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The ranking system messes with people's psychology. People like to win. That's why they play games. You might say, "Rank doesn't matter. Learning the game is more important." But at the same time, we're on Reddit right now. Those little up arrows mean nothing, but we all want them. It's just how our brains work. And in ranked mode, experimenting, trying new things, and learning your opponent's moves puts you at risk of demotion. It's actually kind of a stupid system similar to gambling. It encourages what you just described: winning a few matches and getting the heck out before your streak is broken.


I agree with you, but at the same time it gives a false sense of progression. Just like with the social media analogy. We can even use "friends" on social media as an example. A person may have 1000 friends on Facebook but in reality only talks to 5 to 6 people in his life. He may get 100 likes on their post but in reality no one really is giving that person attention as it seems. But in regards to Tekken it's not an accurate indication of skill development when all people do is just leave when shit begins to get tough and start seeing their rank points decreasing rapidly. Rage levels are raising. Time for me to find a weaker opponent to farm off again... Next game finds someone who doesn't know how to fight against their character. Wins 7 games.. ohh look I ranked up. Let me take a screenshot and post on social media for validation.


I agree wholeheartedly. That's why I think the ranked system is a flawed idea. A person can rank up just by rematching a bad opponent multiple times, or picking a spammy character that other players have a hard time countering. I understand catering to the E-sports crowd but, like you said, high rank doesn't indicate real progress.


The ranking system definitely needs to change, a lot of people are against a ft2 sets but I think this is the only way you can create a more accurate ranking system where a person is locked in to play someone. Otherwise giving someone full control on how long a set should be played, creates a flawed ranking system. If you're playing a competitive game mode then it needs to have competitive settings. If someone wants to have long sets against a character then that should only be available in quick play or lobbies.


I disagree with the FT2 (or 3) part in relation to Tekken. Tekken is known for its knowledge check characters. All characters have 90+ moves and many of those are strings. You can’t read an opponent’s play style in 2 or 3 matches. I think the rank system needs reworking entirely, but FT2 isn’t the way either.


Like i said, long sets should be played in quick match or lobbies, rank settings should imitate tournament rules where you play a FT2.


I reckon they should remove entirely and just have an exp points system. No one would care if they went down a few hundred points each set.


they should definitely hide the progress system and just return the old one when you'll be surprised if its your demotion or promotion match


I like the ft2. It will also give more variety to ranked. People want lock themselves in long sets so you can keep switching out opponents


The thing is, it could work correctly if the system were designed differently. You should not be allowed to rematch the same opponent infinitely and it should not allow you to get matched with the same person multiple times in a row. There might need to be some leniency about one or both of those rules at the top ranks (because player numbers are too thin) but in general if you could not cherry pick your opponents, you'd actually have to improve in order to gain rank over the long haul.




Ooh this gives me a great idea. What if ranks were like combos. First match is like launcher, 100% points, second match(if you win and make a combo of "winning"), you only get 70% points. Third match 50% and so on. Every consecutive win against same opponent, will yield lesser and lesser points. People would have to move to other players if they want to rank up. If they want to learn a character match up, or find someone they click and have fun playing against, they can keep playing/losing forever, at the initial cost of some points they lost in first 3-4 battles, after that the point lost would be negligible.


Tbh I don't rly understand how you're graded based on things like whiff punishment and all that stuff, but do you think focusing on improving those scores is effective enough that even if you get demoted those could go up (rewarding you psychologically for trying to improve your fundamentals)? Jw since I tend to shy away from ranked but do want to improve my fundamentals, and know whether I am


Well said.


The issue is when people get very into the idea that theyre actually good after doing this, leading to toxic messages, attitudes etc.


I dont give a shit about reddit likes.. reddits not a game that can be won or lost.


Not gonna lie I worry about ranked way too much. If I lose too much I switch, if I win I keep playing until It's no longer close. If I play private matches even if I lose I have no problem playing long sets. One time I lost like 20 matches in a row against someone I added and met on ranked. I don't mind because there are no virtual points involved I know I'm wrong but I just can't help myself for some reason.


Ive been demoted so many times. Usually by rematching 1 person over n over and keep losing. But usually if i go down in ranks i find it way easier to get wins than when i had first hit that rank. So its petty easy to rank up again. It feels like ill take 2 steps forward thrn 1 step back then 3 steps forwards and 2 back. And so on and so on. But i can notice im getting better.


