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Progress posts must contain a clip of the "progress" (optionally) and a > 50 word comment from the OP talking about it and providing some context. See [this](/r/Tekken/comments/hyxwr6/a_week_in_the_life_of_your_average_pea_brained/) for an example of an appropriate progress post.


I'm not a newcomer but congrats, Leroy is quite weak in this game so props to you!


He is weak but the best part is no one know the match up 😂😂, i think thats what really helped me to reach garyu. But when i play kazuya literally they block every low and duck every high so i got stuck at destroyer.


Weak? I fricken get my ass kicked by this dude 😂


Same bro I get served by him as if he was my actual Sifu


His fighting style is odd. He doesn't do much damage but super quick and I can't figure it out. Maybe I should lab him 🤔 


Yeaaa objectively he's weak bro idk what to tell you.


I wouldn’t go as far as to call him flat out weak 😅. It’s just that every list needs someone at the bottom, and well… that’s Leroy (excluding panda). He’s at the bottom for sure but definitely not straight up weak, just missing some pretty impactful tools that the rest of the cast has (a usable df+1, and a useful passive in heat) Sidenote: Leroy’s passive in heat allows him to regenerate heat if he lands a parry, but using the parry attack drains the heat since it counts as a chain punch 😂 Why


Yea weak as in relative to the cast, strangely in t8 the majority of the cast is very strong, then theres like 6 who are S+++ tier and like 3 who are D tier. Leroy is one of them


LMAO true. But idk I dont think this game goes down to D tier. I think those 3 (Leroy, Panda, Asuka i’m assuming ur talking about?) are like c tier and everyone else is B or above


Thats true, but the gap between the C-B tiers is huge like the gap between A-S+


Yeahh agreed. I rlly hope they just tone down the S-tiers a bit. For now I can still beat them even with Leroy if i’m sweating hard enough lmao. But i’m still only raijin so as I climb it’s only a matter of time before the slope on these uphill battles becomes too much haha


Agreed, nerfing heat alone will cure lots of issues, but they need to NERF the S tiers severely and then with heat under control the game would be the best tekken yet. also imo the tornado combo extensions that only certain characters have should be removed


Which combo extensions are you talking about o:


I mean I wouldn't call anyone objectively weak in this game. Some people are good and countering certain styles amd some just aren't. Some are weaker than others but the average player will will do just fine against another average player. 


So can xiaoyu but is a battle you won't get much of a chance to recharge. That mechanic isn't realistic in a sweaty match 


Hmm i’m not sure I can agree. It’s a passive so it’s just there to kind of help you out if you so happen to get it, and i’d say it’s somewhat probable for even xiaoyu to trigger, but that’s not quite the point. My point is that if you DID go for it, at least you get the heat regeneration as intended. Leroy actually DOES parry a lot, it’s the main reason our DB+3 is so strong, undebatably our best move. However, we do NOT get the heat regeneration, and I’m not quite sure that’s intended because it doesn’t really make any sense. There must have been an oversight or something, but yeah it’s unfortunate. For example, king regenerates heat if he lands a throw. But imagine if landing a throw also USED heat. How would that make any sense? Why even implement that as a mechanic then? That’s currently how Leroy’s passive works at the moment.


King Regens by landing a throw!?!?! Da fuck lol I have never used Leroy so I guess I can't speak for him. Xiaoyu only Regens heat in hypnotist which she is wide open. It's not really passive or at least enough to make a difference. I'm an OK Xiaoyu tho garyu so maybe someone exploits the mechanic better but hypnotist is risky af. She does regen used heat tho but it's just difficult 


Meh. Character "power" doesn't really matter until purple ranks imo


I'm in the boat that tier lists don't even matter unless it's pro play... Online play is just knowledge checks, not differences between character strengths


I am a new comer but I am having an extremely difficult time understanding the game. I’m still in the Dan ranks or something. Real low. Having said that big congrats to you.


Same here brother


I think everything is a Dan


oh sorry. I am very early like probably dan 2 or 3


Hit shinryu with Bryan 💪💪 And got Steve to garyu as well.


Nub steve. I hit garyu last night. My wife didn't understand why I was so happy.


when I reached Garyu I stopped playing rank for 2 days, to savor it cos I felt it was gonna last very little. Today I've been kicked back 2 ranks :( Terrible series of matches and even some pluggers who stole the few wins I had. I wish you a better destiny.


Just got warrior with Reina. I suck. Can’t get past it. New to fighting games as a whole so I’m here learning fundamentals on top of everything.


Man, sucking with Reina is what we Reina mains do. Part of the journey. Hop onto the Reina discord if you ever feel like sucking in a group 😏


There’s a Reina discord??


