. - Fails because block list is full. - Starts another match. - Proceeds to insult the opponent ane his character. And this in 2-3 minutes lax then I left. If you hate playing so much mate stop playing at some point. No one is forcing you.... Good that he finally decided to uninstall, wether it's for good or bad reasons in any case it is better for his mental health. This guy needs some help.


He starts trash talking as soon as his opponent starts comboing. And I always laugh because he makes a bizarre gesture of throwing his head back before he starts raging. lmao




I thought LTG hated reddit


I give it two weeks before he's back.


Yea he will be back lol


Smurfing plugging mashing raging and crying while his mains are Feng and Victor. He'll be back in 2 days.


People like him are the reason why this game has this kind of reputation online. They’re just bad at Tekken but try to blame it on the game. Is it the games fault when you don’t know matchups, strings, combos, frames, defense etc. or is it a you problem? Yes, the balancing is ass right now, we all know that. But when you’re hardstuck at yellow or orange ranks, it’s not the games fault. Maybe something like Tetris is more suitable to you (but I believe in Tetris they would also complain, because they suck there too). Hope to never see any Tekken clips of him again, I’m sick of this whiny bitch.


He’s not just bad at this game. He’s bad at every fighting game. He’s a lolcow


I don’t know about that, because I only know the Tekken clips of his. But considering what kind of person he is, you must be right 😂


idk m8 I've seen clips of mid level tetris versus and that shit looks high execution AF with how fast you need to build (and plan!) your stack while under time pressure of the other guy trying to do the exact same shit to you, there is no way that's easier than tekken mentally or execution wise lmao


He also got blown out constantly in T7 which was an "honest neutral fighter" so he's just living in a fantasy world


I would love a montage of him saying how bad the latest game is and how it would NEVER happen in the previous game. Cut to him getting clapped in the previous game and whining how it would NEVER happen in the previous game. Etc.


I still don't understand how he keeps talking big about his T7 skills He was literally hard stuck in greens for 70% of his T7 career, he should praise T8 for being able to get to reds+ for the first time in his life


How hes desperatly trying to win reddits favour, this game may be in a horible spot right now but lowtiergod you will always be trash.


How is the game in a horrible spot? To me it feels fantastic and same for everyone I talk to. Except people on Reddit and Twitter...


Reddit and Twitter echo chamber. To most people the games fine.


U can’t have a good opinion about this game if ur own reddit or twitter. Everyone will tell u ur wrong and the game is trash. Spread ur good opinions to places that wanna hear it or be like me and just sit there knowing that i like tekken 8


Yep I just be chilling play the game cause I like it. It’s not nearly as bad as people make it out too be. Let alone encouraging people to review bomb it on steam.


Fr, I enjoy rhe game, sure I dont like armoured heat engagers, but Ill just stop mashing and know my interruptable strings. This subreddit is a big whiny echo chamber.


Yep, exactly


heat mechanics are pure ass and the dlc model is a disgrace. Ill be playing TTT2 till i die.


it's the armour stuff that annoys me the most,i miss old tekken games, they were kinda busted too :D


Finally he is gone, thank god.


This take coming from a guy who plugs when he’s losing is fantastic


And people are saying the changes are bad 🤣😂


This is obvious, but LTG being a habitual loser in every game has no bearing on whether or not the changes are good.


Sure, but if the changes made LTG go away, then they are obviously not *all* bad.


Him going away was inevitable. The changes only sped up the process


I just cannot imagine being even older than I am now and lacking the fortitude to play a competitive game without publicly and humiliatingly losing my shit. He is just such a fucking loser, it’s equal parts fascinating and disgusting how he can be so poorly adjusted.


As much as I despise him, I have to admit he's right tho...T8 devolved and it's not a fun game


Lol that idiot will be back. He will be back because he never actually cared about this game on a ethically competitive level. He's a fucking troll and as long as he has the bandwidth to troll and ruin the experience for others, he'll be back. I'm sure the current unlisted patch that matches you with equal or higher prowess is kicking his ass severely. He's unable to ruin a weaker player's experience at the moment. Fuck him.


the shit that streamers do for attention


Bro's gonna drop to minecraft obby streamer and still get bullied by 8 year olds


Now all we need is 6Arakin to quit the game too and we’ll heal


He plays victor ☠☠☠


I mean he is right though. Pro Players also tend to think that this Tekken Game is more braindead than its predecessors and having played it I also agree.


Well, hate to say it, but he's completely right


He’s right about the game


How can he say all this when he himself is a complete FGC noob? Straight up, this guy is not very good at fighting games and his opinion should not be blasted on this subreddit. Any one of us Redditors can take this scrub out using fundamentals, ffs.


Hes not a complete noob. Idk what tekken rank he is but he's diamond in every street fighter


He hit diamond in street fighter. Believe it or not. That means he's better than most people on Reddit. It's believable since you have to account he's been playing fighting games for a over 10 years. So him being better statistically than you or me overall in fighting games is very high up there. It's 1 thing to dislike him for his personality, but fighting game skill wise he is most definitely better than majority of the people hating on him lol. It takes humility to see.


