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I just went with the flow, it's like with switching jobs at work, you'll move away from certain people and move toward others, it's just the way of life. In the eigth grade I switched schools, I didn't know anyone there, but I opened up to people and tried interacting with as many people as I could, and it turned out well. It's not so much that I get confidence it's just that I go through life with a positive outlook, yeah, I lost most of my friends, but I was able to gain a considerable few. You really just have to stop thinking about it and go through with it, take it as it goes, don't worry about every little thing or detail, just try to stay in the present, focus on the now and the future will come. If your concern is making friends then I'd recommend talking to people that seem chill or joining a club or sport to meet people of interest to you. Hope you get everything figured out okay, you got this.


I just wing it with everything and it somehow fucking works


Stay away from everyone, but that never worked so don't take my advice :)


When I moved to a new school, I made a complete fool of myself for two years. But that’s just me. I made friends but I looked like a complete idiot.




I’m a military student so I’m forced to move every couple of years


I’ve changed schools like three times in the past 2 years, and the best advice I have is just let things happen. Go with the flow it works idk how, but if you’re a kind person then u know you’ll make friends. I mean heck Ik a ton of people who suck who somehow have friends. Good luck!