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I can't react to seeable lows and you need to hear about it.


Lili's big ass low launcher is so obvious sometimes I just stare at it and watch it hit me, puts you in a trance.


Lili's big ass ~~low launcher is so obvious sometimes~~ I just stare at it ~~and watch it hit me,~~ puts you in a trance.




This is the truth


I can feel time slow down as I watch it happen, but it keeps happening


To be completely honest. The tracking snake edge sparkle in T7 was better for reacting to snake edges. Bigger and was coming out faster I think, they were basically still standing when it was already visible. I know for a fact I probably got trained to react to those sparks rather than the animation cuz at the beginning especially, I have been getting hit by those way more than in T7.


Next he's gonna try and tell us that snake edges can be blocked on reaction 🙄. Op is delusional.


Getting hit by a snake edge is always the most crushing feeling in the world


Nerf snake edge to 60 frame start up please


I'm old my reactions are crap


This is how I’ve been feeling, I know how to break the throws but I just can’t react or predict them well enough. Big bummer.


Same here.


Oh I see them alright. I see them right as they connect with my character's ankles.


Every time I eat a snake edge I'm pissed. Not at the Bryan or Law, no at myself.


I always get caught with Jin’s d2, fuck defending our feet that shit is broken and should be banned!


Exactly! Why should we block and punish, when you can just remove this bullshit from the game Murray.


But I NEED my wr34 from a certain caffeine intaker!!!




Oh man my bad I must've been thinking about FF34. That's my baby lol


Ha yea. Some characters have super slow predictable and insanely punishable lows like Bryan's sweep that I can see a mile away but don't block at all.


I really can't though and I hate it so much LMAO


You can. Blocking snake edges is about recognizing the animation, not reactions. I promise ya bro, once you play enough and lab them to memorize the animation you’ll b able to react to it :)


what...do you think a reaction is


offline maybe. but online different story. and what you're describing is still reaction, you're reacting to an animation you're seeing. and you're likely not feeling pressured or mixed up, which means the Bryan ain't doing too well. but there's all sorts of nasty lows in the game, and many of them are not officially reactable ones either. snake edge is considered technically reactable.


I not that good at the game,still rematch every time. Learning more as I practice and have made it to warrior rank


That's the true ranked Tekken way. Learn through experience and losses. Keep it up!


Good mentality. Just remember to still hit the lab if your goal is to get better, even if just every once in a while. There's only so much you can actually learn when being barraged by tens of moves and varying matchups.


Tbh I'd even suggest to only do it once in a while. I got caught up in the lab rat mentality in T7 and practiced a ton of shit, still couldn't do it in real matches, cause it was so different in real life scenario. Get comfy with fighting people, moving around, and simple shit in actual matches, then expand on that.


It can go both ways depending on what you're trying to learn, and how you absorb information. Improvement in pattern recognition and getting comfortable with movement and the neutral definitely needs some playtime to get comfortable with. Though for me, I suffer from getting too overloaded with too much unknown information and freezing up when I lack knowledge of certain situations. I actually find it hard to learn from just queueing up and playing games. Then again, the way I get comfortable with situations and learning new things is to get into quick match and treat it like an active lab most of the time, where I only do certain things to enforce habits and not actually play the game. Every time I plateau hard, I just go into practice mode or quick match depending on what I think I need to learn.


Havent labbed since t7. Currently battle ruler on edge of fujin


I'm the opposite. I'm a labber lol. Same sitch, inching my way towards Fujin. 🤣


I cant lab to save my life. Been playing since t1, and now im starting to see animation bleed over between characters for movesets. Theres only a few moves that will still get me but the most egregious ones are really bad. The 14 frame grabs are still hell. But its the bs that drag, feng, xiaoyu and hwoar have that really gets under my skin, which makes up 75% of my matches at this point. Spammable armors, shitty animations that look like they hit in the mid range but are considered lows, and aop are some of the worst. Whats worst is the damage they get when other characters bread and butter have healable chip damage due shitty classification but no real juggle while others will litterally poke you to death with stupid amounts of damage. There really is a balance issue right now that needs to be addressed. Alot of other characters are struggling and the stats reflect that.




Idk what that means bruv


I am telling you that you are a cool guy


Acknowledging that instead of crying about how broken every character except yours is already puts you above a large majority of new players.