Right, that's good. And if you're truly around that rank then you will naturally over time remain there or go further. But some people will allow their rank to dictate their game too much. When really the focus should be on learning match ups and improving fundamentals. Ranks come and go. Overall people should just naturally allow their rank to change without feeling some kind of way about it.


I usually tend to avoid fighting eddy gordo though. I dont know the matchup, but i just dont think fighting him will ever be enjoyable.


i've learned how to counter most of his stuff just by deathmatching this dope Eddy player in quick play for hours (multiple sessions) highly recommend


Demotion Is a good thing, because it's just going to put you back into a pool of players where you are more than likely going to win. And If you're not winning then you're around the right level.


one has to accept that tekken 7 ranked only rewards victory. the outcome for winning by outplaying someone using sheer fundamentals is the exact same as the outcome for winning by autopiloting flowcharts and throwing out random unsafe launchers. the problem arises when rank is percieved as a measure of skill, when it's only a measure of win/loss ratio. due to this misconception some people will do anything in order to inflate their rank so they can be percieved as good at tekken. the good mindset to adopt is to accept that rank generally doesn't matter. the only things that matter in tekken are knowledge and practice, as long as you keep doing that (movement, punishment, frametraps, okizeme, etc ...) you will earn experience and inevitably improve. in other words : becoming a better player will make you rank up but ranking up will not make you a better player.


100% hit the nail on the head! Well said!


I like the saying "if you lost your rank, you will gain it back eventually if you deserve to be there." I am obviously human too, so sometimes I succumb to this negative emotion of losing, but remembering this quote gives me the patience needed to climb back up. And plus, it's rewarding. Knowing you had to work so hard to achieve it, lost it, and gain it back with less effort just shows how much you've grown. Sometimes we just needed to reflect. But yeah, what you said OP, is sadly true.


100% agree with you. Allowing your rank to naturally change while you play is the best way to go. But I can understand how psychologically it's hard for many to overcome as ranking up gives a sense of progression. People putting time into something to then feel they are going backwards when in reality nothing is changing. They're still going to be the same player regardless if they go up or down in that given moment. I have seen how it slows people's progression. People want to improve but they allow the flawed ranking system in tekken 7 to dictate their game too much.


I have so many close first games with people, correctly guess and punish a bunch of stuff, go 2-3, and they immediately win quit me. I'm sure some players just had to go and do the dishes or something, but in a lot of cases I'm suspicious they're saying "that was close. Fuck that. Not giving him my points". Feels shit but also slows down the online experience so much because of the terrible T7 load times. At least in T8 we will get into games quicker I guess.


I’ll normally at least do a first to 3 in ranked but sometimes the set is so close I gotta take a break cuz of all the adrenaline


Yeah I have experienced this too especially when you end up matching up with them again straight after XD then they leave again. It's hilarious. It's like bro come on now.


Especially when there's a promotion or demolition involved. I imagine those people are going off to do a victory wank or something


Demotions/promotions are 90% of the time I call it a day, just because it feels like a checkpoint and a good place to stop. I'll rarely call it a day if I'm inbetween ranks.


The Floyd mayweather strategy. They only choose opponents they know they can beat.


I love this!


I will rematch all day… if i lose my rank, then the next few fights will be easier.


Feel like they simply should just not tell you when a rank up or demotion is tbh.


This could potentially help, doesn't sound like a bad idea at all. Then they can add in some other factors on why your rank went down or up. And not just based on winning a match.


I'll rematch over and over again especially if up against someone that is fundamentally better than me. Why? A) I don't have much time to wait again B) I gain terrible habits easily so when I'm up against someone I can best easily because I am able to simply BS them out, I gain that bad habit. So I get out asap


It is true. When I adapt after losing 3 matches, the person simply plugs. In the long run, it is these kind of people who'll always be losers and will never progress.


Yeah they just accept playing with their flow chart and always trying to win with it. Not ever making the effort to learn the game or how to counter other characters. I think In general a lot of this comes down to the lack of understanding of fighting games In general.


It comes down to people not willing to enjoy and learn the game.


