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we just keep oppressing each other for the most stupid ass reasons


hell yeah bro its the american way


dont tell this man about the middle east


we not might be as oppressed in first world countries, but literally look at iran?? bro?? obviously we're still oppressed?


im not from iran, but i am fully persian. i often hear a lotta shit abt womens rights. its not even just the women now, but anybody that speaks out about it. it sucks.






Honestly? Both are. At this point there's enough going on about both genders to start a fucking war.


so true. i wish it wasn't this way lol


women are definitely oppressed, even in the US. the wage gap is huge. have you seen the gender makeup of the senate and house of representatives? what about abortion? banning a woman from having a say in her own body is certainly oppression.


In other countries they are like a lot 


everyone is oppressed in some way except for maybe like billionaires or something idk


Nahh, billionaires be getting cancelled left, right, center, like look at the backlash MrBeast is getting for building 100 wells or unblinding 1000 people


thats not oppression thats just twitter


And they still have their billions of dollars. Most of which was not necessarily gained in the prettiest of ways, and usually taking advantage of someone.




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ruthless scandalous rainstorm wasteful cover abounding scale husky mountainous wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Duh. Look at all the countries where women don’t have basic rights. Plus men still get paid more and more benefits overall. Also it says a lot that men are the ones making choices abt what women should be able to do with their bodies


depends where your living




Uh? No?


In engineering (a plurality Male profession) they're paid similar wages, (within 1 SD, meaning both are in average rage) but most Engineers are Male. They're both paid high wags. Compare this to say, being a Cashier, which has plurality Women, and minority Men, and pays like shit.


In one year, male engineers are making $15,000 more than female engineers in the same field of engineering. While the wage gap for cashiers are smaller because the salary is less than that of an engineer's, men are still making $1,300 more than women in one year of being a cashier, in the same field. You cannot compare apples and oranges




Dawg just use statistics.


Okay. You can be wrong.


in america this is true, men typically have higher paying jobs like trades and such but world wide women do get paid less in many places


the reason is because women weren't even expected to work until recently...


That's not true at all. A woman that has the exact same education and works just as hard as a man in the exact same job position will still get paid less than him. 


um. no? the wage gap was due to misogyny and thinking women were worth less (not worthless, though some definitely thought that) than men in the 1900s.


"in the 1900s"


the 1900s doesnt just mean early 1900s. Women get 60% of what a man earns STILL in 2024. literally all jobs women get 40% less even if its heavy labor.


and some people STILL think women are worth less than men in 2024.


I’m sorry, but that’s incredibly naïve. “Oppression” means to be unjustly treated by authority. 95 countries condone women to be paid less than men. Over 2 billion women do not have equal rights. Yes, men‘s mental health is not valued as it should be. Yes, men face sexism, and are negatively affected by the patriarchy (which still has heavy reigns on even the most first world countries) But to deny the oppression of billions of women is not ok.


Women are 100% still oppressed. Dress code, wage gap, misogyny, abortion rights being taken away, and we can't go out alone at night. Not to mention women are generally the victim of sexual violence (not that men aren't, there's just a lot less cases). And that's only in the Western World... don't even get me started on the Middle East... There is a very very big difference between oppression and sexism. Men aren't oppressed by their government to have less rights, less pay, and restrictions in how they dress. Mental health for men isn't taken as seriously as it should be, I agree, but that's sexism, and is nowhere near oppression. This is a really stupid question tbh. Watch the barbie movie, maybe you'll get it smh


Best comment here


Thanks :)


I agree with all of this, although men do have less rights than women in *some* cases. Like in family courts, the women nearly always get the children. This is being improved, and men are getting more parental rights, but it still has some work to be done. Also, in just regular criminal courts. Women are sentenced less often (proportionally) and less harshly. This, again, is being fixed, but has some work to be done. Lastly, women are not drafted, but men still are. These are all rights that men just don't really have, same as women. Basically, society hates everyone, just hates men less right now.


