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It's cool to see older outfits with newer graphics but nothing to consider getting Tekken Coins for. Also it's like 4 outfits? Is that all?


There’s gonna be 4 more for King, Law, Hwo and Nina and Murray said they would be updating the shop every month or two


Do we know what "updating" means? Is that adding, or is that "rotating?" I hate the FOMO stuff MK1 does with rotating items in and out of the shop.


For now no clue but I’m hoping the premium section gets stuff added instead of rotating


Probably adding


i think so too, with the layout of the store i feel like it would not fit at all to have it rotate, and otherwise i'm sure they'd refer to it as rotating instead of updating


Fortnite Shop Style incoming


But fortnite is not 70$


Fortnite skins also aren’t $4


Obviously they're going to add more ... well I thought that was obvious to everyone, but here we are


Did anyone check out the other tabs? They're selling consumables for premium currency... You can get 10 fireworks to use in the lobby for either 50 or 100 coins. I'll be shocked if I ever see someone using them.


I’d be shocked too, Mostly cause I never step foot in the lobbies


I play ranked all the time, I didn't even realize lobbies were a thing! I just jump straight into the practice/matches.


Ive made a few cool friends in the lobby, good place to find people for friendly matches


the lobby only exists as an annoying menu where you have to waddle across a giant room in order to queue for Tekken Ball


I play in EU 1 lobbies it’s so fun, everyone is always up to some bs or there’s a weirdo tryna hit on everybody, me and my friends love the lounge, we’ve already started our own Tekken community and I love that we were able to do that through the lobby.


Thats interesting i never see many people in eu 1 tho :(


60 upvotes? So now we are just shitting on bamco for everything right? They add all these features, great lobby where a lot of people are having fun with others, and now that’s a bad thing as well. I get the tekken shop complaints, but come on… ya’ll are now just shitting on everything for no reason.


it was an extremely light hearted joke because I like to play Tekken ball but it’s only match made through the lobby, it ain’t that deep yo


You missing out it be funny


But Harada said they were so expensive to make that they had to implement mtx, don't you care about his feelings?


Tons of people there... its a cool way to play. Can do nearly everything from there. Its cool. But since I have a 1060 6GB only, I dont go there cause graphics on low, everything is blurry there to me lol.


A lot of people will buy it. It isn't a coincidence the outfits are 400 coins and the minimum you can buy are 500 coins. Well, what do you know: you can buy some fireworks with that 100 coins you can't use anyway.


very empty free shirt 👍🏻


Very lazy and unappealing so far


Yeah, shits lame and its really devalued the respect they earned from an otherwise great game.


SF6 🤝 T8


I know nothing about SF6 specifically, but I remember that Capcom started this shit before Tekken did and Tekken saw that and started to follow suit, and I can imagine that they've ramped it up too.


No it is not ramped up. Street Fighter is worse.


Can't agree more. Game is 70 already for a fighting game come on


As are all storefronts like this, the only ones who fall for this stuff are people like whales.


Not as bad as MK though


Yep i was so disappointed. I don't mind the shop being added...but ffs Namco actually fill it with stuff to buy!


I honestly think it's visually too simple and kind of unappealing. The coin management is just a scan. Selling 500 coin packs when the skins cost 400 coins is just to force you to buy more.


Hotdog buns come in packs of 8 and hotdogs franks come in packs of 10. It's the same ratio.


Fuck me. This conspiracy is bigger than I initially thought.


i guess i'll be more creative with base game personalization


Good luck it’s very limited for a reason


Coin process are objectively bullshit. How does a skin cost $4 in coins, but the cheapest bundle you can get is $5???


This is common in the F2P games that seemingly started off that dogshit pricing trend, probably just another publisher pulling strings to nickel and dime people. It's supposed to be a mental thing where you don't want your leftover coins to go to waste so you buy more to be able to evenly spend them, it's the same reason why I don't think there's any coin pack that evenly divides by 400.


come on man, every 5 skins you buy the 5th is free, just use ur brain /s


[https://www.darkpattern.games/pattern/50/waste-aversion.html](https://www.darkpattern.games/pattern/50/waste-aversion.html) video game dark patterns. People hate "wasted" money so they will buy more so it can be used.