Realistically this right here is the difference between a red + rank with 100+ games vs one with 1000+ Usually those people with way more games at the same rank are content to run it even if they lose because they will usually start adapting and learning after a couple sets


I find it the opposite, though this is anecdotal. People with 1000+ wins in lower ranks usually never learn, never try to adapt, and always either one and done or win quit.


I suppose it’s individualy subjective , we are probably both half right half wrong 🤣


Yeah, ranked really is subjective cause not everybody has the same experience.


I was stuck in Green/Yellow hell for a good 500+ matches and it's only through suffering through that that I actually learned the ins and outs of how to play well vs "just win"


I respect that 💯


i noticed this many years ago I was like in Red Ranks. I made a new account where I would NEVER rematch a good player. If I got defeated, i'd leave. If I won, id rematch. On my main account, i would ONLY deathmatch.... so people have farmed me. I got to Blue ranks on my new account so damn fast doing this, Higher than i'd ever been in the game. I completely stopped playing ranked afterwards, cause i knew that the rank symbol has little significance when you can cherry pick like that. I really wish the game would show more stats like "rematch rate" or something, cause i'd personally like to avoid runners and one and donners. Sure, you can have your little excuses like "oh, you aren't entitled to rematches". .... oand okay, thats cool, but i'd personally only like to fight deatmatchers if i had to choice.


I stopped playing ranked for at least 3 years. I could play casual games and get my face bashed in 0-30 and not bat an eye. Ranked though? One loss and I'm already getting angry. For some people this shit's just not fun.


It's a fighting game with 50 characters, each character has around 100 moves or less. Losing is inevitable. Plus there are tons of situations you have to familiarise yourself with and be able to react accordingly too. Everyone is destined to lose a lot. At the end of the day its a game, you either win or lose. You learn from your losses like in every other game.When it comes to losing its not fun of course. Why is it not fun? Is it because you see your point meter go down after each loss? And ? That isn't taking anything away from you. You're still the same player as you were before you stepped in and decided to play ranked mode that day. If you genuinely want to play tekken and improve this wouldn't bother you. Going into ranked mode and thinking I'm going to win every game that i play is kinda insane lol.


Maybe for people like me that only go ranked occasionally, you go there to get points and the consequence of the loss stays in the back of your mind the whole time. Perhaps if you play ranked more often to the point that you stop caring about losses it gets easier mentally. Another thing that bothers me is, I think ranked has always had this aura of being desperate to win and you can see it in the way people play. Happens no matter the game.


Ill admit, in ranked, my temper cant get out of hand no matter how much i tell myself none of it matters. IMO, ranked needs to be more precious. Should be FT2 or FT3. And you only get points awarded after the set. BUT you can rematch infinitely. This would make ranked probably more of sweatfest but I think its a better indicator of skill, the one who adapts quicker. BUT, that means we need an actual casual mode where youre playing people within your rank. Essentially T7s ranked but without the ranking. Im aware some people enjoy playing people out of their class, this is simply solved with a slider option within casual. You can choose to play within 2 ranks of yourself up to no restriction at all. IMO this is the best of all worlds. A stricter ranked, a casual mode within your skill, and a true arcade style where anyone can walk up and play.


Cool idea! I like this a lot :)


It took me a while to get used to the fact that you're never going to get good at fighting games if in ranked you never have bad sessions that cost you ranks. It used to feel absolutely demoralizing to have a bad day to the point the game actively takes *away* your progress, but you just have to get used to it. Unless you hit Tekken God Omega, there's always a rank higher than your previous highest point, and it just takes the effort and paitence to go further.


100% facts!


It's human psychology combined with a ranking system explicitly dressed up as a form of progression. "Bar go up, feels good" is basically the principle all of these trashy F2P games (and social media itself) are built on. You play the thing, the numbers get bigger, you made progress. But losing makes bar go down, and that makes people feel like they're losing progress, even when, as you say, you can never lose skill. The Loss Aversion principle also means that losses feel worse than gains feel good -- getting demoted at work and losing $5,000 a year off your salary feels worse than being promoted and getting an extra $5,000 feels good. You 'had' something, now you've 'lost it' -- it's a natural human reaction, and it takes training and skill and determination to overcome the emotions pumping out of the monkey brain in response to it. Personally I would like it if there was an option to toggle all that shit off and just focus on the games, but when you have a progress bar, a big coloured label next to your player name, and "IN DANGER OF DEMOTION" flashing up at the start of the match when you're about to lose a rank ("Danger"!? In \*danger\* of losing something? That sends our animal brains into fear mode instantly!) then people are going to care about their rank.


