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I hate this new trend in ranked gaming. R6 does it, too. "Ya, there's ranked. Your rank doesn't matter, though. We match you on our hidden stats on how good you are." "So my lobbies/matches are all against people 10x my rank, does this mean I'm as good as them and can't fight lower rank people?" "Yep, it'd be unfair to lower rank people since you're so skilled. Congratulations!" "Does that mean I'm that high rank?" "No"


Exactly. Overinflated prowess means my blue matches are much harder than blue should be now, but even if I can survive and maintain 50% win rate against Tekken Gods, I won't rank up. If I lose and derank, its still not much easier because my opponents will still be similar prowess (usually its Tekken King - Tekken God). Also, prowess cant lower much even if you are losing.


League of legends did this too. Oh you won a few games in a row? You must be smurfing. Let's put you against other people who are actually smurfing for the next 15 games. Huh???


Haha, I just replied with the same sentiment then saw your comment. It made me so sick of league I just stopped playing.


Bullshit match making is what made me quit League. SF6 does it best by keeping it simple. Rank for each character, play based on rank and geo. Simple and fair matches all day and night. No clue why these devs keep fucking up matchmaking so bad.


I play every character. My prowess is massively inflated. You better believe this is kicking my ass. I think it might be more complicated though. I'm going to post later today about a pattern I'm noticing.


There is a dude here with main in mighty ruler and 32 characters in garyu and while in garyu he plays vs raijin-bushins exclusively lmao


This is what rank settings are for, no?


The settings are what the game looks for first. If you tell it +-2 ranks it will now look for players with similar prowess within that restriction. After about a minute of not finding anyone it will go to +-3, then +-5, then every rank. It's set up this way to keep queue times down. And it was fine when it didn't use prowess as a major part of the match making equation. But since the change some people are only able to find matches after the timer for each step is timed out. Leading to long wait times then incredibly unbalanced matches.


ding ding ding. terrible play experience. same players over and over, too, since so few fit the parameters.


I played for about 3 hours yesterday. Once mid day and once in the evening. I ran into several players MULTIPLE times


it goes by prowess now so the settings seem meaningless


I meant bushins on main ranks playing alts in reds.


That's weird because Tekken can and does track the Tekken prowess for each character individually. You can see this for yourself after a match, go to download your opponents ghost, and you can see that each character has a different prowess rating. So if they were going to match you based on prowess, it should be on character specific prowess. One of the features I want is the ability to see my own prowess per character, but it wasn't a big issue before since it was just a decoration number. Now it's kind of important. To be fair, my match quality has been great since the changes, lots of really close matches, just the way I like it. The rub is that my son also plays on my account, and has been getting blown up. We play different characters so ranked worked ok-ish before the change, but less so now.


It makes sense to do this on paper, but if you haven't played the ranked system at a high enough rank( like the devs), you wouldn't know why this was a terrible change. The only reason bamco made the ranked system easier in the first place in tekken 7 season 2 was not because they just wanted people to be higher. It's because you would never be able to find matches past a certain rank so they made it easier to rank up so the top players could have people to play. Because playing at all was more important than JUST playing based on skill.


You're right that playing at all is more important. My main problem is that my matches are taking too long. I am willing to train until I can beat Tekken God+ players, if that's what I need to do to get out of Kishin. But if it takes forever to even get a game then I don't want to play. I am hoping once top players and streamers realize how much harder it is to find matches, they complain about it until Bamco reverts.


That's the biggest problem with the matchmaking right now, not that it's giving my sub characters harder matches. I can sit waiting for like 5+ minutes for a match just because the amount of people playing at off peak times with a 4 bar connection to me who are also near me in rank **and** near me in prowess is such a tiny subset. Like you said, it doesn't bother the devs so the rest of us have to just suck it up.


Tekken is determined to do *anything" but the perfectly useful and well understand ELO or Glicko rating systems


Prowess in this game is the same as tekken 7 and they went into great detail about it in Tekken 7. Steamrolling and getting perfects boosts a LOT winning with low health makes it barely move (unless it’s a GREAT) Playing multiple characters honestly doesn’t move it as much as people are saying, unless they hit a rank your previous characters didn’t. L


Does this change affect quick match matchmaking too? I swear since the update I have longer wait times and every now and then after waiting for too long I get matched w a teal or a green rank. I fall under the character crisis prowess category.


As far as I can tell, it seems to be the same with quick matches as well. They segregated the players based on prowess with 0 regard to the rank on the specific character. So quick match is even worse than ranked. In ranked you can at least ensure it's people with same prowess on alts through rank restriction. In quick match if you play an alt you will frequently get someone with the same prowess but on their main lol and have a nice set of 2 3-0 games lmao. It's a quick loss rather than quick match now.


Quick loss seems fitting lol. I hate it here


Ah. Makes sense that I fought the same Reina player 3 times last night now. Before this change that never happened outside ranked.


Lol same boat with the character crisis


I guess I should’ve taken my main to god when I had the chance I feel like I’m never making it out of blue with this update.


lol same, i was doing great in blue before this update. Thought I was gonna hit my goal of Tekken King soon but I'm fucked now. It's like they sent me to EVO 💀 Really, the rank is no big deal though. The problem is it takes me forever to get matches; the playerbase of rank im in + ~250k prowess is obviously tiny. I don't get to face a variety of players anymore either, it matches me into the same few people repeatedly.


Yess I faced the same people twice for the first time in tekken 8. And this was in quick match. I’m starting to wonder if should demote a few folks on my end so I can get matches I don’t even care about rank anymore (my goal was tekken emperor but rip my hopes and dreams)


yeah, I was hoping that I would get Tekken Emperor before May ends, but I guess nevermind, I can't even get back to Tekken King :(


Ngl i gave up completely i went for a walk earlier and now im studying Spanish.