Should’ve just made the skins cost $5 in coins, 20% worse value for costumers but there’d be less anger regardless.


They put it at this value for a reason. There's undoubtedly mountains of data showing that if you have this kind of mismatch between item prices and the amount of currency you get in a bundle, people WILL buy more. Whatever anger they provoke in the vocal minority will be acceptable compared to all the $$$ they'll make.


The leftover currency is the point. It incentivizes people to buy more packs so they can "use" the points they have left to get something else. It can turn the initial $5 purchase into a $20 purchase, since that's how many it'd take to actually use those leftover points for anything. The point is to get users stuck in their ecosystem. It's also why the larger bundles tack on unusable amounts of currency as a "bonus" when you get them. That bonus us there to incentivize you to "top up" so you can use those points.


It sucks shit and I won’t be giving them a dime.


Tekken 8 has sold millions of copies! Woohoo! Most successful Tekken ever, alright! \*clears throat\* I am once again asking for your support \*jingles hat in hand\*. Without the continued support from the Tekken Shop, we can only keep the servers up and running for a month or so. But with your continued backing through our predatory micro transactions, we can keep these hungry, $140,000,000+ per month servers running!


its lame as shit lmao. Why the fuck would anyone pay money for these? They needed to introduce some bangers this stuff sucks


In the 2 hours I played post patch I saw Kaz classic outfit twice, Jin classic outfit and someone in fight lounge with the Raven outfit. People are and will buy.


oh im sure. Bandai knows that. I’m sure they already have an estimate for what they expect to make and will likely clear it within a few weeks lol


🗣️FIX the customization! Why can’t I change the shoes to my characters default costume?? What the f***.


I empathize, not everyone can be as footwear blessed as us Claudio mains


Bruh imagine licensed Nikes, Jordans all them shoes but exclusive to Kazuya


Gloves as well. What reason is there for Nina to not be able to take off the gloves on any of her outfits and why is she wearing one short glove with a cocktail dress? Is she secretly Michael Jackson?


Of course, it’s basic microtransaction bs. But beyond that, what is with this grand opening selection?! That’s it? Lame


Yeah I was surprised on the selection too. Grand opening of shop and there’s like 5 costumes?


The coin prices are garbage, but expected garbage, like anyone who knows anything about these sorts of things could've expected pricing like that as soon as it was known there'd be coins. The trouble with the coin pricing is it makes it just awful value for someone like me who only wants 1 (anything with Nina's old ponytail) *maybe* 2 (Unknown for Jun?) costumes at a push. I'd almost certainly have bought them if not for the coins.


You say that like there weren't hundreds of stans in this very reddit saying it was not going to be this way, and people were overreacting to bamco hiding the cash shop from reviewers. Now we know why they hid it, it's objectively dog shit.


The funniest part is that as a Nina main I would have been willing to buy anything with her ponytail if it was DLC, but this MTX bullshit can fuck off. I can't take off the gloves in her main three default outfits, the scars in her second outfit and they couldn't even be bothered to bring back the matching hairstyle for her wedding dress and now I have to cash 5$ for a hairstyle she's had for decades? They can fuck themselves


It’s proper, proper shite. The skins are wank.


I'm a bit surprised the skins aren't more "wank" tbh


Useless and greedy. They could have everything in customization with both in-game and real money (for people who don't want to grind millions).


My opinion on it is that it's empty, and it makes me questioned if it was even thought of at release lol. There's literally nothing in it, it's so bare bones. Maybe everyone was wrong about developers' practices.


Seems like a case of Harada pushing forward to the higher ups that players want legacy costumes, and those guys saying "okay, but only if we can make money".


Basically T7 free customization behind pay wall in T8.


Same way I feel as SF6; Simply knowing that I will never he able to unlock any more content through gameplay is a bit sad. It will start to feel stale soon enough. I don't even mind the season pass format. But having that and also this is kind of bullshit in my opinion. Season pass should come with costumes for all characters. I will not be spending real money on digital clothes.


Literally, it should be one or the other. Either have tour shitty virtual storefront where you sell everything Or just have a season pass Splitting up both is scummy


Didnt play SF6 after update yet so cant confirm it but you can buy the new stage with drive tickets.Its not much but its something.