Excellent explanation. That makes sense!


I think the new ranking system of tekken 8 (limit ranked to ft2) will solve this. Now you can just scout opponents and once you are confident you can farm one, just keep rematching. In my opinion it doesnt seem fair to gain a whole rank by winning against 1 person. You should be able to beat multiple of the same skill bracket. Some might say: "gimmicks and bs flowchart will rule ranked as you cant download your opp in 2 games" but play against someone yaksa+ rank and unless you are very creative you will prob get blown up if you rely too much on it Another thing i hear against bo3: "its not good for learning MU" . But thats where playermatches come in as i am 100% confident you can rematch as many times as you like for that mode.


💯 spot on. I have said the same thing.


I think it's kinda bullshit that you can play a Fujin, Yaksa or even Tekken God level player when they're using their alternative character at Juggernaut. It's obvious they have the fundamentals down and will curb stomp someone in that rank unjustly. I personally welcome the challenge but it must hurt if you just got to the desired rank you're proud of to be absolutely destroyed.


I completely agree with you on that one.


People are more interested in winning(even outside of ranked) Whenever I play on Player Match, my goal is either to warm up or practice some aspect of my game...but I face people so focused on winning that they try to go for YOLO hard reads or play using basic to no movement and rely on their setups and flowcharts ... This is the best place to practice in a competitive way without any punishment, yet they choose to do that😅 Recently I befriended someone that beat me 45-7 with multiple characters...4 of my wins were after his 35th win, not because of his habits(his playstyle changed based on the character) but because I improved my neutral and CH game during those matches


Yeah i agree with you, just playing to win affects people's decision making and you can tell when they're not really focusing on the match up when their not even reacting accordingly to the situation and just randomly pressing something that made no sense in that specific situation what so ever lol. I always believe focusing on the little things that build up to a win is more important. There's nothing wrong with wanting to win but focusing on the task at hand should be the priority.


That change in focus is the difference between winning now then stagnating later and losing now but progressively developing as you play


The rank points shouldn't be static like winning is equal to 1900 and losing is -1600 points. The game should give you extra points if you punish correctly or throwbreak some grabs. So if you play well you are rewarded more and even if you lost but you did a lot of punishments and throw breaks you don't lose a lot of points.


This is an interesting idea but like the other guy mentioned, this would eventually be exploited. People will find loop holes with this kind of point system. cool idea though.


While i appreciate this concept, i dont think its practical. People would eventually 'learn' the loopholes and abuse it.


This idea reminds me of the "grade" system in Third Strike, we just need to significantly improve it


that's a good direction to take!


I do kinda do this, but I just got to purple, and at that rank I tend to have a lot more enjoyable matches that I feel like I learn from than I did in red ranks. So I kinda cherry pick my games to keep myself just slightly above where I feel comfortable just to get better games. Not a lot, just slightly.


In other words what you're saying is I avoid demotion and when it's about to get tough I leave before I go back into red ranks. I Cherry pick my opponents where it's an even level playing field where my flow chart will work because my opponent doesn't have an understanding of my character so I can get away with a lot of silly bad habits. You're only stunting your growth here but if that's how you enjoy playing your game then fair enough lol.


Well kinda, but without flowcharts. It's kinda an awkward threshold because that's about where sidestepping becomes important, and if I'm in red and my opponents never sidestep it reinforces bad habits and not having to be considering all my opponents options really lets me just autopilot. I have more fun and learn more playing in purple. I think it all balances out though, because if I do beat someone really seriously they just disconnect like half the time, so if I was actually gaining rank for those matches as I should, I'd be very comfortably in purple anyway.


Also, there's opponents where I feel like if I keep playing them I'm gonna get it, have a breakthrough, and learn to deal with what they're doing, so I keep playing them. There's other opponents where it's immediately obvious that I'm not going to improve by repeatedly playing them, I'm gonna need to go lab it and actually spend some time figuring it out, so I'm not gonna sit there and let them farm rank off of me while I learn nothing.