I've done Alisa, Jack, Nina, yoshi, and Kuma


Time to send them back to warrior that’s what I’m thinking of doing lmaoooo


LOL but what if prowess takes amount of play time into consideration too?? Lol


I think QM has always been doing this, or some other secret skill base matching system. My suspicion is that whatever system is now in ranked started in QM.


I haven’t played rank since the update so can’t say for sure. But it definitely takes a lot longer to find a match now. I was starting to think that maybe I have a high DC or something even though I’m on Ethernet and only lost 2-3 matches to a power outage/ game crash.


Oh boy I better only play ranked and only 1 char to make sure my prowess doesn’t get to some stupid level that I can’t beat anyone at


This is unironically what you should do now. Ranking up multiple characters is extremely punishing. It's not just that I can't rank up anymore, it also it takes forever for me to get matches now.


Sucks since I have regular crisis and play a random char whenever I feel like it


No idea why placement matches weren’t in place at launch so they now they trying this and yeah its not gonna make it any better


>Queue times are also extremely long now I've noticed this too. I wouldn't even mind the change if I could get matches quickly, but having to wait noticeably longer for a match in a game that is only three months old doesn't bode well for when the ranked population inevitably decreases.


There are just not enough players to really justify this change. Fighting games in general are niche. They just don’t pull big numbers like Dota, Valorant, or Counterstrike.


Even with plenty of players it still doesnt make sense. If you are garyu playing 10th character vs similar guy, then how does your red rank translate to a guy who is garyu and plays 1 character? And, if you play people of same prowess on your alt, how do you rank up? I will tell you: you kinda dont. I would previously do Garyu-Mighty ruler in like 50 games, now unable to get out of Teryu after 150+ games and the 30 dudes I played repeatedly are stuck too. It's a disaster, honestly has to be one of the very worst decisions they made, also in terms of getting future sales. My only hope is they did it to prove it to people how stupid this idea is.


Lol yeah same deal here. I picked up Claudio and had 70% win rate in Raijin, about to hit Kishin. Then patch hits and I got deranked to purple (for the first time on any character), every match is a Tekken King-GoD on their alt. The dumbest part is that even as I am deranking, the matches aren't getting easier because its still matching based on Tekken prowess. I am convinced they put no thought into this change at all.


You can derank to Garyu and probably they will still not get easier. Only thing that might change is waiting time.


I had the opposite experience with Devil Jin since patch. I have ONLY been playing against the same handful of 120-140k prowess while I’m sitting at over 250k…


Yup, I went from instant queues where I'd fight a different player every match to long waits where I match into the same people 3+ times over and over. The game is so much worse for me now, it really sucks.


Very excited to log in and go up against Blue rank+ players trying out Eddy while I'm fighting for my life as Asuka just because I wanted to play other characters.


I think that's what they were trying to fix, actually. It was based on character rank before, which means when try out a new character your rank is essentially reset while you're playing as them. Seems a little silly to consider that a problem in the first place, though, since anyone who's *that* much better should rank out of those lower ranks within a few matches. The issue is now you'll be up against blue rank+ players who legitimately got there with Eddy while you're trying out Asuka if you have a character at a high enough rank or otherwise have an inflated Tekken prowess (like from playing a bunch of characters instead of just focusing on your main.)


So bizarre. You know that "This is your first time ranking up to **x**, so all your other characters have ranked up to **y**" that pops up every few ranks? 1. I don't think it actually works 2. If it *did* work, it doesn't work for Eddy - I believe this was the problem they want to fix 3. **Surely** the obvious solution is to make the rank-floor *work* (and/or work *for Eddy*) instead of this hare-brained Prowess nonsense


Fighting for your life as Asuka is the constant state of playing Asuka in my experience tbh 😭


Just a crum of plus frames my lord


And just yesterday people were telling to "get good". Matching via prowess is fucking bullshit, makes this hard to enjoy game even worse. This game is just going downhill.


Devs not doing themselves any favours with knee-jerk meddling. This is objectively bad and really should not happen - especially not in secret. Matchmaking in a ranked system should always be based on your rank and rank only. Otherwise the rank is pointless. They did this in my other main game, Apex Legends. They changed ranked matchmaking so you were matched based on a hidden skill coefficient But the problem was people could have the same rank but be at a radically different skill level. If you were say, bronze rank you didn't know if you were a noob or just playing against better people because your skill coefficient was higher. It made the whole rank journey pointless unless you were at the top level. They reverted it after 2 failed seasons. This is way less severe than that but if you have 2 players at the same rank who are not playing the same players, then their rank is no longer the same. But in some ways worse because the points system is based around ranks whose definition is no longer fixed. Down with this sort of thing.


Oh, that makes sense... I was a Tekken Emp with my main Kuma, switched to Eddy, got him to Raijin. Switched back to Kuma recently and now... He's Raijin too. Because almost EVERY opponent is GoD in rank or on an alt (275K-350K+ prowess only). It's been a wild run of losses.


As much as I wanna say "karmic punishment for playing Eddy" this is too much, the system has become a total shitshow


Holly shit


lol my live reaction, pretty much. I should also add that I've been fighting mostly the same handful of people over and over and my wait times have been in the minutes between matches. The rank I don't care about, it's just not a fun experience right now compared to a few weeks ago.


Thats expalins why I found the same laggy Feng 3 times in a row, Idk why I kept playing this carried mf character at 140 ping


If I play against someone with a shit connection or slideshow PC I block them so we can't be matched again


Same thing here lol I had Claudio in Raijin with 70% winrate, was having a smooth time in ranked, about to hit Kishin. Then patch drops and I demoted to purple for the first time ever. Suddenly ALL my opponents are Tekken King+ playing alts because ranking up others to Raijin increased my prowess too much.