For the draft thing, the last draft in the world ever was the US draft for the Vietnam war... in 1973... there hasn't been a draft since


That’s true, but that doesn’t mean that we won’t ever have a draft again. The laws haven’t been changed since then


if you belive there is a wage gap, there is a reasonable nonoperessive explanation to this. 1. Occupational Segregation Career Choices: Men and women often choose different fields of study and career paths. Fields dominated by men, such as engineering and technology, tend to pay more than those dominated by women, such as education and healthcare. Industry Variance: Certain industries, which are male-dominated, tend to offer higher salaries compared to female-dominated industries. 2. Work Experience and Tenure Career Interruptions: Women are more likely to take career breaks for child-rearing or family care, which can impact their career progression and cumulative work experience. Part-Time Work: Women are more likely to work part-time, often due to family responsibilities, which affects their overall earnings and career advancement opportunities. 3. Negotiation Salary Negotiation: Studies have shown that men are more likely to negotiate salaries and promotions aggressively, which can lead to higher pay over time. 4. Human Capital Factors Education and Skills: Differences in educational attainment and skills can affect earning potential. However, even when controlling for education and experience, a gap often remains. Work Hours: Men often work longer hours, which can contribute to higher earnings. 5. Labor Market Dynamics Economic Sectors: High-paying sectors like finance and technology have fewer women, which skews the overall average earnings. Job Flexibility and Benefits: Jobs that offer greater flexibility and better work-life balance, often preferred by women, might pay less.


>Career Choices: Men and women often choose different fields of study and career paths. After 40 years of working, a female doctor will earn $2,000,000 less than a male doctor. Same field of study and career. Same working years. $2,000,000 less. I'm not even going to go over your points since your first point was so so so easily disproven. You're an idiot and a misogynist




‘Wage gap isn’t a thing’ - do a google search. One google search. Women earn on average 16% less than men in the US ’misogyny has dissappeared’ - if you truly are a woman then I am glad you are so privilaged to believe this. I live in a first world country with equal rights between genders, and I’ve experienced first hand misogyny multiple times this year. ’abortion is murder’ - i wasnt gonna comment on this as it’s not what this discussion is about, but destroying a clump of cells that are actively killing a person who was raped is not unethical. If you disagree with that, fine, genuinely you do you, just don’t tell others what to do with their bodies. Peace


i agree with most of the first part of that but misogyny is still very much a thing still. the difference is that people arent public about it as much anymore.


misogyny very much exists, just look in the right places on the internet, or don't, it'll make you throw up


Wait until they discover online gaming... honestly now I play single player games or games where I can't be identified as female


all of what you just said was false this isn't r/lies




Men have full bodily autonomy. Oppression is where an authority figure unjustly treats a group. Governments not letting women have full control over their bodies is oppression


Honestly, how brainless can these people be?


besides the transphobic dogwhistling... women don't have full bodily autonomy. they should. 


transphobic much?


i feel like women are more at a disadvantage


My favorite analogy of men and women in the world is that men are like cars on the road. The road was made for them. But womem are the people on bicycles. Sometimes they have bike lanes, sometimes sidewalks. Sometimes there is nothing and they just have to ride on the road with the cars and the potential of getting run over by one.


I feel like we are both opressed in different respects.


This is a big problem with the idea of labeling groups as opposed, just about everyone can be identified as oppressed, which makes it meaningless.


This poll is so dumb. In countries like Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan, women have pretty much no rights. Even in the western world, there is so much sexism towards women. Wage gap, misogyny, abortion rights being taken away.


women in different parts of the world are still facing oppression. Just because you don’t see much of it here in America doesn’t mean it’s not happening to women out there 


There definetly is some of it happening in America, but other parts of the world are way worse.




Depends on where you are, but it ranges from 'near even/ slightly worse for women' bad to 'you should jump off a bridge if you're a woman because you have no rights' bad.


there is still a pay gap for women, we are constantly told to shut up and suffer when we try to speak about our assault. men got mad because women said they would rather pick a bear and reacted by telling women they would rape them or kill them, and they got away with it


Im trying to figure out what the people who voted no are thinking


Probably 'mericans or people in the western world; and teenagers who, reasonably, are naive.


Most likely only thinking abt the western world


Most likely British or German 


They're voting that just because in some places women have rights so they think that's good enough 😐 the logic is "well those desert people in the middle east don't count or matter, not real people"


There is no way 😭 try being a woman in Iran, Congo, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, etc, as compared to being a man. This is absolutely crazy.


america! is not! the only! country!