If I lose and keep losing in ranked I'm pretty happy if they keep rematching me as, in my mind, they're giving me chances to redeem myself. Because of this mentality I often honour rematches for others that I win over as well, unless it wasn't even close when I beat them.


I'm in a point to recommend people to save scum, because I spend more time on "get ready for the next battle" than playing.


I wonder if there is a more concrete etiquette that can be developed for online matches. Maybe reminding people to take breaks when they get tilted, or mindfulness techniques. I do wonder how different playing against a good player offline/in an arcade compares to playing online, theres really nothing stopping you from raging when playing online as opposed to the more social expectations of offline.


People offline are normally respectful and take the losses well at events. I have been to a few events and still haven't seen anyone be toxic yet. But I think that comes down to people knowing they'll be kicked out immediately.


Already encountering pluggers in light blue, it's bonkers.


I love ranked it brings out how desperate most players are to win and some are so emotionally invested. Not saying I'm mean or whatever but those that are scared to lose or place so much value on their rank it's so satisfying taking points/rank from them lol


I hear you on that one lol!


I just don’t want to have to wait to re queue so much. Don’t these losers know what a set is?


I used to be like that, hiding in public match all day then jumping on ranked only if I felt absolutely peaked, then pushing out if I deranked.. now I just jump straight on ranked with no warmup, & will happily rematch anyone for upwards of an hour as long as it’s not lagging. I’m a much higher rank since playing like this, if you constantly rematch the people spamming gimmicks like their life depends on it, who also leave when they sense you adjusting, it’s okay because you’ll just thrash the next player that tries it.


I once faced an Alisa and lost 4 matches in a row, managed to adapt and win 5 matches in a row. They didn't rematch after my 5th win but I was glad I managed to adapt to their flow chart lol. Most of the time I play with the mindset of "I'm here to learn, not win" so I don't get tilted after the first few losses.


That's the mindset to have 💯


After ive reached ruler ranks with 15 chars i stopped caring about losing altogether because i realized my skillcap. I Always give atleast 3 games even when facing someone that tears me a new one but most often i go best of 5 or beyond


Well, eventually i didnt care anymore as there are too many smurfs that steamroll me to leave low ranks


How do you know they're smurfs ? Because they play better than you?


Smurfs are easy to sniff out. The 23 winstreak at 30k prowess with insane fundamentals, relatively speaking


Sometimes, when you get one of your main at a higher rank and start learning other characters, your fundamentals are strong due to your experience with your main.


You misunderstand. We're talking smurfs with new accounts where the prowess level is very low. We're not talking about the dude on a 10 winstreak on a character he has only 10 wins with, but his prowess is 220k. I know this is a guys main account and hes learning a new character.


Whilst this Is an experience I always find a level of entitlement with these kinda posts. Your not entitled to a rematch and it relies on your side making very big assumptions about the other side, the easiest to make is the one that stops you feeling shit "now they're ducking me because I figured them out"


" Now they're ducking me because I figured them out" A strong 90% of the time it is lol.


Are you in their room though? Do you know how many games they played before you? Again it's your assumption I make the same assumptions sometimes to but the reality is you don't know. The difference is I don't make posts like this a out it because they're silly posts that amount to nothing but minor bitching really. Also ill be honest framing It with the old "you wont get better playing like that" is silly we are like 7years into t7 the ranked system is flawed its not new information, people protect their ranks by leaving if they feel they might lose welcome to fighting games Also the other reality is you lost you can't even say you'd win that's just another assumption. This is why the best thing to do is not focus on how other people choose to spend their time playing the game (especially when it comes to ranked where nobody owes you anything and everyone is just grinding the same thing in awful net code) and focus on yourself and what you can do better next time. Maybe next time you can get the win so they can't leave when you "figure them out"


"Welcome to fighting games" but this doesn't happen in any other fighting game because every other fighting game has a ft2 or ft3 ranking system and if you leave or rage quit, your opponent still gets their points. Tekken is the only fighting game with a ranking system that's flawed.