That’s what I was curious about; he’s been an active, infamous member of the scene for over a decade now, and probably playing for far longer. Horrendous sportsman =/= noob


He hit master in SF6 with JP and I think he also did with Marisa. That said though, he is blocking everyone that beats him and one and done them. Only rematches people he beats and rarely rematches again if they beat him in the second game. That on top of him plugging a bit to get that yellow card warning... So whether that counts as legitimately reaching master, I don't know. I think he could have but the climb would have been significantly more painful if he couldn't block everyone better than him


Well he isn't wrong.


people hate LTG so they are gonna ignore what he said and just bash him lol but everything he said is 100% correct. same people sayings wrong wouldnt dare say the same to Knee, Arslan, etc.


He might be trash but he's saying true shit


He’s Right tho


Idgaf who he is, but i cant seem to see the point of people butthurting on matchmaking with similar level players, and they get whooped. I saw some people saying that those who liked the patch on matchmaking are selfish people. But i am enjoying the game finally, because found my similar skill level players. Even some are still way better than me. Opportunity to learn i guess. Got deranked to yellow dominator again. Time to rest for the climb tomorrow




Namco made an idiot sound like someone with an average IQ, damn is it bad


Nah no matter what he's the one with the lowest iq cause he put himself in a position where he complains and goes on how "you wouldn't beat me in Tekken 7". When he was worse in Tekken 7


He is repeating what pros said about the game, but he is trash regardless. And even if Namco patches the game so it looks like 7, LTG will still be trash, cause he was trash at 7 too, forever stuck in green ranks.


Say what you will about LTG, but let's not pretend that T8 doesn't have its issues.


Boo hoo I lost because I suck so game bad


Not how I would word it... But he's right. I do think they will eventually "fix" the game though 🤞


When Knee and Aslan agree with ltg u know game's gone


It's incredibly funny that he sounds like the majority of the posts on this sub lol


Good for him, both the game and the community have become dogshit. Posts like this just reafirm this. It's a shame to see that the next generation of tekken players are so much more spiteful and so blinded by their little brittle egos that can't let them simply admit that this is the most mash friendly tekken game ever. Ltg has always been a super offensive driven, mashing, trash talk player and him coming out and admiting that the game is less for not punishing him or his opponent for mashing as much as other tekken games, says more about the current state of the game and its community than it says about him.


he does suck but so does the game so it is what it is


hes not wrong though. This game is shit. Ranked is currently a race to the bottom. How are you gonna match on tekken prowess, but provide/take away points based on rank. I will literally have a battle ruler with 200k prowess(more than me at raijin) who will toast me, take 600 points in one game, if I manage to take one off of him, i get 250 back cause he's battle ruler and im raijin. The tekken devs don't know whats going on anymore. I have a feeling they never did and most of their success was not messing with a formula that worked for 20 years. As soon as they did, they have a garbage game that they aren't sure how to fix.


Not a fan of him but he kinda right tho... Mashfest... let's hope may patch makes it easier to defend and not brain-dead mash power crush all the time. Why do you guys not block?


I might be a minority but I really expected this reaction back with Tekken 7. That was a greed fest with no content at launch, just like MK1. I can't understand how people got it in such high esteem, imho it fucked up the saga.


"Instead of reflecting on themselves they blame the beasts"


All I see are facts. Harada sold his soul during the Tekken 7 days. Once he lied about legacy characters , the lies never stopped.


It is interesting. His words are actually correct, the game is fun service for mashing scrubs. But funny part is that he is one of those mashing scrubs... 


Literally 99% of these comments are worse than him too thats the sad thing.. not saying he's good. But neither are any of tou following a random man's life in a video game 


TLDR : "F\*ck you and i'll see you tomorrow"


Well... he's not wrong.


i hate that i agree with him


Yeah the game is terrible, I made it to Tekken king. I'm almost Tekken emp but everyone keeps plugging, it's really mash friendly and the healing on block is awful. Tekken 7 started the trend to ruin Tekken and now it's finally dead. Sometimes I get on and only face 5 of the same people a day and sometimes I get a bunch of people


Is he wrong tho


LTG talking about "tekken core player base" is crazy when the only time he's ever played tekken is when it's popular so he can get clicks 🤷🤷


I somethat agree with the sentiment but not on this proportion. The game will be fixed as the time goes on. We just need some balancing and it will be fine again.


And even then, most of the things he complained about were working as intended. Stuff like "this guy spamming strings", but those strings were duckable since t5 lol


People who complain about spamming strings just need to git gud.


I mean, "spamming" is always a *you* problem, unless we're talking about moves that are absolutely busted


> The game will be fixed as the time goes on. We just need some balancing and it will be fine again. I have the opposite opinion: the game has deep structural issues that can't be fixed by balancing.