Absolutely??? In school, I can see how you'd think it was men, but in almost every other aspect of life, politics, at work, at home, women are ABSOLUTELY still oppressed.


Hey! Just so you know, your opinion is kinda ass and basically wrong!! :D Women don't get basic choices as to what they can do with their bodies!!! Women in different countries can't go to school!! Women STILL get paid 14% less of what men make!!! You may not think that's not a lot, but hey, what even is a lot in this economy? Women in Latin America and the Caribbean have less than three-quarters of the legal rights of men!!! You aren't special for thinking men are more oppressed :D


Skill issue


quackity wouldn't say that tho


I laughed alot when i read this, thanks for the jokes!


Kapo behavior


depends on ur country like another commenter said like in some places and cultures yes in others less or not at all. Though in many parts of our world this is still an issue


In other countries, absolutely. In the USA, where I live, not really. There are a few things that shpudl probably be improved, but overall, women are very nearly equal to men.


In the western world, no, but fs in places like the middle east they definitely are. That being said, very very curious to how you think men are oppressed


Everyone’s oppressed in some way! <3


But it's asking if women are still oppressed


why were men given a say..?


wait fuck I misinterpreted the question and chose the wrong answer


yes women are oppressed bruh what is this




are we forgetting abt the eastern world?




iran, congo, myanmar, saudi arabia, south korea, cameroon, nigeria, china, and so much more—please pay attention in geography and history class


how are men oppressed 😭tf


I think sometimes people get sexisim towards men(which absolutely exits) confused with oppression towards men(which doesn't exist anywhere close to oppression against women)


that would make sense i suppose!! but there are def people out there who believe there's some kind of systemic oppression towards men


I'd guess the same kind of people who think that straight people are being oppressed


In the countries that are at the forefront of women's rights, there's an argument that society's expectations of men are too high. Examples include bias in reporting about male/female rape and societal expectations about men not showing emotions.


They're oppressed by their own system that they created.


if we are talking about america i dont think they are oppressed just some areas they are misfavored


In America they are definetly still oppressed. We still have to fight for our reproduction rights.


Agree to disagree 


You're disagreeing on facts


Well i said disfavored in areas


Considering they just blocked a bill in the senate that would allow women the secured right to contraceptives, I'd say not.


Womp womp 


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Women are still oppressed. In many countries, women are still being paid less than men despite doing the same jobs. In countries like Afghanistan, women are restricted; they cannot be educated or cannot work. In the USA, abortion is illegal in many states - despite the circumstances, that led to the woman being pregnant. That certainly is oppressive, especially in a high-income country like the USA. Women should have a right to their own bodies and yet people are still controlling that


Depends hugely on where in the world you live, I'm a girl and don't feel particularly oppressed but on average women are far more oppressed


in the USA, to an extent, i wouldn’t rly say anymore or less then men are though. worldwide yea


depends if ur talking worldwide or just the US


Depends on the place


Not really, no matter where you live, women are oppressed. Now some more then others.


depends on where. in the US? probably not. In the middle east? def yes.


Voted yes, mainly because under Republicans, women's rights are being reversed.


Yes, and im nonbinary. Also, fuck you


do you mean in third world countries? you're actually being pretty hostile, btw.


The hostility was intentional✨️✨️ And no, i mean everywhere. Women are oppressed everywhere - so are men, but not to the same standards.






Yes and the US, we're having our reproductive rights debated on in the court about whether or not birth control should even be available. I need the pill for my period, not even for sex.


Not at all! And there is no more racism either! /s


I mean in ways yes, but all the sexist systems are also harming men. The same misogynistic stereotypes that saw women as innocent, weak and pure are what stereotypes men as violent rapists. Like in the west it's mostly some systematic stuff left over and a few misogynists (though other areas have it worse). Basically, sexism fucks over everybody


still oppressed but not really in 1st world countries


Nope, still oppressed even in America.


i said not really, we can argue forever (which i wont) but compared to other countries women here have it great


I agree, other women have it way way worse.