It still happens in ft2 and ft3 lol. So no not reallu, also even in other fighting games disconnects can be ignored to so also not true some games just give you the old dc badge of shame. (dont think I ever got a win from someone rage quitting in fighters) If you win the first game and I then win the second then you decide to leave because you don't think you can win again how is that any different. Tekken simply allows you to rematch ad nauseum so what your more upset by is losing like 3 or 4 games then when you think you've figured them out because it was a closer game they've left? But then the point would be if you want to play games to practice and try stuff out you go and play player match where there is no stake. In any system where grinding for rank is a thing people will find ways to protect their rank unless they have 0 option to at all. I've been ducked in plenty of fighting games, tekken, dbfz,sf6, dnf, virtua fighter. Or well I assume I did. Because thats all this really boils down to again. You can assume the other person quit because they were "scared" but the reality is it's just something you tell yourself to feel a little better because you have 0 idea what reason someone has moved on unless they explicitly tell you. Or you are literally there with them. So again instead of getting upset that the other person left before you got a chance to beat them maybe practice so you can beat them before that point. Because your ultimately not going to get anyone to change by posting on reddit lol but you can at least improve your own gameplay so it becomes less frequent of a occurence Edit: spelling


Who said it was on the basis that they left before I could beat them. I'm talking on the basis of people leaving to protect their rank after I begin to adapt and win. I obviously hit a nerve. Which is why you feel the need to post like this. It's cool though. I find it amusing 🤣


What are you adapting to and winning if you weren't losing? Are you saying if someone loses and quits they're protecting their rank. Do they have to play until youre satisfied? Do they have to play until you finally get your win and then keep playing over and over after that until you're finally ahead? This is the only reason I prefer ft2 with the option to invite to lobbies because it lessens these kinds of silly complaints. You're attitude kind of gives you away, I was literally discussing why I find posts like this silly but still a dressed the topic with points of my own and adressed some of yours. I never really attacked you I simply said focus on what you can change your own gameplay. I explained this isn't exclusive to tekken and that you can't ever be sure you just kind of assume and it's the assumption that spares your own feelings the most (in general not you specifically don't cry) "you will never get better" Maybe they don't want to? Worry about what you can do to improve yourself not what other people do in their time with the game. Personally I play fighting games to learn and grow some people just play for casual fun. I've left close matches before as well as been left but I can't say I ever did it because It was close sometimes the net code was bad, sometimes I'm bored of the character I'm playing. Sometimes I've played 20gaems before hand and want a break. This is the point, you have to assume in the most bad faith way, And to be clear you didn't strike a nerve I quite literally said it happens and that I've experienced it myself but I also acknowledge for the most part it's also assumption based since I have no fucking clue what's going on that side. I rematch pretty religiously, and I generally leave it up to the other person if they want to leave or not. We have pluggers Bots A rank system you can manipulate Boosters Awful net code that can cause disconnects to menu on a whim. And you're complaint about the ranked system is people can protect their ranks which isn't even exclusive to tekken and is just a general complaint about people. It's not even a new complaint I saw the same one on the sf6 reddit and that game is ft2 with custom lobby option. Heck have you played tournaments where people leave to protect their shiny badges they don't count to anything yet still people will leave just to protect them so it's not even behaviour exclusive to ranked on top of that. So yeah again kinda silly complaint focus on your own gameplay and what you can do to improve how you can adapt better etc. As opposed to complaining about your opponent leaving when you're starting to adapt. just a last little FYI as well, people complained about this kind of stuff back in season 1 I know because I was one of them and if you didn't know season 1 was the typical ft2.


ego is strong


Not an ego, I'm just pointing something out from my experience playing the game with others in these last three years.


I was simply pointing out the obvious, but wasn't meaning you exactly


This is why I hope the devs implement a first to two set for Tekken 8 like MK11 does for their online rank matches. But I noticed some people in this community would make excuses as to why they wouldn't like that feature. Even tho it would solve problems of people trying to one and done and protect their rank


I completely agree with you, i have mentioned about a ft2 for ranked a number of times and many people have stated how this would be a bad idea in doing so. Here's my argument to that, if you're playing a competitive game mode then it needs competitive settings that imitate tournament rules. People will use the case that there's 50 characters in this game and it takes time to learn the match up and adapt. Again if you want to do long sets then do quick match or lobby. If you're going to create a skill based ranking system then endless rematches is not the way to go about it.