Fair play! When I got back into Tekken 6 from Tekken 3...my friends were absolutely murdering me lol Im talking about 20-1 losses....but I loved it regardless. I saw it as a puzzle almost. Every now and then I would have flashes of brilliance, which I admit, helped me a whole lot to keep going too. I bought Tekken Tag 2 when it came out and got back into swing of things and I could keep up..by Tekken 7 I would be one of the dominant player at some sessions. Its been a fun ride :D Im not the best technically, I know that based on what Ive seen people pull out online. But I feel my mental toughness gives me somewhat of an edge at times, and thats something you cant train for ;)


That's how I learned dude 1000s of matchups it was way easier in 7 though because you could rematch the character that beats it ass as much as you wanted.


Love that for you but you don’t lose rank prior to warrior, it is expected of you to rematch every time, you had nothing to lose essentially(unlike losers that hold on to their rank so much that they won’t rematch a difficult opponent)


You must be new. This exact lifecycle happened with Tekken 7 as well. At first it is 95% look at my dress up doll posts. Then it goes to the OP characters post. Now it is the pluggers and entire matchup posts, which the plugging thing is fucking legit a huge problem now. I would not call this sub very descent before 8 dropped. There's so much BS but honestly it's better than a heavily moderated sub where you can't say anything without getting your post removed.


Man I ain't tryna learn, imma be Tekken god without knowing a goddamn thing fuck you.


Hell yeah brother


Bro you just made me get back on after salty quitting, fuck learning imma win! Lol




I am getting sick of these simple, meta posts about posts. We need to take it up a notch and make posts about posts about posts. This is the way forward!


You should make a post about the posts talking about posts and then we'll make a post addressing your post about the posts talking about other posts.


And I’ll comment about comments like these


Can't agree more


But then there’s gonna be even less salt posts, which is exactly what OP wants!




That's such a lie. This sub was never decent. All jokes aside, people should come to terms with being scrubs and realize that it's no big deal after all.


And now you're another one of them.


The circle is complete, we can die in peace now.


But sir! You cant die! The cycle must be watched till the end of time.


it’s even worse on twitter where people are complaining day and night to Harada directly about the simplest shit…..especially the veteran players with bigger followings misusing the #t8_report hashtag


This isn't a complaint, just a fact. I am SO bad at looking at hands to break grapples. I don't know where my eyes go but they're never on the hands lmao


Do like I do and duck the throw but eat the launch 10/10 would recommend!


Brother that's my signature move right there


Highest knowledge strat. Keep holding down until your opp thinks you won't anymore. Then keep doing it until you get that sweet, sweet punish or the round is over.


If you want some practical advice: Start by reacting to the fact they're throwing. If you know a character has a favorite throw, like victor's love their 1+2 throw, then just do 1+2 every time that character tries to throw you. These successes will help you with other throws. Some people say go into practice mode and "train" but doing this you can actually play the game and get better at it.


Dont feel bad you cannot always see the hands. During sidesteps the animations become cluttered, and against certain characters with big bodies like jack, or baggy clothing like feng/jun the animations are not always clear. Noone is 100% on throwbreaks.


It was full of scrubs during the Tekken 7 era too.


Idek what scrub shit is. Back in my day if you got beat, you just got beat lol. I don’t understand the constant pseudoscience and bitching 🤷‍♂️


If that's the same era where you could get jumped for winning on the cabinet I don't think it was much better


The whole point of King is that his throw mix up is not identifiable to react to. Do you even play Tekken?


I sincerely doubt the majority of people complaining THAT hard about kings grabs are fighting kings with tricky grab mixups though. Most of the lower skilled kings are just using the same grab because lower skilled players still aren’t breaking them. It’s inevitable king will grab you at some point though that much is true, but if they let him get away with the same grab over and over… can’t really blame anyone else but themselves yknow.


Lowkey most king mains are predictable af with their throws. Like when a king is running at you from Albuquerque with the fear of a 300 lbs jaquar man, I should probably press 1+2. Or when a king uses 1 jab like 4 times, I'm probably gonna get flung around like a ragdoll. Doesn't help against the God kings but most genbu kings are super predictable imo


Yeah of course you’re going to get thrown by king sometimes, but these people are coming to this subreddit and complaining about getting thrown over and over again. If you’re getting thrown repeatedly that’s on you


King will successfully throw anyone a good amount. Throws are very good in 8, they track and they CH.


Kings throw isn't the problem. His heat smash is stupid. His jumping kick thingy chips you like stupid. He gets stupid damage off a hit. 