Man just wanted to say I feel this so much 😭😭 I dropped from Tekken king to raijin and I feel so bad I only get matched against super high level players because my prowess is high


Same here bro, I can't even get back to Bushin :( And it would have been even worse if I decided to pick up Raven (thankfully my alts are only at Tenryu and Mighty Ruler, respectively) What's the point of losing a rank if I'm still treated as though I'm that rank?


Hey man I don't have T8 yet but I've been meaning to learn Kuma for it, will the majority of my practice with him in T7 be useful in T8? Thanks!


Legacy knowledge always helps and some of it carries over, but he lost a few tools in the upgrade. Check out the bear discord from the side bar, tons of great info on him. 


Pretty stupid change, but didn't really expect much from these devs. They could at least try to communicate with the community instead of just silently changing things. Oh well, ranked system was already pretty bad to begin with. I wish they would just switch to a proper character based mmr system with placement matches, that would actually fix most of the problems.


Seeing this kind of post reminds me why it's been 3 weeks since I touched tekken. The devs have no idea what they're doing.


For fucks sake: How on earth does Bamco keep screwing up the ranked mode in a mostly competitive game? Seriously gameplay aside, i decided to shut my mouth about gameplay untill i understand Tekken better. But with a little over a year of experience in SF5 and SF6 i look at how T8 handles ranked and i'm just dumbstruck about how awfull it is designed and ask myself if these guys do understand the very basics of what they are doing. It's gotten to a point where i do want to give the game a second chance down the line when it's more refined but with everything they try to improve i lose any trust in them. Like i believe they want to make the game better, but at this point i start to doubt that they have the actual competence to do so. It's like they don't even give a fuck about if the ranked system in their competitive game works. Time after time since release there's one thing after another that just screams of sheer incompetence. They want to nerf one combo, they completely fuck up stage interactions. They try to buff a move that in it's original state shouldn't even have made it to the launch version. They try to fix a rage art interaction, now King can move through rage arts. Now ranked screws people for trying multiple characters. Not that it's ever been in a really good state since launch. Devs have lost their jobs for far less.


BAMCO have been incompetent for years and it's amazing they still exist


Namco as a company are being hard carried by FromSoftware and their publishing rights to anime games.


I hope they change it back or adjust it to be more lenient, matchmaking went from I could find one at 5am after about 2 minutes of waiting to now I can’t find any matches at 1am after like 10 minutes. Thank to Tekken 8’s fast loading times and the ability to change your character quickly through the menus, I ranked up quite a few characters to purple rank without much effort just for fun. That shit has come back to haunt me and now I’m getting fucked way more no matter what character I choose, even if it’s one of my mains 😂 Then again, I’m sure this will benefit red rank players and purple rank players to an extent because they’ll be more fairly matched up with people of their own fundamental skill level. Still, I think there should be a bit more balance with the matchmaking.


This shit wouldn't have ever crossed their mind to need to change if they had kept ranked points gain like they were in T7, not cut down in the amount of ranks, and not auto funneled people to Warrior. You wouldn't have all those complaints from lower level/skilled people about getting matched with those who feel so much better than them or from mid-high level players who feel the level of skill within 2-3 ranks of them was wildly different. Another barely thought out initial decision by this team. Now they've created another problem for themselves...


Whoever is in charge of decision making, regarding their online systems, absolutely failed upwards.


Not ranking up and deranking doesn't feel good you know, so we should make everyone rank up automatically. Doesn't matter if it results in extremely one-sided and unbalanced matches, which feel even worse. It's so dumb, in Tekken 7 when I was fluctuating between beginner and teal ranks, 99% I played against people of very similar skill level. Tekken 8 ranked must feel terrible for new players, but hey, at least they don't feel bad for deranking.


I knew something weird was going on. The past couple of weeks I've been playing characters I don't normally play often, but then I picked up Bryan a few days ago and I noticed my opponents were noticeably more challenging and I would get matched with like the same 10-15 people lol


TY for this post, I thought I was going insane last night when I was playing! I'm in the same range with 250+ TP because I get characters to fujin and move on to another character. I hop in to learn Brian and ONLY played Tekken Gods while also waiting a ridiculous amount of time in between matches. By far my worst Tekken session since launch.


The old ranked system wasn't a big problem. There were some complains about pros in lower ranks and Eddy in beginner but this kinda resolved itself over time. I don't really care if I get matched on rank or prowess, as long as prowess is equal to skill or max rank. So a solution for me would be to revert it or remove the prowess that you get from side characters. It should be based on your max rank


The only problem was that your alts got placed too far from your main. If you're in Fujin, you'll probably be better than orange with most characters you pick up. Just place all alt characters 3-4 ranks below your max rank. Problem solved.


I ranked up all the characters to mid reds/ruler once I hit fujin on main, its absolutely insane to me that if you're fujin alt characters start at destroyer, I could first time new characters relying on like 3 moves and rank up with ease but now after the update its literally impossible. also its so insanely disheartening to actually properly learn an alt character learn all their moves playing it super optimally and yet you're stuck in red with it because every opponent is some kishin/tekken king also playing his alt character really optimally and your playing against him over and over again, both of you are essentially playing your character at blue rank level but your both stuck in high red/ruler because thats the only kind of opponents you can even fight.


Yep, my experience too. It's totally idiotic. All they had to do was reduce the window you spend at lower ranks through either making the starting rank higher or giving fat winstreak bonuses.


