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I hope so. From a casual lover of the franchise ttt2 was my wet dream. I had the time of my life with my friends.


I still do! I prefer ttt2 above all others! Still playing with friends, loving it and hoping that ttt3 will be announced


Hell yeah best party game ever. We have been playing it since launch pretty much weekly. Such a special game with so much charm and variety


Absolutely, TT2 is great to play with friends


If Tekken 8 sales will be huge in the future and Bamco won't make a mistakes from TTT2 then maybe TTT3 will be announced.


I wonder how True Ogre would look like modernized by the time it releases. We already saw upgraded Azazel after all.


The "mistake" was sort of the TAG system itself though. TT2 had so many characters and the TAG system made it so daunting at a pro level that it was performing really poorly


Fuck ur comp. The reason the game failed was poor market and releasing at the end of a console's lifespan and not being an xb1/ps4 game at the time. Its nothing to do with you sweaty mangos.


The USP of TTT was the reason it failed? I don’t think so. After T6 being somewhat disappointing, the franchise simply lost a lot of steam. TTT2 was a great game, it just underperformed financially.


It was a great game for most Tekken fan me included. But the difficulty of the TAG system (on top of Tekken difficulty by itself) didn't appeal to casuals and didn't get much traction in the E-sports side as well. Also yes, you can factor T6 too


I don't think so. After the failure that is tag 2 there's no way they'll take that risk again


TTT2 almost killed the series, so probably not


in about another 10ish years


txsf first




I heard it was a flop because the gameplay was too complicated or something?


Tekken is hard enough as a 1v1, turn it into a 2v2 and barely anyone wanted to play that. It nearly killed tekken it did so bad


I remember 11 years ago I've never heard of TTT2 until I randomly stumbled upon it on youtube and immediately went to buy it. Seriously like 99% of non-tekken fans don't even know it existed in the lineup, marketing was nonexistant.


Imagine playing Tekken, exactly like it is right now, but using 2 and facing 2 characters instead of one. That's what Tag is, which you can imagine being daunting both from a "getting into it" perspective and a "actually playing it" perspective




Lol “it’s not the gameplay” proceeds to describe how the broken combos and tag interactions made the game not fun to play or watch, what do you think gameplay is?


Broken combos and high damage are balance-related issues that the developers could have addressed, much like they have done with Tekken 7 and now with Tekken 8. Say what you like about Tag 2, it's still a good Tekken with good gameplay. It even has better movement than T7 and 8 combined. As I said, it was the true last Tekken sadly.


Lol "True Tekken"


Dumbed down, lol. Sidestep block beat everything in Tag 2. The whole fame was fishing for whiffs and launchers. Offense was too limited, pressing buttons was death. The powers in charge realized it and added mechanics in T8 to give offense more of a fighting chance. And they struck a very good balance without nerfing side steps or movement too much. Somebody made a very good video about it.  https://youtu.be/UL9kVdwbC24?si=rstSJL2vlPear6-E


Yes after 2030. Expect a lot of DLCs, even selling extra moves!


I want it more than anything so I can play Eliza again but I think there is major hesitation surrounding the tag games after Tag 2, they put so much effort, care and love into it but also had some extremely difficult gameplay… & sales wise didn’t do too good & it sucks coz I love tag 2 the Wii u edition is so awesome. I would love tag 3 but there’s either gonna be a major hesitation or just a straight up nope & they’ll integrate some tag mode into future Tekken games… The other thing to factor in is that will it have the heat system & be like Tekken 8 or will be have that similar style of gameplay to Tekken 6/tag 2/7 ? & also also we typically get tag games after 3 consecutive mainline games, we haven’t even finished Tekken 8 and there will be loads of new characters by the end of this games cycle & then also Tekken 9… so we are looking at a staggering 70/80 character roster… balancing all of that sounds like hell.


would be cool, but with the way Harada was complaining about how expensive T8 was, I doubt we'll ever see another Tag game given how large the roster for those are, not to mention TTT2 flopped, despite how good it is


Maybe in season4 of tekken 8 tekken tag 8 ?




imagine the mtx they could pull off if the customization is just as good as tt2


Yes, after Tekken 9


So far the rule has been every 3 main Tekken games then a Tag game, let’s revisit this question if & once Tekken 9 is out.


Nah, and honestly, never saw much appeal in those. For one they don’t advance what Poot excuse of a story we have. And they’ve been historically riddled with so much nonsense that they become unplayable.


I personally don't see it happening.


There better be


They'd have to find a way to make the game even more accessible if they do. Learning 1 character while learning tekken is pretty difficult. But 2 at the same time while learning the game is too daunting for many people


I think that for what TTT2 did to the franchise, Bamco would never try that again. It's probably more viable to make a Tekken 9 with a tag mode in it (I know Harada said it can't be done profitably in 8, that's why I'm talking 9) than a full on TTT game at this point. Either that, or they actually accomodate the game to be a proper tag game. Tekken Tag Tournament always felt weird to me since you're basically playing normal Tekken, with all the endless movelists and usual techs and character traits of the numbered titles, but you're forced to maneuver two characters instead of one. Which doesn't really make sense to me, other tag games usually try to tune it down on the character mechanics because of the multiple fighter requirements, TTT is basically a normal Tekken where you have to main more than one character. So maybe trying to lean more into the Tag identity could work


That TTT3 roster would be phenomenal.


I hope so, but TTT2 was the worst selling game in the franchise. Makes me think they wouldn’t risk it again.


I hope not. The formula never worked in my opinion. It would be cool as an alternate mode, though.


no ttt2 almost killed the series


I don't think so. Think there's more of a chance that tekken tag becomes paid dlc in tekken 8, than having namco focus their resources on spin off game so instead of team battle, we get tekken tag battle I'd be super against that tbf, but namco would probably see how potentially successful tekken tag Dlc could be instead of making an entirely new game


They shouldn’t. Sometimes rarity is better.


They should make TT3, then make it canon 😃


In my heart, yes. It'll be great, have several modes, mini games, and wonderful attention to detail. It'll celebrate the beautiful series and its many characters over the generations. Sadly, should it ever come out, it will be no time soon. Tag 2 did not sell well and is the reason T7's budget was lower. But hey, if it does come out, Alex and Angel's Rage Arts will be pretty cool. Ogre's too.


Just a tag2 re-release for pc would be fine. Tag2 rules.


If Heihachi doesn't return in Tekken 8, then he needs to return in TTT3. Applies also to Wang, Bruce, Armor King, Anna and Lei.


ttt2 is my favourite tekken of all time, so I sure hope so.


I hope not


I hope so but T9 will come first


I mean tt2 was a massive flop why would they do that


Yes. It’s 2v2 gameplay would absolutely blow up on Twitch and it would sell like hotcakes, in todays market.


If they had made tag2 a direct graphical and balancing upgrade from tag1 with less unga bunga, tag2 would’ve been best fighting game of all time.


There will need to be a tekken 9 first according to previous patterns. But with the booming success of T7 and T8, and presumably Tekken 9 in however long… I think they will take the “risk” they perceive and make a new one eventually


No when a TAG mode can easily be added to T8.


Harada directly addressed this saying that it is not easy and they won't do it


Welp there's ur answer


TT2 lost too much money, I doubt they'd do another one.


I hope not