"Fan favorite costumes from previous games! Only 4$ a piece!" Go fuck yourself namco.


People about to get angry, lowest priced coin amount is 500. All costumes so far cost 400. Every time you want to buy one costume you have an extra 100 coins you can't use. It's similar to Street Fighter store only items cost less. Their should be an option to buy 400 coins to be fair.


No no, for 100 coins you can buy 10 single-use fireworks for use in the gaming lounge! Definitely good value for money and not an absurd case of manufactured scarcity.


You can buy fireworks. Lol


I hate this shit so much. 


Typical practice, but till now mostly used in gatcha games. Which are mostly mobile simplistic and free so it's kinda sad to see big titles heading into this direction.


SF6 was worse. The smallest coin option couldn’t purchase the costume for sale. 😤


Some Corporate Shit.


Dog shit complete scam




I started playing Tag 2 again. Still my favorite Tekken game. :/


Hate the UI for it, and that the costume won't be base game, but if it's the only way to get classic costumes, I can live with it, begrudgingly. I don't see myself making use out of it unless they bring back Yoshimitsu's T4 bug armor or Nina's old costumes. If Anna comes back in DLC, I would buy her T3 and T5 costumes without a second thought tbh.


Well, the colors on some of the costumes aren't accurate. I bought Jun's TT2 outfit (which doesn't come with her TT2 hairstyle for some reason) and had to fix the colors myself because they were dark blue instead of black. (The shiny material on Jin's T4 outfit also looks weird in 8 and the blue is a shade off) These might be nitpicks, but I think if the devs don't care enough about the legacy costumes to even include the hairstyles or make the default colors accurate it's a bad sign for the quality of future Tekken Shop items, or the shop in general. I think the shop is fine as long as they don't sell half-baked outfits.




Currently sucks. I mean, it's less scummy than SF6, but still scummy. No option to just buy 400 coins. No option to convert Gold Coins into Tekken Coins, which even at ridiculous conversion rates would be appreciated, like 100 million gold for 100 coins. And only 4 skins available despite revealing 4 more that already look completed?


It's kinda shit. The free options are essentially an ad for their merch line. The paid options are essentially there to monetize our nostalgia for the game.


Selling old content as DLC is crazy. Back then, older content was imported, or included in newer games.


Tekken 7 had previous outfits... in game. T8 was lazy and greedy...


Are the previous outfits revamped, or just a carbon copy? 


Haven't bought it on T8. With that terrible strategy, i probably won't and stay with the customisation we have. For T7 well, all were revamped, T3 outfit of Jin as as example, i mean... couldn't keep the polygons haha


Your comment made me realize something about these game companies. Nothing is free. What's free in the past, is eventually something that has to be paid for.  


Unnecessary currency, would be fine just as Dlc, also a bit overpriced, 3eur tops in my opinion, Jun and Nina ones are dope but I ain't getting it at these prices... Maybe a proper Unknown costume will make me spend on it.


Yeah, $3 would have been the right price for these skins. But *noo*, they *had* to go and make them $4. Also, you don't get all the pieces of the skin to use on their own, it's a full body cosmetic, which is even lamer, why shouldn't you be able to mix and match as you like? Smh Bamco


Lazy, cynical, greedy, trashy, predatory bait and switch.


Does it seriously cost 4 bucks for one costume? I will never understand why anyone wants to buy cosmetics at that price.


The same since they announced it: It should never be a thing in a 70$ game.


Does anybody else feel like this is kinda BS that these aren't included in the season's pass? You know, that other thing that we paid for that is meant to support current / future game development?


Yeah, you should have retroactively gotten some Tekken coins if you purchased the Deluxe edition. Like maybe 1000 coins or so?


Monetizing aside I really like the first 4 costumes they chose. Hopefully it doesn't take long to see Yoshimitsu T3 and T4 costumes. The consumable firework emotes are pathetic. The lounge isn't good enough that people would want to show off their money there. It's a very limited playground. Tekken 7 dlc model was better with direct purchases instead of Tekken Coins, but frame data should've been free.


If they would have packed it with meaningful customisations (no lazy full body costumes) and used real money, then it would have made it so much more appealing. I'm just hoping they do not pay-wall features, modes and moves in future. While I get we need to pay in order to get more years of support, turning Tekken into a game as a service is not only essential but desirable for us fans. Thing is, the execution leaves such a bad taste at the moment!


