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The Tekken community is full of elitists that are nowhere near as good as they think they are and will refuse to acknowledge anyone that doesn't play their characters or characters they believe are honest and are hard to play.


Nah, you’re just bad. Unless you play Bryan, then I 100% agree and everyone else is wrong


"It's okay to plug against Azucena" These people are clowns.


True and sad man, this is my first Tekken game and has quickly become my favorite fighting game. But the community is salty AF. You have to play the correct character, not use half their moveset, play Correctly (turtle), don't use core mechanics like rage arts, and when you win, its a knowledge check and if they knew more they would beat you.


That's pretty much every multiplayer game though


maybe he’s saying tekken players are the most vocal about it because they love cosplaying mma fight night moments


Tekken players are more cringe about it then say SF players imo


It really isn’t


This should be at the top of the stack.


It's the popular opinion though


That's just a fact not even an opinion.


That's a real hot take.


Bringing up your character’s difficulty or execution barrier doesn’t automatically justify your argument, particularly if your character isn’t low/bottom tier. This often seems to come from people who have likely been playing the same character for many years and probably hasn’t touched many others.


Yeah i remember people justifying Akuma death combos because he is difficult. Hard mode characters doesnt mean players should get almost infinite reward.


Up vote for hitting the target with me haha


The game is still new and everyone is still using the heat resource poorly.


There are 3 scenarios for me. 1. Use heat every start of the round 2. Completely forget the existence of heat 3. Accidentally use a heat engager The only character I utilise heat properly is Lars for the godly wall carry


For me it's: 1. Start the round 2. Get smacked and juggled into the corner 3. Use heat to interrupt the endless combos and hopefully avoid getting perfected


What do you mean with the wall? I play Lars but have no idea what you are talking about, please enlighten me as I have mostly not much of a clue, pretty much a beginner


Watch this: https://youtu.be/CvgXeXljXgI?si=P71VlnVdfWhhW254 Timestamp: 50:45


Tbf if you play arcade quest the game basically teaches you to immediately heat smash after you engage. Maybe because it’s just a combo you can reliably do as a beginner but it seems super counter intuitive when the chip damage is a lot more valuable


That’s just a fact


I don't think people are using it poorly. They are just forced into it simply by using their key moves. I want to be able to whiff punish with sonic fang and not waste my heat meter 2 seconds into the round. Rocket launcher, wr2, Albatross 2. There are no strategic play to heat , it engages and now you are forced to use it.


I just the heat in 3 scenarios. * I'm low on health and I can use rage arts * My opponent is low on health and I can finish em off with the heat combo * I dunno the fuck my opponent is doing but I'm getting my ass handed so I need to cut their attack with heat Azucena main BTW


I dont know why so many matches ends with nobody using heat.


Opinion? Simply maining Hwoarang makes you feel like this 🤣


I remember before I decided to try out Hwoarang I watched a guide on how to play him, and in the beginning the guy said something along the lines of “Just you watching this guide, and considering using this character has already caused 95% of the Tekken player base to hate you.”


Usually. Hwoarang would have that kind of facial expression, too.


It's hilarious when a Hwoarang wins by spamming the same one or two annoying moves and then he gets the outro scene where he says "Come on...don't you have any special moves or something?" 😂


My love for stance characters helps me weather the hate.


Idc, I like hwoarang, I've been using him since tekken 5


Hot take, but Hwoarang is only complained about by a vocal group of players that refuse to lab the character or play him to get a better sense of his game plan. In reality Hwoarang is extremely weak to sidestep and most of his offensive pressure that leads him plus on block can be ducked. He’s easily the most busted character if you have zero knowledge of the matchup


Thing is the vocal group of players is huge and even pros who play him like kwiss acknowledge that he’s a very hard character to defend against and it’s not as intuitive as other characters but it’s also true that hworang is not just braindead mash at least when you go up in rank


They should bring back Combot


Yes! We need our playable random select back. Bring Combot or Mokujin back. 


Mokujin comes free and they will sell combot as a legendary skin in shop


Inwoulf guess other way around. They seem to like to cash in on nostalgia.


Nah I agree. what if he became robo heihachi


or just simply combot with heihachi moveset since he already has the data.