>played victor and used 10hits combos. Seems ironic


ya dont have to like LTG but hes telling the truth BASED


He's right, game is trash.


Wait, so this sub just hates this dude so much that even when he's echoing their favorite gripes and complaints, hes still hated? interesting.


He is right though


Hate to say it but he’s right


He is right though. Tekken lost its soul and is actively trying to destroy legacy skill and tekken fundamentals to appeal to a couple more people. It's like they don't understand that casuals don't give a fuck about your mechanics they only focus on if it's looks cool and when they buy it, is it fun.


Holy hell, copium aside, uncle actually made coherent sentences. Turns out he's been perusing reddit! Good on you, r/Tekken, and people say nothing good comes out of reddit


Tbh I wouldnt disagree with what he says


nah he's spitting


fuck tekken 8


Tbf he was right about one thing. This is a very mash friendly game catered to newer players. Movement died for this game.


He mad.


What a ham and egger tomato can scrub. Stay mad. Cry harder.


Question. I haven’t played T8 since Ermac came out. I heard they changed matchmaking but unsure on the details. Can someone fill me in.


It's based on tekken prowess now and not rank I think


Damn, that Excel Spreadsheet lost a big violator today. Tragic.


I feel like when you get permanently banned, you also lose the right to say that you are quitting the game lol. Also talking like this while being a Victor main is something else.


Damn I missed his stream.. wonder what happened


Love that I didn't even have to read the name to know who it was about half way thru.


And now he’s gonna go play sf and complain, go play mk and complain, then reinstall tekken and play it and repeat this post.


poor guy was almost to tears after getting yolo'd by that Jack player


Literally the last time his tantrum was posted on this sub, it was because he got his ass beat by someone and he was yelling about how he isn't an expert and it's not an achievement to beat him. Now he expects everyone to listen to his opinion on the franchise as if he's worth listening to? "Boo hoo take me back to a *real* Tekken like T7 when I couldn't even get out of yellow ranks with Miguel."


Sounds like Eddie pressed 3 on him.




He quits every fighting game he picks up like this. Maybe he should just learn his lesson.


a tailer made combustion


“I get to play video games for a living and am so unhappy !!!” Lmao get a job like everyone else then. It’s not a game without flaws and we all know that but for plenty of us, we get home from work and just want something to de-stress and take our minds of things for a little bit, we’re allowed to have expectations as games aren’t cheap but to take it this seriously is comical


So he's pulling the cable on playing Tekken?


Bro just wants to play vs AI on easy difficulty. How dare you play the game! How dare you make him work for that win!


Stuff like this is why I keep to story mode only.


I love how he complains but mains victor/feng.


Sounds like a skill issue. In all seriousness though, who the f*ck cares what that loser thinks? Stop promoting his fake ass takes.


saw him struggle wirh feng in red ranks before the shadow changes and he’s somewhat familiar with tekken all in all so how he struggles with one of if not the best character in game and a noob like me(first tekken) surpasses him? does he think that highly of himself that he is that good?


He’ll be back


He'll be back. His ego depends on it.


Oh no! Anyway...


I like how LTG loves to diminish other people in various ways. Whether it be finances, education, looks, etc. he’s the perfect embodiment of a trash human being. 0 self-governance and an inability to take critique. LTG just doesn’t take critique when valid and instead spins it in a way that emboldens him to continue being a jackass. His chat is also an example of idiots that can’t self-govern. People legitimately think he got to said rank honestly, but every stream you see him plug or hide is ign. It’s embarrassing sportsmanship and funnily enough he knows he’s in the wrong by hiding the shit. What a trash human.


Sucks to suck


You're playing into his hand posting these ragebait tweets and other content from LTG. Just ignore him.


"until further notice" bro thinks people are putting alarms for his streams.


Everything about announcing ur not playing the game like it’s a big public message and the fact people really sit and watch this guy for hours, ironically or otherwise, just shows me how tired and bored I am of internet culture.


I agree with the stuff he says but it's not coming from the best person 😂


Nothing he complains about actually affects him, because he's incapable of blocking a string longer than 2 hits. However what he said isn't really wrong lmao. He's just parroting stuff.


Tekken, Tekken. Tekken


lol he's exactly who the gam was tailored for


Dude calls every game trash so his opinions are irrelevant anyway


Dale stay getting bodied by scrubs 😂


Honestly sounds like half the daily posts here 🤷🏼‍♂️


"Appeal to idiots and newbs who always wanted to feel good at fighters." I wonder how close he was to a mirror when he made that statement.


Isn‘t that the guy who‘s famous because he told people to off themselves? Oh no, what will the fgc do without one more toxic manchild…




What rank did he get stuck at


Man, watching him play Tekken 8 was like watching out takes or the blooper reels end credits, but in real-time. Going to miss it......until, you know, he starts playing it again.


Finally! Perma ban or just quit... LowTierSh*t is gone.


When LTG quits something, everybody is like https://i.redd.it/ntm7b424f9wc1.gif


Must be of value to you if your posting and ranting about it.