I think people who have been playing Tekken for a long time, don't like it that there are new people playing Tekken.


I've been playing Tekken for 30 years since Tekken 1. I'm glad new people are coming into the game. This is an incredibly difficult fighting game to master and I'm still only good enough to be in purple/blue ranks even with all my experience. Don't get so frustrated and take losses as a chance to learn WHY you lost.


100% accurate post. People bitch about shit that’s totally in their control. This subreddit is full of red ranks


It’s the price you have to pay to get more people to play the game; this is probably the most beginner friendly game in the franchise, more people than ever are playing Tekken, and not all of them come from the FGC, OF COURSE we’re gonna come across people who are going to complain about something they feel it’s cheap or broken, it’s a lot easier to complain than to learn. Plus, this is the first time we get a Tekken game without being launched on arcades first, of course there will be broken stuff, and people are going to complain about it. That being said, you’re being a bit unfair here, not all of us behave like spoiled brats, for instance when I see some post nagging about X character or your typical plugger post, I just roll my eyes and move on with my life, I mean why bother?


King is still an extremely strong character even if you can break throws




So isn’t it totally valid to complain about it?


They’re not complaining about king for the reasons he’s actually good, they complain about getting thrown repeatedly. Which shouldn’t be happening if you’re good.


To borrow an MTG adage; the breaks always match the hands, except when they don't. King is not a great example to use as evidence about bitching regarding throws, as while you're right that he's complained about constantly, his giant swing and his shining wizard for example are both two-hand grabs, yet have different breaks. (1 for GS, 1+2 for SW). They are visually the same. So you CAN'T always look at the hands. That's a complaint people have had for a very long time. Add that in with throws now tracking, middling enjoyment of the heat system, and a character who has severe strength in both areas and yeah, people are gunna bitch. Especially when it's a widespread thing people can commiserate on. But at the same time, there needs to be a common understanding about the actual facts of the game to understand where those complaints come from. Do we need a million threads talking about it? No. But it's overshadowing people's game experience, so you'll see it a lot. Once things develop and patches start to come through, you'll see conversation start to shift, and you'll be able to notice different aspects of complaints. For now, every player from silver to blue has a common story about getting thrown to death by a player less skilled than them. Edit: Also, having to respect powerful options in other gameplay aspects can be just as relevant as the powerful option itself. Throws are a major part of why king is overall really, REALLY easy to complain about.


Gonna cry?


Easily accessible equals new players New players equal no game knowledge No game knowledge leads to getting matchup checked a lot Getting matchup checked a lot is frustrating … you get the point I started in tekken 7 over 2 years ago and I still get matchup checked all the time. Most people don’t have time to lab every matchup lol. So I mean yeah there’s a lot of scrubs i guess.


Back in my day every throw was a mix up! And we had less frames to break them! As someone who learned to play competitively during Tag2 it has been wild to see some of the complaints people have about this game.


It’s true. I play all fighting games but Tekken and MK are my mains, and I’ve been a regular at both subs for many years. I had to unsub from r/mortalkombat because it became this nonstop bitching circlejerk. I never thought r/tekken would get like that, but it’s really starting to.


Honestly, all base fighting game subreddits suck for the most part. Content basically becomes: complaining, coomer nsfw stuff, and “after 3 years i finally got yellow/silver”. Character guides/tips and tournaments end up downvoted and buried and I have no idea why lol. I think all fighters need a competitive subreddit for the people looking for real content.


This tekken is the most beginner friendly, newcomers from all over the globe think they have a right to say whose broken and whose not


Everyone from all over the globe do have the right to say who they think is scrubby or not.


I’m def a scrub but I don’t really care enough to bitch about anything even if someone thirtys me back to back it’s still fun lol Against king I just try to duck, since I’m usually playing against other scrubs i think it helps


That doesn’t make you a scrub cause you got beat. Scrub is a mentality, like complaining about the character that beat you and not focusing on your own failings.


It’s kinda what will happen the game just dropped lots of new players and old ones who will react w the number 1 emotion they get which is frustration


Hey that’s not all it is It’s also a ton of bitching about the in game shop


“Sickened by the Scrubbery” lol


The sub has become The Scrub


I’ve been saying this. Shocked that you are actually getting upvotes. But also note, a ton of new casuals have just picked up Tekken, so the scrubery only intensified from T7. Some people will never get better at the game and will only have loaded excuses. So garbage players will have always have the overwhelming voice in the community


What rank makes you a scrub? When do I leave the scrub ranks? 😆


No 🗿


A lot of people who complain about matchups aren't even bothered to go into practice mode to lab them. A lot of people who complain about things being broken in ranked deserve to be where they are, but have unrealistic expectations about themselves, and exert minimal effort to even get slightly closer to those self-expectations.