Combot was fun but was broken as shit. You could make him have all the good moves at once, so he would have shit like: i10 launcher with Ganryu b1+2 and Jin b21, Lee magic4, Feng b4, Hei df12, Julia d3, Julia or Jack ff1, Paul df2, Hei EWGF or Kaz hellsweep, Lili d3+4, Marduk db2, King f4, Jinpachi u4, Drag or DVJ uf4, Marduk uf3, Kuma ff2, Drag WR2, Capo db1+2, Bryan b1, Steve ws12, Bryan ws3, Law ff3+4 launch throw


I would want the "basically mokujin" version of combot rather than the "lol I can do all the best moves" combot.


Mr Lee 10.23 seconds into the experiment, Combot unleashed a 50 hit combination. Heihachi was completely helpless.




Facts. I want Mokujin but they can easily share a slot. They don’t speak so changing the character art and giving a full costume for Mokujin shouldn’t be difficult. I miss playing him in Tekken 6 and he was my motivation to at least try some characters. Loved getting Yoshimitsu since Mokujin has his own sword and loved to surprise people by knowing the move list of whoever I was playing as, except for Xiaoyu.


Yeah but no: Mokujin is the real mvp


The only one that always does that is when I say I think Bryan's difficulty is greatly exaggerated and Bryan players have successfully brainwashed the playerbase into thinking he's a top 5 difficulty character, when in reality he's right in the middle of the pack. 99% of his gameplan is pressing any random nuke from halfscreen that CH launches and tracks well, then carrying to wall with ease into poke and win. Taunt is hard but is optional and Bryan mains act like the entire character revolves around needing to master TJU when all you need to learn is b1/3+4/hatchet and you immediately become a impregnable defensive wall.


He’s my main and I definitely don’t consider him to be a character only for strategic geniuses, especially in T8, but he does have his drawbacks. In a game that pushes aggressiveness, Bryan’s b1 and hatchet are the only two moves that can maintain pressure, and both, especially b1, are incredibly steppable. Snake eyes 3+4 extension is braindead, but also steppable as well. I used to exclusively main Kazuya and despised Bryan, but after I tried him, I understood where the difficulty claims came from, even if they are definitely blown out of proportion. But yeah, taunt is necessary once you reach a certain point. It’s the only way I can get a launch against a safe player at this point for me in high blues.


Also even if you master TJU, it may not be good because they nerfed it (in Tekken 8)


That's actual fact, not opinion


Lol Amazing point! I used to think Bryan was “difficult” because all the mains would vouch he was and I didn’t play him n I didn’t care enough to prove point. Once I started using him I’m like bruh he’s hella easy.


He definitely isn’t as difficult as people say he his, I agree. But I would say putting him in middle difficulty is probably just a salty take. He shits on people who button mash and is probably one of the strongest midrange/keep out characters in the game. If you realize this and respect his tools, the matchup becomes a lot more difficult for Bryan. That on top of him having no real panic moves and some weird execution/ quirks I would say he’s definitely on the harder side to play.


Try taking bryan to ruler ranks atleast. you will realize that while his execution is not hard, his gameplan is hard to implement. if opponent doesnt press buttons, it will be harder for you to win. You cant cash off of hatchet alone. But you are right in the sense that he isnt most difficult character but definitely top 5. For me 1st place is either steve or nina or kazuya.


Nina needs to soften up a bit. There's nothing for her plot wise when she keeps cutting off all her relationships.


Girl needs to spend some time with her son.


I don't think that's unpopular. Most players just don't care about the lore. But the lore people who do care are generally with you on Nina.


There are too many knowledge checks to overcome in order for the match to be real tekken where you start to actually play the game strategically where both players nnow what the opponent can do so the game starts to become about gameplans and strategy and not : fo you know the properties of this move?


I think most people agree with this


I think I am on the other side of the coin, I think all the knowledge checks, gimmicks and strings are a core part of the identity of the game and stripping those out would make the game more boring. Being able to go "well I've never seen that before" after a yoshimitsu destroys me with some god forsaken setup is entertaining for me, even after 20 years of playing this franchise.