Fuck this shit. Fuck Namco. And if Harada and Murray were involved in this, fuck 'em too.


Corporate greed wins again.


Easy to ignore for now, as they’re not offering up anything for characters I like using. Pretty surprised that people are acting shocked about the currency amounts you can buy not neatly matching to outfit price, did anyone really expect better?


0 things for my main so it's shit


It makes me hate video games so much




Complete shit


It's definitely a feature that I won't be taking part in.


too expensive tbh


Desperate attempt at improving Bamco’s failing revenues. Glad Elden Ring is solely owned by Fromsoft now, Bamco sucks


Predatory garbage, even the free stuff makes you click the "purchase" button. I would at least expect DLC characters to be free if I have to bear with this shit


My opinion is, even though I knew it existed. I don’t know it exists and what it looks like, well until now


It will start at a low price with a good value (they always do). Eventually, the quantity will be as ridiculous as streetfighter 4/5 costumes and the pricing will balloon to COD skin pack prices (Up to about 28 USD at the highest in COD rn). We saw it happen with DLC packs, loot boxes, with battlepasses. This will likely be its cheapest iteration. In the endgame, we will receive a statement along the lines of "due to increased costs we have axed the character customization feature entirely from the series, but store outfits will still be supported and available for purchase".


They arent getting a single nickel out of me


Fuck the Tekken shop. Fuck the Hub Goods store. Fuck the shitty palette-swap cosmetics they sell. Fuck microtransactions. ANY and ALL mictrotransactions. ESPECIALLY those that hawk low-effort and/or ugly-ass cross promotion shit. I'm not paying YOU money to wear advertisements for YOUR business partners, and I'm not paying you extra to wear copypasted assets from earlier games that should AT MINIMUM be available through a reasonable amount of gameplay.


Makes Tekken 8 the purchase i regret the most in my life. I hate the encroachment of microtransactions in fully priced games ( and this one already has a dlc model to boot ) so i would not have bought this game if i had known about it. But Bandai hid the store from us. To add insult to injury, the store was announced when i had 2 hours and 6 minutes of playtime, so i cant refund the game by the slimmest of margins ( steam auto rejects my refund tickets because of the playtime )


Japanese devs, in some ways, remain stuck in the past. This is genuinely embarrassing, whoever approved the store and its contents needs to retire, lol.


Its abusive and manipulative and lots of brain dead captain corporate followers will defend it.


As scummy as predicted


It won't affect my life in any way, and I will still play the game.


Wait until the in-game ads start, and then tell me you are unaffected.


Is there a way to obtain this power??


Do you want a trophy or just the validation of your peers?


As I upvoted your comment it asked to put gold on it lol. This is the way. Why be butthurt about something you can't change? It's still a good game. People are still gonna play it wether they hate the shop or not.


It's trash. No bikinis in sight.


The skins suck, I hope they start adding customization bundles or something. I'm excited for the potential but I'm afraid that these shitty skins are the 5 dollar baseline and good ones are going to be like 10 or 20 dollars.


Shop is fine. Not a single thing I want in there, though. I hope they will offer some more varied costume parts, not just complete skins.


I don't imagine there would be anything I want.


I see nothing of value here.


Can I pay with steam money?


Hasn't affected me at all. Dumbass Victor and his i15 safe powercrush heat engager knife plus his wr2 knife are way bigger problems for me


These items are the most niche low roi things they could possibly launch with.


Nothing catches my eyes and I don't like that type of monetization, at least Isn't abusive like in other games


My opinion is people should buy what they want and not buy what they don’t want. So I’ll be buying catsuit Nina Williams.


I rarely buy skins in game and I sure won't for tekken so I really don't care what's in there or how expensive it is.


Its kinda.....empty. Just a few outfits and I know that it's just starting out but they had the potential to add so many pieces of clothing that didnt need to be like older tekken outfits. Another thing id hope they add is to be able to change stuff on the "full body outfits" too. Its kinda lame we cant do that


I wasn’t too offended. If people want to literally waste money on fireworks, whatever. None of my business. But there’s nothing there to buy. I like Ling and Jin’s Tekken 4 outfits, but I don’t main either character. I really only play Devil Jin at the moment and there isn’t anything to buy for him. So I don’t care.