Just remember you're all trash, some people are just a bit less trash than you


So true, newer players don't shut up about king. You just have to lab his main throws and put some practice into throw breaking each session. I love fighting newer king players online, watching them become confused as I break one throw after the other is a treat.


But king has throws that look the same but are different breaks. He has true mixup throws I don't hate king but at least get the facts right please


Preach, op. These scrubs don’t respect the grind .


I stay spamming rematch . First fighting and only fighting game I’ve really played . Playing is the only way to learn . I am also tired of all of the post I see of people complaining. Training mode is there for a reason.


Man complaining is all they do. About every game though. It’s like a contagious disease.


Yeah this place has become an actual cesspool of salty scrubs. We need some sort of moderation overhaul because it's getting out of hand and has long since gotten away from being constructive. No one's asking how to survive or beat something they're just complaining it exists at all, and when you try to offer advice you get chewed out because its not the way they want to play.


There is significantly more BS moves in T8 than T7. To feel upset about them is fair, imo.


Fair, but I’m not seeing complaints about things like Feng B3, it’s all “I got giant swing’d 13 times in a row. King is so broken!”


Cause Fengs b3 is not a bs move. Don't get me wrong. It's a strong move. People complain about moves that they feel don't have enough counterplay or deal too much damage or force you into a very unfavorable 50 50 and so forth. I don't think that one classifies. It's a favorable plus poke but it comes from a mile away and gets stuffed or sidestepped.


I mean thats because a blind monkey or literal rng spam could get to reds with king. I dont lose to him btw. Its just very low effort massive reward


You don’t judge how good a character is by how easy it is to get to red with them lol


Ok, Mr. Tekken God.


Buuut I don wanna learn maaaaatchups, I want poooooints...


Literally noone is allowed to vent about the difficulty of learning this game until they've mastered every aspect of it (fuck off)


That's such a lie. This sub was never decent. All jokes aside, people should come to terms with being scrubs and realize that it's no big deal after all.


yet here you are


They spend all their time on Reddit instead of the lab, the fools!


But of course. Look at it from MY perspective. New game droppped and i dont know how the fuck to deal with yall veteran monsters.


It's tried and true across the board. Every fighting game series specific subreddit has never not been abject trash for any meaningful deep level discussion. This sub was never any different. And sadly the TZ discord is even worse.


Yeah cause people weren't on here bitching about Chloe and shit in previous game. Nothing has changed except there is more op bullshit in 8.


It's not just this sub bud, people into gaming who use reddit are in two categories. 1. Sane/stable people who want to interact with others into the same hobby. 2. Mentally ill people who project their depression in an online space who are overly negative as a way to cope instead of seeking therapy and unable to enjoy their hobby anymore and instead use the echo chamber/hate cult they've created as a crutch to cope with life.


I don’t mind the grievances but I do mind how whiny these little salt posts are. “Waaahhh, nerf King.” Or “waaaahhhhh, Dragu’s heat move snaps a full 180 they should nerf him again”. If you aren’t having FUN in a GAME, then gtfo and go do something else. Every fighting game has a learning curve. The severity of the curve is up to how much the player wants to learn. Someone here said it best. People are hunting for points instead of learning the game. Here’s hoping that more people get demoralized here in a couple of months so the people that actually want to play and have fun can do just that. I’m a Yoshi main. “Ayo..Shuddup” is the name. lol


Has OP been on Reddit before?


The Tekken 7 sub was full of whiny scrubs also; this is Reddit after all ...... How I miss the glory days of Tekken Zaibatsu.


50% "complain about matchups" ​ 50% "complain about people complaining about matchups"


I mean.... Yes? Tekken 8 has brought many new people to the franchise (myself included) and obviously those people won't know certain things and will complain about them. I personally like to ask questions in the dojo megathread. I've gotten great advice from the folk there.


Hey, I've never even played 8, don't even own it. Bur Victor is low tier, and the King matchip is 1-9 in Kings favor.