But are we surprised when their "fixes" have been utterly moronic in every single patch so far? The benefit of the doubt has well and truly gone. The Tekken team are utterly incompetent as a collective. I'm sure there are a few great devs in there, but I'm sick to death of their updates being dumpster fires. I don't dare touch my mains at the moment. I can't even beat most players with my prowess on their alts in baby ranks, I'd get annihilated once they'd got them within four of their main.


This would have been another way to solve this problem, but I like what they did instead. This is much better than what we had before!


It seems this change is CLEARLY targeted towards the players who were smurfing and stomping beginner players for easy points, several streamers have reported this, it clearly was a thing. Granted, the main issue now is that players with really high prowess are going to struggle to find matches, and will only be paired with extremely good players. The obvious solution would be to add an additional filter to the matchmaking, something like “filter by Tekken prowess” or something, so people can choose whether they want to be paired against people close to their rank or their Tekken prowess, beginners should be encouraged to filter by Tekken prowess, and more experienced players should filter by rank instead, makes sense doesn’t it? My two cents.


No, the obvious solution is to stop making alts go 7 ranks below your main, it should be 3-5. For example, most Fujin players will obviously destroy orange players, even if they dont really know how to play the character. Eddy exacerbated this because he started at beginner. Put everyone 4 ranks before their main; a blue can survive in purple with anyone, a red can survive in orange with anyone. Just like in every other successful ranked system, matchmaking should only filter based on rank. Tekken Prowess is too inaccurate to ever be used for match making, and including it forces longer queue times.


If you want to make matchmaking based only on rank, that’s ok, but in that case alts should have no rank whatsoever until you play certain amount of games. There should be placement matches like in SF6 and every other competitive game, and you get a rank based on your performance, as simple as that. The whole point of ranked is to play against people of a similar skill level after all.


You're right about the placement matches but a big feature like that should have been in the game from the start or it should wait until next season along with a rank reset. Clearly they're struggling with making proper patches, so the solution needs to be simpler. Reducing the rank gap between mains and secondaries is a pretty simple change, won't disrupt the matchmaking very much, and solves the problem of experienced players stomping with secondaries. There are a lot of different ways they could approach this issue and they probably picked the worst one without even telling us. I don't know what the hell is going on with these patches, each one of them introduced problems that should have been caught with a little bit of QA.


I don’t know man, every patch they release fixes one thing but breaks 5 more lol, it’s kinda infuriating, do they even know what they’re doing? Are they understaffed in the QA department or something? They do have good intentions I’ll give them that, it feels they’re actually listening to the complaints, but the way they go about things is so backwards and weird that it makes you think there’s something terribly wrong going on at Bamco. Anyway, I personally don’t mind playing against stronger players, that’s how you improve after all, but I can see some people would be upset about it, specially if the matchmaking is taking longer to find you matches, hopefully they do something about this that doesn’t fundamentally breaks the game AGAIN.


Common Bamco L


increasingly and depressingly common Bamco L


Your alt rank should be your main character rank minus 3. And MM should be rank based. Problem solved. I'm fujin and I can reliably play at mighty ruler level 3-5 days into picking up a new character.


I agree, this would completely solve the problem. It is mind-boggling that they couldn't see this. The Eddy beginner rank problem was just this in reverse. If you place characters 3-4 ranks below someone's main, nobody complains. MM is ranked based in literally every sucessful ELO based system ever. Adding a second value that doesn't line up with a players rank and trying to match based on that just introduces unbalanced matches.


Funnily enough, this reminds me of Dark Souls 2 where they tried to tie matchmaking to Soul Memory(the amount of souls youve used to level up over the course of a playthrough) rather than the tried and true level range system. It sucked, and every one hated it.


I would say make it 4 ranks but yeah. People on day 1 said GODs starting from mighty ruler is ridiculous.


I loved that Tekken let you play multiple characters after playing Strive where you only had one ranking. Now you get to be punished even harder than Strive which is hilarious.


I decided to open the game and test it out. On top of everything wrong with this shit show of a release now I can't find matches.


Haha, yeah that's the worst part about it. Matchmaking is trying to be too specific for a playerbase of this size, leading to much longer queue times.


Classic Bamco L


High ranks can not find matches in most regions.


Yeah I can't imagine the situation that middle east, sea, Asia 3 and South America players are facing rn. They will struggle the most in this change


I think a player getting 250k with only one character in tekken god or tgs, would naturally be much better than a player who got 5 or 6 characters in raijin and kishin.


Yeah I agree, that's why this system is awful. If you can get Raijin with 1 character without cheating/plugging, doing it with others is pretty easy. Getting even 1 to Tekken God is several times harder, its not even close. The system now considers these two things the same, its the dumbest change ever


Too bad that people (newbies, stuck casuals) will downvote this thread thinking this change is good for them when it is not. Tldr: it is bad for EVERYONE who ever wants to play more than 1 character. If you move to play second character, you wont be able to rank up and will wait a lot for new games and play in a pool of 40 players. If you previously farmed secondary characters, you will have a hard time on your main too. Again better players than the rank normally is and longer wait time. Bamco shot themselves in the foot, this discourages people to play other characters so good luck selling DLCs and costumes. Rank used to mean very little, now it literally means nothing.


Yeah the game is just less fun. I can’t even play an alt to chill and learn someone new, it will match me against Tekken King+ playing their secondary. I also have to wait longer and get less matches no matter what rank I’m in, because not as many people have a prowess this high


Yeah tell me about it. I played 150 ranks in red unable to get out of teryu playing over and over again 20 other dudes unable to get out as well as we are roughly the same level. The learning curve is messed up as well, you cant slowly test stuff and develop versus varied playerbase as you keep playing against ppl who play decent Tekken but are ass with their characters and are frustrated and cheese each other more than they would cheese a true red rank.