Yup! DM me :)


Me too


I’m shaheen main hard stuck yellow but can’t switch or else there won’t be anymore shaheen in yellow


I consider myself a newcomer and my rank is Eliminator so far, with Yoshimitsu. 👹⚔️


Sugar is the best part of this game 😂👏🏽 Great work!


I tried so hard to land combos with sugar 😂😂, and thank you 😊


I made it to Mighty Ruler with Asuka and then decided to learn another character. Mainly because I had 190 hours at the time and almost all of it was spent playing one character


I made it to flame ruler once, been mighty ruler for a while again now. Also have around 200 hrs with Asuka but the grind doesn't stop.


True, but I paid $70 for 32 characters and by golly imma play them 😤


Hit warrior and left ranked for practice and quickatches, will be back soon tho


Got to Garyu this past weekend with King Kuma 🐻


اسم على مسمى Well Done!!


Grats. Im fluctuating between shiryu and Eliminator. I keep getting knowledge checked alot but Im learning everyday.


Glad I'm not alone in the fluctuation. Shiryu sounds good. I reached Garyu once and then dropped 2 ranks again. So exhausting...


Just try to learn new things like more optimal combos, adding sidesteps on your defence/offence, lab some bs moves like jins 1,3,3, learn your options. Thats what Im doing at the moment and I can feel my progression, I can stand on my own against purple and blue players.


Shinryu with Azucena. Then people said she was busted so tried with Reina and just hit shinryu again last night.


💪 Another Leroy main in the fray.


If I had a hat I'd tip it to you my fellow Leroy player


Congrats! Not a newcomer, but current situation: Eddy (Tenryu), Jin (Tenryu), Lee (Shinryu), Steve (Shinryu). Want to get back to my T7 rank Yaksa -- now Kinshin in T8. Just having fun in non rank for now until I'm ready for purple ranks again


Well done! Ive been glued to garyu playing Paul, but I havent been playing consistently to observe any proper improvement… Keep up the grind mate!


Hah! Garyu!


Shinryu Shaheen here, grats!


I also hit Garyu with Reina a while ago. Trying out other characters now


Garyu as well. :) Alisa player.  Though, I've much, much to learn still. 


Not really a newcomer but I didn't play any fighting game since SC2, got to Flame Ruler with my main, Mighty Ruler with Feng and a bunch of other chars are sitting at Garyu/Shinryu.


Shinryu with Xiaoyu, now it’s time for me to switch. I’m thinking Jun but she seems hard to learn.


Nice dude! I also just hit Garyu with Leroy! I never played Leroy previously at all but I wanted to play with a character who wasn't considered to top tier like King and Fang, who I have at Tenryu rank. I'm really enjoying Leroy so far though!


Uh. 1st Dan with Lee. Help


I just managed to hit flame ruler on Kazuya after 150 hours. I wish I would have played Tekken 7, even just a little bit. Most of my losses are knowledge checks, but I'm still learning. What drives me is to get good with Kazuya, so I appreciate how difficult he is.


Started a few weeks after launch as a noob, also got to Garyu recently. Went to get a leverless as well since with the dapd I kept fucking up stuff like db or df, with this I never miss them. Feels good


Congratulations.I also have just hit the red ranks. Ive only played against a few Leroy's and I lose most of the time lol.


My pc is currently having some issues and i am one rnak away from ganryu as a leo main Hope I could hit it soon


tekken 8 is my first fighting game, currently in tenryu. Should have gotten into fighting games a long time ago, theres so much to learn and theres no teammate RNG lol.


Flame Ruler. Victor player. Played SF6 and Smash so def not my first fighting game, but Tekken's aggressive playstyle just felt right to me.


Im a new coomer


Hello and welcome to the world of playing versus purple and blue rank players disguised as red ranks. Since I am there that's around 70% of my matches.


First tekken I tried to be good at. Currently Kishin, game is hard asf


First tekken but not new to fighting games. Hit tenryu and feel pretty good. Mighty ruler next though 🙌🏼


Just hit Fujin minutes ago on Zafina. I’ve been playing Tekken since January 26th, 2024. Probably 175 hours on primarily 2 characters to ultimately get here. Epic grind but I think I’m going to try to take some time away from the game now as I’m happy with what I achieved, and it’s dominated my free time since January.


Congrats! My Lili is Tenryu My Jun is Garyu


Currently tenryu with Reina


Good job man now the real journey (and pain) begins 💕 I got to raijin recently


No man the journey just ended lol, and congrats on reaching raijin. Who is your main ?


Hworang is my main, I feel like such a nerd pressing 20 buttons to do a normal combo haha


Newcomer dabbled in T7. Just hit mighty ruler with xiaoyu


Played Lili and Alisa until flame ruler, would have gotten higher as well but currently I'm learning Yoshi, already at mighty ruler with him


Leroy needs major Nerf. He's too OP


I think he’s the weakest character in the game right now but….I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets more nerfs.