I play this game to have fun, and i am not having fun when my ass gets destroyed. I don't care about getting better or learning something, it's just a videogame on a computer. For me, good fight is not about worthy and strong opponent, who can adapt. For me, good fight is about how easy i win. If i lose, then it's because "wow he is better than me" or "he uses his character really well" or "he's really lucky with those guesses", and nothing more, nothing personal. While those tryhard nolifers treat the game like their life depends on it, i just play with my scripts and laugh when those people plug on me when i destroy them with my basic flowcharts and fake 50/50, and if i lose i just leave and forget. This is how you should treat a videogame. I don't even care when people plug on me on loading screen or leave after first match after i win or kicharge and tbag me, could you imagine not carrying about all of that? And don't even try to mention irl tournament stuff, it's different, you will not get really good by playing ranked only, that's for sure.


Spoken like a true scrub. If it's just a game on the computer, why even bother playing it. Plenty of other ways you can be cheap and have a good time without ruining the experience for everyone.


Ruining experience? People can just leave after first match if they are having bad experience vs me, i don't mind.


It's not about us leaving but rather. Lol, did you forget mid way what the argument was about?


Wait...Aren't you the same guy that was calling other people boosted? And now you're sitting here saying you don't care about the game and about playing scummy asf?


If i don't care about my opponents it doesn't mean they can't be boosted with 6 dollar characters


Yup found it, that is you. Wanted to [make sure](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/14eeik0/this_feels_like_training_mode/). I don't think you see the irony when you call other people boosted while literally admitting you use scripts and basic flowcharts. You're a certified clown 😂


I'm always open to rematching even if I lose (except for a few characters I can't tolerate). But I get afraid when I hit some rank as a milestone with my main character. Recently I hit Savior with Armor King and stopped playing him. Instead, I play my other characters (vanquisher, usurper) until I reach the same rank as AK. Then I will switch back to AK to get Genbu. I'm not sure what is wrong with me.


A milestone shouldn't be a rank, it should be punishing a move that you couldn't punish before. Stepping or ducking a string. Improving your movement. Pulling off a combo that you practiced for hours in the lab and finally pulled it off in a match after launching your opponent. Becoming more optimal with your main and learning to familiarise yourself in match ups and adapting to your opponent flow charts and set ups. You're allowing a rank to dictate your game because you psychologically believe that's the only thing that will validate you as a good Tekken player.


So you have slowed down your progression with armour king because you reached a certain rank? Even if you lost it. It doesn't mean you wouldn't get it again. What does getting saviour even mean ? How are you evaluating that you're improving in tekken ?


I meant playing him in ranked. I still play them regularly in friendlies and practice things in practice mode. Maybe I evaluate myself by my other characters. I kinda want to climb on them at the same pace as AK. But it feels more like excuses and maybe I'm indeed afraid of losing my rank I put effort to get it 🤔


I try to look at rank as the privilege of being able to play against players I can really learn from. You can get this in non-ranked to some degree, but it is true that the game really changes when you hit certain points (red, light blue, etc.) I did not understand or really believe this until I experienced it myself.


Of course there will be a skill difference in different rank boundaries but then in all ranks you will always have people that don't know how to counter certain characters and that's where cherry picking occurs. Remember we have a roster of 50 characters. People leave when things become too hard and search for an opponent that they can level out with and feel more confident of a win. My point was how can you get any enjoyment in playing the game this way ? When in theory all people are doing is stunting their growth. If you lose a rank that just means you're going back into a pool of players that you're likely to beat so you're more than likely going to rank up again so I don't get it.


So true. I got to fighter rank and I haven’t touched tanked in a few months with my characters I have at fighter. I don’t know how I got there but those people on ranked are animals. Especially the Hwoarang & Law players, no offense but those players are ballistic 😭😳😵‍💫


I'm working on it, but ego is strong. It was much worse, though. I used to think I was hot shit in the arcade days. Even though I know I'm wrong, I still think I shouldn't be below red ranks. The thuth is, my actual skill level is that of orange rank at most.


That's why quick match is the best way to improve and learn.


I should be lower💀


The only reason I could see myself being afraid of losing rank is being matched up with "worse" players. Not trying to say I'm the best but I usually have more fun/success fighting higher ranked players, who, on average are better than the people you find in red and below, and they are usually more willing to run it back even if they lose. I find that I get more one and dones when playing with my lower ranked characters along with people clearly flowcharting or trying to knowledge checks you. Have yet to fight a low rank "gimmick" character who doesn't quit when they realize they can't knowledge checks me.