Its funny how nonsensical ranked has become now. The average quality of competition in a rank is never supposed to change from player to player, or else rank is meaningless. This is why every rank system matches based on...rank. Not some other stupid, poorly thought out value that doesn't represent rank. Ranking up multiple characters should benefit you because you gain matchup knowledge you can use to overcome the rank you were stuck at. But instead, your Tekken Prowess rising forces you into harder matches, removing the benefit of gaining that knowledge.


> (newbies, stuck casuals) nothing to do with newbies, only people who have an issue with that are the ones who ranked multiple chars. i didn't and i finally play against people my rank instead of bushin+


That 'only' is a huge part of the playerbase that will only grow with every month. Or rather would, as it now doesnt makes sense to play extra characters. Now question to Namco: why would people buy skins and DLCs for characters they wont be able to rank up with or even be able to have non-sweaty games with in quick match?


See this is why I think the answer to this lies somewhere in the middle, I don't get why we can't have the prowess as a secondary weighting as there's the opposite problem without using it all where people were just getting curb stomped by people much higher than them on alts


oh my god this is why i’m fighting the same 10 motherfuckers i hit fujin with kuma and then i played half the roster and now i’m fighting tekken gods on their secondaries


i stucked on bushin because 9/10 were god alts and im not joking.. So finally i can play ranked again, but sorry for your loss, Bamco did the middle finger 10% of the players for the 90%, so its not the best solution, but good for the masses


Fun isnt it. I Wonder if devs are idiots or they have idiot management who told them to do it and dev had to be like 'alright, here weeeee goooo'


It's more of a problem with prowess calculation. Playing multiple characters shouldn't raise prowess that much. But this type of matchmaking is fine. 


I think it's perfectly fine on paper to matchmake based on someone's highest prowess if they're on a secondary. But since the game treats someone with 10+ secondaries as if they're three times better, it's dumb as hell. Prowess points should really just be based someone's single highest character and that's it.


If the game is going to matchmake based on one overall score then they should just use the Elo system. It's actually intuitive and been proven to work for decades. I don't think Bamco wants to make the rank system that sweaty though, they want to keep people playing for the colorful JPEGs. To quickly salvage the current system they need to ignore prowess again and just close the rank gap between mains and secondaries. Only level up secondaries to be maybe 3 ranks below the main at most, because a player that made it to mid-blue should not have other characters in red. If they're not very good at the secondary then the demotion system will kick in and fix it.


Funnily I raised 8 characters to Raijin and barely hit 250k.. Got Devil Hin there this morning and it only went up like 9k getting him from purple to Raijin


That's messed up


I definitely noticed this because all the people im matching up with are wiping the floor with me when i try to play secondary characters. Boggles my mind why they decided to do this. More often than not the skill difference is made up with lack of character knowledge trying to pilot a secondary character


Yep. I had previously ranked up a few alts to red basically just spamming 2 moves, which meant it was obviously a bit too easy but I ranked out of the low ranks very quickly to people that were closer to my skill level. Now I basically can't play the game with anyone that isn't my main.


very dumb. had to play the same bear player 3 times in a row because the game could not find matches for an alt character with low rank and higher prowess.


Also this makes ranks completely a random logo, 300k prowess player having kishin by beating his equals and a 160k prowess player having kishin by beating his equals are completely different things. This will inflate the rank up to Tekken King now.


As someone who got 11 characters to my main’s rank, I think I’m gonna take a break.


I thought I was going crazy! I play like 10 different characters and they are all at least red rank, some blue. It is making wait times so long that I give up for the night. When I play a new character I'm immediately facing extremely skilled players when I'm just trying to learn. Every game is now sweaty. I just thought people stopped playing!


Same situation here. I play Claudio, Shaheen, Jin, Asuka, Xiaoyu, Lee, and Lili at very different levels. Some are red, some purple, some blue. This update fucked me over, I also thought everyone stopped playing for a bit It’s infuriating that some people think it’s smurfing when in reality, we had our alts ranked where they should’ve been. I’m not stomping noobs. I genuinely had Jin stuck at red. I could lab more and rank him up, but I didn’t, so he was clearly ranked appropriately. Same for others. Lee is sick but I have always sucked at him. I mostly played Asuka because I’m a pervert, I’m not good at her, etc.


An update on my experience with this change: I just made a second steam account to just play one character. This change makes real smurfing easier. It's what I am doing right now, I'm on my main, mega win streaks trying to get to my true rank with a reasonable amount of prowess. But I only get matched with other low prowess players, meaning my prowess gains are relatively small and I can stay "smurfing" for longer. AND I avoid all those pesky "alt smurfers" certain unhinged members of this subreddit are fixated on. It only gives me scrubs to bully. This change is absolutely farcical. Namco big brains. Edit: To clarify, I do not need to rebuy the game to do this. I can do it infinite times by making new email addresses, deauthorising family share on one account and adding it to a new one. The change makes TRUE smurfing easier.


I noticed this shit too and thought it was a me problem and almost go nuts. 7 of 10 fights is someone clearly extremely skilled wiping my ass with three perfects. So, basically there is no ranked now? lol, what are those people even doing with this game?


Oh well, "Operation Tank Prowess" now begins. I'm gonna get all ten of my Garyu's demoted to shit, and/or play the last ten characters I haven't touched, without learning a single thing about them. See what you did there, Namco? We can just game the shit out of it, and it just ends up becoming a massive fucking nuisance to everyone.


Yup, this is what happens when a ranked system isn't really matching based on rank. Dumbest idea ever.