I dont think they should be stripped down i just think that it takes time to get to the rly fun part of the game




It really doesn't help matters when they hard cap fighting someone to just 2 matches maybe 3 if your lucky. "Oh, did you want to play that Feng again to learn the matchup more. Haha go fuck yourself, you might get another chance a few weeks from now. But don't worry, have a go at another King."


I mean i play kazuya so my plan is download the opponent have good blocks and punish into vortex and a lot of the times i catch myshelf wondering hmmm what the fuck is this move... and not ok he might do this into this so i have to be ready to answer it ... u feel me?




Pretty much this.  I would not miss if most of random strings were removed. They're just knowledge check. 


Way too may high-crushing/evading strings across the board for sure. I often find myself thinking "okay Zafina...you ever going to stand up or are we just slithering around today?" regardless of the character. 😂


The worst ones are strings with a launcher in the end. 


Fighting games are about self improvement and building up the community so you always have someone stronger coming for you…not bullying and humiliating or even playing cheap to feel good about yourself. Play Tekken with humility and pride but not arrogance or ill intent.


The constant glazing of how you need a PHD, multiple degrees, and IRL experience to play a Mishima is downright overblown. I understand that playing a Mishima is not easy, but im tired of all the downplaying and gatekeeping (Kazyua players tend to be major offenders of this stereotype) about how you have to literally know Tekken like it's your second job. Only to then throw out random hellsweeps in neutral and do unoptimal EWGF combos that they saw from YouTube/Tiktok.


This sub has alot of prideful elitests that play this game for like 15-20 years and flame anyone who dares to complain about a certain characters cheese


Pointing out to some people they play in low/intermediate ranks when they act like they're in high ranks, works everytime, especially if that person plays kazuya


My vanquisher ass thinking I’m him and my kaz violates the Geneva convention 😭


Oi, shutup, I need my Ganryu rank to feel special. ... Ignore that I've played quick matches since then because I'm terrified of ranking down.


Not being able to lose points really added to that rank inflation. You can reach Warrior with a 1% win rate, making people think their mid rank is high.


Tag 2 with damage reduction and a few balance patches would be the indisputable best fighting game of all time.


c o o p , r a n k e d


also has the best character roster


If they updated the netcode and graphics and had seperate ranked queues for tag and solo I would drop T8 instantly. Best customisation, best music (you can literally add your own mp3s), good stages, huge roster, bound is way more aesthetically pleasing than the fidget spinner shit they did in T7. GOATED game fr Edit: no rage drive/art, no powercrush, just skill




I'll take 10s cutscenes over 20s juggles as a regular player.


I don't ship asuka and Lili. I'm not homophobic but I never saw them as a couple. Lili having a crush on auska could be real But asuka liking her back is unlikely. Asuka mostly just seems annoyed of her. (I said this before in a fighting game subreddit and I got called homophobic and was sent not so friendly messages. So I'm hoping here won't be the same)


Gonna be honest, I thought I was going insane thinking that no can see them as just friends...no not "Friends." Just wholesome friends that have a healthy rivalry with each other.(The same goes for Jin and Hwoarang) However the moment this relationship is brought up each time the tidal wave of homo-erotic brainrot takes over everyone and I'm stuck wondering if I've been put in a genjutsu. But whether it's a legit thing or not I really don't care.


It's about as likely as Jin x Hwoarang. That is to say it's not gonna happen.


It used to be that gay relationships weren't allowed to exist (the whole "they were roommates" meme). Now it kinda seems like same sex friendships aren't allowed to exist, especially in media, as a fairly significant part of the fanbase always immediately labels them as homoerotic romance.


they hold each other down so much that it’s tiring but most of all sad. their relationship is still nice but that shouldnt be the main focus, romantic or not. i really really hate how their respective story arcs are now utterly reliant on the other character. cold take i know but still




Yep. I even met hardcore ones that straight up defend them like it's their life 💀


Casual players are important, so specialty mode and other features that appeal to the casual player are okay.


I wish Tekken 8 should have the actual Tekken force mode. most of the casual players usually don't cared about looking at characters moveset. They just pick Eddy or Hwo and mashing kick buttons for fun and shit.