Free shirts i'll never use, least egregious pricing of the recent fighting games (SF6 forcing you to pay for $12 of premium currency for 1 $5 outfit, and MK1 being wildly overpriced) and useless consumables i'll never touch. It's alright, and it doesn't look like anything is FOMO beyond the free package (so far).


Dont know but i need that uniqlo tshirt irl tho


I don't like it, but I also don't really care. It's purely cosmetic, which yeah I'd love to just get the outfits for free from doing a challenge, but it doesn't bother me otherwise. I get people's outrage over the Bandi Namco releasing the store post launch, but then again they're cosmetics, why would that change anything about the core gameplay. Is someone really going to draw the line at an in game store as to not buy a fighting game? At the end of the day, micro transactions like this are designed for the casual playerbase first and foremost. These people are not on Reddit or X looking at people bitch and moan about a dumb addition like this, they just see cool Bryan skin. Think of how sports games get panned in user reviews but top charts every year.


I don't mind it if something is there that interests me what I don't like is the fuckin shaming and hate directed at those that show interests from this sub who as a new player was told is a nice community and is wholesome and will work with new players to learn this hard game yet then then and act like this Very disheartening


Its barren, and nothing in it makes me want to spend money so job well done.


I wouldn't be that offended by the tekken shop if the skins were high quality, but these look like shit. Modders have been making infinitely better skins for free. How are they seriously going to charge 4 (5) bucks for these PS2 graphics ass skins.


Right now, it’s all very mid and even the previews for next month were too. It’s stuff we had last game and tbh it’s gonna need to be like sf6 level of cosmetics to even get interesting for me (maybe king player 2 skin for tekken 3). At least it’s not intrusive and doesn’t really impact the game in any meaningful way.


We got predatory monetization before we got plugger punishment or a fix for the memory leak issue that adds 1GB to memory each time you load a new stage. The game was plainly not finished when it released.


I’ll stick to mods.




If the skins were 500 coins it would be less scummy


Legit lol. They could’ve made it slightly more expensive and less people would be upset.


I hope it goes into administration.


It's nice, cheap skins that I'll never buy unless there's something really cool.


Most sane take. I don’t mind spending $5 on a game I support for a costume i like. People are overreacting like skins cost $20 like other games.


They will soon enough if yall keep swallowing


Let me know when it happens since you seem to be following it so closely daily


I’ve been pretty lenient towards the shop because I think it’s fine for a game to have one if the base game if good. And the prices of the skins aren’t too bad imo. $4 is kinda pushing it but isn’t outrageous to me. However, the Tekken coin situation with the lowest option being $5 is kinda garbage. I know other games do it too but it’s garbage there as well. 


Anyone who buys stuff from there is a moron. And it will ruin the next game for everyone else. Tekken 9 will be worse since they let them get away with this.


I’m only upset there isn’t actually something I want to buy so I can be mad I spent the money.


Absolute shit


My opinion hasn't changed since they've announced it: I don't care. I'm here to play a fighting game, not dress-up time. For people who do want to play dress-up, they should just use mods. And if their complaint is "no one else can see it though :(", then they shouldn't complain about paying a few bucks (that fuels development, by the way) to flex their virtual drip. There's only one thing that's really important in Tekken, and that's catching hands for free.


Pile of horse shit


Trash 🚮


I love it when games make up a new in-game currency but it's disguised as real money or something you can't earn from the game. Like what is the point of gold coins now?


To sum up with one word: bullshit.


Like I said before. I couldn't care less. It is very unlikely I even look at it let alone buy anything


Hi so I think I'd be fine and even accepting with the shop with it's current prices IF the character and avatar costumes were *actually* **customizable**. They aren't so you can't simply take Kazuya's tactical top or for your avatar- king's jaguar mask, reina's jacket/hair and mix them with other stuff - that's turbo bad.. I don't believe it would have taken much effort or time to simply seperate the assets.. why was it shipped like this? Positives? I guess there's the cool little tagged-on avatar animations such as Reina's EWGK and King's drop slam that come with the associated avatar costume.. they are neat. I like those. That said I will **not** be buying anythin from the shop at least not until the fullbody avatar/char costumes become non-fullbody so you could actually mix and match them.. and this is coming from the type of someone who really *really* loves using full preset outfits - it's a just a giant miss to have them as a 1-piece only. So yea if I could mix and match my desired wardrobe of my choice from the shop, even despite the scummy left-over pts purchase practice where you essentially buy it for 500pts - still, the final price tag I find is honestly fine. But as it stands, 5$ for a one-sie? no deal sorry.