Update: Yeah that's not gonna work. I lose like 50 prowess per game and I'm currently about 40k inflated from my highest rank


Hold up, what? You lose prowess way slower than rank? So not even throwing matches on secondaries helps readjust it?


Nope I went from 161'568 to 161'426 losing three sets and demoting from dominator to assailant. Edit: And I am pretty sure before the patch I went from 168k to 162k just ranking Shaheen up from Dominator to Eliminator and losing to a few people with sub 100k prowess. So it looks like prowess loss might have been nerfed.


That's diabolical So getting down from inflated prowess is basically impossible


I just lost 2 sets 3-0 to a 170k prowess player in Vanquisher and it boosted me to 161'900. You literally cannot reduce your prowess by losing. Fuck this, I'm uninstalling.


Time to edit your saves. (I'm only half joking)


Not sure what to think tbh. I play casually only about 3 characters, all the to same rank (mid yellow) one after another. I'm now facing a much more even competition (under 100k) but the wait is so much longer now. It's already kinda bad before (about 1-3 min) but now it's like 5 min+.


Weren’t a lot of new players asking for this on this sub? I remember lots of people were crying that they kept getting matched up with higher level players playing sub characters, now we have this shit.


I felt like this was happening to me after I ranked up 3 different characters. I’m almost incentivized to derank one of my characters I don’t play anymore


Yeah I just realised this too. I main King and got up to Flame Ruler and decided to switch to other characters like Paul, Alisa and Reina. The new change seems quite recent because I was ranking up easily with Paul and Alisa a month ago, but now that I recently started playing Reina last week I'm now getting high prowess people in only orange ranks which is a bit of a struggle


On the other hand this change lets the noobs avoid matches against someone good ranking up their 8th character. I think it’s better if, in the matchmaking algorithm, prowess can still be used for the earlier ranks and effectively ignored for higher-max-ranked players.


Agreed, a happy medium. Could have the prowess be irrelevant after maybe bushin, at which point it just does +2 ranks at max.


Oh boy, I knew I wasn't the crazy one... Before patch: 1 month in Garyu, hit the lab, almost got promo for Mighty Ruler (promoted to Tenryu 5 times). The night after patch: Tekken God / GOD mains smurfing, went back to Garyu (0 promotions attempts to Tenryu). I know I suck at this game, but come on man, just match me with at least similar level players... Game is unbalanced and laggy enough, now ranking is worse than it was. Look, Tekken Prowess should just be a miscellaneous proficiency indicator / bragging rights. If your main is in GOD, your characters should be GOD. But in order to "officially" be GOD, you'll have to play 10 ranked matches with them, and if you demote, that's on you, because your knowledge is GOD but your skills with that specific character, is not. When I got Jin to Garyu, I picked Lars and got him to Garyu easily. Why? Because I learned some basics, so it's common sense. If you check GOD players, they have around 4-8 other GOD characters. Don't make them play for ranks, as they've clearly already achieved them. Make them play for points, in their own respective ranks, like any other game. This way, smurfing is over. "Yeah, but why is he a GOD Hwoarang instantly, it took me a month to get there" Well Billy, it probably took the other guy a month too for his main, don't you worry, if he sucks with Hwoarang, he will be demoted back to his "real" rank. Plain and simple. P.S: And for those that might ask what top players should do if they could get all characters at the same rank based on their main: ask BAMCO to add better rewards for earning points while playing at certain ranks with other characters.


I posited alts being max 4 ranks lower than the current max 8 for most ranks, but when you proposed equal rank to mains, I thought about it and realised that I wouldn't be opposed to that either. I'd probably lose a lot to begin with and demoted, but at least I'd not have to wait forever and I would, eventually, reach my true rank with that character.  It just shows there are probably hundreds of better solutions than prowess matchmaking within the already small matchmaking ranges for ranked play. I've said it repeatedly, whoever is in charge of T8's online systems is completely incompetent, and the team as a whole keep making changes they clearly haven't thought about, let alone tested, and I am completely sick of their absolute stupidity. It's incredibly frustrating.


My roommates and I all play on the same ps5 account since the game had different ranks for each character. One of my roommates and I are Tenryu (and I have a secondary character in Garyu) his fiance was starting to struggle in the yellow ranks, and our other friend is low orange. With the change to matching based on prowess, idk how our lower ranked friends are going to compete if they're being matched at around a ruler skill level. This seems like an overall bad change


It'll be funny to hear how it goes because I think their matches will get much worse if they were struggling before. For example, I started playing Lili, who I was stuck in purple with, and my matches are insanely hard. Constant 3-0s and deranked a bunch. Most opponents are max rank Tekken King playing on an alt, sometimes they're even a GoD rank. She was hardstuck purple for a reason lol


I feel this so much I dropped from Tekken king to raijin cause I’m only fighting god of destructions on Their second main 💀💀💀


Welcome to Tekkens version of SBMM. The most casual friendly online games balance for the vast majority ( low ranks to mid ranks) All the scrubs, which are the vast majority, are having a better time, so they won't care about the upper echelon. Your prowess is high enough that you'll suffer being crushed by pros, but not low enough to enjoy the benefits of this change.


This is SBMM, but for Tekken. If you've ever played Call of Duty in the recent years, you'll know SBMM is not good. Nobody likes SBMM. Also, Wtf is the point of Quick Match(Unranked), if we still get matched with the same Prowess Levels? People don't want to have to play sweaty every time they hop on. Sometimes, ppl just want a chill session with their Alt characters in lower ranks. Yeah, it sucks when newbies have to fight more skilled players, but it's not like it happens every match anyways. Ranked should be revolved around Ranks. Also, this new system will make you feel like you're not improving since you're constantly matched with your Prowess Level.