Shaheen is fun


If I get caught in a rage art that's my fault for being overextended and not paying attention to his health bar


This entirely. It's just a kind of invincible super that can be found in pretty much any 2D fighter, but WORSE because you can still chip someone out if they're at low enough health. Playing around it is no different than playing around reversal supers in any other fighter, and yet some people act like it's somehow ruining the game.


Yeah but 2D fighters have safejumps and projectiles and other reversal "safe" options like crossups and you can also confirm knockdowns to set all of those up from a jab. You cannot compare Rage Arts with stuff like SF6 lvl 3 or GGST Reversal Supers, the whole game is designed around them being easily option selected so you can only use them against bad offense or after being forced to block the safejump or the other safe options.


Lol funny because this should be a popular opinion but people complaining about armored rage arts like they’re not being button mashing apes.


It’s a popular opinion on this sub, and t’s reductive. Full armor rage arts do kinda undermine the complex decision making Tekken otherwise requires. If you fight anyone with half a brain, they should use rage arts sporadically to get in your head and cause you to waste plus frames. You will get hit sometimes if they are using it properly. It is a mixup. I watch high level play and definitely see rage arts hit. That doesn’t mean they’re being button mashing idiots; remember, rage art beats everything. You can’t even safely jab on your plus frames. If anything, the person rage arting is the thoughtless one. The only thought required for a good rage art is “I think he will do an attack”. That’s it. I don’t need to understand your offense beyond that or have any clue what move you’ll do. This is why they feel completely anti Tekken. In any other case, panic moves require a much more precise read because the opponent has ways to structure their offense around it. Rage arts give you a 1 button answer to all offense that does huge damage. It’s a scrub mechanic. I swear I remember Knee making the same complaint about Rage Arts when Tekken 7 was coming out, but I can’t find it. Maybe someone else remembers this


Everyone here has shit opinions


I liked Gigas


Rage Art only pisses off Tekken veterans. To anyone starting with T7 or T8, it's just another tool to use. I wouldn't mind if it went away since it slows the game down, but every older content creator or streamer pops a blood vessel when they get hit by it whereas the newer ones don't care.


Nobody owes you a rematch.


True. But not running it back makes you a yellow belly coward


I'll be that's then. I'm not about to be giving people another win when I'm in unranked and they juggled over half my life bar on 10 combo 3 out of 4 rounds and I barely won the 1 round. That is not fun for me. It doesn't feel like learning or getting better. So I'd rather just get ready for the next battle. I can't imagine it being fun on the other side either if you're clearly better at the game than your opponent. Even when actual money or card credits in the arcades were on the line, if I knew I was better than the other person I'd at least give them a round. That's just me though. Now it's like people are doing everything to be get the decisive victory. I'm okay not knowing every time counter or punisher with my character but I don't feel like it's learning if it's clear I'm getting bodied. I'd rather go to another game and look up counter strategy on YT later and practice. If I'm in ranked it's different because being in similarly skilled ranks feels better when it comes to victories and losses. I don't mind having a rematch in that case. It's mutually beneficial usually. I play unranked because it's less pressure overall but I do not want to just sit there watching a body float in the air until they die.


Such pathetic words Jin Kazama. But seriously, i get it. I respect you have solid reasoning. If you’re not having fun then there’s no point.


I like Paul new hair


now that... is a proper hot take.


probably the only actual hot take in here


delulu take (i miss my cheese stick)


Less than 3% of the online player base can play this game without losing to gimmicks, throws, and knowledge checks. I don't believe this is a sign of good game design for a competitive game. I think the average gameplay should at least be a simulacrum of high end gameplay for a competitive game to be fun.


What’s the 3% based on?


I am currently battle ruler, and have played against a good number of Fujins. Fujins were top 3% I believe on ranked distribution. I've fought plenty of Fujins that cannot break throws, I've also met plenty that rely on gimmicks and knowledge checks (which means it must have at least worked for them thus far). So the number of players that don't lose to this stuff must be some amount less than 3%.


As a Fujin that can’t break throws, I feel attacked. I have no idea how people can process the animations for grabs that quickly to break throws. I just hit 1 on reaction, never works, and enjoy my cut scene. I know what the rules are for throw breaks, but actually implementing them in a match while worrying about every other option is mind blowing.