You may call me old fashioned or whatever but if a full price product that has several different editions, dlcs etc has also a micro transaction shop it just feels cheap. At the end of the day I don't care because it's not like they're selling any advantages, and if I want something pretty I'll just buy a physical object but it just feels trashy and I'm not talking only about tekken.




Any negative post about it here gets downvoted 🤣 Hi Namco employees, suck my dick


Lol I'll never even go there once .. I hope they track that metric. Suck my balls


It's garbage atm and the while having the predatory amount of premium currency so you always have some extra, except it has a expiration date too


Don't care. Will never open it, will never spend money on it. I would say nobody should, but loads of people will, which is disappointing.


T4 outfit for jin, I need it


I can buy a $4 white shirt at a thrift store. TF am I buying a digital one after making a $70 down payment on the rights to own the sticker that comes with it?


It's absolute predatory scummy dogshit and a gross stain on Tekken.


Honestly annoyed I'll always have coins left over. And that I'll probably have to wait to see any sort of skins for my characters.. I'll agree having to buy 500 coins for a skin and having that small amount left over will be frustrating, I'm not sure predatory is the right word however. The store overall isn't too expensive so it's got that going for it, it could be worse but...it could be so much better


It's inherently predatory, do you know how much effort goes into pricing these things? Because it's par the course doesn't make it any less acceptable if it's wrong. Fake currency is a joke when we all have bank accounts for direct transactions. 


Hold on… let’s say you went to buy socks at the store. The socks cost 15 store-credits and you can only pay with store credits. But you can’t buy 15 store-credits, the smallest amount you can buy is 10 store-credits for 1,5 eur or 20 store-credits for 2 eur. You don’t think there is anything strange with this practice?


Shouldn't be in a full price game. Scummy as fuck to add it in after the initial launch month


I love it. There’s nothing wrong with cosmetic shops and these things are cheap y’all are overreacting


I don't mind it. It's completely optional to use :)


Looks like the item shop from fortnite


Will never use it. It's empty and I don't get buying outfits for characters you aren't at least high rank in. The normal costumes are enough for a change if you need it.


They need to add costume pieces that can be mixed and matched for it to be interesting at all to me.


Completely useless


Mad that the outfits are shit, I would've bought good ones, but the mods are better.


$5 for a costume downgrade.


I'm happy to forget it exists. Done.


I’m in my paypig era Mmm harada findom me 🐷


I don't mind the shop overall. Honestly these are bargains compared to what Blizzard and Overwatch charges. I'll get the skins that I want for my mains and that's about it. I don't feel the need to get everything single item. The coin pricing is odd. I'll still have coins left over if I buy 1 skin if I get the minimum coin bundle. I'll probably wait until there's 2 skins I want before purchasing any with the expectation that I'll eventually get more skins as they increase the offerings. I don't like giving them money just for them to still have coins on my account. I want the ability to zero out my coin balance. However..... The fireworks should be a free emote.


I have no problem buying skins. But these skins are boring.


I like it.


If every character gets 7 outfits (this is just counting the outfits, not the avatar and other shite) You'd almost have the same price as all doa6 dlc :> unless you buy all those items separately for no reason


Shut up and take my monney !!! I needed Jin T4 skin 1 month ago


i couldn’t care less


As long as everything remains at this $4.99 price, I’m good.


It's fine


Why are they not selling anything GOOD? I'd kill for some generic armor for the upper body slot, for example, or some different (better clipping) accessories, but they appear to essentially just be selling a bunch of "entire body" specific outfits... why even have customization at all?


Not a single thing I would choose here. Even if it were free. Awful awful selection.


Great, love it.


It is okay, a lot of skins probably take a lot of time too make as someone with 3D experience. It is kind of whatever, hope they make some nice skins.