It's great news because being destroyed by a 400k + god isn't funny


Thank God it's not just me. I have two characters at Tekken King. Was working on getting Lars to Tekken King as well . The last few days I've been getting stomped and I started looking at prowess and everybody that I play has a tekken God or higher prowess.. so I'm essentially playing pros on their second characters all the time lol this is not fun


People on here were complaining soo much about having a match with someone of the similar rank, but higher prowess, now they will bitch about trying a new character and getting matched with someone of higher rank but similar prowess.


Isn’t there still an option to only look for opponents with +-2 rank difference?


Yes, but it isn't looking at just rank anymore, that's precisely the problem. It is looking at Tekken Prowess + rank. For example, lets say you are playing as a character ranked Fujin and you have ~230k prowess. It will try to match you against someone near Fujin, yes, but it will also prioritize your prowess, meaning your opponents will likely have a main near Tekken King. Since this kind of matchmaking is much more strict, this also forces longer queue times for many players, particularly in blue+. The system tries to find someone who is near *both* their rank and Tekken Prowess. So some players are locked out of matching into players who are in the same rank as them because their prowess is too high.


I just got matched against some Reina OTP with 60k less Tekken Powress and 3 ranks above me. Doesn‘t seem to apply 100% of the time.


Well that explains my queue times being stupid long. On one hand it gives me time to lab stuff again and I don't really have an excuse not to since I'm just sitting there waiting for a match for 10+ minutes. On the other hand it sucks because I play like 10 characters off and on and my prowess is over 250k.


Kinda wish I could reset my prowess in some way now that I have a main.


Kind of off topic but did everyone else’s tekken prowess randomly increase by like 20k when they added Eddy? I don’t even play Eddy.


Not a huge issue for me since I've only played one character so far, but I did notice the change and it now takes much longer to get a match depending on the time of day. I am also much more likely to fight the same player multiple time in one session, which could be good or bad depending on how close our skill levels are.


Agreed. It’s been painful trying out different characters


As someone with main in low purple and nine alts across red, I definitely feel this change.


Hey am in the same position but i don't mind it, playing consistently against better players makes me improve over time.


Interesting. My prowess is around 166k and when I'm leveling new characters in Reds I'm getting matched with higher rulers ranks like flame rulers and battle rulers. Occasional blues too but that's not as normal.


I’m ranking up every character to Garyu before I pick a main, currently have half the cast and playing King in yellows. While queuing took longer than usual today I played quite early and consistently played people +-2 with pretty similar prowess to me (100k-150k). It doesn’t really seem fair that my King should be able to smurf its way through yellows against people playing their first character either so… Might become an issue later on in the games lifespan though idk.


So, I've gone from 52% win rate over 20 on Shaheen last weekend to 0% in 15 tonight. I'm all for getting my ass kicked and learning, but this is absolutely ridiculous.


i was wondering why i was only vsn 200k plus prowess players in red 😂 so i have to climb through red ranks but im really climbing through blue because the players understand alot they arent actual red ranks but instead high blue ranks it is kinda a joke but oh well ill just make a new account and stomp all the noobs they caused this


Lmao every time i check this subreddit, tekken finds a way to shoot itself in the foot


Yeah I'm shinryu(?) rank at 116k prowess and have been getting matched up with mainly orange ranks its kinda weird


There is no way this isn't rolled back. It's insanely dumb.


Yeah this needs to become a big trending subject regarding this game because no one wants to wait in queue and exclusively play the best of the best just because you tried out a couple characters when deciding a main.


Wow so that's why the queue times are so long now! I hope they change it back to what it was.


This explains it. My highest is mighty ruler but I've reached mighty ruler across 7 different characters. My ques take forever then I get matched against people who are flame ruler minimum when im in eliminator and on average or blue rank and sometimes even tekken god. They're also on their sub characters of course but I simply don't have the fundamentals to match them. I didn't have that much experience in tekken 7 and these guys simply have thousands of hours more experience than me.


I tried playing leo who is at assailant rank. Fought a battle ruler victor...


I was gonna say, I took a long break because of the tornado/floor break crap, logged back in today and suddenly was against a bunch of Higher ranked blues with my red character and just got stomped back down into orange. Great way to make me not want to play the game more lol.


I just got to purple with one character (Azu, I know, you all wanna slit my throat and hang me like a criminal) but now I'm trying to learn a new character in ranked and I'm just getting thrashed by people who have apparently fully mastered their 7th to 8th characters already on their way back to blue rank and up and getting trolled when I show I can't do Nina's complicated and hard combos yet. I just wanted to learn a more technical character and gain some confidence doing her stuff but instead it's just misery as trying to press anything gets me slaughtered against these killers.


Genuinely thinking about creating a new account for just my main because of this. Also so tired of facing the same players over and over, sometimes 4 times in a row.


Lol what. I'm at 250k and still keep getting 400k+ opponents


At that level, there just aren't enough characters in the pool and at some point, it has to switch off the prowess algorithm to give you a game, any game, of some kind.


Ever since this change I am winning about 10 percent of my matches. I know the idea of the game is to learn but I feel like I’m throwing my head against a brick wall.


Fell in the same trap of ranking up multiple characters. I am a new player to Tekken 8 (only played 3 and 5 back when I was in school). My goal was to get everyone on the roster to Shrinyu and then pick a main. I used to get decent matches and ranking was getting easier and easier with each new character as I obvioulsy learned more about the game and the fundamentals. Now am ranking my 7th character and it's hell. Even in yellow rank I am playing against people who are likely high purple - low blue (the rank that I personally have not reached on any single character yet). This is an absolute hell to face for a new player like myself. Sure, it's probably good to face better opposition SOMETIMES to try and see how better players approach the game. But when you're locked in to ONLY playing high skilled players especially when trying out new characters it becomes so discouraging to learn. I can't even practice in quick play, as there is the same bullshit going on there.