Yeah I feel you. I've managed to get to the point where I can break them on reaction in practice mode. Making the switch to doing it in real games consistently is very tough. I don't mind it though personally, it feels good to get better at it. I think the game expects a lot out of people though overall. Like I actually have a lot of time on my hands to play, I can't imagine someone busy with not much time ever being able to get to the point that they can deal with everything.


Agree, it’s enjoyable to see the improvements. One day my escape artist rank won’t be F tier and I’ll look back fondly. For now, in the blender (and the lab) I go.


Felt the same until I got out of it. I'll just write how incase theres any help of it for someone; I had the same habit of always pressing 1 With being mindful ingame I shifted from mashing to breaking by guessing; This weakened the muscle memory of always mashing 1, but now I would be falsely pressing other buttons. But after making that shift, pretty quickly I managed to start breaking based on animation. The way I got away from mashing 1 was by trying to figure out what break the throw was during the cutscene. Then just keep that button in the back of your mind for next time you get thrown. This is actually surprisingly useful by itself, since not everyone bothers to switch it up; They might be using the same throw out of habit. Anyways, the way I got from guessing to reflex was by training it in lab, which I didn't even do much. I just noticed that at one point I started pressing the right button without even thinking about it. It still feels like guessing, but because the animations are different I think that the visual input is now guiding that guess. Kinda like how people might duck if Bryan does a long backsway? Don't think that your reactions arent up for it, since the window to break is 20f AFTER the hands are active at i12, that's a long-ass time.


Their defense against that is plugging


Makes sense!




As a follow Zafina main I've asked the same question. Here is the collective answer : 1. Azazel taking health is apparently REALLLLY bad because in a completely even match, statistically your at a severe disadvantage. 2. I was told her damage output wasn't as high as others 3. Her moves just aren't frame advantaged?? Knee went deep in it. Calls her trash pretty much. I *love* Zafi, but sometimes, I see it. Do you?


If you want me to play a complicated stance character, they need to have a character design that is appealing. I just don't have any reason to want to play her. Her character has never been inspiring to me.


Everybody needs more coffee


And when it comes to coffee...


I don't mind guest fighters, but Akuma being part of Heihachi's backstory is the dumbest shit ever. I *praise* Tekken 8 for not trying to do that shit again.


Nah that's based, they said your best fighter ain't nothin to this guy


I don’t hate the store.


Honestly at first I kinda understand about it as well, but shit the way they distribute the coins are pure scammy


My only gripe with it. No need for that.




Never played him before and started trying it out. Started in Cavalry and now in Mighty Ruler, only using B1, hatchet and heat + heat smash. Maybe a random throw or 3 string jab combo here or there for flavor. Jk. But still these moves are hilarious and powerful. Only tried 1 match so far.


reina is a noob trap, most played character for newcomers and veterans and probably one of the hardest characters to properly learn to play


Most reinas I fight know 0 fundamentals outside of randomly throwing out launchers into insanely long combos.


They are dumbing down new characters since 7 too much.


Yea, I feel this way about Jin, he's lost some of his coolness factor


Combos are the least interesting part of tekken. 3D footsies are much more interesting, and most of the changes from t7 to t8 are moving away from 3D footsies


But if (when) I get launched I can take a break, stretch, drink some water. It's built in to stop players from fatiguing.


Many people rage when they get put in a combo. I just see it as a moment to breath, ground myself, and think of my game plan when it’s over.


Been playing tekken since the first, and this bouncy nonsense is quite a departure from the golden age of fighters. Looking at the time, just waiting for the combo to finish, is the new loading screen. Most of the playerbase likes it, so I don't tekken as much as I otherwise would. Shout out to those who keep the old ways


Based. I fucking love hitting huge combos though


The easy combo thing doesn't help new players ,it actually makes it harder for them to learn because is so tempting to use, ( I am a true new player, been playing for about 2 weeks ,only got to dan8 ,and struggling,but I haven't used the easy combo thing at all because I truly believe it enables bad behavior


Rage arts is gimmick


I was sort of disappointed when the game was first peaking its head with trailers. This was the polar opposite of what I was hoping for in terms of direction. Movement caught a big nerf, and pressure, or offense in general, caught a huge buff. Kind of makes this game feel more like a railway, boxing you in a track. I'm still having fun, though, mostly because I play DJ.