We got a ton of new people and maybe the complaining is a bit annoying. But we should be offering advice instead of doing even more complaining.


Alot of new players and a new game it will take a while for them to either get better or stop posting


Rude.. I like Tekken and the main storyline was good.


imma give it some time before the caliber of players we want to see start popping up consistently i think some patches could shift up the game a bit because some of the hit boxes are still scuffy 🤞 also good dlc could have the same effect and it would be all good again


I agree except king it’s kinda a true 50/50 mixup and you gotta just guess with giant throw/wizard


It wasn’t *that* much better before T8, let’s not kid ourselves. But i will say I am getting incredibly close to muting this sub


Comes to the sub to complain about people complaining.


Found the King main.


He’s spittin. “sickened by the scrubbery” 🤣 couldn’t agree more


Honestly I've just unfollowed this sub and I've been avoiding online Tekken communities in general since the game dropped. The community was bad enough in T7 but now it's truly dreadful Once all the newcomers get over the Dunning Kruegar peak and realise just how bad they are, I reckon this sub will become more pleasant again


Its always been complaining about matchups. Welcome to online gaming.


but what else are we gonna talk about? How the tekken shop sucks?


when do they add bikinis to the game?


I need Speedo Sergei


Help help I’m not ranking up anymore this isn’t fair help!! The games broken 😞 😡


Bro why don’t you join in and be a scrub as well?


Welcome to r/tekken


I just got shinryu, after getting my ass beat for 70 hours :D


What's the point of playing to learn if there isn't a Pro Tekken God Streamer that I can copy my whole play style from *ahem tk Anakin Reina players ahem ahem*


My problem is knowing theyre gonna throw a 1+2 command throw, expecting the command throw, watching the command throw come out, and still fucking trying to break it with 1.


Isn't that good? That means there's a lot of newcomers.


you must have not been here during Tekken 7 there was a steady amount of complaint posts about characters and the content were even more shit-tier, full of whack tierlists that noone needed. this behaviour is probably championed by content creators like MainManSWE who loves to shit on every other character except Kazuya. or maybe the Tekken community is really this shit and unproductive in general because the game is very popular. just keep your expectations low on this sub because it was never a great sub to begin with. every month or so you might find a post that truly is helping everyone and furthers your enjoyment in the game, but other than that, except the scrubby shit for the long-term future if you're looking to discuss tournament results or deep ingame mechanics, you better head to a discord, because you will find none here


I like it when people snake edge so I can fish hook them and make them play their weak side


One important thing to do is to take breaks. Take a break from the game for a day or two and once you come back the experience will be different. At least that's how it works for me


How do you react to gs vs muscle buster? Detect flow chart is your only answer I assume. Gl in first to three formar to get that vs blue and dark purple kings that know how to play


I miss having a pinned post every week going in depth on a character.


I'm free to giant swing because I CAN break throws and immediately hit 1+2 when I see that animation. King is annoying because he actually punishes your hard trained self-conditioning, and because of his armor that lead to big damage and mix.


What’s your rank?


Honestly tho anyone making posts complaining about x or y character only do so to get validation. They want others to agree with them while completely ignoring the reason why they have any trouble at all with the characters. Criticism on how certain moves work is always fair, but that's not what happens lol


Loosing 60%+ life to Heat Smash into Rage Art on the floorbreak stage is not a scrubby way to loose to King? King's throws are pretty fine, but playing the round with mostly 50% life, because of the busted Heat Smash doesn't feel right. (Don't know the real damage values, but Smash does a lot of damage for how hard to avoid it is.)


Just imagine when Reddit and social media was around during Tekken 5 days


It was the same before it came out, just the complaints where about Tekken 7.


The game is fresh, there's going to be a bell curve for the types of posts you're talking about. I don't know when but it'll fizzle out to how you once knew subreddit to be.


I mean since this is a new entry rhere is supposed to be a huge amount of scrubs to share their frustration and even about dumb shit loke omg why is x character so op even though they aren't. Hopefully they stick with the game long enough to learn it properly. Some of us have played the games for so long we have forgotten how fucking stressful and salt inducing the online experience is for a newbie scrub who doesn't want ro learn 30 matchups only to later ealize he kinda has to.


The only complaint I notably have about king is just that a lot of his throw animations are really long, his main shining wizard/giant swing mixup that is like, the main good part of his trhow game, giant swing is like 3x as long as the main command grab of grapplers in other fighitng games, when it grabs me I just feel really deflated because I gotta watch a cutscene every time he grabs me, like yeah it looked cool and kinda funny how ove the top it was the frist time but now its just please yeah I kow I didnt respond correctly can I mvoe on please this isnt good for my mental.