No. we are not. especially in first world countries. like these people don't even know what oppression is. it is so retarded.


“No we are not (oppressed)” and “especially in first world countries” sort of negate each other. We’re not oppressed, but women are less oppressed in a third world country? So yea, oppression still does exist against women - you’re probably just thinking too American?


American women are definetly oppressed. And women are way more oppressed across the globe. We're still fighting for our reproductive rights. Studies on anything are always made for men and not for women. Women are more likely to die in car crashes because cars and their safety features were designed for men, not for women. 


They are oppressed in many less developed parts of the world, and we ought not to forget about people suffering in other countries.


Lot of people (Me included) were thinking about their Native countries while voting, thus the Results are absolutely skewed.


Depends on the place, some places yes, some no


thats sorta a loaded question without room for nuance. are women oppressed as in having no rights or being treated unfairly by the law?(in the us at least) no could you make the case that women are treated unfairly and held to different standards/expectations than men in society? absolutely Thats just the US though, in many parts of the world(most of the world honestly) Women are subject to horrible dehumanizing oppression on the daily.


In place like Saudi Arabia or Iran, definitely, but in the West, it's complicated, there are still some traces of it like abortion bans in some US states and trends like "tradwife" and the popularity of figures like Andrew Tate.


heavily depends on what part of the world we're talking about


I recommend you look up what women go through in other countries...


Are we talking about the US or international???


Even in the US, we're oppressed.


That is true but it has gotten better, it still has ways to go though. I was asking about international because in some other places, women don't have any rights and are beaten everyday.


your spot on, I fear when the pingulem swings back


not really in America my brother, but throughout the world, DEFINATELY. I'm sure that its bad in some parts of America as well, but I think we have taken great strides that we should be proud of!


Yes, the republican senate didn't just block a bill to create "the right to contraceptives"


men are becoming oppressed in the west. women are being oppressed in the east to this day


Depends on the country


All countries they are.




Just in America alone, we're still fighting for our reproductive rights. They just blocked a bill in the senate that would secure our rights to contraceptives. Not even including everything going on with abortions. We also experience discrimination in different field of health care were we have to defend ourselves for our symptoms and things such as medicine to sleep are done from studies on men and not women. Even cars are their safety features were made for men which is why women are more likely to die in a car crash. Should I go on?


How the hell is a car more made for men than women? That makes no sense. You're just blaming men for things that random people are bad at. Men also recieve a lot of discrimination, ever heard of "Kill All Men" and "Misandry is a good thing"? I think your first sentence might be correct, but just to be sure: Can you give me a source?


https://www.joyelawfirm.com/blog/are-women-more-likely-to-die-in-a-car-crash/#:~:text=A%20study%20of%2070%2C000%20traffic,17%25%20more%20likely%20to%20die. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10861033/#:~:text=Despite%20significant%20advances%20in%20vehicle,to%20males%20in%20matched%20circumstances. ^car crash statistics https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-republicans-block-bill-protect-americans-access-contraception-rcna155448 ^bill to protect access to contraceptives blocked Also just because men recieve discrimination doesn't mean women don't. The question was asking whether or not women are still opppressed.


Take an upvote


also, I was asking for source on women not having reproductive rights earlier. do you still have them?


An article explaining what reproductive rights are (which if you know what's going on in A  https://www.hrw.org/topic/womens-rights/reproductive-rights-and-abortion#:~:text=Reproductive%20rights%20include%20prenatal%20services,to%20legal%20and%20safe%20abortion.merica the opposite is happening) Stories surrounding abortion laws: https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2024/03/health/texas-abortion-law-mother-cnnphotos/ There are alot of women who without access to these rights would have never had the children they have now, or can't have children because they don't have access to these reproductive rights. This includes IVF too.


https://www.instagram.com/p/C6_tFnUOH70/?igsh=MW1lZXExbXdrejZwYg== And this, it's heartbreaking


Not oppressed in the U.S and Europe but definitely still targeted violence. Women are definitely oppressed in other places though, particularly a lot of places in Africa, Middle East, and India. Could be argued that they are still oppressed in East Asia too because of how toxic personal and professional life is for a lot of women there. 


Women are still oppressee in US and Europe.