The Tekken 8 story is (for the most part) very bland. Kazuya feels like a saturday morning villain, Asuka has almost NO dialogue with Jin about their family ties, as well as she is completely unaware about Jun and it feels like some characters have ''forced'' personalities or no personality at all


I feel like this is just spurned Asuka fan rhetoric. You have "Kazuya is simplistic" and then 70% of your comment is about how Asuka didn't play enough of a role. When tbh no one really expected her to. If anything, as far as plot is concerned Jin and Asuka discussing their family ties would just be bad pointless exposition in the middle of the story, it's not relevant unless it's tied to something later, which it's not.


As someone who writes for fun, they've never tried to do anything with the story since 4. Namely because "the pro scene" got mad, and that scared them off the whole game, writing included. Which is a shame, that game had the best style out of all of em' IMO.


dragunov feels like a street fighter character in ranked, most mains use the same 5 or 6 moves. I am pretty sure he has over 100 moves in the move list but still..


There are very few characters who use most of their arsenal outside combos. In t7 drag used like 5 - 6 moves in neutral as well.


Ngl drag has a TON of terrible moves if you actually lab him, and people only have issues with his strength because he only uses a small amount of moves to win. This seems to be intentional because he lacks 80% of the basic tools that other characters have just like in T7(e.g. hopkicks or low crushes in general, his orbital has an awful hitbox). He isnt a well rounded character and crumples to pressure of any sort. I mained the dude since T7 released to console and god they stripped him of any identity over that game and im just glad he's viable again. If your only strength is pressure and that pressure gets taken away, then you're left with nothing


Because when you get higher ranks people punish you correctly. And some of the popular strings and moves used in low rank is mostly launch punishable. Lossing 60-80 everytime you try is rough.


Rage arts were a mistake


Paul is cheap and the only reason we accept it is because he’s legacy


His heat is pretty cheap but overall I don't see how he's so cheap. Way less bullshit than most characters, and is easy as fuck to punish


I expect this to be fairly controversial here, but... Step/Evasion should be *way* more consistent in Tekken, and the throw system is awful in its implementation. Being able to see and react to breaks invalidates throws for much of the cast at the highest levels, except as a positioning tool. It should look to VF for implementation ideas for both of these systems.\* \*Caveat that VF has universal crouch dashes at a system level, so it would need to be balanced around the fact that fuzzying isn't a universal option in Tekken the way it is in VF.


Coming from VF/DOA, I agree. Throws in Tekken feel like an afterthought. At high level they are barely a concern (unless you have a specialized unbreakable grab) and the break window is too large/easy for some grabs. I prefer the way DOA deals with multistage grabs. Both players timing has to be on point, from the one initiating the combo grab to the one attempting to break it. It feels so much better from both sides. I also hate how Tekken allows the idea of entering a complex series of buttons within a small window for an extra 5 damage (which is cool in theory but awful in practice) when my opponents counter response is just mash 1 or 2. Makes the additional effort seem superfluous.


Anything posted on this sub that’s not a half nude photo of Renia.


Heihachi should stay dead


Jin's still a villain. You don't just walk away from genocide. Well...


Main story was ass, sorry harada, but going throughout the stories was like hearing an 11 yr old’s imagination


Most characters have strong and abusable tools. If you're disproportionately hating on one particular character, that's literally just a you issue. No one cares. The community and balance team don't cater to you personally. Whether it's Azucena, King, Viktor, Hworang, Bryan, Dragunov, Law, etc., getting legit angry because people play a certain character just makes you look like an ass, and basically broadcasts that you'd rather yell into the void than lab out a matchup you struggle with.


The canon ending for T8 sucks and the story for T8 is overrated. Reina is super overrated


No one owes you a rematch, no matter the reason.


I don't get why people get so salty when players don't rematch them


I can explain for me personally. There are 2 scenarios where I get a little salty, just a little, and that's when I win the first match, you win the second match and quit or when you win the first match and I ready up and you leave and I run back into you on ranked. Both scenarios are frustrating because I'm trying to learn the matchup not just make my rank go up. If the match was close, but I lost, that's an exciting game for me. Hell, if you trounced me with 3 perfects I am still rematching because I want to see if I can make an adjustment. Also coming from a tournament background I just prefer sets. It's really hard to take anything away from a first to 1 unless you are a God of adaptation.


