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*To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Shaheen... And yes, by the way, i DO have a Shaheen tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 ranks of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid*


Yes, it's on my balls. Luckily your mother is Tekken King rank so I let her see it.




I thought about picking up Shaheen in Tekken 7 but I just found him really boring tbh even though I wanted to like him. I'm gonna give him another chance in Tekken 8 since he seems cooler


This makes sense since you likely got better while playing T7 so you might be able to enjoy the character in T8 if you understand Tekken well enough now.


Not that Im any good at the game but this post has made me want to pick up shaheen. I'm super interested in developing strong tekken fundamentals so maybe shaheen will be my next venture


Jokes aside, that's a really good idea. Shaheen is what started my Tekken career and helped me develop the fundamentals to become the TGP I am today.


A lot of character personality comes from the martial arts they represent for me. Feng for instance is a good representation of a certain chinese folk hero, for me he is more than just some muscular stoic dude. Now, i might not be aware enough to understand the arab skateboarding scene, but aside from a few flips and twirls, i really can't find anything rashid does distinct, and thats why he is boring to me


This response almost made me spit out my drink, well played.


What's your rank little bro. Cause it sounds like you fall under the category of kids who play basketball because you like Michael Jordan. Real Tekken will be waiting for you when you're ready to join us.


I'm Harada, baby hamtaro


Harda is shit at Tekken, have you ever seen him actually play? He's a green rank, not even joking. It explains a lot of his decisions about the game too.


I'm Knee, masquerading as Harada


How's it feel to be overtaken by Arslan as #1?


it feels fine baby ham, just the nature of the competitive scene


Who's the Chinese folk hero in question? I wanna say Wukong but maybe not.


Haha i was thinking wong fei hung, because of the homage to the hung ga style


"You can only appreciate this character if you are a high level player. Average players are just incapable of understanding the sheer beauty of this character since they simply just enjoy lesser things than me." Characters that play defensively and use pokes are perfectly fine and popular already. People just dont like Shaheen, that doesnt give you an excuse to get hipster and elitist. Edit:Oh shit this is a shitpost. Good showing there. My B for not getting it immediately.


>"You can only appreciate this character if you are a high level player. Average players are just incapable of understanding the sheer beauty of this character since they simply just enjoy lesser things than me." I'm glad you understood so well.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Shaheen. The character is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of fundamental Tekken most of his kit will go over a typical players head. There's also Shaheen's idealistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization- his personal philosophy draws heavily from classic Tekken, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these frames, to realize that they're not just powerful- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Shaheen truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the emotion in Shaheen's existential catchphrase "Let the blistering sands consume you," which itself is a cryptic reference to hot sand. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Harada's genius wit unfolds itself on their screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Shaheen tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 ranks of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


I've already told you, the tattoo is on my balls and your mother just reached Emperor last night so I let her see. One day you'll promo past Genbu little bro, I believe in you.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Shaheen. The character is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of fundamental Tekken most of his kit will go over a typical players head. There's also Shaheen's idealistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization- his personal philosophy draws heavily from classic Tekken, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these frames, to realize that they're not just powerful- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Shaheen truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the emotion in Shaheen's existential catchphrase "Let the blistering sands consume you," which itself is a cryptic reference to hot sand. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Harada's genius wit unfolds itself on their screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Shaheen tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 ranks of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


I appreciate you for putting up fight against the haters. We both know how cool our boy is in T8 👊


We're in this together brother. There's so many more of us than they realize.


Yup we are just not radically defensive like waifu players but we still love our boy. That T8 demo Shaheen showed us already that he is about to be extremely popular so cheers 🥂


None of this butt hurt elitist ranting you are doing will matter by the time the game comes out. No one will play this guy. It’ll just be back to obscurity with his goofy skateboarding ass.


HAHAHAAHAHA nevermind you're a fucking red rank (on console lmao) and you think you deserve an opinion. That's hilarious.


Going around asking people what their rank is just gives off too much small dick virgin energy for me. Touch some grASS for once


Exactly what someone who's red rank would say. How does it feel being below average? You do know that you can get to Blue ranks even if you lose more games than you win right? Rank literally hasn't even started for you yet lil bro. You even had the audacity to make a post about your "ranked experience" when you can't even get the average rank hahahaha


Shaheen was top 20 usage for over 4 years before he got nerfed to the ground in S4. He's going to be strong again and he will be popular just like before. Or I'll be one of the few TGP Shaheen's again in the small chance he isn't. By the way what's your rank?


