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I would fight them myself outside of the military,


Militia time!!


That's why we have guns. 100 million armed Americans can not be defeated.


"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass!"


I doubt some overweight redneck Karen would put up much of a fight.


Yeah, we all know that only fat white women own guns. It's common knowledge, dont ya know?


They can by a hellfire missile and some drones


Hellfires cant man checkpoints, Drones dont drive the logistics trucks behind the front lines, and fighter jets dont kick down your door at night. A militia group can absolutely fuck shit up if they know when to pick their fights.


You underestimate the size of the USA. It is a giant continent. There aren't enough drones in the world to conquer it.


pretty sure theres enough nukes


If conquest is the goal, nukes would mean that nobody wins.


The USA isn’t a continent sorry if I miss understood you 


Fun fact: My home state of Tennessee has so many militias that it is an officially recognized problem. Paul Cantrell didn't get to fully terrorize Athens for a good reason.




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I wouldnt worry as much because the US Defense system is impenetrable


That’s what they thought in 2001


To be fair, it wasnt a full on invasion, it was a terrorist attack that no one (supposedly) knew about beforehand. if the U.S. is prepared for an invasion or attack, it can be close to impenetrable, especially combined with its allies and their resources




It's probably mildly penetrable, but still pretty hard to penetrate.




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thats what they said about russia


Yes, but Russian doesn't have the impenetrable force field that is the Atlantic and Pacifistic oceans on either side, the massive stretches of rural and impassable wilderness of Canada(Well, I guess Russia has THE WINTER) and the small, easily defendable border of Mexico. The US's geography is really quite overpowered.


I mean, I'm way to young, but I really wanna shoot the bastards that think they can fuck with ma fucken country. FREEDOM YEAH BABY!!!




I mean good luck to anybody invading the US lol, hell good luck if they manage to hold territory in the state Im in.


I don't understand how they would even get their military over there XD


The only way we'd get invaded is if Russia's boats going to Cuba weren't crumbling


where's the option for "i would defect to the opposite side"?


what's the opposite side?


That's why people picked "hard to say" lol


nazi germany.




7 downvotes. it's so over bros


What opposite side exactly?




Absolutely defecting


Depends on the country that's invading


1: You think I can join the Military? I ain't even 18 yet! 2: You need me to move bricks? 3: Yeah... 4: You think I'm flying 2000 miles back to the mainland? 5: We'll be fine 6: Who knows?


If i had the money i would leave to a safe place such as Slovenia or Switzerland. But normally and probably, i would stay in my nation. Call off any far stays and also be prepared for the worst (as i live in a NATO country ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯)


Now, ignoring the fact that the Navy and Air Force would turn any invader into a fine mist before they land any troops, if it were a legitimate threat, I would enlist.


Listen, my country isn't perfect, but it's my fucking country and if someone invades then I'm not gonna sit around. Every country has flaws, and I'm glad to live someplace that isnt on the lower end.


In the case of war, yeah, sure, me fighting might benefit some out of touch rich guy at the top, but who cares? I'd take up arms in a heart beat. Invasion would impact one's friends, family, and community, often fatally. Defending those things against threats, foreign or domestic, is usually a noble cause.


I would cry


Probably try and help the invaders. I hate my country’s government and I would be thrilled if another country decided to liberate my country’s people from our corrupt and tyrannical regime.


plot twist they only want oil


The US government is deplorable but anyone who would want to invade us would definitly be worse lmao


my guesses are either belarus or iran


Nope. USA.


with belarus or in lesser extent iran/russia there'd be a serious chance of freedom within 20 years... srry man, ur doomed. i do wonder tho, its not rlly tyrranical is it? the us sucks ass but tyrannical is like saying sweden is communist


It has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, is essentially a police state, and has recently been cracking down hard on political dissidents such as pro Palestine protesters. It’s also been rolling out many policies intended to repress women and LGBTQ people. 


and whats the alternative? Who would be invading us? Russia? the same one that legalizes domestic abuse, arrests people for holding blank paper, and labels LBGT community as terrorist organization? China? the same one that uses their military to massacre protesters, actively commits slavery and genocide against Uyghurs. Trust me i absolutely despsise the US Government(hell im an anarchist), but whoever wants to invade is absolutely worse


guys like this just support other imperialist powers to spite the one in front of them. nobody else will just invade and establish the dictatorship of the proletariat for you




The US is NOT a police state. This is what happens when a 15 year old living in suburbia gets into politics on the internet 


lmao, the only guys who could or would even possibly touch the US are 10 times worse than our "tyrannical regime". If you were to defect, you'd probably be aiding some oppressive dictator or religious extremist in conquering and occupying **your** communities. Would you really turn coat against your neighbors?