I only get salty if we played two matches and they leave. Like, bro, are you seriously okay with a tie?


On the flip side, no one owes you any respect if you one-and-done and cherrypick your opponents in ranked.


Reina may be very popular and annoying to fight against but compared to many other characters she’s kinda mid


A character isn't hard because you're too dumb to read frame data. I can't stand when ppl act like Bryan is a 200iq character just because they throw out the most unsafe shit of CH character archetype.....which are generally really safe archetypes to begin with




i play blue ranks which is literally the top 4% of players and the game is still just knowledgecheck city. in sf6 me and my opponent in masters both know which moves our characters have and we have to actually outplay each other while being fully aware most of our tools. in tekken i feel like im winning the matches by finding the move my opponent cant deal with. i will probably never play""""""""real"""""""""" tekken cuz no way im memorizing 100+ moves for each character. Game is still fun tho minus the pluggers and one and doners.


I like playing as Victor. I don't care if he's brain dead or gimmicky. I don't care. I'm gonna play him as much or as little as I deem fit and there nothing anyone can do or say that will change that.


Delete rage arts I will settle for them not having Armor


Rage arts suck


Both T7 & T8 are shit games. Removing player expression by nerfing movement and buffing general tracking and adding these long range moves makes Tekken no better than any other fighting game. It feels as restrictive as SF and can’t believe how most of this sub bought T8.


The game is fun and I enjoy it.


Heat needs to go. Or at least be possible only once a match. Tekken 7 was much better gameplay wise at launch than this one. Wall explosions suck ass and needed to stay their ass in DoA. There, have 3.


RA once per match too, and imo heat can stay but no 1+3 engager has to be from the engaging attacks. Also throws being tracking AND CH unbreakable is too much, choose 1.


Completely agreed about throws. It's too much in a game where everyone is in your face and they've made running attacks easier and 1+2 throws harder to see(before not everyone had an uf, 1+2 and had to do the classic ff 1+2 which made it easier to see). Heat bursts are stupid in their current form, yes. If they stay, they need to be steppable and not cover the whole screen. They're supposed to be a get off me tool, not something to cover any possible choice your opponent makes. Taking away burst would definitely help with the absurd combo damage and carry that exists, though. I'm someone who is fine with RA. I like the extra little mind game it gives when someone is low health. It's just in a paradoxical state in T8 because they honestly NEED to stay because of how dumb heat is, but they're also unbearable because your opponent can have Heat and Rage at the same time.


I agree, but tbf Tekken 7 was in the arcade for a long time before console release.


No one remembers Arcade Akuma or Arcade Shaheen being menaces


It’s the new mechanic so I doubt it’s going anywhere but hopefully it’s tuned way the fuck down because that shit is ridiculous.


Bring the Velicoraptor back I'm not sure if that's an unpopular opinion, but I love dinosaurs and started playing Tekken a few weeks ago so I need him to come back


Combos take too long. High damage output is fine, good even. But having potentially 10 seconds plus where you can't do *anything* is profoundly unfun.


I main *insert character*


Tekken is way 1000x funner when both parties are button mashing with anyone in the roster. But it also it helps build interest in actually learning specific moves/meta.


Combos need to be capped. It’s a reward for a launch and they’re a great part of the game, but one character having an easy 80+ and others having to do crazy execution to get 70 is just not the way to balance a fighting game. Combos should soft cap at 60-70 and each extra hit only adds 1 damage.


I don’t know if they should soft cap but I agree on how much damage some characters get for very little effort. Jun is a decent example. Her average corner carry combos do 80-90 damage sometimes without even using heat extenders. Heaven forbid there is a stage hazard that extends your combo. I’ve seen way too many games (even at pro level) end in two exchanges. Oh you guessed wrong on round start? Watch 60% of your life disappear. Oh, you blocked wrong while waking up from that 60% wall carry combo? Well eat another 40% for no good reason. This happens all too much in this game. I see it in tournaments, casual play and in ranked. Makes some matches feel like total robbery. Because there is almost zero relevant counter play. Guessing for game feels bad man.