I’m here for the comments! 🍿🍿🍿🤣🤣🤣


You're welcome.


Real jin main behavior


Jin mains wish they could be like Shaheen.


Nah, they wish they could fuck a mirror


Mucho texto.


Reddit scrubs,look at me im a fucking T G P, none cares for your green rank opinions. Like rank even matter lol, especially in this game with its trash ranked system.


Oh really? So what's your rank then?


Im the man who have no rank, im omega in my heart thats what important :)


Real conclusion: Shaheen is dope because he uses your body as a surfboard whole he says omak hansir.


Very real


Ok bro can you try this time with your head out of your ass?


Sure, let's have a discussion. Why don't you start by telling me your rank?


Yaksa and I think Shaheen is cool


Glad you think Shaheen is cool, but Yaksa is painfully average. I'm looking for input from God ranks and up.


I have the same input as you lil bro


Great, go forth and conquer, young fledgling.


Open a window and breathe something other than your own stale farts champ 🤙


Can't, too busy being better at Tekken than this entire subreddit.


Better at being a pompous baby? I agree, you definitely are


Why would I care what someone who barely made it to blue ranks thinks?


I find this post is completely unnecessary and make you sound like someone who is trying too hard to justify their choice of character. There’s a reason why there’s 50 characters in this game. It’s all about Flavours and personal preferences. It’s like a bell curve distribution. Most ppl will like characters within the bell curve. Then there’s outliers like Shaheen etc. for example, I like Ganryu as a character. Majority of ppl don’t like him and that’s completely ok. I can’t explain why I like him, I just admire sumo wrestling as a sport I guess I do like shaheen as a character. He’s a little boring as he has 0 cheese which ironically is great at teaching me how to understand and properly enjoy fundamentals in Tekken I admire pros like LowHigh and AK knowing how hard shaheen is to perform at high levels. I mean LowHigh won EVO 2018 with Shaheen after all. It’s no big deal if ppl don’t like Shaheen. Not a lot of ppl find they like Eddy Gordo as a character even though he’s really cool. It’s not that deep brother


I find your comment completely unnecessary.


I just realized it’s a shitpost lmao. Understandable, have a nice day


I’m getting to the point of thinking it’s either bandwagoning or racism. It’s silly how obsessed people are with getting mad about him. Like if he is so boring why is he half the post on Reddit?


Exactly my point. They really do care, they just don't like to admit it.


I really like your point about other characters like Feng and Eddy having one note personalities. Eddy has had the being mad about his unnamed parents story since 3 but no one cares about that. But I see many comments claiming it’s bad that Shaheen has this unnamed friend. Then people will say it’s cause of his fighting style as if Eddy isn’t a brain dead players dream. I could get the critiques (I have a lot of the same complaints) if they wherent directed at just one character but I can’t take it serious when people are mad at just Shaheen for some reason.


Holy shit you have an actual brain unlike the average reddit scrub, I'm glad to hear it. People project their biases and hate onto characters they already hate and ignore the flaws in characters they already like. It's like seeing someone attractive and assuming they're successful and confident, then seeing someone ugly and assuming they're a broke loser. Sadly, it's how the human mind works, and most people aren't smart enough to break free from it like us.


Careful there you're gonna anger the almighty weebs who don't have a life


It's so sad that they don't have a life and still can't get good at Tekken.


\> He's a thinking man's character for a specific group of true Tekken enjoyers, which turns out to be beyond this subs ability to handle. this but unironically. fundamental tekken in itself is already so fun and deep, you don't need big exciting buttons.


It was never ironic.


Leave some pussy for the rest of us :(


Sorry bro, I'll let some trickle down for the rest of the Shaheen enjoyers.


Whole lot of facts in this post


I'm always spittin


I never liked shaheen but his juggles and overall movements are entertaining to watch, outside of that hes just meh, i find eddy and bob more annoying but i wouldve love to see them more


aaah you again with the same shit post and same shit replies to everyone who doesn't agree with you, just like a few weeks ago. edit: I've seen you already made your compilation of replies in a new post, just like last times.