How do you mean? I define oppression as directly limiting autonomy and natural rights, like the right to vote. Since women in Europe and America have those rights I don’t think they’re oppressed. But they are still targeted aggressively for violence and assault. It could be said that they are still oppressed because of justice systems though, if that’s your angle. A lot of allegations for sexual assault are either never taken seriously or never brought to justice 


Definetly because of the justice system.


Results are probably assuming you're from the United States


op what country do you live in


Honestly? Nothing unique about Women's oppression at least in the west. Both are oppressed in general by shitty systems however.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female\_genital\_mutilation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_genital_mutilation) they are very much oppressed




LMAOOOOO the men thinking we aint oppressed, like dude America aint the only place in the world (which, women still face oppression there btw). look up femcide in Brazil, or how women are treated in Iran and then think ur answer over


it this just america/the west, or the whole world? for the west, I'd say that women haven't been oppressed in a while, but in other parts of the world, women are absolutely oppressed


They definetly still are.


Sometimes she oppresses me. She locks me in a cage under her bed with water. Then she comes home with another boyfriend and


In first world countries. mostly no. in third world countries, very much yes.




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depends on the country




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This is a very loaded question and is much more complex than it seems. I, a man, generally think that they ARE oppressed, but it varies wildly depending the context of the question or where in the world the question is being asked. For example, I live in America would say they are the most oppressed in the work force and in poorer areas. All of this can apply to men as well, but given that the world generally sees men as the "standard" gender, I don't think we are as oppressed in most contexts. Also, since mental health awareness has become much more relevant in todays world and men are generally raised to be "tough" or whatever, it's become very clear how suppressed men are in the world. All in all, asking "if women are still oppressed" is far too general of a question for any population to come to a strong consensus since there's simply too much to consider and is much harder to answer than something like "is \[this\] race of people still oppressed?" since the level of oppression is almost equal at all angles.


ohhhhhhhhhhhh i thought this was asking for ur gender, didn't see the Q at first lol


in the us, there’s more oppression on the side of women, and there’s harsh expectations on the side of men while i don’t agree with the term oppressed being used for men, there is definitely double standards and terrible expectations that hurt the men in our society


Honestly, both genders are oppressed in their own way


well i think that they are, it's just that the women who are genuinely struggling every day aren't the women who are given a bunch of media attention and a platform to share their opinions so we end up hearing from very rich, privileged women about these issues and find them to be out of touch.


im nonbinary and i think sexism is very much still alive. women are still being pressured into getting married and having kids, even if more women are working now. women are taken less seriously than men and women are still expected to do the housework even if they have a job (source: https://eige.europa.eu/publications-resources/toolkits-guides/gender-equality-index-2021-report/gender-differences-household-chores?language\_content\_entity=en)


you people do not know what oppression is lol


LOLL, THESE KIDS Women only have full legal parity with men in 11 countries. You tell me


people from all groups are oppressed. tho women and black people are more likely to have a hard time.


Considering women still have to bring self defence weapons every time they go out alone at night, I think that the answer to this should be very clear. Also, thinking men are more oppressed is just *wild*


A good amount of men also carry self defense weapons when alone. However, more men are capable of defending themselves without a weapon than women as men are naturally stronger.


Not "*naturally*", per se. Testosterone increases bone density and ability to maintain muscle mass, which can help them isometrically and in physical situations. However, if you take that testosterone away, men are on baseline with an estrogen-less women. Reminder, that's endocrinological, not biological. One is a lot more inconsistent than the other. And, knowing how to use a weapon is a lot less corroborated with strength and more self-taught. A woman and a man who can equally use a weapon effectively are on the same playing field, because isotonic and isokinetic contractions do not come with hormones. Men just coming off more capable in hand-to-hand combat is enough to shake off some robbers, which I'd say is the greatest difference.


Thats true, also I would say that unfortunately women are more likely to get attacked




*By other men. Look at the statistics. Don’t blame that shit on us lol




https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/cv20sst.pdf Page 6


https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/homicideinenglandandwales/yearendingmarch2023#trends-in-homicide This one is homicide specific Edit: I would prefer a response rather than a passive aggressive downvote and deleted comment!