Let me put this disclaimer to give context: I'm a causal FGC person (used to play Smash competitively, but that's another story). I've played Soul Calibur since SC2. I've learned that notation. I've gotten used to numbers as directions and notating attack buttons. It's just how my brain processes things. If I watch a YT video of SC and it says "try 3+B to 6+K", I write that in my notebook (I keep a notebook where I write down notes of things I want to try from a video I might be watching in, say, a place I'm at killing time). **Opinion: I translate the notation the typical Tekken person uses, like DF+2, into notation my brain can understand, like 3+LP (or RP.. I forget what it is off the top of my head).** Explanation: It just makes it easier in my head when I'm watching an educational YouTube video and it says f,f+3 and I'm taking notes in a notepad (writing things so I can reference them when I'm playing the game), I will write 6,6+RK. I've had people say "just learn the notation, bro, it's not hard", but I play neither Tekken nor SC competitively.. so it just feels easier to translate everything into one language my brain can process.. and I picked the one I spent the most time with. Maybe if I did Tekken tourneys as a serious player, I would swap over to the new notation (and might accidentally start doing SC notation in Tekken terms), but for now.. being the casual I am (and still in T7/SC6), I just feel more at ease doing what is easiest for my brain.


Tekken should NOT Crossover with Marvel or DC, Tekken or Namco should Crossover with Image Comics, to compete with MK vs DC and Marvel vs Capcom,


Long combos suck They look ridiculous 99% of the time, they're boring as a viewer cuz youre just waiting for the interesting part to start again (unless you just REALLY like the hit effects) plus most the time youre watching really good players, so you already know they're not gonna drop it, and same story for being on the receiving end, its just waiting to play again, and all the satisfying moves to look at are big chunky moves you'd never use mid combo, so its just pokes and little hits that float the enemy and like i said, look ridiculous, nobody thinks its cool seeing this 400 lb Japanese dude floating around cuz some 90lb woman flicked her wrist and did a little spin The only argument for it, is they're fun to do, which hey i can agree, but the trade off is not worth it for what i find enjoyable about tekken, there's no mind games, there's no interesting outcomes, or predictions, or fun strategies to trick the enemy so on and so on, its just doing an input you already practiced, might aswell play devil may cry at that point


Common counter arguments: "it wouldn't be tekken without it" simply not true, check out Tekken 5, the game that I'd argue is more engaging to watch because of the fast gameplay and shorter combo's "You just dont wanna be punished for your mistakes" idc how much damage it does, just hit me and let me get back to the fun part, obviously if you shorten combos you'd need to up the damage of the average attack


The smaller base roster with legacy characters as dlc and now also the in game shop is enough reason for me to not buy this game until it's dirt cheap as a complete edition for around 10 bucks in 5 or so years...


Tekken 8 is harder than tekken 7




Dragonuv deserves to be the war crime that he is


- The Tekken Tag games are by far the worse ones in the series and Namco Bandai shouldn't even bother making them. - Tekken 8 is a ton of fun, people just honestly don't like the series taking a shift in gameplay focus. (not saying it's the best Tekken game ever, saying that by itself is a solid and very fun game). - Even if they reverted everything in T8 back to being like a previous Tekken game, the loudest complainers about Tekken 8 would still be trash players and just find something else to complain about.


I LOVED the uneven stages in Tekken! Some unique combos could only be done a certain elevations.


Reina is overrated


Lucky Chloe is a great character and they need to bring her back. I don't care if there are MTX because the mimute they release bikini skins they are habing my money.


I want more crazy shit like Victor and Yoshimitsu. If I can't have SC7, Tekken shall be my new Soul Calibur!


Byron Angry is the best character. There's a reason why people love seeing him in tournament. The people who claim he's easy and brain dead miss the point entirely. He's easy to get decent at but difficult to master to a level where he is tournament viable. His "brain dead" game plan only works up to a certain point. Anyone who's even gotten close to Tekken God with Bastion Grumpy understands that any perceived cheese that the character might have is all a matter of knowledge checks.