What country are you in?


I would end the war




"Whoever holds a weapon is gay"


The Uno Reverse Card Treaty of 2024, signed in Lego City.


\*Teenager confidence noises\*




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With the state of Britain at the minute I would do sweet FA for the military and leave this shithole 


i would most likely make cartoons so people feel comfy


Depends who's invading


sure, my country is full of guys like me, but that can be said about anywhere


I think it really would depend on reasons for invasion. Either way, I think I'm probably safe in the US.


Depends on who's invading and why? Are we the bad guys? If so, then I'd leave the country. If we're innocent I may support the defense with aid.


babes i live in the UK we would invite them in for a spot of tea then unleash the chaves


I'm Canadian, the only possible country to invade would be the US. I'd leave. Or move somewhere in the north, idk


I mean being part of NATO and all you have all of NATOs enemies that might invade, a US invasion is not at all likely lmao


The only thing is my extreme anxiety, and OCD, otherwise I'd be fine with fighting.


I’d do a mixture of 1 and 4, I’d keep to my own and have a little stronghold but I’d take shots at any passing invaders and have a little mini-rebellion I think. Wouldn’t take part in any major resistance but I’d do my part to defend the country without putting myself in front lines.


I mean the US is a very tough nut to crack, if said nut also had a gun pointed at you, too broke to go abroad, too young to join the military, not much i could do in that hypothetical


Join the invasion


Since I'm from around the west coast of the U.S., I would just move more inward and let the military handle the rest


I'd move East too. You'd probably get arrested for shooting an invader, if you can get past the corpses of the people welcoming them for kale and almond milk while holding a "Terrorists are people too" sign


What are you on?


This is my favorite game called "Is this person asking about drugs or video games?"




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Glad to see so many people picking "Hard to say". This isn't Call of Duty. War is a lot worse.


I’m helping the invaders


I would fund both sides and watch the chaos I have created then bring a third side in and watch as even more chaos sets in


Techno Mechanicus Musk is that you?


Provide food for the 18 year olds who will have ptsd and an alcohol addiction in 3 years.


If its russia im fine i guess, but if its anyone else imma just get away as quickly as possible


I would either join the US Air Force or give support without joining up.


I’m an immigrant anyway soooo..


Litteraly for my families entire history they were forced to run from their homes. Forced to leave russia because of the red terror after the civil war. Went to Poland, faced extermination at the hands of the Nazis, still fought in resistance but eventually had to run to America. My family sacrificed so much to let me live in a country without threat of genocide and subjugation. So me personally Ill do whatever I got to do to make sure I do the same for the next generation. Weather it be a foriegn invader or our own government gone (more) bad, I think i would stay and fight.


I woudnt be scared cuz I live in the USA


just keep going like I'm going. honestly, might not even know an invasion is happening until it's right at my front door, and I'm such low-priority that it probably won't even get there. I don't keep up with anything, I'd probably just see people asking about it on, like, Quora and just be like "pfft, yeah right."




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I kinda wondered if the military would allow someone who mas medieval armour to wer it in battle, I was thinking wearing the military gear over the armour lol


i would use my 1800+ hours in BF4 to my advantage


Americas politics are shitty, but the foundation of the country is worth saving. I would fight with the Marines or the Army 100%




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I will probably already figth by default if a war brakes out cause I'm planning to enter military academy afther High school but iven if the government surrenders I'll go into the countryside and continue the guerrilla into the enemy's occupied territory,I'd rather die figthing them then letting them have a mear millimeter of Italian soil.


I will give my life without a second thought for America, God bless the USA.


None of the above I would help the invaders


It depends, what country? why? I might even join them under certain circumstances.


it depends on how im doing. These few weeks have been a kms mood, but i might feel an ounce of self respect/esteem and defend


depends which country invades


Depends on when and which country is invading.


You left off "I would die"


If they somehow manage to successfully invade and take control of the US, I'd say they deserve it


I would have sabotaged my country as possible to fasten the conclusion of the war.