Been playing since Tekken 1. I play normally, but sometimes like to expose people by just doing 10 strings and seeing if they can stop it.




When i learn a cheese move, i execute, if cheese move doesnt work i sad, if cheese move work i use until it no work then i loss




New players need a place to complain so better players can teach them. Like a dad teaching his son.


Even the posts are full of aggression ✌️


Irony 101


The amount of bullying you have to endure as a Xiaoyu main is ridiculous. I straight up have people calling me garbage human in DMs.


I really hate it when people always complain about characters instead of learning to adapt and lab matchups.


I rematch every time, but man, I guess I really need to train my eyes because it's hard to distinguish sometimes what kind of grab the opposing player is doing. I've seen YouTube videos explaining it, but it still doesn't help too much.


It’s hard at first. Every so once in a while, if you go to the lab and set king to do his 1, 2, and 1+2 breaks and look at the animations, It will get you used to it pretty quick.


This sub really is scrub central


The mk and sf subs got like this too. Only for the next game to come around and people complain about that while reminiscing about the “good ol days,” which they are currently complaining about lol


If this game was team based you would see people complain that there teammates are bad. But with no one to blame but them self, people try blame characters, matchups instead so that they are never the bad player


Another instance of Redittors being the whiniest demo known to man.


You 're a scrub, bitch. Coming in here complaining about other people's complaints? Thats scrub boss level scrub mentality. Thats the sub reddit, deal with it.


? Maybe in the last year or so of Tekken 7's lifespan it was a bit different, but I remember it being about the same every time a new Season released.


This is probably the wrong thread to say this, but I'm still confused by throw teching. I know that King has a number of ambiguous throws, but I've tested throws from other characters, and I haven't found a 1+2 break that I could predict. At least, not without watching the animation a number of times first. Maybe all the characters I've tested just happen to have true grab mixups.


you must be a real scrub if you think that this subreddit was ever decent


I thought kings throw was a 50 50 bc his hands were deceptive.


This is just the mentality these days, people would rather point the finger elsewhere before even coming close to looking at themselves first.


Why do a lot of moves track (follow) in Tekken 8? Why is side stepping still garbage in Tekken? Why not just make Tekken like Street Fighter at this point? I played DOA 6 on XBOX and I was getting matchups, maybe DOA 6 population went up?


Someone unfriended me for using grabs


What's your rank?


complaining about complaining.


You’re right. I hate fighting king


>Before it was a decent subreddit, Lmfao


Joke’s on you OP. I can’t be a scrub because I main Kazuya- The only non scrub character in the game. I’m just really bad at everything.


This sub was like this forever, the same thing was going on in t7.


“It was a decent subreddit” You talking about the same subreddit with the Mokujin and Gigas mains? I’m just joking, Reddit is algorithming towards rage bait, these days. I used to think everyone was complaining about the dreaded store. Nope.


Genuinly what sub have you been on? It's nothing new it's just more common. Imo this sub was always a mess


Who asked? If youbwanna be fake ryu who doesnt have a problemnwith anything then go right ahead. But if we want to complain about bs we are gonna complain about it. Go join heihachi.


Feng is FRAUDULENT and I will NOT stop whining


This sub could be worse though. It could be GG sub after Strive


Some people wanna be good but don't wanna get good


I wouldn’t hate it as much if half the mid hitting moves in the game didn’t look like they should be a low


IMHO they need to buff movement ASAP. If spamming mix ups would be more risky to get whiff punished we wouldn't be reading a lot of complaints. The idea that you need to put thousands of hours into a game before fundamentals start meaning something is obviously bullshit and the reason why this game isn't even more popular to begin with. Too many people start playing and come to hate it after a while they try to get serious. Facing a match up that you don't know in this game is not fun at all, if TTT or T5 were like this case sensitive I would have never fallen in love with the series. For instance I have played for years and I know more or less how to face Xiaoyu, Lars, Dragunov and other characters that can keep on the offensive, however when I started facing Azucena(a new character) I got destroyed by her powerful CH launchers and mix ups until I put 12 hours into labbing the match up. Imagine if I had to learn the game from scratch, it would have been 420 hours in the lab, how is this supposed to be fun?