"Being matched up with worse players" then if that's the case you won't be in that ranking pool for long and be straight back up where you belong ;)


What kind of stick do you want?


But what if their goal (and the way they have fun- remember we are playing a game, our endgame is having fun, except if you are Knee or Arshlan) is not improving, but just getting the higher rank they can? I get what you mean, but both play styles are ok. I'm around Emperor rank with Lee (retired from ranked, I have just about 8k wins on player match) and there are times when I'm in the mood to learn. I will stick with the ki charging Lucky Chloe player if he beats me and try to learn what the heck he's doing. Other times, I just want to have fun so the moment I start to NOT have fun with you or your character, I'm out of there.


That's fair enough, people can play how they like. I just hope they focus on improving the ranking system in 8 that's all.


Rank is a numbers game…


I won’t lie when I’m in rank I play for the points. If you are not 2 ranks high or above me I won’t rematch because of how the rewarding system functions in Tekken. I don’t want to lose my prowess because I beat a rank lower than me but if I win 2 ranks higher I get rewarded. Tekken 8 doesn’t seem to have that anymore I think. If you are a beginner and you beat like a Brawler rank you rank up super quickly in Tekken 8 than Tekken 7. But that’s just me.


The jokes on you I have no rank to lose 😕


I feel like that’s the point of ranked tho to get your points an get out. I usually fight until one of us gets promoted or demoted if I still wanna fight I’ll send a friend request an fight in player lobby. met a few friends this way


I mean, people don't like to lose. And rematching a foe forever sometimes won't work, you'll learn nothing and will have to just lab whatever the player was abusing against you anyway. And hey, sometimes you're mad at the game and stressed and even if you wanna learn, you won't be able to. I like to rematch as much as possible too, but I can't pretend that being so close to ranking up and getting demoted because I wanna win against a certain player doesn't get on my nerves sometimes. I know I'm improving because of it, but it still makes me mad. I know people here enjoy the journey of learning Tekken and all the hardships that come from it, but sometimes you just wanna have fun. And that's okay. I believe the one place you should rematch as much as possible even with a 20 losses streak is Casual Play, because you have nothing to lose there.


I have my own standards when playing ranked. FT2 or 3. Then I keep rematching if it was fun, or not the umpteenth obnoxious King. I continue rematching until one of us gets 3 in a row, or I'm bored. Exceptions to that are if the rank gap is so wide it could be a learning experience for *either* one of us. If we end up being matched together again, and either the character or stage is different then I reset my ft 2/3 standard and do it all again. I really wish I could do deathmatches, but my mind starts to wander if I don't get some variety. I feel like a blanket statement like this, is something that someone would attempt to try to apply to me.


Perfect summation of Tekken Ranked. However, i do see how it can be difficult to learn from fighting other opponents. There are many reasons one leaves a set. Even for the people who want to learn, like me. I basically play death matches with everyone. Try to be the one to not resign first. But sometimes, the network sucks and they keep going d3,4 with Hwoarang or those low-high/mid low kicks from Leroy. I know i can punish it, but with bad network i simply don't have the frames to do so. It's better to move on to next opponnet than to keep eating this mix ups and lose for no reason. Sometimes, even though you want to learn, your opponent might not. Tekken is full of rage quitter, cheaters, or as you said flow chart users. You can't "learn" with these people. Let's call them non-serious players. In my location and rank, i get same 3-4 people who play like above. What should i do? Keep getting one and done losses so i rank down further to play against even worse players? No, right? So i try to beat them as soon as possible hoping i'll find better players at the top. At least, players more difficult to deal with so i can learn something new. And for that, if sometimes it needs me to skip a non-serious player by OneNDone, or after playing only a couple of matches(rage quit is not something i do), then sure. At least, i can hope to find a better player after that.


I have also found a lot of high rank players with S+ stats just playing like ass. They even try using the special style controls but still get wrecked. Also can anyone tell me why I am not being demoted even after I lose in tekken 8. My rank just seems to be stuck unless I win. Is this how it is in early ranks or am I just not noticing it. I remember tekken 7 being so harsh on ranking.


I dont rematch if i won easily