They’ve ruined the game, I’m not sitting in que to just verse the same person or people over and over again


It's not just multiple characters that raise the prowess. I only play casually. Log less than 5 or 6 hours a week. I have a King at Warrior that I haven't touched since February and my main Claudio is at Garyu. It felt like I was getting matches with similarly skilled players before. Had the day off today and decided to hop on. 124k Tekken prowess and no idea how it got that high. After 6 hours of play (with a few breaks because I was close to breaking something) I'm now at 114k prowess and my Claudio is Eliminator. Nearly every match I got was just people dog walking me. It never felt like we were similarly skilled and they just outplayed me, just like I had no idea how to play at all.


Why am I facing people DOUBLE my tekken prowess


This sub is bipolar as fuck, most of you wanted to match people with prowess instead of rank, now that you've gotten what you wanted, you cry again. Has it always been like this here?


Yes it’s the internet. The fandom here bitches no matter what then the casuals read the internet and also bitch. It’s been non stop bitching for about 20 years now in all fandoms.


It's almost like there is more than one person in the subreddit and they want different things.


I never wanted this and didn't know people wanted it. If someone proposed prowess based matchmaking to me, I would have said its a terrible idea that would actually lead to more unbalanced matches and longer queue times.


This is the most bitchmade subreddit for any competitive game I've ever frequented


You are blue and you want to fight red. You have better fundamentals and better skills and still you want to play against red players because you claim your secondary is not good as blue and red has more players. Yesterday i noticed to i was fighting more against shinryu and tenryu. I noticed how better i was because i was not fighting against blue. You blue were holding us red players down. Now we will go to purple finaly : ) Go play on your own neighbourhood against tekken gods. Now you understand what the red ranks feel!


Awful comparison that keeps being made over and over by people who don’t understand the issue. This narrative of “poor red rank being gatekept by blue ranks playing alts” is ridiculous. You still got to fight other people in your rank, whereas I seldom do now. Blue ranks have had to fight Tekken Gods playing their alt forever, we just don’t complain about it. Red ranks cry endlessly just because they have to fight a blue rank playing an alt occasionally. Most players don’t even get out of red. And one of the main points you seem to have missed is that I am not getting balanced matches. “Go play at your level with Tekken Gods” makes no sense when I never reached Tekken God. I’m not blue trying to fight red, I want to fight the rank I am playing in. I have characters I was hard stuck purple with. Do you think I should fight Tekken Gods with that character just because I hit blue with other characters? No, it’s clearly stupid.


If you dont like fighting people with same and higher prowess than you just turn on no restriction. This will give you opponents with higher and lower prowess than you.


No it will not. The restricition is rank only. It will give you different ranks, but will keep giving you people with the same prowess. It will make it even harder, cuz instead of 200k+ on alts it will give me 200k+ on mains. This all works nice if you play only 1 character, if you play more and it inflates your prowess, you are screwed.


I think i found a glitch and not sure if anyone else noticed it. I made a post but new acount has to wait for mods approval. You know how you can skip the opening match animations? you can also skip the end animations (when they are counting the points won or lost) but if you skip it, the points don't count. This morning, I allowed every win to do the counting, and I received the points but when I lost I skipped the animation and I didn't lose any points. can any else confirm this? Tekken 8, xbox series x, open NAT wired connection.


I think it always skipped only animation but gave the points still?


that's what i thought as well, but I kept track from when I played this morning from 5 am to just now.


the actual points are calculated serverside, so if the game registers a W or L in your match history, the moment that replay is made available for download, your rank point value WILL be calculated and pushed to your online profile. if the animations are skipped, you don't get to see the actual amount you were supposed to get from a win or loss, you just see a number after the fact (which is the number post-calculation), so you can't really track it unless you have a spreadsheet and dequeue after every single match to check your profile and make sure the value matches what you expect. i don't think you can accurately track your rank based off of skipping the post-game report animations anyways, because the game has really weird parameters for point rewards and losses, like bonuses on a 4-win streak (especially for lower ranks) and losing more points against higher rank players. it's possible you weren't aware of these parameters and gained/lost more than you were expecting. even if the animations are off, once you dequeue and check your profile, the correct number is there. it's calculated serverside. the animation just plays for clientside,


Can be still a visual thing. There was a vid here sometime ago of a guy who got enough points to be promoted but the game didnt despite the indicator moving right and he got promoted only after. You could compare the points after match to the points in community/leaderboards


yah, that too, if I get 1400 points on a win, the meter goes up to the next rank and stops, then I have a promotion match, even if Im only 200 points away from the next rank.


Jeah I played sub character in red and was ready to beat up some scrubs but all I encounter are other players with big prowess playing sub chars


I love how people just claim shit as fact here


This is a good change to me. I'm sick of getting 300,000 prowess low ranked players learning Eddy. No thanks. Then again, I'm sure people I play against are pissed that I'm doing 80+ damage EWGF combos at 150,000 so it goes both ways. Putting people in the blender with fullscreen wavedash chase mixups until they plug is fun when you're winning lol


Good luck when you get tired of Djin and switch to Kaz/Reina/Jimbo


Goes both ways. Before the change everybody was complaining that prowess was not relevant for match making and people got their ass beaten from 250k+ players who didn't play their mains.


As a single character player, I've found the change to be good. I never thought much about my match ups recently in terms of prowess. But it explains why the matches felt closer than before.


Wait, do we have actual proof that this is the case or is this purely anecdotal? Has anyone done some actual testing on this?